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What does “the dumpster is a car’s drive away” mean?


That’s the obvious interpretation.

If it is the correct interpretation, in what country is this legal? I’d be getting the tenants together to take the landlord(s) to court, if that is the correct interpretation and it is a country with laws about this sort of thing. But I don’t know if it is the correct interpretation or what country we’re talking about.


So does every capitalist country. It’s very hard to imagine it being legal to rent an apartment without providing trash disposal.

Are we talking an actual car’s drive, or a USians idea of a distance that cannot be walked?


BNF listing

It doesn’t specifically list pancreatitis (it does list GI discomfort).

Talk to your GP asap. You don’t need a neurologist in the first instance.


They’ll only stop prescribing it if they (and you) think the risks outweigh the benefits. It might be something much less serious and you would be much better off knowing either way.

Finding the right meds can be a long old haul. Good luck.


AIUI, they did not have the authority to fire him. He’s appointed by FIFA (who suspended him while investigating, as a prelude to firing him). The RFEF published some weird shit at his behest but his support within it evaporated pretty quickly.


Warning people of speed traps causes them to drive more safely, not less. Only cops get upset when you do this.

Why does lemmy have it, so any link takes you off the page instead of opening in a new tab or window?

It is a simple line of code and the entire site does this or add target=“_blank” to every hyperlink, and it will do the same thing. It sucks that you have to right-click every link to open in a new tab or window and it is such a simple fix.


Laptops don’t have middle clicks.

Everyone knows the various workarounds. You don’t need to post them. This thread is about a problem that ought not to exist.


Lemmy overrides that setting. It works everywhere but here and it is irritating as hell.


It’s overriding my browser preferences. That should not happen.


I found a bunch in Firefox config settings. One was so extreme that on Kbin, refreshing the feed would open a new tab. In Lemmy, nope, didn’t work.

JoBo, (edited )

So now I need to buy a mouse and sit at a desk in order to use Lemmy?

C’mon. No other site behaves like this. It needs to be fixed.


Mine doesn’t but I’ve found an option to switch three-finger click to middle mouse button. Thanks.


Links opening in new tabs is the default normal way. Most sites don’t send you off their site by default, for obvious reasons. And most feeds won’t lose your place in the feed by default, for equally obvious reasons.


If I wanted a mouse, I would have a mouse. I do not want a mouse.

Artificial intelligence technology behind ChatGPT was built in Iowa — with a lot of water (

But one thing Microsoft-backed OpenAI needed for its technology was plenty of water, pulled from the watershed of the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers in central Iowa to cool a powerful supercomputer as it helped teach its AI systems how to mimic human writing....


Presumably it evaporates and returns to the water cycle? I don’t know, but it’s not like growing tomatoes and exporting the water within them. That water is staying local. But that doesn’t mean it returns to where it’s needed, when it’s needed. They’re putting a strain on the local water supply (flow) not necessarily the long-term stock.

In 2022, a document from the West Des Moines Water Works said it and the city government “will only consider future data center projects” from Microsoft if those projects can “demonstrate and implement technology to significantly reduce peak water usage from the current levels” to preserve the water supply for residential and other commercial needs.

They’re not doing that for fun.


You’re going to follow him around for the next nine years making sure he doesn’t do any daft teenage things?

Good luck with that.


It will be a great deal quicker just to read the damn thing.


Specifically “young” women, who are more likely to go to and graduate from college. But lose that edge as soon as babies enter the picture.


The official position is Minister for Women and Equalities.

And the easy answer to this Tory troll is that (middle-class, white) men already dominate political, economic and social life. Everything is filtered through the eyes of people like them, they don’t need a special platform to get their viewpoint across.

But, this is a lot like March 8th (International Women’s Day) being full of plaintive cries of “why isn’t there an International Men’s Day?”. There is an International Men’s Day and it is a very good thing. It makes sense in a way that “why isn’t there a white history month?” does not.

There are many points of similarity and difference between the various forms of prejudice. And one of the things that makes sexism unique is that prejudice against women inevitably creates a mirror prejudice about (if not intentionally against) men. If being feminine means having emotions other than rage, men are allowed to experience only rage. If being feminine means caring for others, men are not allowed to care for (or about) others.

While there are certainly forms of feminism which are anti-men (most notably the transphobic strain currently getting more attention than it deserves), feminism is fundamentally as important for men as it is for women and the issues facing men exist precisely because of the history of subjugating women. Women’s rights are not in tension with men’s rights (unless you mean the demands of damaged and damaging men who insist that they should have the right to rape women and keep one at home as a sex doll, housekeeper, incubator and child minder).

