@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar


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@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

I banned my kid from Roblox… what next?

I would just talk to your kid and listen to his feelings and wants. What does he enjoy about Roblox? Can he find that enjoyment with some other games? Does he understand that its not a punishment, e.g. it’s not anything that he did and that you aren’t blaming him? Sure, you can suggest a few alternatives and they might take and be fun, but you’ll need to be attuned to his feelings around what he might see as a punishment for something that he did so that he doesn’t internalize it and hurt the relationship you have with him.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

@CARCOSA can we make this entire post a tagline

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

You mean you don’t want your pickled eggs served by blackface Santa? smdutchh

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

My sibling in Christ, you broke the conversation down,it didn’t magically happen. Someone responded in good faith and you were an asshole instead of continuing the conversation or offering literally anything of substance

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Not everyone needs to go to college or grad school or do a PhD or do a postdoc because they can’t get a job or another postdoc or

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Only if you are the Dave Matthews band

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

I am once again asking everyone to read Alex Vitale’s End of Policing

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Imagine watching media

Now to strap in for a summoningsalt marathon about games I’ve never and will never play

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

No one is saying they are the same. They are saying the answer is not the DNC, especially not Biden.

Trump quite literally preached Fascism and actively campaigned (and acted) on hurting brown people and tearing down the environment for a quick buck

Biden has a horrible record on racism. He was awful during integration, literally wrote the racist crime bill, and helped bail out banks in 2008 whilst crushing and eliminating black wealth. Not to mention, he rejects critiques of the police and voted to increase all budgets for police and then the military.

As far as the environment, Biden has okay’d new pipelines and given the go ahead to drill even more than his predecessor.

Biden is more polite than Trump. He doesn’t usually say racist things (or when he does, it’s swept under the rug). Trump has worst aesthetics for sure. But Biden materially is fucking awful, and we should not entertain any options to the contrary.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Self-hosted bit warden works like a charm plus you get to learn reverse proxies if you use docker on a Nas, it’s pretty fun, would recommend

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

It definitely is confusing, and I didn’t full grasp it when I did it 😅

The installation process will vary depending on your OS. I have a synology, so I followed this walkthrough and some youtube videos as well: https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-bitwarden-on-your-synology-nas/ but QNAP, FreeNas, etc will have their own install process. They should be pretty similiar, though, if you use docker.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar
@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Just a heads up, CCP has some racist connotations to it. The party’s official abbreviation is CPC. I literally only learned this a few months ago, so just letting you know.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Really? I quite liked the movie

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

The pure (libertarian) socialists’ ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Not sure what your point here is mate

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Lmao good talk smuglord

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Sorry mate, socialism isn’t that. Here’s a good place to start learning about what socialism is. check out Richard Wolff, a economics professor, on YouTube for some interesting lecturers about how it works in reality if you want to go a bit further.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Workers had more power and say in democracy in the USSR then they have ever had in a Western capitalist country, and American police are more brutal, more violent, more repressive, and kill more people than any “strong men” under Stalin. You’ve consumed too much anti-communist propaganda.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

no prompting

My sibling in Christ you mentioned Stalin, a leader of the USSR, and this entire thread is about socialist states

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

I am quoting Parenti. You’ll need to read Blackshirts & Reds to get an answer – that’s where the quote is from – or one of his other books.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Sorry to disappoint. I don’t have hard opinions about anarchists vs MLs. I generally think Engels was more convincing on authority, but I’m not well read enough to have a formed opinion on it and haven’t read anything from the last decade or so. I especially don’t think the things that you’re asking here because I didn’t write the statement, Parenti did, and he did so for rhetorical effect against western leftists putting ideology over AES. I’m happy to receive some recs I can follow up on.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Cheers pal, I’ve favorited this post to come back too. I’ve read Bakunin before, but I haven’t read the rebuttal on On Authority or the other essays you linked. Looking forward to it! Appreciate the time you put into this

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Boy I sure wish I had a 6 hr video explaining the incredibly racist origins of the Bell curve which has no value at all scientifically speaking, perhaps even by a Liverpudlian narrator of sorts

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar
@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

i am making a joke about the youtuber skullboi shaun and his very longform essay methodology, especially this video on the bell curve book

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Subtext here is that white boomers became more conservative because the civil rights movement made them miss Jim Crow

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar
JamesConeZone, (edited )
@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

I care about schools. I want them to be free and public.

I care about crime. I want to abolish the police and use that money to on social safety net programs including healthcare, social workers, housing, and more which is proven to reduce crime.

I care about children. I want paid parental leave for both parents, guaranteed job return, free childcare, free healthcare for children, and a monthly check for groceries.

Conservatives want none of that, and actively work against every point. Centre/centre-left only want some of that performatively and will undermine any implementation of these programs. The only people working for this are the “hard left.” And because of decades of anti-communist propaganda, no one will touch it.

The only reason I can think of to be conservative and “socially liberal” is to protect your own capital at the expense of others while not wanting to feel bad about doing it.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Schools are already free and public

Not Pre-K for most parents, and schools are only “free” and “public” for now, thanks to conservatives and liberals alike. College, tech college, and other educational programs are also not free and need to be. Private schools need to be abolished.

Most people do not want to abolish the police. Crime would soar as there would be nothing to stop the criminals.

First, okay? I said me, not everyone. Second, that’s objectively not true. If you care about a data-driven argument that shows how policing increases crime, see Alex Vitale’s End of Policing. You can download it for free in a bunch of different formats here.

You get a monthly check for groceries, it’s called a job.

