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Why would you think that any Brits need to hear that? Do you imagine we have any more control over our polity than you do yours?


Can’t see where you got that quote from but if you think that a call for protest proves that we control our polity, bless you but no.


If you mean “turn out to protest” I don’t disagree but would note that this is made exceedingly difficult by the conspiracy theorists who don’t think he should be sent to stand trial in Sweden either. I strongly disagree with the decision to extradite him to the US but I can’t make common cause with the conspiranoids who insist that Sweden was a set up. He got himself into this predicament by trying to evade trial on credible charges of rape and sexual assault. Two things can be true but his supporters almost universally insist that they can’t and it is exhausting.

Yet another approach on Threads (Jerry Bell) (

I continue to be squeezed by both sides of the threads situation. I am operating on the premise that people who think I’m a terrible person and this is a terrible instance for allowing any interaction with threads have left and/or blocked, those remaining seem to want to either have nothing to do with threads at all and are...


That just forces everyone who wants/needs the bigger ecosystem to leave Mastodon and join Threads. It’s daft.

The beauty of the Fediverse is that different instances can make different choices and people can choose their instance based on the choices they prefer. The Fediverse is not a monolith and demanding that it become one is just wildly missing the point.

What are your favorite fonts for technical reports?

I work at a consulting engineering firm and write a lot of reports that are read by the public. I have an opportunity to recommend a different font for all of our written documents and am looking for something more modern/fresh than Times New Roman. Also open to recommendations for purpose specific communities about...


Calibri is bad for technical documents because you can’t easily tell the difference between I and l.

Whatever sans serif you use, choose one that makes the difference legible, like Trebuchet or Bierstadt.

How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?

I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...


All the time but not as often as I should.


Refusing to federate with Threads would achieve exactly that outcome. Most people on Threads wouldn’t know the Fediverse existed any more than most people on Google knew XMPP existed.

The Fediverse is struggling to get a large enough userbase to be as useful as the mega-services it replaces. Threads can gift that userbase and make people more aware that the Fediverse exists.

FWIW this is exactly why Threads didn’t join the Fediverse until they’d overcome the legal obstacles to operating in the EU. If they’d federated first they risked losing all their potential EU users to the Fediverse.

The quickest way to lose this game is not to play it and the Google/XMPP example iillustrates why.


Use a whiteboard notebook so the kids can do the drawings themselves?

Should there should be a new term, "age fluid" or "trans-age? I was reading the CNN article from 3/30/23 about the Nashville shooter and it seemed to imply that age confusion may have been a factor. (

When they try minor defendants in the USA as “adults,” aren’t they saying the kids aren’t what the seem to be, that they aren’t actually their chronological age? “Young at heart,” an “old soul,” saying the same thing....


Please don’t draw parallels between this self-serving nonsense and trans identities.

You haven’t linked the CNN article you mention so it’s difficult to respond to your post, even after mentally stripping it of nonsense.

We tend to end up with defined ages for eg driving, consent, criminal responsibility, etc because it is difficult to use more nuanced criteria. In practice, the law does (or can) take nuance into account (except for things like being able to have a driving licence or legally buy alcohol). Sometimes that is for good, humanitarian reasons (eg an adult with learning difficulties who cannot comprehend the consequences of their actions) or for misguided, vengeful reasons (eg trying a child as an adult because of the severity of their crime), or just plain prejudice (eg treating Black and/or poor children as greater threats than white, middle-class children).

There’s no easy way to draw lines, and no easy way to allow nuance while excluding prejudice. But “whatever the accused decides is convenient for them, personally, right now” is never going to be a criteria, for obvious reasons.


No riots or even protests though

Probably because the victim was East European. It remains to be seen if the attacker was Irish fash but, regardless, the fash get no mileage out of this one.

I have a spare lithium phone battery that got wet a couple months back- will it go boom if I try to use or charge it?

So at the beginning of summer I repurposed an old Android phone into a dedicated emulator. The phone’s old enough it has an honest to god user replaceable battery so I decided to get another one and keep it in my backpack to double my gaming time....


Don’t. Just don’t. Lithium batteries are very nasty when they go wrong. They’re not expensive to replace. The risk is absolutely not worth the reward. Dispose of it safely (dump it in salt water for a few hours then take it for recycling).


I stopped wearing a regular watch when I started carrying a phone around.

I started wearing a smart watch when I found one that I could take and make calls from, so that I didn’t have to carry my phone around.


In my non-USian understanding, it means you can vote in the primaries (the party-specific elections that choose candidates for the actual election).


Two of us running a quiet little wine bar, him behind the bar, me taking a break at the back of the room. Three lads come in and we both recognised them as the ones who had trashed one of the rooms upstairs the previous week. When my co-worker refused to serve them, one of them grabbed a bottle and hit it against the bar, trying (and failing) to break it for a weapon.

