
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

One thing I hadn’t thought much about until recently-- the quality of comments is so much higher here, and I don’t have to typically scroll through a wasteland of dudebro jokes to get to relevant replies.

So, comments are also ‘content,’ and from what I’m seeing, Lemmy already has a distinctly smarter / more mature userbase.

An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why (

I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the !eurographicnovels community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by “admin”. Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by “admin”...


Ask the admins of, not


These things aren’t correct. has not been accepting images since the pedophile pic attack on LW.

Also, the one and only source of the problem was here on LW, what with the arbitrary banning and obscuring / deletion of OP’s pics.

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

I’m the founder of the community in question, and one of the first things I noticed is that an admin @Xylinna restored some of the posts even while OP was still banned. Unfortunately their action was useless what with the images being blocked or deleted from LW.

So I reached out to that person a day or two ago, and have heard nothing but crickets, so far. EDIT: They responded just now, altho it sounds a lot like they don’t know much about the issue. Credit to them for trying to help, however.

It also appears my colleague still hasn’t received any meaningful response.

Point is-- I don’t understand this business of volunteering for a public-facing role and then either neglecting or refusing to communicate with users who’ve been wronged for one reason or another.

They are well within copyright in terms of timeline. Anything after 1927 can and likely is subject to copyright. I don’t like it but that’s how it works. Given that they are images from trading cards, it would not surprise me if the rights holder was enforcing copyright through a third party service.

Granted, but I don’t think that was the issue in this case. The Moebius images in question were arbitrarily removed/blocked, with most being zapped, but others remaining.

For the record, none of the many other copyrighted images were removed, either.

@GoldenCow @Kichae @Candelestine @crypticthree


People just need to spread the word that that particular Instance might have some bad policies going on, so others can make more informed decisions.

Right, and I feel like that’s a big part of what OP is doing here. I think we just have to let the reputational dust settle and go with that flow.

What I’m also concerned about is what kind of failsafe the big instances have. For example, if something happened to my instance-runner and the place went down, federation would only help so much. So altho the content would be preserved, all those communities would be dead in the water, and their subscribers lost. That would be a terrible blow after months or even years of building them up, plus providing content, which is what I’ve been doing steadily for two months now at my place. If I had to start over at another instance, I don’t think I’d have the heart, even though I’ve tried to locally archive everything, including a good chunk of the reviews I write by hand.

All that said, I am still hoping this is some kind of innocent mistake or technical bug.

Yup, hopefully. On the surface it’s a disastrous one, and the admin I’m talking to has put in a ticket, at the least. But it’s turning in to a good bit of hard work we didn’t need to manually restore some of the lost image content. Most of the content is gone however, despite the posts being restored.

Whole situation bloody well sucks, and wasn’t helped by my colleague OP receiving no communication or explanation of any kind. AFAIK they still haven’t been contacted, so we’re talking at least two major failures on the part of LW.


I understand and agree with those things, but disagree that OP’s situation fits that kind of model. No, in this case it was a slew of LW failures that I should think would drive most victims away, no matter the setting.


  • user is banned for evidently no reason at all
  • user is seemingly in compliance with all site rules & guidelines, including image upload rules
  • user has no previous strikes or violations
  • no communication of any kind is offered to user for the ban
  • the user is also locked out of their acct, with no way to appeal from said acct
  • the banning agent evidently remains unknown, days later
  • one unrelated admin got involved only after the community owner personally reached out to them
  • unfortunately, said admin has very little tools or ability to investigate any of this
  • despite the light (24hr) nature of the ban, all of the user’s local image content is evidently destroyed irreversibly, representing many hours and days of work

Understanding and excusing part of that due to the volunteer nature of LW is one thing, but IMO this is a next-level clusterfluff.

Indeed, I understand that LW previously put a lot of effort in to attracting Rexxiters, to some degree at the expense of other instances, and maybe this is what it looks like when there isn’t enough staff & process to handle the magnitude of userbase the instance runners desired. Maybe that’s something to consider as well, when volunteers sign up for a project.

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

We can only construct our working conclusions based on the known information, which is what I’m doing.

