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I really feel very uncomfortable with the notion of tracking the kids anyway. Arming them with knowledge as best as possible, and as usual showing interest in their behaviour to try and look as best as possible for signs of problems but ultimately kids are still people with their own lives even if people in development. Yes you need to protect them, to a certain extent, but ultimately some of this is no business but their own. You can try to educate and forewarn and hope some of it sticks but the tendency from my memory of being a kid is that that tends to be met with an eye-roll, this is probably where the temptation comes from to track children or drastically restrict the choices they’re able to make so they can’t ignore you but this is hardly a great way for that person in development to ultimately… develop.

This is dicey though, not least because as yet another random person on the internet offering their unsolicited opinion, I don’t even have kids, and if you follow my logic to extremis, you basically have, “let the kids just figure it out on their own they’ll be fine” which definitely won’t apply to everything and can have disastrous consequences in some contexts. But nevertheless I think this concept of tracking, either covertly, or overtly with the intention of making a kind of panopticon effect for the kids, is likely ineffective but even if effective, is indicative of something going wrong with the intent of the surveillance.


Fairly sure that’s cola


I know, just something about it doesn’t look like coffee.


Oh man, been a long time


That fossilised video is still a little bit dangerous. Clicked the link and for some reason it was automatically set to mute which is what I wanted anyway. I accidentally fat fingered the skip to next video button which was annoying and I had to press the previous video button unaware that that for some reason turned off mute.


I know that XKCD comic in particular but I don’t get what’s going on with the image it’s been superimposed on to or what it has to do with it.


Aaah ok. Needs the previous exposure to both images.


If we’re going to dive straight in to the pedantry then: a panini, in English speaking countries is usually referring to a heated sandwich made from bread that is a roll (long rather than square, with an outer crust and sliced lengthways in half), usually some form of Italian bread in keeping with the Italian namesake. Panini’s as far as I’m aware are filled with anything you want, but specifically are heated, usually (or exclusively?) in a press of some kind. Jaffles are like toasties, I’d personally call them a subset of toastie, heated in a specific type of press called a jaffle machine and made only with sliced, square, toast style bread as you’d likely get in a cheap, pre-sliced and packaged loaf. The type of press is important to qualify as a jaffle, as is the bread type and shape because these machines will only fit certain standardised bread types and needs to seal shut during heating. When you put a filled sandwich (with just about any filling combo but almost always with cheese), built with two, square, toasting slices, in to a jaffle machine the shape of the cavity in this machine forces a diagonal division between two opposing corners of the bread which also squashes the filling in to either of the two bread triangles formed on either side of this diagonal. The section of dividing line between the triangles compresses the two slices of bread together in that section, which gets particularly hot and forms a snappable, dark coloured ridge between the two halves of the jaffle. When your jaffle is done, it comes out as a single object with the two halves stuck together by the dividing line, but to eat, you typically apply pressure to each opposing half causing the brittle, dividing line to snap giving you two triangular halves of a sandwich with filling completely sealed inside.

You could perhaps say ‘who calls a panini a toastie for $500?’, because toasties have a much broader, looser definition like paninis. Even though the classic ‘toastie’ will more likely be similar to a jaffle, (though crucially not heated in a jaffle machine and thus not having the jaffle shape imposed upon it), it could actually be any bread and just about any filling (though almost always including cheese), much like a panini.

I really don’t like jaffles and I have noticed a decline in their popularity as I’ve gotten older. They are a good idea in theory, but in practice, because the machine crimps the perimeter of the bread slices together and also the dividing line between the halves as well, you end up with burning hot filling and steam sealed and squashed inside of two bulged areas, one for each triangle. Those crimped edges and dividing line mean eating one involves a chore of biting through a lot of plain, unfilled, nearly burned toast before getting to all the filling which having been trapped inside is ridiculously hot and inevitably burns you. It also means that, the contents tends to get kind of steamed during cooking, making things quite flabby. Much prefer a toastie made in a sandwich press, which is basically a panini press minus the grill lines.

Jimmycrackcrack, (edited )

Jaffles and their associated machine are represented here

Toasties here and here, and here, and here where it doesn’t even have a lid, and this one which should really just be called a Reuben but the Aussies stick “toastie” on as a suffix.

Note the variety of breads and fillings. Toasties are a very flexible concept.Those toasties have been cooked any number of ways, under a grill (broiler to the yanks), in a pan, hell even a toaster followed by a microwave, also very commonly in one of these, a sandwich press, which as you can see is flat and and does not seal. Those also sometimes come with little ridges for grill lines like the American panini presses, but I prefer this style as it’s more versatile.

