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Every story needs a love interest


I think its like Akira for anime.

When so many people have done similar things but have improved and refined those things before you see the original, its very hard to have that same reaction to it.

Like people shitting on Greta Van Fleet for sounding like a Zepplin 2.0.

Have multiple generations come since the last time zepplin was on tour? Yes.

Does the world not get to enjoy people who sound like that live in concert because zepplin existed and there are unmistakable similarties? Kinda shitty if so


I think you might like some of the lesser known systems. Your perspective would fit in(or at least it would have a place in) well with systems that represent a world setting that is a little darker brutal savage or just more open.

Burning Wheel, GURPS, Savage World and just about any World of Darkness version/flavour


What many people dont often do is create their own spells. It takes a lot of time and effort to come up with, and not completely break the game balance. But its really a wonderful part of the game when done within the context of “dont be an asshole gamer”

Creating unique elements for your characters/campaigns is some of the more rewarding experiences ive had with ttrpg.

That being said im too lazy and have generally just played hack n slash/murder hobo type games

But only mostly.

The best gaming experiences ive found are the ones where creativity is rewarded without disrespecting the table and overall group. When you have players collaborating over some idea they think is really good or just exciting to them, if its really dumb and stupid its probably going to be very satisfying when the dm controls the consequences well but goes with it(even the negative ones!)

Failure should always be made to be simply a different path not a roadblock(sometimes that does mean rolling new character or whole party!)

Edit: had to fix a sentence. But also want to add a shout out to all the awsome DMs out there that let us get to play the games. Its not easy and it can be a lot of work but thank you even if ill never meet you

Jarix, (edited )

Look harder. Theres tons of good music out there still being made.

Here a free modern rock streaming service. No ads no bullshit just a DJ playin music and chatting with/to the audience and musicians


Former Radio DJ started his own online music station because of how much good music wasnt allowed to be played on commercial radio.

(If anyone cares i support him on patreon when i can mods if im not allowed to plug this free service ill delete and my apologies)


Sorry didnt mean to come off as a dick if thats how you read it.

just trying to help connect you with good music because ive put a lot of effort into recapturing the feeling about music i had in the 90s and ive been able to by not listening to the radio. I think the best thing for me was to find other people who are waaaaay more connected to whats going on out there and letting them serve the roll that radio used to for me

Peace and love and excellent music to you friend


At any age you are, there is a difference between the age you feel and the age your peers look to you.

If you dont spend time around a variety of people you are unlikely to readjust your mental image of what the age you feel looks like.

How many new people do you spend time with on a regular basis.

How do you spend your time?

When we are younger we are constantly put into a situation where you are surrounded by people your own age that you see every week multiple times(typically school and other group based hobbies like sports) but also people who are 1 to 5 years your junior and senior who you may not talk with much but they are still a part of what you encounter all the time.

As you get older this environment shifts. Post highschool students start to see their classmates diversify in age. They are still your peers but age isnt no longer (as much) the defining factor of who you will engage with and work with, but its usually not suddenly all your classmates are now more than a few years older or younger than you.

This starts to expand but also stunt your change in what your perceptionnof what you see around you and who you see as a reflection of what people your age look like.

And those who dont continue education are typically just entering a workforce and now have a lot less people like them around them. Age at work places are much more varied, but its also different depending on the field you work in.

Life starts to get weird in your 20s because its not the same as your experience of the people you see as your own age(among other things).

But we also typically have stopped growing taller by this point. Which i think adds a lot.

So when you as a 20 something now start getting to know people who could be or almost be your parents you have been trained to recognize age as a qualifier, and at 14 you probably should see age as a good indicator of people who are likely to be people you can relate to.

Its easier to see differences than similarities. They jump out at you. Like boiling a frog you dont know that things are changing so you dont react the same way as if you are suddenly hit with it.

Of course this isnt everyones experience, but it does happen enough that its worth giving some thought to.


I think you mean Santa Cruz? The sante fe is/was an suv


New? Hyundai santa cruz is probably your best bet.

If you are okay with older/used vehicles i would look for a japan import garage/dealership

(Im in canada but have seen many of these types of places across the country that import those small trucks)


The rocksmith game might help you.

Even guitarhero/rockband will help you with using your fingers and will help when you want to try a real guitar. Muscle memory might not be great but for someone who is just doing it for fun it will be helpful getting your fretting and strumming coordination. And them being games might help fend off the adhd enough to keep you motivated to pick it up again after putting it down


Lenovo was IBMs manufacturing arm until they separated. Age of incident is important

Why do people hate on mobile games, call them "not real games" and mock them, when some mobile-exclusive games are the best games I've played?