Yes, and there is a time-sensitive nature to this stuff that needs to be quickly addressed, starting with the amount of repairs my mod and I will need to coordinate on in order for our sub not to look like a hot mess. Unfortunately, him being in a very different time zone means there’s almost nothing I can do until tomorrow morning.

This would make little difference if the community had low presence and activity, but we now have almost 300 subscribers, are growing fairly quickly by Lemmy standards, and are in the presence of ‘getting the word out.’

I understand your perspective and your seemingly benign intent, but frankly, you’re not helping. Just like instance runners and their staff, we are ALSO volunteers, aiming to serve and support our userbase, as well as doing our part to help make the Fediverse a viable Reddit-alternative. We’ve been working hard on this project, and have every right to feel aggrieved for the stated reasons.

Feel free to have the last reply if you like, but again-- you’re not helping here, and I don’t plan on responding further. Good day.


Brand recognition and memory triggers is what big brand ads are about.

Cleanex, Hoover, Coke, most cologne/perfume ads, Old Spice…

Late reply, but-- the above makes much sense to me when it comes to inexperienced / first-time buyers of a product. And/or buyers who simply get in to a rut and keep buying that product without trying anything else out.

But for everyone else, I would think they sample enough tissues, sodas, perfumes, etc to gain an understanding of the ins & outs of a product, settling on choices which best represent their favorites / desired price point. For bigger-cost stuff like vacuum cleaners, I’m thinking people in this group also learn to use review resources to evaluate best choices rather than buy a Hoover just because some ads ran.

So what does this all mean? Aside from overlap between these two groups, that there’s enough revenue being produced by the former childlike group such that ad systems can afford to almost completely ignore the latter, more adult group…?


That clown-thing is one of the worst ‘pranks’ I’ve ever seen in my life. Someone could easily get PTSD from that, or someone else could easily assault the clown with lethal force because of the threat implied.

Good pranks are along the lines of the Just for Laughs / Gags series, not these dumbass American vigilante pranks, or that miserable ‘clown’ prank above.


Sequoia Brussels sprouts are delicious but it’s pretty hard to finish one.

Yes, it’s a pretty obvious riff on the main joke, i.e. entertaining the idea that Brassica sequoia is a real thing, based on the fact that brussels sprouts, like cauliflower, collards, kohlrabi, cabbage and others, are all cultivars of B. oleracea.

If you didn’t know that last bit, I can see getting confused about the alt-text.

@yolta @lugal


Alternative (Alt) Text is meant to convey the “why” of the image as it relates to the content of a document or webpage. It is read aloud to users by screen reader software, and it is indexed by search engines. [Harvard link]

Oh, I see what you mean! So strictly speaking, alt-text should be used for the intended purpose, i.e. in order to help certain users and searches, etc.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I suspect most webcomics makers, and no doubt others, are going to keep using it the way they are. I’m not sure there’s a real issue in this case, but maybe in others…

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

Looks like some amazing comfort food. :o

The one thing I’d swap in would be Greek yogurt for the sour cream. The taste is reasonably similar, the calories about 1/5th or less, and it’s good for gut health.

EDIT: Well, based on the downvotes, looks like a lot of people aren’t happy with my diet!


I’m sure there’s differences between various region & brands, but from my local grocery (Midwest US), brands I’ve tried (“Chobani” Greek yogurt, and… can’t remember the last sour cream I tried, sorry) do indeed taste similar in taste and texture.

Yeah, for sure they’re not exactly the same, but just like training oneself out of using too much sugar, salt, trans fat, etc, I find that one can shift one’s palate over time. Indeed, when I eat out at a Mexican place or whatnot, the sour cream tastes oddly ‘heavy’ to me, which makes me glad, since part of why I switched over was to improve my diet.

  1. “Omelet” you say? What is that… like 1 & 1/2 eggs in a sort of chicken-mushroom pancake?
  2. Oh, shut my mouth and spank my bottom. That looks absolutely inhalable! :D

Mais ouaisss, mssrr…



A leftist social platform centered around community building through discussion, shitposting memes, and sharing content.

24.8K users / 98 Communities

Seems a bit specific for “lost Redditors” in general, but okay. I’m sure there’s plenty of good stuff there. That said, I think for most folks it’s pragmatic to pick and choose one’s communities from the entirety of the Fediverse rather than to limit oneself to a single instance.