If you google image search toasties you’ll probably see a few jaffles in the results but if you search jaffles you’re going to pretty much only see… jaffles, which have that characteristic shape imposed by that particular machine.

In conclusion all jaffles are toasties, but not all toasties are jaffles. If it’s been made in a machine that imposes that particular jaffle shape on to it by way of sealing the sandwich in like a waffle iron, then it’s a jaffle.

Can you prevent the lockout screen from occurring during display sleep when streaming to chromecast?

On my MBP, if I’m streaming something to the chromecast for any appreciable length of time the display sleeps. That’s not a bad thing, it’s supposed to do that, but the trouble is, if I want to pause playback, it’s not a matter of simply hitting the pause key to immediately pause. This is because pressing any key wakes...

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America' (deleted in The Guardian because of TikTok) (web.archive.org)

I just found out that Osama Bin Laden’s “Letter to America” has been doing its rounds on TikTok but I haven’t seen anything about it been posted here on Lemmy about it. Perhaps people already know about it, I’m not sure. This is a link to the wayback machine. The original in the guardian has just been deleted after...


It’s my first time reading it. In those early days and years after the attacks, as a kid, I found it difficult to find exactly this though I was looking for it. Probably, it wouldn’t have been hard to find if I’d tried a little harder, given how old this major newspaper article is, but certainly nothing like this ever graced the airwaves or was circulated in print via Australian media in my home country. When I asked people what exactly this guy really wanted the answers were split between the ridiculously obviously bullshit line about terrorists hating freedom (which somehow also encapsulated Australian freedom but resulted in America getting attacked); and the more sympathetic view about American and western hypocrisy and bombing people. The latter might have seemed like the answer was there but it was vague, probably because people were unlikely to have read this and there were so many similar acts of violence and hypocrisy it’d be hard to say which ones specifically. That never quite explained it to me either because while less self serving and favourable, I found it unlikely that our hypocrisy in the west would annoy someone half a world away enough to carry out violence any more than our “freedom” would unless more specific “damages” had been inflicted because of that hypocrisy. The letter is enlightening because even though it’s mostly the same answer, because it’s more concrete in its specific grievances. At least at first blush.

That said, it does read, as you say as kind of lip service to each and every cause celebre listed as part of a general anger and to an extent it also kind of showed me that at least to a degree “democracy” and “freedom” sort of were mentioned in there as part of the rationale for jihad. This was curious because there seems to be a contempt in there for democracy as a system and its values combined with decrying how it has been undermined and corrupted by America and Americans and phrased in a way which seems unaware that the implication is that if America and the west were more true to their professed values there wouldn’t be a problem, even though he seems to an extent to actually have a problem with those values themselves.

I think people are duly interested and surprised to read this and to discover that it’s actually reasonably easy to understand and contains at times points that are understand-able in the sense that one could sympathise because while it probably was easy enough to find if really looking, this hasn’t in my experience been given much daylight. People have always spoken for Osama Bin Laden and his ilk and the vagueness has always given his motives an air of mysteriousness because they morphed in to the views of whatever puppeteer was speaking for him at any time. It made him inscrutable and for me made his actual reasons something I could assume were very complex. This sets it out mostly pretty clearly with the occasional steering in to rantings of an old angry religious guy. Our media, whilst presumably never banning or censoring this, (this is the guardian after all, it’s pretty major) tended to keep it pretty quiet despite exhaustive coverage of experts saying what they thought it was all about. It makes the popularisation of this much later feel a bit like discovering a hidden text, even if hidden in plain sight.

It’s interesting what you said about Saudi Arabia, but then if that was what really set him off enough to escalate things to this new level, why didn’t he mention it? It seems given everything else that warranted a mention this could have been framed as he saw it and continue to support his point.


I don’t understand what is meant by posting this in this context.

why do hangover symptoms come on in waves

Something I’ve always noticed and am going through now. Sometimes I’ll drink too much the night before and be concerned about a hangover the next morning. Morning comes, and almost always my first thought is “gee I feel like shit but actually this is way less bad then I was expecting” this misplaced optimism gets washed...


One of the devilish features of the enjoyment of alcohol is that it likens itself to excess. You tend to drink it in a social setting and that setting makes it more fun to drink and then the drinking makes the actual social occasion more fun in turn. It also, obviously, feels good while you’re drinking it and getting drunk, which tends to make you want to drink even more of it because you’re enjoying the experience so much. On top of that, obviously, it makes you drunk, and as you probably know, being drunk doesn’t tend to make for very good decision making so thoughts like “you might be enjoying this a lot, but you should stop now, then you won’t be sick tomorrow” tend to give way to “nah I feel fine right now, so it’ll definitely be a good idea to have another and definitely won’t be a terrible idea come tomorrow. Also, that’s tomorrow’s problem anyway”.