This article is not perfect but it does make the broader point well: If I Admit That ‘Hating Men’ Is a Thing, Will You Stop Turning It Into a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?:

Part Four: A List of “Men’s Rights” Issues That Feminism Is Already Working On

Feminists do not want you to lose custody of your children. The assumption that women are naturally better caregivers is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not like commercials in which bumbling dads mess up the laundry and competent wives have to bustle in and fix it. The assumption that women are naturally better housekeepers is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to have to make alimony payments. Alimony is set up to combat the fact that women have been historically expected to prioritize domestic duties over professional goals, thus minimizing their earning potential if their “traditional” marriages end. The assumption that wives should make babies instead of money is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want anyone to get raped in prison. Permissiveness and jokes about prison rape are part of rape culture, which is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want anyone to be falsely accused of rape. False rape accusations discredit rape victims, which reinforces rape culture, which is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to be lonely and we do not hate “nice guys.” The idea that certain people are inherently more valuable than other people because of superficial physical attributes is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to have to pay for dinner. We want the opportunity to achieve financial success on par with men in any field we choose (and are qualified for), and the fact that we currently don’t is part of patriarchy. The idea that men should coddle and provide for women, and/or purchase their affections in romantic contexts, is condescending and damaging and part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to be maimed or killed in industrial accidents, or toil in coal mines while we do cushy secretarial work and various yarn-themed activities. The fact that women have long been shut out of dangerous industrial jobs (by men, by the way) is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to commit suicide. Any pressures and expectations that lower the quality of life of any gender are part of patriarchy. The fact that depression is characterized as an effeminate weakness, making men less likely to seek treatment, is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to be viewed with suspicion when you take your child to the park (men frequently insist that this is a serious issue, so I will take them at their word). The assumption that men are insatiable sexual animals, combined with the idea that it’s unnatural for men to care for children, is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want you to be drafted and then die in a war while we stay home and iron stuff. The idea that women are too weak to fight or too delicate to function in a military setting is part of patriarchy.

Feminists do not want women to escape prosecution on legitimate domestic violence charges, nor do we want men to be ridiculed for being raped or abused. The idea that women are naturally gentle and compliant and that victimhood is inherently feminine is part of patriarchy.

Feminists hate patriarchy. We do not hate you.

If you really care about those issues as passionately as you say you do, you should be thanking feminists, because feminism is a social movement actively dedicated to dismantling every single one of them. The fact that you blame feminists—your allies—for problems against which they have been struggling for decades suggests that supporting men isn’t nearly as important to you as resenting women. We care about your problems a lot. Could you try caring about ours?


Then you haven’t been paying attention. I just posted a years old article, which went viral at the time, pushing for all these things.

Toxic men do have the loudest megaphones. But you can wise up and find better things to listen to.


What legitimate issues do you think I’m being dismissive of?


None of the contradicts anything I said. I explicitly said it.

This is the damage wrought by patriarchy. You are not competing with women to get your case heard. It is the exact same case.


It’s certainly a problem, not least because most attempts to start something up attracts men who only want to complain about how it’s all the fault of those devastatingly powerful women and everyone else gives up. But there are some surviving spaces, like the Men & Boys Coalition.


That’s not true. The protection works both ways, and it’s hard to see how anyone could logically argue otherwise. If it stops virons getting out, it also stops them getting in.

You do have a lot more protection if everyone around you is also wearing a mask because if you’re stopping, say, 90% of virons and they’re stopping 90% of virons, then both of you will only be exposed to 1% of the virons around (instead of 10% for one-way masking).

What do you think will happen to the middle class in the next five decades? (

With inflation, soaring costs of living, the housing crisis, climate change and more devastating impacts that seems to crush the global middle class, what do you think our society will look like in the future? Do you think any of these problems will be addressed effectively?


The last time the world got itself into this sort of mess, the outcome was social democracy (the New Deal, Postwar Consensus, Les Trente Gloriuses). A ~30 year period of reduced income and wealth inequality, tighter controls on capitalist excess, and increased prosperity which was at least somewhat shared.

It remains to be seen whether that is still a possible outcome given the amount of wealth that has been amassed in so few hands. Fascism is power protecting itself and it’s in a much better position to protect itself now than it was then.

The middle class will either recover or disappear entirely. And if it recovers, the recovery will likely be temporary. Because power can protect itself like nothing (and no one) else can.

I don’t hold out much hope for a more revolutionary pro-social outcome. I mean, it would be good. But it’s very hard to see how it can happen when the people who need it to happen are too busy keeping a roof over their heads and/or trying to survive climate change with the very limited resources available to them. If we get any kind of resurgence of social democracy, it will be because power sees the need for a breathing space, not a permanent settlement with the masses. Something better, and more permanent, is not on the cards.

I am in a negative mood. Sorry.


Don’t you mean that almost all other sentences for rape seem far too short?

There were several aggravating factors here. A long sentence is surprising given that he is a wealthy, white man. But it’s absolutely justified (in the current carceral context, of which I strongly disapprove).


Different states?