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

I hate to say it, but the exodus failed. I’m glad to have discovered Lemmy, but it simply doesn’t have anywhere near the numbers to compete.

I think “failed” is a little strong, and that we have to remember two things, here: 1) Lemmy wasn’t in ideal position to handle a major Rexxitor exodus at the time, and 2) Lemmy is best looked at as a long-term project that will ultimately have higher quality of infrastructure, user rights, and users themselves. Much of that is already true, arguably.

What’s helped me personally is to start a community where one was needed in the FV, posting regular content there. Others are joining in, and it’s fun to see our little community grow. It also means a lot to me that I don’t have to worry about a corporation one day arbitrarily fucking with our community to suit their own ends.

That said, if you’re simply a content-devourer, then I agree that Lemmy is going to be less useful than Reddit for the time being. But there’s also a fairly unique opportunity to help change that, as many are doing here. <3


I’d say this is one of the ones where Heathcliff’s inclusion definitely helps. @FauxPseudo

A frog on its own is pretty unlikely to be flying a flag of itself, standing next to it on holidays. Now add the irrepressible Heathcliff, and suddenly it makes sense-- it’s another animal-friend he’s taken under his wing to perform some kind of gonzo public spectacle.

I think it also helps that in the ‘without’ version, there’s a distinct lack of emotion, but keeping Heathcliff around drives the whole thing forward with a purpose.


Well, you made a lot more sense in your previous replies to me, so I think I’m going to refrain from commenting further. Good luck with the project.


I was also going to say that this is the first webcomic on Lemmy I’ve really liked. I’ve been here ~two months now. :S

Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding...


Rain at a festival isn’t.

That’s pretty much stripping all relevant context from the situation. The rains are absolutely a big deal for a special campout-celebration that’s held in a fairly hostile natural location, with ground that becomes disastrous in terms of movement when there’s heavy rain.

It would be one thing if BM was just a frivolous celebration, but it’s heavily art-oriented, creative in nature, and meaningful for a whole bunch of folks who are trying to engage in something special once a year. So it’s not The Holocaust, no, but more than just the loss of the festival, there’s still some real danger going on for hundreds of folks right now.


AFAIK it’s a dried-up lake bed that rarely experiences this kind of thing during BM week.

Maybe I’m wrong, tho.


For who? I understood that when he called it a “tragedy,” it was heavily based on his POV and emotions at the time. That’s about as innocuous as it gets, and isn’t going to change anything across the world IMO.


Okay, what makes it frivolous now?


I’m not debating that drug use, alcohol and sex don’t go on there, but what consenting adults do is their business IMO. For that matter, huge swaths of the rural and semi-rural States seem to be given over to that sort of thing, too, and I think that’s of far more concern than a one week festival, brother.

Regardless, I’ve seen plenty of footage and pics, and there’s undeniably loads of creativity, art projects, chance meetings between interesting people, and the tribal-experiential aspect going on at BM. I happen to think all that stuff’s pretty damn cool, and I feel no need to dismiss the whole thing just because I’m on some moral high ground from afar.


Climate change means the cilmate will not stay the same.

Pard, you sure as shootin’ got that part right.

And I’ve barely been following this year’s event at all. If heavy rains were indeed predicted, then it seems to me that at the very least, the organisers have some pretty colossal questions to answer.


Yeap, I understand those sentiments, and am fairly picky about language myself.

Still, in cases like these, I have to bow to the fact that language is and always was fluid & ever-changing. That, and the fact that we must pick our battles in life. shrug


Much of what I’ve read confirms things you’re saying, and to be clear, I’ve never been there myself. I’ve only read about the event, including first-hand accounts, and seen video footage.

My point about the rain is that in the immediate days preceding the event, surely the organisers had a chance to examine the weather report and realise that at the very least, a strong advisory should have been sent out, or maybe even the festival cancelled. Also, is it possible they didn’t know how treacherous the soil there could get with heavy rain?


Thanks for the extensive writeup, and if I understand you correctly, there’s more or less way too much momentum of various kinds for any group in particular to call the event off even knowing that harsh weather was about to hit.

So if you’re a participant you can acknowledge that this year’s event kind of sucked, but that it was still worth it on the whole. Do I have that right?