Have a hangover enough times in your life and this dynamic happens less often since even the drunk happy version of me remembers somehow the deeply unpleasant experience of a hangover from last time and stops before it’s too late but unfortunately, every now and then the lesson has to be re-learned.


I’ll probably try to simply not drink too much, but that said, this is good to know.


It’s not really a practicality thing. Digital equipment is well able to deal with the data quantities of 4k and above that as well and it’s a lot faster and more flexible to deal with because there’s no need to process the dailies in the film lab before you can watch them and people can also make colour corrections live on set to try things out. It’s also easier to make backup copies right away because again, you can do it right there on set so you have backups almost as soon as you’ve shot.

It used to be that the majority of major film releases continued to be film even as the consumer space had already adopted digital formats and this was mainly because of a lack of ability to match the quality of film with digital options and also just inertia from an industry that had a whole infrastructure and set of practices around film.

But quite some time ago now it’s been possible to get digital cinematic cameras “comparable” to film and it has largely taken over as far as I understand, (certainly on the low end where I can speak from experience but my understanding is even major big budget productions too). Where you hear that something isn’t shot digital, it’s usually because that fact is a point of interest in itself and hence remarked upon. In those cases it’s usually an aesthetic choice and part of why I put “comparable” in quotes because it kind of depends on what metric you’re comparing and some maintain that there are unique characteristics to film that they want to preserve in the movies they make, Christopher Nolan is a particularly ardent example of this.

In those cases, even when shot on film, it’s very rare for it to be projected from a film print and is almost always a digital copy of the movie projected through a digital projector and a server.


It’s definitely the tech getting in the way of the experience. There’s comments to be made about the gimmicky nature of content made for 3d but if it really took off you’d eventually see stand out art and ultimately it would become so standard and expected that even for a film not taking particular advantage it’d probably be there, literally, adding another dimension to the experience of the film. The problem is, in all it’s history we just haven’t figured out a way that isn’t clunky and irritating on the viewing side. A pair of plastic glasses may seem a pretty minor inconvenience but people balk at that type of thing and only have the desire and patience for it during brief spikes where it re-emerges as a fad.

It also, from memory suffers from making the films seem darker, the glasses are prone to being lost, or scratched. To make them comfortable you’d really have to make them as good as actual glasses, which are expensive. It’s also problematic from a theatrical perspective because a session has to be 3d only, you can’t have people in the same session watching it without glasses, the screening is unwatchable without them so you have to tie up 2 screens with a 3d and 2d version. I think I recall hearing about advances the last time this fad was big, where they finally didn’t need glasses, but it resulted in narrow viewing angle requirements.

If you’re picking up a theme here, it’s that all the complaints are about the practicalities of the tech, not necessarily the entertainment value of 3d itself. The trouble comes when that entertainment, while fun, isn’t worth it.


I somewhat wonder what Palestinians would think of this one-state solution they put forward here no matter how well reasoned, considering what’s come before and what’s happening now. Besides that though this is clear eyed and well explained and with a unique perspective given South Africa’s own history.


Also, a union has members that do the same job but don’t work at that specific company, so in this hypothetical dispute, not only do they lose all their unionised workers already on the pay role, but it’s harder to hire replacements as well.


It’s also been pointed out before that they also somehow can’t produce good quality textiles either.


In my experience the least thorough interpretation seems to be the most accepted.

Whats the best budget friendly way to transfer vhs tapes

Hiya, pretty much the title. I have a dozen tapes I want to backup before age takes its toll. My basic idea after watching some videos online is to buy a hardware based upscaler that can interface with my vcr then throw that signal to a video capture card and record on my computer. I’ll go with name brands to avoid problems...


Are you sure that you need to upscale with the hardware? It’s just that, the signal is interlaced on VHS and good interlaced scaling can be elusive. I haven’t tried hardware based options, but software based ones can be good or bad and I find it useful to try different ones until something works well, but if you’re putting the scaler in front of the capture card then you’ve got no opportunity to try a different scaler if the results aren’t great. This is particularly important if you later plan to deinterlace the footage because of the interlaced scaling isn’t done well, this hampers the deinterlacing and can give worse results and in some cases there is no interlaced scaling done at all and the fact that the source signal is interlaced is just ignored which greatly hinders deinterlacing later on.


