
@[email protected]

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  • JohnnyEnzyme,

    In what sense? To me it’s been a pretty awesome source of free music, archived TV, full movies, clips, and lots of impressive channels, like Kurzgesagt and Metatron.


    Fair, late-stage capitalism points. Of the two excellent channels I mentioned, I believe one monetizes by YT, and one by Patreon, but I think the latter method is indeed more popular now, perhaps for the reasons you mentioned.

    Everyone should have left, yes, but considering how enormous YT’s storage and bandwidth is, I’m not sure how realistic that would have been in terms of single platform. Something like Daily Motion is a nice YT alt, but it probably would have been brought to its knees trying to serve all YT’s content. And/or simply bought out once again by Google or an even worse company, like Yahoo.



    A rare one that makes more sense with heathcliff!

    That’s often my line, but I think I disagree on this one. For one-- as a Heathcliff reader, it’s perfectly obvious what just happened. Second, the star on top makes it very clear what Iggy’s talking about. Heathcliff adding ball ornaments is somewhat redundant to all that-- important to show for new readers perhaps, but not essential for regulars IMO.

    in another place someone said they found this one more disturbing because he just leaves piles of defeated enemies around.

    I love that commentary, but that does in fact capture what traditional Heathcliff is all about-- i.e., the absolute VIP and boss of the suburban animal world.


    I’m not quite sure which period you’re referring to (maybe when he and Spike were frequently getting in to slugfests?), but I think there’s an argument that the way Heathcliff’s borderline-automatically respected nowadays is much the result of him being a ‘tough’ when the strip was younger.

    All the birds, people, animals and others sitting around commenting on his daily activities seem pretty in line with that.


    Mid-Gately, then.

    I hate to say it, but Garfield was arguably more interesting, those days.


    Looks like the same green to me. I think what you might be seeing is a pretty common illusion in which nearby framing colors can have a big influence in how a certain color is perceived. Examples:…


    I took color theory in art school and run a thing that collects how your brain lies to you

    Hmm, are you talking about a mental discipline or a technical tool?

    Grab an image editor that has a color sampling feature.

    GIMP is a pain to start up, so I’ll take your word for it. Anyway, thanks for explaining, and I guess I was the one fooled by an optical illusion, not that my weak eyes helped me here.

    For all your travel questions related to France : VisitingFrance (

    When lockdowns were coming to an end, there was an influx of people asking travel related questions on r/france. Something I wish existed at that time was a francophone equivalent to r/VisitingIceland, which is an incredible resource and community when it comes to making your travel plans to Iceland....


    I visited Paris some years back, tried to speak in my terrible tourist French whenever possible, and never found a hint of snobbery. I kinda get the impression that visitors with an attitude or who treat the city like an amusement park get the worst of the ‘snobbery.’



    Haha, I give Gallagher grief for recycling concepts, but this one worked for me within the surreal world of his logic. Both versions worked!

    JohnnyEnzyme, is great. It’s got wiki-like entries on bands and songs, then users add their comments and interpretations below.

    Still very active, it seems to me.


    I use glycerin myself, but I’ll have to try vegetable oil next time.

    The other thing that greatly helps speed things along is letting the oil / glycerin sit for 5-10min, then following up with an ear syringe full of warm water. Instead of spraying directly ahead, they’re designed to safely spray to the sides, and the agitating motion of the water works well to clear the clog very quickly.


    Thanks for sharing that, and to add on, so far I’ve found:

    Both of which specialise in members sharing their own work.


    Saw that coming, as Heathcliff is usually right next to Iggy in these situations.

    Aside from that, it still bothers me that Gallagher’s so low-effort with stuff like this. It would have been pretty funny if the slug created something interesting, but instead it’s more like “yeah, right, that lame-ass lettering is worth a fortune, yup.”


    Haha, I get your point in a vacuum, but literally every animal since Gallagher took over from his uncle is capable of doing graffiti, commenting on others, doing pretty much everything a human can do, and especially-- making sarcastic comments.

    That slug is an interesting “slug” in the sense that the cat regularly wears “MEAT” helmets, with the creator gets a full paycheck either way.