I didn’t say you were. I’m suggesting the sentence only seems long to you because you grew up in a world full of Brock Turners. If you’re not arguing about what the correct sentence should be, that is the only possible interpretation of what you said. Your perspective has been warped by your experience of this world that we live in.


here’s nothing otherwise stopping dead posts from being repeatedly revived.

Except that it requires a lot of votes to make it visible again. Which doesn’t happen. Threads die too quickly to be useful, except to people that found them via a search. But posting on old threads is largely pointless because no one is reading them any more.


If you need the loading ramp you could still use the spot and just reverse if it’s on the side he’s taking up.

Not if you can’t get into the vehicle in order to reverse it. There’s a reason they have protected width on both sides.


No… at the store, where the parked vehicle is blocking your access.

[News] 61 protestors indicted in Georgia on racketeering charges connected to 'Stop Cop City' movement (

ATLANTA (AP) — Sixty-one people have been indicted in Georgia on racketeering charges following a long-running state investigation into protests against a planned police and firefighter training facility in the Atlanta area that critics call “Cop City.”...


Let’s hope there’s a small army of public interest lawyers headed to Atlanta, and that discovery accidentally proves what happened to Tortuguita and others targeted with violence. Torching a few inanimate objects does not really compare.


Of course they do. How do you think fake references were included if references were not needed?


Ah! “Bibliography” is an ambiguous term.

As the linked article says, one measure that journals are starting to adopt is requiring DOI or PMID links for each reference. It ought to be standard anyway, it’s much less work for reviewers to check the references if they’re easy to find. Even if they exist, they often don’t say what the authors cite them as saying. But journals don’t pay anyone for checking these things so it often doesn’t get done. Peer review needs to be paid for. For-profit journals need to die.


By that logic, you should be donating all your organs and every drop of blood right now.


95% of people are not USian and also, can read the requested date format correctly.


That’s correct. But we don’t have the data. Musk, for example, won’t release it for Tesla and forced the NHSTA to redact it.

And the raw data is no good anyway. You have to compare autopilot systems with similar road situations (eg mostly highway, or established taxi zones) and similar drivers/cars (they’re not a random selection of all demographics and models).

It’s absolutely correct to say that we need to compare the new with the old, not simply present statistics in isolation. But we don’t have the data and it needs an established independent body to analyse it because the analysis is too easy to manipulate to leave in the hands of the companies that stand to profit.

JoBo, (edited )

Being able to walk out on the spot is a great thing. But most people will have to do some advance planning for that. Find a new job and then find a good opportunity to walk out on the spot.

In the US, the lack of statutory notice makes this particularly satisfying. In the UK (and everywhere else with statutory notice) I recommend saving up some paid holiday so you don’t have to work much of your notice period. Not that you need to get much work done during it anyway.

Bad managers deserve to be left in the lurch as much as humanly possible. Make sure you plant the idea in the heads of all your co-workers.


So, you’re complaining about federation with instances that have different rules, not content on dbzer0 itself?

Yeah, that’s not going to happen. If every rule has to be a perfect match there would be no federation, just a bunch of isolated siloes.

You can block communities you don’t like. That’s the beauty of the Fediverse. No need to make it useless for everyone else instead.


*had limited choices as to which hole to dig


Oh stop it.

It’s a high tech magic 8 ball. It can only regurgitate plausible sounding text based on what has been said before. It cannot create anything new. It doesn’t understand anything. It’s just a parlour trick..




There are excellent uses of 'AI. They can be very good at doing a vast quantity of repetitive, deterministic tasks very fast. But they can’t apply judgement, deal with nuance, or understand context. They’re just never going to be able to do what you want them to do. The idea that they can is an illusion. An accidental illusion for sure. But an illusion all the same.

Hot take: Users without a profile pick are mildlyinfuriating (

For real. I can never understand why some of ye don’t have a cool pfp. You could even get some cool background art on your profile as well. Really jazz it up, ya know. But I swear 90% instead opt for the default lemmy logo. How uncreative and boring. I can’t even tell most of you people apart.


Because Lemmy, as Reddit, is focused on topics not people. It’s not for influencers. Avatars on discussion boards are weird and unnecessary.


On the site formerly (and still) known as Twitter, I missed a lot because it did not show me everything from accounts I followed.

On Mastodon, I miss a lot because I wasn’t browsing my feed at the right time.

This would matter less on Mastodon if my feed was endless and I could browse it until I’d caught up with everything new. But it is not endless, so I can’t.

I don’t see how you can have multiple instances all injecting stuff into my feed, which is what the (other) OP seems to be suggesting? I don’t want any kind of algorithm deciding what I see and definitely not some kind of hyper-competitive inter-instance competition for my attention. But I wouldn’t mind if Mastodon worked out what I hadn’t yet seen from the accounts I follow and put it into my feed while I’m actually browsing it.

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