Another thing to consider is whether you do indeed actually have to deinterlace at all. The answer is probably yes, but I do try to have a kind of an archivist’s or museum curator’s approach to this kind of thing and not alter the source more than necessary. If you have equipment you can watch the material on that can display interlaced fields as the source intended then you can avoid having to deinterlace or even necessarily upscale anything at all. Realistically though I’d imagine you’d want to watch this on equipment that will only display progressive frames and if you don’t like the comb’s teeth effect you’d want to deinterlace. Scaling, whether software or hardware is again another question mark depending on how you’d want to watch these when you watch them. Ultimately you’d probably watch on a higher resolution device than the TVs VHS was intended for and likely physically larger as well so upscaling would be understandable, but still worth considering if you can skip altogether.


I dunno I think it’s mighty convenient for these old villains to assume it’s as easy for those of us coming after whilst conveniently failing to acknowledge that they’re immortal. I mean for most us, being 412 would really put a damper on your ability to perpetrate evil. By the time we’re 100 it’s pretty difficult to do much of anything before needing a cup of tea and a lie down.


I’ve never used twitch. You can’t preload? Like, you can’t just pause while someone does their paid spot and then skip past it?


I only ever had it bug me about this once with ublock on as it’s always been and I thought it was going to be some kind of several warnings then refusing to work thing and I’d have to follow some specific steps to restore functionality of the site with adblock on but it seems to have fixed itself because it just doesn’t hassle me about it ever now and I didn’t do a thing.


Yesterday my cat pulled the garbage bin over in my office and pulled it’s entire contents out on to the floor so she could use a napkin as a little bed for herself.


Which aspect of this would have been controversial, since you bring it up?

Jimmycrackcrack, (edited )

The interesting thing about how this question plays out in my mind is that it seems obvious Trump is worse, but I feel more annoyed and offended about Bush than Trump, and I think, given I’m not even American, part of why that is, is that a similar feeling lingers with respect to the Australian Prime Minister during Bush’s term. A man for whom I feel special kind of hatred, John Howard.

I really fucking hate John Howard despite some of the conservatives that came after him being arguably dumber and more embarrassing and making even crazier decisions. I don’t think we ever had our Trump moment despite some spectacularly shit tier leaders since, but nevertheless they were their own special kind of ridiculous. It’s a toss up who our closest equivalent is but I’d say probably Tony Abbott followed closely by one of his successors, Scott Morrison.

Where I’m going with this, and how it relates to Bush v. Trump, is that in their case and in the Australian context, it feels like they’re responsible if so much of the bad stuff that’s gone on since. It’s Prime Minister John Howard’s fault that we later got Tony Abbot and after him Scott Morrison, and it’s John Howard’s fault that we got mixed up in Iraq for no godamn reason, and John Howard’s fault that perverse cruelty came to be regarded as political courage and strength and also the only viable path towards electoral success.

The thing with Howard, as with Bush, is that they feel to me like they represent the people we got, right at the crossroads point in time when it was still possible to pull back from where we’ve ended up, and they both failed utterly, seemingly instead to hit the accelerator. At a certain stage when you hear about Donald Trump doing something stupid or asinine or brazenly corrupt, I almost can’t summon the will to be mad at him personally. It’s now just par for the course and it would feel like getting angry with a chimpanzee for throwing faeces at the wall instead of making sound policy decisions. Yes it’s galling that the decisions are so poor and irrational, but at the same time, it’s a chimpanzee that somehow got to hold political office so honestly, what did we expect?

I’m not sure exactly when the shift occurred but it feels like somewhere post-Bush and post Howard, we stopped having politicians who, while we won’t always agree with, we can assume are acting in what they at least think are everyone’s best interests (even if we believe them to be wrong). Instead we moved to no longer even having real candidates with actual goals, just personified contempt and rampant self interest. It’s like frail, fallable and flawed human beings, for all their faults, got replaced instead with joke cartoon characters, so it’s tough to keep holding them to the same standard because they’re not even real candidates just cruel jokes.

This feeling kind of makes me so much angrier with Bush and Howard that they were the last people that could have done something and instead they just let this happen because at least they got to win. The lasting effects both in terms of policy impact and just the overall cultural landscape that they have wrought upon the world are the seeds of every psychopathic lunatic that has since followed them. Tony Abbott, and Donald Trump were basically grown from seeds sown in the nursery of fucked up self interest that those assholes cultivated.


Shit scared of this myself, that’s why I have an email client even though I was pretty happy with the web browser. At least there’s local copies. Already lost my hotmail account in a similar manner. Suddenly my password was considered incorrect, no means of recovery because I wasn’t keen on giving them personal info. I guess this somewhat proved their point but it all seems a bit fucked. My password was fine, had been using it since 1998.