I saw red. All 5’4" of me advancing in fury, yelling “get out” repeatedly at the top of my voice. They looked at me, froze for a second, then scrambled out the door.

I was quite impressed with myself until I turned round and saw one of our regulars, a great big bear of a man, had heard the commotion and come in from the back room to see what was going on.

For Leftists: What happens when a content creator has a questionable guest on?

Hi. This question is for leftists mostly. If you watch a content creator that’s on the left, but they have a questionable guest on, do you continue to watch that creator or do you find a different creator to watch? I sometimes watch The Convo Couch and Danny Haiphong, but they’ve had very questionable guests on and I can’t...


As others have said, it depends a lot on the reason for having that guest on. But there are a lot of ‘leftists’ with questionable analytical skills and/or questionable ideas and/or questionable associates. You don’t need to boycott them for one bad decision, or even a series of bad decisions, but you do need to decide what is worth your time.

If you disagree with platforming certain people in any context, don’t give those videos any views. If they do it a lot, maybe give up on them altogether. And have a think about their other ideas/guests/associates that might have clued you in earlier if you’d picked up on it. Or the trajectory that got them where they are. There are plenty of ‘leftists’ who have ended up in a bad place without necessarily having been a shithead to start with.


Very few people are unemployed for that long. This will primarily punish people who have been put on JSA when they should be on ESA because they’re too sick to work. Many because the NHS waiting lists have been allowed to explode.

Pure cruelty. Which is the point, of course.


Right, for me. Until Windows 11 decided to take the option away.


Too buggy, AFAIK.


There is a little bit of wiggle-room because “double-blind” isn’t fully defined.

It usually means neither the clinician nor the patient know what is being given. But sometimes that is impossible (eg if the comparison is of two types of surgery) so the assessor may be blinded instead. It is also possible to blind the statistician and authors (so they analyse/write up without knowing which treatment is which).

We’ve never got around to making the labels more exact, we just state who is and is not blinded. “Double-blind” and “triple-blind” are often used when two or three parties are blinded but neither term defines exactly who is blinded.


For anyone tempted to make this, make sure you soak the chia seeds for a few hours first. They’re so thirsty for water they can cause some awful bowel problems otherwise.


Easy to do last thing at night, just chuck the chia seeds in with the water and add everything else in the morning.

They’ll keep for days soaking in the fridge so you can make big batches if you prefer.


It’s a reference to the Soviet tanks rolling into Hungary, and later Czechoslovakia, and the Western lefties (originally, the CPGB) who did not get disillusioned by the authoritarianism of the USSR at that time.

Did racist use the "biological advantage" argument when Black athletes started competing alongside white athletes?

Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological...

JoBo, (edited )

It was sort of the opposite at the very start of integrated sports. In the US and UK, at least, it was widely believed that Black men could not play sports simply because they did not, in fact, play (professional) sports. (And of course women were barely allowed to play sport at all in that era.)

Claims that Black people are naturally better at sports came later on, along with reasons why they couldn’t swim, or play tennis or golf, or ride horses, or do any of those sports that coincidentally have more access for kids with wealthy and/or suburban parents.

System justification is an easy game to play. A story for every occasion.


Israeli school

Jewish school. The two terms are not synonymous however convenient some Israeli politicians find it to pretend that they are.


“Israelite” is not a synonym for “Israeli”, either. The poster is conflating “Jewish” with “Israeli” all on their own and that is not OK.


I’m always surprised when people are surprised but then I remember this stuff is largely invisible to approximately half the population.

Here’s the investigation referenced: Women working in Antarctica say they were left to fend for themselves against sexual harassers


Is it testosterone? Or is it greater upper body strength and less fragile necks?


We do have Republicans, but they want to abolish the monarchy rather than abolish freedom for anyone who isn’t a wealthy, straight, white man.


Your autocorrect changed “Depeche” to “Depth”, just in case anyone wanted to find the song.


We don’t have enough fresh water so that is of limited concern.

The big problem with hydrogen is leaks, which we can’t measure well enough yet. But 5% leakage cancels out all the benefits from replacing fossil fuels. And I’d guess hydrogen leaks from natural sources would be even harder to control.

Massive potential from hydrogen but lots of problems to solve.


We have more than enough resources to go around, they’re just badly distributed. And mostly in the hands of people who have a lot of money tied up in Big Carbon.

We can easily produce enough renewable electricity to replace all fossil fuels. Hydrogen has a role in storing renewables, along with batteries and hydro. We just need to get strict about leaks. And improve transport and housing so that we need less fuel to start with.


Lack of space might be a reason why they exist but it’s not the only reason they might be preferable.

How are we feeding people on this planet and what are people doing with their days? If we’re trucking in supplies and everyone is working at MegaCorp, you need skyscrapers. Spread out domes are needed if you’re relying on self-sufficient kitchen gardens and the main purpose of the inhabitants is simply to survive there.