    I’m a huge iced tea drinker, and recently tried Earl Grey out of little more than pure boredom. It’s good! Whereas hot, the flavor is a little too much for me, when iced and diluted further, it has a really enjoyable floral bouquet, not unlike Constant Comment.

    JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

    Because the title leaves out the fact that Kirk’s native character was actually inspired by Horatio Hornblower, not Cook. Also, Hornblower was such a complex character that his attributes got split up in to both Kirk and Spock, evidently.

    It’s a pretty interesting read!

    Brent Mintz, professional dog, duck and squirrel photographer, as played by a young, bearded Data in 1972, on the show ***To Tell the Truth***. (skip to 1:46 for his entrance) (

    His birth father died when Brent was less than a year old, so he took his adopted father’s name “Mintz” from 1955-1975 before finally reverting back to “Spiner.”...


    Difficult to tell when he’s playing an android

    I thought that was a big part of how Spiner made Data just about the most interesting character in the series-- the understated little flourishes, tics, and burblings of emotion showing through.

    To me a very clever variation on Nimoy’s amazing work on Spock in the series before, but of course Brent made the character wholly his own to the point that it barely registered that he was cut from the ‘Spock template.’


    Cannot join

    consider yourself lucky


    Their successors forgot that however thin, the underlying movie has to be watchable, or you lose something. Maybe it’s just generational (always have to allow for that at my age), but I kind of think that Scary Movie et al is stuff that is not nearly as timeless.

    That reminds me of one of the major keys to the success of the ZAZ movies, which was to hire a cast known for their serious, dramatic roles, a type which Nielsen epitomized. At no point could the actors indicate that the situations going on around them were funny, otherwise the illusion might be punctured.

    Perhaps some of the later imitation films, like Scary Movie et al, kind of drifted away from that premise, I don’t know.

    Speaking of Blazing Saddles, I recall reading that the musicians and orchestra were told that they were producing music for a classic-style western, and when they ultimately learned that the movie was an intentional farce, they were not amused.


    Laate reply, but very interesting comments that do make a lot of sense to me, particularly about the different mechanisms used in the ZAZ and Mel Brooks’ movies.

    Judging from more recent movies clearly built on the models above, I feel like in general, modern directors & producers try to broadcast more to the audience as to how and when to react. That is-- in this post-MTV age, it seems like they’re more scared of potential dead air time, and want to avoid indulging too much in the deadpan, pregnant moments common in ZAZ films. Ones that made them so delicious, of course, tending to appeal to the thoughtful person.

    By comparison, King of the Hill is maybe a rare case of a cartoon comedy that wasn’t entirely concerned with whether the audience understood the full humor of the situations. Just popped in to my head anyway, so I thought I’d mention it.


    TBH I’m disappointed by the final release. I thought the fan-version of John’s demo was much better:

    I’m also a little non-plussed by the idea that this is, or needs to be, the ‘final’ Beatles song. In fact, there’s scads of material they worked up while still an official group that they decided not to finish up or release. I’ve no doubt some of it’s equal to or better than this John Lennon demo from the late 70’s, which I certainly wouldn’t say is on the level of Free as a Bird nor Real Love. George Harrison hated this song, in fact.


    I always thought that kind of quirk was amusing, especially when Grandpa Nutmeg & wife are at the window, in which case there’s really no other way to explain the visual other than to conclude that the characters are simply cardboard cutouts.


    I agree, but like I say, it gets even more ridiculous sometimes. Or at least it has in the past. Check this out:

    Grandma’s lower body is clearly inside the house, but there she is standing straight upright (i.e. not bending forward), and somehow her upper body is in front of the window frame, with the window being half-open.

    Physically, it really only works if she’s made out of thin cardboard.


    I really like the trending communities; great way to find new communities…

    Hmm, I don’t really get that. Most of the time “trending communities” seem to be newly-created communities with little if any content. Considering how common it is for people to grab a community name and sit on it indefinitely, I feel like the ‘trending detection’ formula could be tweaked to display newer communities with solid growth, instead.

    …or remind you to look for something you hadn’t thought about.

    I salute the spirit of that, but the number of healthy communities across the FV seems pretty limited so far. Sure, it’s not that hard to find ghost communities with search tools (I tend to use this one), but that’s kind of a bittersweet feeling.