Ah, so you truly are a conservative. A person’s worth is only equal to their productive in the blood-soaked economy machine. A child can’t have a job, jackass, that’s why giving new parents a check for groceries helps their income as their total costs rise.

I think this best take away about communism is if it was so great, why were people fleeing from it rather than to it?

You need to do some self-crit and question everything you have been taught. For example, there are more people in prison right now in the USA than there have ever been in a gulag. If you genuinely want to learn more about communism from a communist perspective, there are plenty of places to turn. You can start on the Prole Library with some shorter introductory works. You can watch Parenti’s famous yellow lecture for a short introduction, and you can watch Richard Wollf’s introduction to Marxian Economics on YouTube. You can read The Jakarta Method, Blacks and Reds, or listen to a few podcasts like Blowback to learn about the propaganda machine at specific times (e.g., Iraq, Cuban Revolution, Korean War, Afghanistan in order of seasons of Blowback).

But you’re going to have to stop trying to win internet arguments by being a smarmy ass and put in the effort if you really want to learn how a better world is possible.

JamesConeZone, (edited )
@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Pre-K isn’t necessary.

“Fuck them kids” - You

Consistent with other studies that find preschool has a huge effect on kids, Walters, Gray-Lobe and Pathak find that the kids lucky enough to get accepted into preschools in Boston saw meaningful changes to their lives. These kids were less likely to get suspended from school, less likely to skip class, and less likely to get in trouble and be placed in a juvenile detention facility. They were more likely to take the SATs and prepare for college. The most eye-popping effects the researchers find are on high school graduation and college enrollment rates. The kids who got accepted into preschool ended up having a high-school graduation rate of 70% — six percentage points higher than the kids who were denied preschool, who saw a graduation rate of only 64%. And 54% of the preschoolers ended up going to college after they graduated — eight percentage points higher than their counterparts who didn’t go to preschool. These effects were bigger for boys than for girls. And they’re all the more remarkable because the researchers only looked at the effects of a single year of preschool, as opposed to two years of preschool. Moreover, in many cases, the classes were only half a day.

College should not be free

Scratch a liberal and…

It doesn’t make sense for a garbage man to for someone else’s gender studies degree

There it is folks. Mask off in three replies.

“I will read anything suggested.”

Direct links to books, articles, videos, and a podcast

“I have talked to people who lived during communism and I have visited a communist country.”

Your only interest is yourself and your capital. You only want to protect yourself and, by doing so, you actively harm others. You are not only incredibly selfish as a conservative but want people to applaud you for being “socially liberal.” I hope your pile of gold is worth it.

I only have one further question: have your children cut off communications with you or is that something you have to look forward to?

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Nazis are called patriots in Russia


@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

How do you differentiate yourself from them as a socialist? What is your theory of power and how it relates to authority, revolutions, and the working class that causes you to make this separation between supporting non-western communist countries and not?

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

What atrocities in particular do tankies accept

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

No, I’m suggesting that authoritarian is a meaningless term unless defined specifically and was asking what theories of power and authority they had for making the delineation they are.

The derogatory term authoritarian is always leveled at socialist or communist countries, and never capitalist ones even though capitalist countries restrict rights for the majority of their populations by the very nature of the inherent power structure in capitalism. Even though communist countries usually enjoy far more decentralised authority, better voting rights, and higher political involvement in the populace, they are labeled as “authoritarian,” the implication being that they need “freedom” aka capitalism

JamesConeZone, (edited )
@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

Notice you didn’t name the United States which is just as authoritarian as modern Russia by any definition we choose (voting rights? participation in political process? allowed dissent? access to clean water? basic access to healthcare? food desserts? policies meant to keep people in poverty?). That’s my point. It’s an ethereal term unless properly defined.

We’ll have to set Libya aside since after given “freedom,” there are now literal slave traders everywhere.

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

you know what, fair, sorry brutalist comrades

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

thanks for the interaction here, and thanks for pushing back. you’re getting at what i was hoping to demonstrate, that all political systems inherently have a system of authoritarianism with the possible exception of anarchism – I don’t know enough about anarchist theory to talk through that and don’t want to be sectarian to my anarchist comrades, but your questions about it would be welcome at hexbear. we have a comm dedicated to theory. Bakunin (one of the big names in anarchist theory) wrote about authority, and Engels replied (he was not a fan). you might like their essays. theory has come a long way since then, but it’s worth looking at some foundational texts. this topic is what caused the marxist-anarchist split.

capitalism restricts rights by alienating the working class from the means of production. thus, workers have no say over their labor and have the value of the labour extracted. as more exploitation occurs and wealth imbalance increases, the ruling class will always move to consolidate power to protect their capital and positions in society, which naturally leads to one society of the bourgeouise and another for the labourers. this is at the basical level but it is much wider than this and effects all levels of society, e.g., the bourgeouise control media outlets to prevent ideas from taking root (e.g., newspapers in 1800s-1900s) whilst selling the idea of a “free press.” It means that all aspects of society are not focused on creating products useful for society but on creating products useful to make capitalist money through further exploitation. It needs to feed and crushes all who oppose it, even ideologically.

that’s a decent starting point, I think, but yeah come join us at hexbear. you can jump into the theory comms with questions or head to “askchapo” or just jump into the daily mega thread. we’re all nerds over there, so where I don’t know something someone else will jump in

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

You are correct, I should have picked my words more precisely, thanks for explaining what I meant better than I could have

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

I’m not sure you if you can see my pronouns because federation is still kinda confusing to me, but I go by they/them please thanks ❤

@JamesConeZone@hexbear.net avatar

No worries mate ☺️

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