I’m new to Simple Login, though I’ve used throwaway addresses like mytrashmail (with no link to my real email of course) for a while. What I wonder is, if Sony are fussy about Proton, why do simplelogin domains not trip them up? That would seem even dodgier if you thought only services like Google’s were trustworthy.


So, what happens if you don’t stop using so to start sentences?


Well, don’t take the bait.


This has me thinking, could I have a cheaper microwave with no window? I mean i guess the window has saved me a few times because of stuff getting over-nuked but I never even considered the idea of not having one.


Now the interesting part of the question. Most of us are probably pretty against the idea of slavery, but if you managed to pull back the curtain and found out it really was poor little enslaved elves in your dishwasher scrubbing all your dishes for you, would you say anything, and go back to scrubbing your dishes yourself and also try and find housing and a support network and medical and psychological services for the now freed elves? Or would you maybe just try to forget what you saw and keep putting your dishes in the magic cleaning box?


me too, but I was disappointed it didn’t really make much difference. Though I did figure out recently I might have just been under-dosing. Really hard to tell on my dishwasher as it provides no instructions on quantities, and the fill lines don’t make and sense because while it has the 2 receptacles for the pre-wash and wash settings, they’re tiny shallow dimples that both reside in the same larger cavity for power but have no dividing wall between them. So if you fill the wash section up to the minimum (which is a surprisingly large amount), it necessarily spills over in to the prewash section. It also has no recommendations for differing levels, despite having minimum and max fill lines, so I don’t know when I would fill to one or the other and then to top it all off, no mention of the concept of filling anything at all in to the pre-wash section, despite having some kind of pre-wash settings and a dedicated spot in to which you’d pour the powder for pre-wash. It also makes no sense for that pre-wash section to be there, because in the video and on older dishwashers, the wash and pre-wash recepticals have their own doors that flip open at different times, hence pre-wash, but on mine, both of the little indentations in to which you could pour powder are in the same cavity with the same door. It’s weird, they clearly didn’t expect anyone in this day and age would still use powder even if it’s theoretically better. I’ve been making up a quantity to put in to the pre-wash, assuming it helps but really no idea.


doesn’t matter, had pizza.


there’s something really funny about the idea of the hitherto metaphorical kids on one’s lawn clipping the lawn, and that being the thing that gets the old guy all grumpy in this scenario. Like not loitering or doing drugs, just unauthorised lawn maintenance.


This has been happening to me recently. It’s like my patience for a piece of music has become wire thin. I’ll flick from song to song rejecting everything before hearing something I think I might like and I do like it, for about 30s then suddenly I start to feel really irritated by it and bored and impatient like I want them to get to the point, but it doesn’t make sense because there’s not really going to be somewhere the music is necessarily arriving at, you’re supposed to be enjoying the whole thing. I don’t know what’s happened to me. Hope it’s temporary.


Nah much more mundane. It seems to have coincided with me taking on a job where I’m dealing with lots of little problems popping up like wildfire that I have to rapidly respond to only for my efforts to be undone by a new disaster.

I’ve actually been doing pretty well at it, but it seems to have put me in a kind of “yeh yeh yeh whatever let’s just hurry up” state of mind that is somehow leaching in to my leisure habits. It’s like I’m trying to wrestle satisfaction out of the things I enjoy rather than just enjoying and appreciating doing the things themselves. Like, “I need to get X amount of pleasure units out of this thing before I have to go back to work and I just want to get it now in case something comes up, so can’t we just skip to the part where I’ve already felt satisfied by hearing the song without having to actually sit around listening to it?”


It was supposed to be a short engagement that dragged on for some 2 to 3 times the expected duration. The last day, (one of several supposed last days should be this coming Monday).

I’m not too concerned about the impacts on my well being. If I was doing this for what I expected to be years I’d basically be demanding a lot of changes and I’d be personally taking on a lot of less of the burden of getting the ailing project over the line but given the expected short duration I’ve just been trying very hard to help get things underway and moving and also for the more selfish reason of kind of wanting a rest now.

Jimmycrackcrack, (edited )

Oh man, just wait till they pin it on the libtards causing crop failures and storms and flooding all because they didn’t persecute people enough and didn’t hand out enough free money to billionaires.


It sounds like it’s in the context of sentencing and in the context seemingly of some discussion about their chances at rehabilitation so I imagine it was meant in that sense. “Good luck on your journey towards being not being a piece of shit any more”. Doesn’t sound like that journey is progressing very well though considering they immediately declared their innocence after entering guilty pleas and then spouted anti Semitic and homophobia remarks to the press outside court and walked off.


Are they underrated though. Most people seem to like them

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