The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don’t even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do....


I watched the videos of minigore and boxhead someone posted

Looks like a couple steam games i have. Vampire Survivors (which just came out with couch co op mode)

And another one i was gifted that im very much enjoying is Halls of Torment

But they are retro 2d games so you probably arent interested at all. Basically the same genre so should be very relatable if you ever develop a stomach for it. But they will always be there if you ever change enough and start to feel nostalgic

Going back to your original point is phones because of their nature are very limited. From battery life to using half of the screen for the controls.

The types of games created usually have a better version on other devices.

But when it all boils down to it phones arent developed as gaming devices so devices that are designed to be gaming devices will naturally give developers the best tools to utilize that just a phone isnt going to offer.

None of this means you cant have more fun with a mobile game. Your experiences are your own. But when talking about things in a broader perspective rather than a personal one, its gonna be hard to compete with gaming specific devices.

Much like a pc assembled for gaming is going to offer a massive advantage over a literal supercomputer because in spite of the massive advantage in computing power, the latest super computer just isnt designed to play games, or rather, games arent designed for super computers so the superior hardware is not taking advantage of its capabilities.

I would be very interested in what a game designed for a supercomputer would be able to do, probably some VR thing that would blow all our minds, but until enough people have one in their home, whos gonna figure out what to do with all them FLOPS for a game?

Staggering would be the cost to develop such a game and it just isnt possible to recoup the cost of such a thing.

Again would love to see what the people who could do it would do with it but it wont happen in my lifetime and i could maybe see the year 2100 if science helps me out or im just freakishly lucky

I should note the best game ive ever played is a text based multiplayer game you can play on a telnet program (if it still existed) and was a free game. Nothing like it exists for me today, but i would play it again if i could get ahold of it. Its basically a text based mmo or what is the closest thing to it. It was probably wow that killed it


Because you are making an assumption that they did talk to them. Most people avoid confrontation whenever possible(in my experience).

People often need to vent when they are overfrustrated by not being able to resolve a problematic scenario, or are not able to remove themselves from being around the situation that is causing them the stress(like when co workers are being toxic af at each other and keep.dragging you into it and you are stuck working next to it all day because your desk is in the same area etc)


Celcius. Water freezes at 0 and boils at 100

Pretty good frame of reference


I didnt forget, i said pretty good frame of reference because it didnt feel necessary given the context of people using it for real world everyday things. Which is typically at “fuck it, close enough” for most people to not have to worry about

If i said perfect, excellent, amazing, the best then i might concede your point, but i didnt so i dont however correct you are that there are other factors that can change the points of reference


At least we have a tv show to watch right?


So your okay with using plastics in place of real leather because you enjoy the aesthetic and are willing to use a substance that is known to contaminate and harm the life you hold in such high regard and plants you eat in place of those animals.

I wonder if there is a vegan leather shoe company. Only leather from animals that lived humanely and died of actual natural end of life causes.


Oh another user commented about Mylo Leather. Created from mushrooms. Thats neat


Have you tried the cheetos mac and cheese? Theres 3 flavours in my local stores flaming hot, jalepeno cheddar and nacho cheese.

I bought them once because it was a rediculous thing but honestly quite enjoy them. Not too keen on the flaming hot but still buy it occasionally on purpose as well


Not when it they had Hot Ones pringles it wasnt!


Perfected? This isnt a one dog to rule them all world we live in

Not in a world where the 1.50 Costco hotdog exists. This the perfect example of a simple and humble simple hot dog

And also JapadJapadogog would like a word with you

To quote one of my favourite movies “Allah loves wonderous variety”


Oh god that nice crunch comment brought be back to me being a kid watching muppet babies at 4am in the morning when my cousin stayed with us at the grandparents.

I would eat sour cream, plain potato chips, and tomatoes on a kaiser bun. The saltyness from the chips with the tomatoes and then the tang of sour cream


I accept your challenge friend


So what im hearing is that your mouth is shameless hedonist


Wikipedia does a pretty decent job of eventually being correct, at any given time it can be outrageously inaccurate. Its good to not just use wikipedia entrys and use the sources that are linked there. By using the sources that are cited you are helping to keep wiki trustworthy and helps avoid you using bad information.

It works well to manage the integrity of wiki. I think being able to intuitively navigate between entries by a variety of metrics like edits that have remained unedited the longest/shorest, newest/oldest, etc would be a very good addition to wiki.

