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I thought that was the point?


Yeah everything I can find on the subject shows that dehydration is just one of the many factors in a hangover, and isn’t the main one. The primary cause seems to be an immune system response that we do not understand, caused by factors, other than you drank alcohol, we do not know.


People have survived mass famine from the incompetency of their leaders and those leaders have stayed alive.


Yeah, the joke isn’t just that Mexican food gave them the shits, it’s that we still eat knowing that is the case because its so fucking good.


This is correct in a sense. While the US has a decent amount of stand out technology, comparably good training, comparably well equipped soldiers, etc. The true power of the US military is the world wide infrastructure it has developed to get whatever force needed, to where ever force is needed, within a few hours to 3 days. So, yeah, the US military being able to deploy fast food chain restaurants pretty much anywhere in the world, is a demonstration of it’s reach and resources, if an unconventional one.


Not only did he employ “I have a black friend, so I am not racist” tactic for this, but he took it further. He claimed her suicide was due to the amount of harassment that she got for being friend’s with him, and standing up for him on social media.

However, people looked through her entire social media presence, which was out there for anyone to see. She got very, very, little harassment because of Chappelle. Reading through her posts though, it became clear why she did, actually, do it though. She was in the process of fighting a legal battle for custody rights of her child. She said many times that if she were to completely lose custody she would kill herself. Guess what ruling she received shortly before her suicide? Complete loss of custody.

Also, Chappelle claimed she was, or was one of, his best friends. However he didn’t go to the viewing, or the funeral, or help assist her family with costs, or anything substantial. He sent a card.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.


Wile this is something that can be generally applied to fast food restaurants, this is a problem with basically all industries, many of which exist in a space where their customers are stuck with them. EG a lot of people are stuck with walmart because they are often literally the only place around or the only place around people on the lower half of income can afford.


Yes, they also work in a fashion where they don’t truly step on the toes of walmart, lest they also be crushed.


A laser beam we fired in an experiment with very long distance communications tech.


This could easily be a scene in the US too.


You are bound for a long life, greatness, admiration, and loyal associates.


Are pb and j with bananas not common where pb and j is common?


You should try it, but use some actual jam. My favorite with banana is strawberry and blueberry.


Unfortunately, you should vote for the lesser of two evils. Biden is shit, but he isn’t a fascist/theocrat.

Locally, look for candidates that want to push for election reformation, push these initiatives yourself, look for activists groups promoting it. Getting rid of first past the post voting is the first step in opening the door for more than 2 parties.


OK, you do this, get back to me when it accomplishes something.

Jiggle_Physics, (edited )

Not voting is simply an absolute capitulation. The voting system reform thing is already starting, labor organization is growing faster than it has in decades, state constitutions across the US are being changed for the progressive, even in red states like Ohio.

What has not voting accomplished?


Have fun standing aside and doing nothing to stop them. Your choice to not participate is simply authorization to continue on the same path without resistance.


No, I am busy working for campaigns for my city and state level government bodies. People who want to change the first past the post voting system that cements the system we have. People who are against the fascist israeli government, as well as the US’s participation is constant destabilization of nations around the world. I have a much larger impact on my local government who, in turn, are my representatives with power balanced against the executive office.

One of our most successful campaigns was the recent amendment change to enshrine abortion access. Also our promotion of information about Jim Jordan’s proven role in protecting Sandusky is one of the more successful methods this state has seen in terms of turning people from a political party. We are also working to keep Sobe out of our area as we have spent billions cleaning the pollution from the steel mills and Sobe will just revert things. So, I am stretched a little thin on that front.

What have you done? Are you willing, or capable, to maybe take up arms to change things? Do you have any experience in life that would make you have some idea if you could? What have you done besides decide you are better than people for allowing these things to go on without challenge?


“I’ve been busy with certain things that aren’t the next game of voteball.”

I believe you


I did answer your question, I am actively working where I have the most impact, and putting my vote where it will have the least shitty impact I have access to. If you need a more granular answer: What I do work for locally is undermining Trump’s, and his ilk’s, foundation. This happens by some of things I mentioned we have accomplished. By using Jordan’s proven past as a pedophile protector, while talking to people face to face, we have seen more people switch their vote than on any other piece of information we have records for. By getting progressive amendments written into the constitution we make it much harder for it to be over-turned. By going around showing people our efforts actually led to better legal structures for weed, abortion rights, the school system, the local economy, historic crime rates, and turned people away from the GOP, it is markedly encouraging people to vote. The more people who vote, the less likely the greater of two evils is elected.