Good point, slightly inaccurately made. They weren’t still paying compensation in 2015. That was the year they finished paying off the debt taken out to pay compensation.


They did identify him. They just didn’t contact her.

Police had known Dexter’s name, and hers, but failed to contact her, instead letting his body go unclaimed for months in the county morgue.

Disgusting behaviour.


Feet often do get smaller when you lose a lot of weight. Partly because feet have layers of fat too, and partly because there’s less weight squishing them out sideways.


I mean, it’s true? I used to have to spend 11 hours a day to get 8 hours in my workplace. Now I spend 8 hours a day to get 8 hours in my workplace. And I start earlier and finish later because I can take longer breaks during the day when no one needs me to be there. And I get more done because I’m not knackered all the time from commuting 3 hours a day.

They’re quids in (unless they’ve based their finances on the capital gains from owning property in a ridiculously expensive city while shunting the costs onto lower paid workers who are forced to commute long hours at their own expense).


It’s the DMV claiming that the footage was withheld, the article was amended to include Cruise’s denial. The facts are in dispute. But what is beyond doubt is that it is the DMV making the claim, not a random journalist. The article includes the Order of Suspension from the DMV citing the reason:

On October 3, 2023. representatives ofthe Department of Motor Vehicles and the California Highway Patrol met with representatives from Cruise to discuss the accident. During the meeting. the department was shown video footage of the accident captured by the AV’s onboard cameras. The video footage presented to the department ended with the AV initial stop following the hard-braking ‘maneuver. Footage ofthe subsequent movement ofthe AV to perform a pullover maneuver was not shown to the department and Cruise did not disclose that any additional movement of the vehicle had occurred after the initial stop ofthe vehicle. The department only learnedof the AV’s subsequent movement via discussion with another government agency. The department requested Cruise provide a copy of the video with the additional footage, which was received by the department on October 13. 2023.

I know that boots are real tasty and all but you’re spending your free time lying to defend a corporation and that is just fucking weird behaviour.


What very clear, explicit label?

The Charged Lemonade was “offered side-by-side with all of Panera’s non-caffeinated and/or less caffeinated drinks” and was advertised as a “plant-based and clean” beverage that contained as much caffeine as the restaurant’s dark roast coffee, according to photos of both the menu and beverage dispensers in the store, which were included in the wrongful death lawsuit.


This is what everyone thought in the '90s. That the internet would be this great place where identity was invisible and so irrelevant.

Turned out everyone just assumed they were talking to a wealthy, straight, white man and many turned nasty if informed otherwise.

Pretending to be blind to identity doesn’t actually solve anything. HTH


are not expecting you to head to the store and get some, just next time you think you should try a different brand of powder a memory circuit fires off in your brain saying “what about Fab or Omo?”

That’s still secondary, I think. Advertising is mostly about getting the stores to stock it so that you can buy it.


Saying the quiet part out loud there.


It’s no good having this as part of the user options. It should be a sheet characteristic and the default should be “keep cells exactly as entered regardless of data type”.


They’re not doing their analysis in Excel. MATLAB solves no problems here?


This feels very click-baity. As far as I can tell, the assisted suicide law is being extended to include people in unbearable pain from mental health problems, not just physical ones. Because substance abuse is classified as a mental health problem, people with drug addictions would have the right to request assisted suicide under this extension to the law.

The objections being raised speak to the same fears many disabled people have about legalising assisted suicide: that people struggling with their health might be, or feel, pressured to end it for the convenience of others, not because it is the best thing for themselves. I assume that the existing law attempts to address this properly, with safeguards against external pressures.

Assisted suicide is most valuable for people who do not have the physical capacity to do it themselves, and do not want to put a loved one at risk of a murder charge. In practice, most people with a serious drug problem can quite easily end it themselves if they want to. Access to assisted suicide doesn’t seem particularly likely to change much, except perhaps offer a more peaceful, dignified death for those who want it anyway.


It’s not an easy one, at all. My answer is the same as that for severely physically disabled people who may feel pressured for reasons external to themselves. And that is funding. People must have the support they need, whether it’s professional care for support with daily living, or adequate treatment programmes, or secure housing from which to rebuild a liveable life.

That is not the world we live in, sadly. I understand why people fear that assisted suicide could be used to disappear a problem by a heartless state, and it’s a reasonable fear, no matter how good the original intentions. This law can only be a good one if real safeguards are in place, with generous collective provision for those of us who find ourselves struggling for whatever reason.


production capacity

No. Purely finance. The rest of the country exists solely to support the financial sector (by making it look like we’re a country and not a tax haven with a massive casino).


Ooh, just over 2% of the eligible population! That “despite” does not belong in the headline. Although to be fair, they’re probably trying not to add negative associations.

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