Some kind of webarchive of wiki sources would also be amazing so that if the sources disappear or change over time there is a connection to what it was at the time it originally/previously was used as a source on wiki.

And maybe some of this already exists and im just not very good at getting my 4dollars a month worth :P


I should never have been born


I think Pirates of the Silicon Valley did a good job of this many years ago


You made an absolutely absurd claim. It didn’t seem like it to you, whixh is obvious now, but that was not a lighthearted comment more like it was a slap in the face.

At least, all the people responding seem to have taken it as a challenge


Not gonna go anywhere. At least not in a lot of modern countries. Vehicle safety authorities dont fuck around. And unless you have the bankroll mercedes and volkswagen have you are gonna get sued into oblivion for violating a bunch of stuff. Or just sued until they bleed you dry


No, just need courts to do their fucking job correctly. Making new laws to fix problems only works when they are enforced properly. If courts and governments did what they are supposed to do then we wouldnt be where we are. But here we are

Do dentists get attacked by their patients?

Went in for a crown the other day. The dentist got called away to a different patient midway through. Anesthesia started wearing off. Dentist took her time with the other patient. I was fairly tensed up by the time she got back. I was doing my best to balance being polite with limiting how much the pain affected me. The longer...


My dentist is great, could almost fall asleep. Took me 20 years between seeing one and it was only because i broke a tooth and had to do something about it. Glad i did. Wish i had gone sooner. If only for a cleaning

Jarix, (edited )

Sure ill go try. Loved that subreddit


Done. I am using sync if that helps. I did have one problem, i overlooked the email requirement to sign up. I havent seen an email requirement yet on an instance. When trying to sign up it would have been helpful to have that omission pointed out. It did nothing at all when first trying to sign up.


Oh glad to help. It is obvious once i reviewed, but the biggest “problem” was no response from the submit button when i didnt put in the email address. For me, and other dumb dumbs, is i wasnt sure if the submit button was doing anytbing or if it was broken.

Do some people think rapping is a permutation of raping, subtly adding to the edge factor of this music genre and making it less likely older people will take to it than younger people who don't know

This is not a joke question. I am being 100% sincere when I suggest the similarity between the words might be seen as intentional by some very conservative minds.


I’m not a fan of rap. But there artists who run head to head with any of the great wordsmiths of the past. Their artform is not the same.

If someone says trap is a talentless genre, they are just showing their ignorance of the genre.

Bob Dylan is probably one of the best mumble rappers that no one will ever acknowledge. Hes also a great song writer, but his vocals are terrible much of the time. Out of context, considering how high todays standards are, hes a joke performatively


Its one of my favourite windows 3.11 games…/operation-inner-space-e1b


I cant imagine this game running on a steam library! Lol what were hardrive sizes at the time? Had we even got to gigabytes yet?


As an outsider, the us just seems like a different version of europe, culturally


Toyota the least?!?!


Intended to be a friendly reminder

Tesla owner ≠ muskonite

The cars literally changed the way they evaluate safety when the model s was released when i read about them in car and driver magazine many moons ago

Im writing this only in response to your edit. Because it was getting unearable on reddit any time someone mentioning they own a tesla and enjoy it, the people who hate elon come brigade and just shit all over someone because they bought a car they liked and admited they own one.

Can we just please remember that everything isnt always connected the way you assume it is. Give people the benefit of the doubt, and only call out what is stated and not just tangentially connected?

Ive been enjoying lemmy so far, and i have hope it will not become the cesspool other spaces have, but it wont happen if we cant agree to disagree and let other people be without accusing them of everything you fear or just hate without them indicating they are what you fear or hate.


Lol, i dont own a tesla.

But this is exactly the kind of toxicity i was trying to highlight. So thank you


You sound very sane and healthy to be around


That was richard dean anderson who was lax gun safety, and a very real reaction from amanda tapping if anyone cares


Grouse egg? How do they compare to Deggs and Qeggs?


Im not asking them to do anything at all. But i didnt know you couldnt ask not to show up in all. TIL

You have taken this beyond my intention. Im perfectly happy have trans content and issues introduced to me without looking for it. I dont want it to leave, it just sounded like THEY very much want people to only be there who are there on their terms and their terms only.

Sorry for the misunderstanding


Thank you, i wasnt suggesting it shouldnt be, it sounded like they didnt want the attention from being on all. Happy to see it there personally, though i have come to acknowledge that is not how my comment was received.


If you dont mind another recommendation, Backpack Hero

If you do mind, apologies


I think i have them onbmy wishlist already!

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