    Everyone’s favorite show from the 90s

    I dunno, man… I remember the Newsradio cast a bit differently.


    Funny stuff, and whoa… the image is hosted at

    That got disabled over a month ago AFAIK, and is still listed as such on the sidebar.

    JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

    Thanks, interesting. I’m not sure what’s happening, but it also seems to be hosted right here, scaled down 50k:…/5fdd577a-609b-409c-8811-ff59a0443f1b.we…

    Unless that’s a disguised redirect link, I’m wondering if the server somehow mistakenly hosted it here. Or possibly the image was already hosted on, and the server software decided to list the match link rather than the new one you provided.

    If it sounds like I’m trying to make something out of nothing, I’m just concerned that there might be an image loophole attackers might use, as with what happened to Lemmy.World some weeks back.


    This particular image has not been hosted on before, as I’m the one who uploaded it to

    I’m guessing that means you’re also the image creator, otherwise you wouldn’t be sure nobody had uploaded it here before, right?

    In any case, my first thought would be to try to do a test, replicating the event to see if the same thing happens again. Unfortunately, it looks like is closed to new accts, so I suppose it would need to be someone already with an acct there. Feel like giving that a whack?

    If so, there’s a junk community that would make for a good testing ground. I just whipped up a test image with the same dimensions as yours, and right about the same size here.

    if it’s not convenient for you to do a test at this time, maybe you could clue me in as to how to make a acct?


    Still does!

    But it’s no doubt better to follow the places that @Crul posted.

    JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

    In my case I found that creating a community that was missing here, then regularly populating it with content, has worked wonders. That it was not just a good way to get myself engaged here, as well as to grow the Fediverse, but to attract users from Reddit and other places given a bit of cross-posting.

    Seriously, I’m not sure how many people understand that right now, given that new content is generated relatively slowly across the FV, that any new community putting quality stuff out there is going to get a hugely larger proportion of eyes on it. That’s compared to similar communities on Reddit, FB, etc, in which smaller / newer communities tend to get completely drowned out in the ALL streams.

    My own niche community (Euro graphic novels) already has 350+ subscribers in less than 90 days. Even for Reddit that’s a nice jump-start and growth. Which is why I urge people to jump on this opportunity now, because eventually it’s probably going to dry up.

    Indeed, maybe it would be good to get this message out to people on Reddit, FB, etc who always wanted to start a sub/community, but the opportunities were ‘all filled up’ already.


    you can go to /instances to see a list of other connected and blocked instances.

    I just did, and noticed a bunch of supposedly-federated mastodon instances, but in reality I’ve never seen them in my ‘all’ stream.

    Are they not supposed to show up there?


    I’ve believe I’ve seen something like that stated before, but we’re talking zero mastodon content showing up in ALL. Which happens to be the same instance as yours, btw, with being the third largest instance in the Lemmysphere. You’d expect at least a little mastodon content showing up, but there’s just nothing.

    So far the two resources just don’t seem to be mixing, so perhaps what the other person was saying is correct. Right now in order to search mastodon, I’m using this tool.


    Oof, pardon this tragically late reply.

    So… TBH I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.

    From my POV, I’m envisioning a way where Mastodon content could populate the ALL feed of Fediverse users, for example us lemmings. Do you reckon that’s possible?

    Note: I already know how to search mastodon content btw, via tools like this


    Weren’t the nukes also dropped because Japan’s highest-level commanders were dead-set on fighting more or less to the end, which would have caused horrific loss of life on both sides?

    Also, I don’t remember reading this theory, but I would guess some of those commanders also felt like something ‘magical’ might happen to save the motherland, hearkening back to Kame Kaze’s taifuns that saved Nippon from Mongol invasion on two occasions, centuries earlier.


    JohnnyEnzyme, (edited )

    There’s also the ‘Ask Historians’ analysis, which posits that there were at least three major ideas about how to handle a nuclear bombing entertained between the principles deciding.

    While it’s tempting to look at the situation in retrospect and agree with the report that ‘yes obviously there wasn’t a need to bomb to elicit a surrender’ that nevertheless doesn’t mean that the majority of the deciders were fully on board with that understanding & approach, unlike Ike.