One other thing-- I notice some people calling the event a ‘rich person’s event,’ as if to imply the whole thing is frivolous, and that it’s of no consequence that this one was ‘rained out.’ Thoughts?


Thanks again for answering so extensively. Maybe one day I’ll be able to go (got some health stuff going on).

Btw, I think it might be useful if you were to collect these comments at some point and edit them in to some sort of… guide, or collection of perspectives. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how many people will be able to drill down this deep in to the comments, but hopefully I’m wrong.


the art is ignored by a lot of people, people just aren’t as generally sociable. From what I can see, it’s morphed into something that’s less about sharing and showing art, into showing off and partying.

Ugh, yeah, that sounds plenty disappointing. :S


“Art” flocks to places like that because of rich people with too much money doing dumb shit… like partying in the middle of the desert.

Sounds like a pretty facile, cynical, and plain inaccurate way of looking at the tradition:


So if your primary goal is to show that these Heathcliff strips don’t actually need Heathcliff to work, do you feel it cheating to add the fumes in order to keep the sense of the joke?

For the record, I find the series interesting either way.

JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

Oi, matey. Seen this?[email protected]


L’art de Carole Maurel sur L’Institutrice a fière allure!


@Cabeza2000, was that comprehensible? It’s the current language I’m working on, anyway.

You know, I rolled with that out of fun, because I noticed there was a lot of Castellano going in the comments, which is my cradle-language I remember a bit. May I ask if you’re Spanish or Latino?

note: I’m the silly mod from:


Welp, I started commenting on a side note, and decided to just throw it all into a separate post. It’s about how I view the rise and fall of modern Heathcliff. Cheers!



Heathcliff is at least amusingly gonzo & surreal, sometimes. Under the nephew, Gallagher, I guess it kind of peaked somewhere in the twenty-teens before recycling ideas.

Meanwhile, I think I laughed maybe once or twice at a Garfield cartoon, over the course of decades.


Latish reply, but how do you make yours? Do you do the ‘restaurant’ steps of using water & freezing to get the starch out?

Me, I just slice up baking potatoes and pop them in my air fryer for a while, turning and re-basting with oil a few times. Not restaurant grade, but good enough.


There’s a setting in your Lemmy profile to hide read posts. It’s a server side setting so it’ll propagate to any apps.

Not totally sure I understand. I don’t use apps, but browser, and don’t see any such setting in my profile toggles.


Thanks; I understand. My problem with “New” is that it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s activity yet. Sometimes I really would like to stay with “Active” and just hide stuff I have no interest in.


Actually it turned out to be a disaster. Unfortunately, the option in question has no discretion, and will hide posts from the overview of any instance at all. For example, I recently became unable to view posts in my own instance, and struggled for days trying to figure out what the issue was. Finally I thought back to this convo, reversed the setting, and now the problem is solved.

Therefore, when the Lemmy code is able to tag individual posts & comments as hidden, I reckon they ought to kill that option in user settings, as it can cause way more trouble than its worth IME.



Well, not any one /random/ person, but you, the user! I.e., right now, it all depends on what posts YOU clicked on yourself. (if you clicked on them even once, now they’re forever disappeared under that particular setting, see)

Now, this might be helpful when browsing a feed or stream, but when it comes to looking at single instances, can be very unhelpful.

For example (as said above)-- I have a tiny community (mostly of my own work), and because of that setting, can’t even see what the posts are, now.

That is-- unless I turn the setting OFF, I can see zero content in my very own community, i.e. the one that I started. And of course, it messes up other instances which are merely in my ‘favorite’ streams. When I browse to them specifically in order to see what their latest content is, anything I viewed before then is now “missing.”

It winds up being a terrible feature unless you purely view by stream, in other words.


I hit the FV with Chrome/FF, so I guess I’m out of luck with that. Still, hiding content is such a powerful feature that I reckon it will be implemented soon enough.

It certainly wouldn’t hurt if the RES devs got busy on Lemmy.

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no idea why the Institute for the Study of War hasn't been mentioned yet

they issue regular reports on the world's hot spots, and in the case of the ukraine war, nightly summaries of all events during the previous 24hrs

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