Voting straight ticket democrat means you are also voting for people who agree with biden on palastine. Not voting for the president is increasing the probability for trump, or someone worse, to get in office, instead of biden. If biden is still the democratic candidate, he will still be better than any of the republicans running against him. The majority of people don’t vote. People who are more aligned with the democrats are more likely not to vote than republicans. This is how people even worse than biden are an actual possibility. Even the republicans acknowledge that the more people that vote, the less likely they are to get elected.


You also declined to answer my question about what you do. So, what is it?


Because biden has massive money interest in his campaign, where as my local government office holders do not. I have finite time and resources, they have finite time and resources, I have a larger impact on them, they have a larger impact on me. All the money in the world is already going into the corporatist’s campaign to vi for my vote, and I am casting it. With the exception of interpersonal connections I am not going to change people’s mind about Biden because they are already inundated with campaign propaganda about him. Every time I have campaigned for a presidential candidate, one that has a chance of actually winning, I never got “oh, I didn’t know much, or anything, about them, I didn’t realize their positions, now I am going to consider this information” where as I get that pretty often with local candidates. So, my vote goes to the tally of the lesser evil, my campaigning subjects are better served by my time, and their exposure supports the president ultimately as well.

Where as you do nothing in support of Biden, while doing something that is well understood to actually benefit his, worse, competitors. This is the difference. Your actions benefit the trumps out there, mine support their detractors at that level.

“The result with the most harm reduction is a split government with Democrats in control of the Legislature, because if Trump was president Democrats would oppose Israel’s genocide.”

Do you actually believe this? If you do, I am sorry to inform you, that you are wrong. One of the handful of things both the GOP and the DNC are in hard agreement on is Israel. Those running against Biden for the GOP are not discussing how they wouldn’t support such a horrific act, they are discussing how he isn’t doing enough. Even when trump, and bush, and daddy bush, etc. were thumping for Israel, the DNC was right their going “uh-huh, yup, no, I agree, yes, of course.” They might make some small grandstanding about how, while they totally support isreal’s right to defend it’s self, maybe the GOP is a little much, while they try to crush the voices of anyone who disagrees in their party, just like now. The DNC and the GOP are both pro destabilizing other countries who don’t bow to our trade, they are both pro indiscriminate killing of people in countries who spurn our trade, they are both willing to slaughter innocent people for corporate profits. The DNC, being a more varied party, has a larger number of detractors, and their base, being more varied, has a large number of detractors, so there is room to wedge open a change against supporting these things. That is the only thing that might make the democrats “better” in this situation.


Now you are just stretching to keep your argument seeming sound.

I do both, so I acknowledge they are both worth doing, you are the one who is not. When we had Obama running I actually did work for him because he made the pr move to use mostly grass roots initiatives because it looked great for him, and he didn’t need to get the massive corporate campaign sponsors. Not so much for his re-election though.

The DNC opposed the GOP moving the embassy to Jerusalem, we already had one in Israel. They didn’t do this to spite the GOP, nor because they do not support Israel, they did it because it’s stupid to move the embassy away from the most important political location in the country to a place simply to pander to the second coming crowd. That is what it was too, pandering on the part of the GOP to their base, the actual politicians running the show didn’t actually give a shit. The reasoning was completely different and would not apply to israel massacring palastinians due to a hammas attack.

The GOP wants to disrupt the war in Ukraine because they are in bed with russia, ukraine kicked the russian puppet GOP operatives helped to install out, and they don’t have as strong of business ties there. So they are picking the country they get the most money from. Which, again, is different than what would happen in israel.

Partisanship is a useful tool for confounding empire, but the situation with helping israel bomb brown people that continually buck US hegemony is not a point of contention that can be used in this way.

Even when the GOP was raising it’s hackles, in public, about obama attacking libya, they actually did nothing to stop it. They let it happen because knocking down a country that was refusing to cooperate with the petrodollar was in their interest. So they himmed and hawed on cspan and fox but did nothing to actually disrupt it.