    Without doing a deep dive, the AH approach makes about the most sense to me and seems consistent with history, in which there was a level of uncertainty and multiple players & arguments going in to the final decision.

    Btw, that first link barely mentions the matter, and the second link is far too subjective to be of much use, far as I can tell.

    Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?

    One of the most aggravating things to me in this world has to be the absolutely rampant anti-intellectualism that dominates so many conversations and debates, and its influence just seems to be expanding. Do you think there will ever actually be a time when this ends? I'd hope so once people become more educated and cultural...


    These are good points and good techniques IMO, and to add on–

    Humans have always been drowning in the unknown, hence our chronic set of coping mechanisms, but on top of that, in this high-tech information civilisation we currently live in, now we’re drowning in information, as well. Which leads to some big problems, of course.

    As in-- it takes considerable effort, honesty and openness to form a decent perspective on most subjects these days, particularly significant ones, and because of that hurdle, I fear that most people (you, I, everyone) are inclined to ‘settle’ for flawed understandings of topics, even with best intentions. Or at worst, some of us form whatever ludicrous opinions simply because it makes us feel better / at peace / self-righteous.

    Point is-- it seems like the world just has way too much information for people to handle these days, effectively worsening our collective mental health and communal behavior, one might say.



    The dictionary dikshunary

    Do they have those at the lie-berry?


    I haven’t used Lemmy in a month because this site is more transphobic than Reddit.

    Well that’s very disappointing if true. Could you give an example?

    Btw, just to be clear-- Lemmy isn’t “one site,” so you’re likely to get a wide range of reactions depending on issue/cause where you happen to be (communities, instances).


    It’s the specific direction the current creator started going in over a decade ago. He took over from his uncle and gradually made it much less of a ‘standard funny animal’ strip, and much more of a gonzo, absurdist creation.

    That said, I think he’s been kind of the past few years.


    The only things I changed are dusting with corn flour and using an inverted cast iron skillet instead of a pizza stone.

    Sounds like a great idea. My experience with pizza stones is that they add very little of the ‘brick oven’ effect, even when pre-heated a long time. Pizza steels seem like the way to go for the average oven.

    Btw, since corn flour / corn meal doesn’t add much taste, I’ve thought about using poppy or sesame seeds to do the job, some things which might add nice flavor. But maybe I’m wrong and they’d burn…


    I’d be concerned about the onion & garlic burning, and the salt adding unnecessary sodium.

    The idea with swapping in poppy / sesame for corn flour / meal is to take a low-key item that’s already present and necessary, and upgrade its flavor without changing the overall pizza taste, while still doing its job.


    There’s also Tildes, and Hacker News. Reddit has really shit the bed with their decisions.

    Can those and similar sites federate with us? Seems like the more that happens, the deader Reddit becomes.



    Damn. All that is relatively common knowledge, yet you’re getting some weird downvotes.

    An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why (

    I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the !eurographicnovels community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by “admin”. Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by “admin”...


    removing posts permanently deletes the actual content from your server

    Just for the record, the posts were in fact soft-deleted, something that OP and I can do as staff, as well as restoring posts. Indeed, I could be wrong, but it looks like only staff on the instance-runner level can actually perm-delete posts, i.e. even common admins can’t do it.

    The whole point of that is pretty clearly to err on the side of caution when deleting, even by post creators and staff. Which is why, like I think you’re implying, it’s such a disaster to have deleted all OP’s image content over… seemingly nothing.

    In any case, thanks for weighing in so strongly. We appreciate it!


    Well, ten days later and none of the images were restored, no LW staff ever responded further to either of us, and no new information came along to explain the clusterfluff.

    Compare that to the speedy, excellent responses and service of my own instance staff, and there’s just no way I could honestly recommend LW. Indeed, nothing has changed to indicate that any other user here might not randomly get temp-banned and their uploads wiped.

    FYI-- your refrain of ‘let’s not jump to any rash conclusions’ was in the end useless, and even detrimental, since patience availed us nothing, and we’re still trying to clean up the mess over on our sub/community.

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