Yes, orange man bad, specifically orange man worse than democrats. The GOP raising it’s hackles over libya isn’t what created the tea party that led to the maga hats. It was a small, slow growing movement as the democrats alienated rust belt blue collar workers. It exploded into the forward momentum that turned into the maga cult when a black man was elected president. I was traveling around with a camera man friend of mine collecting b-roll of the tea party at the time for a news station. We spent a lot of time sitting just outside of groups of tea partiers, listening to them, from state to state. They felt alienated and then a black man was elected and they lost their shit. Trump simply took that and ran with it. He succeeded because people felt the way about Hillary you do about Biden. Now we have lost the judiciary, possibly for decades, to theocrats.

The members of the DNC who are strongly against what is happening in Israel do not have the influence, and wont have it in time, to do anything for palastine.

I have read many first hand accounts from people leading up to highly authoritarian take overs, and there is a lot of rhetoric from people who were sure that shutting themselves off to politics, not voting for the lesser evil, etc. was reasonable, that it was the only way to exercise influence over politicians they weren’t happy about, and that if those extremist reactionaries got into office they would implode and the other side would have to grow a spine as people got fed-up with their bullshit. Spoiler, those parties did implode, but only after taking over and installing something far worse than the status quo. They stayed there until enough violence was applied to stop them, or they ruined their economies so badly that they collapsed. No one living in the aftermath, who maintained this rhetoric, said “worth it!” in the end.

Have you read the 2025 project? If you haven’t I highly suggest reading it. It spends almost 1k pages detailing exactly why much of what you say is meaningless to them, and actually would help them in pulling this shit off.

here - Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise Poject 2025 The Presidential Transition Project


If you haven’t read it, well, the most egregiously opposed to your political/philosophical alignment element has literally published their play book, or war stratagem, if you will. If you want to think you know anything about what the GOP plans to do, here it is, what they have spent about 50 years laying the groundwork for, in fine detail.


Reading comprehension

when discussing the zeitgeist of politics leading up to a historic even and listing some of them, saying many people were shutting themselves off to politics, not voting for the lesser evil, etc. It does not mean everyone, nor the person I am addressing, is doing all of those things. It means that is a quick example of the various types of things that were common at the time. You fall into the second one because you are specifically not doing that with the presidency.

You did not read the 2025 Project plan. It is designed to specifically nullify the effects of most local voting powers by using a lot of legally questionable “powers” of the executive office. Meaning the only thing stopping it from being allowed is the USSC, you know, the one they stacked specifically for this, when people took your stance with Hillary. Don’t comment on something you haven’t read.


No, I named 2 common ideas I saw espoused reading first hand accounts leading up to said historical events, one of which is exactly what you did, the other is also a common talking point for the same general crowd. It’s not my fault you can’t parse a tiny amount of information. How is pointing out that what you are doing, which I am arguing is bad if you don’t want a more authoritarian government, has historically been a common thought process leading up to authoritarian control, a strawman? It is literally a historical example of what happens in the type of situation being discussed.

Don’t read the document for an internet argument, read it because it is an important piece of information to understand if you want to participate with society in an informed manner. Simply don’t comment on the scenario when you don’t even know what it is.


Houses with shit like this are all over the Northeast and Midatlantic. My grandmother’s house in Pittsburgh had stairs that went up to the second floor and just had doors on either side at the top in similar manner to this. At some point they cut down one stair and installed a landing so that the doors weren’t hanging precariously like this. Considering how these row houses were nearly identical I would imagine most of the houses in the neighborhood had that set-up too.

Shit, there was a small house in the rear of the property next door that had it’s electrical box in the shower. They weren’t made to change it, or stop renting it out, until the lat 80s.


“He’s not a man, he’s a chicken boo”


Sleeps in suit and tie. Wakes up and puts on something more comfortable to lounge in.


oh shit you are right. I though that was like an open button up over a white under shirt.

Jiggle_Physics, (edited )

That and the way that funding for rural hospitals has been declining for decades and more and more rural hospitals are closing. This could be avoided by a bipartisan bill to change the way in which medicaid/medicare payment rates are determined. However, insurance companies, and the far right, are, of course, working against this.


Just looked it up. Seems like Florida only prohibits using flashing/rotating red and blue, or just blue, lights for select emergency vehicles. So, if this person was not turning these lights on in public, then they might not be violating the law.


Had an English teacher that did this. Once asked if I could go to the bathroom and he replied with this statement. So I said “Not if you don’t let me.” He rolled his eyes and called me a smart ass, like he wasn’t. Yoi, I hated that guy.


I wish this was his worst problem. Dude was a mess and he took it out on us.

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