
@[email protected]

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JakenVeina, (edited )
  • My desktop is Aperture
  • My wife’s desktop is Dovahkiin
  • My wife’s laptop is Lyndis
  • The printer is Vaarsuvius
  • The firewall is GlaDOS
  • The file server is Atlantis

I know nothing about any of the other alternatives mentioned here, but I’ll pitch in my 2 cents that I am very happy with OMV. Haven’t had to touch it since they day I set it up, maybe 2 years ago. Except one time when I wanted to add a new SSH/FTP account for someone.

In addition to the core file services, it supports running a Docker host, in which I have running instances of Portainer (a Docker Web UI), Transmission (a bittorrent client, woth VPN support, also with a Web UI), and Plex.


That’s pretty much what the repair guy told me too. He was here looking at the Samsung oven.


Point being" with the control board, is it costs damn-near as much as a whole new unit.


I’ve noticed this for sure, when visiting family or friends and seeing theirs.


It fails with a pretty specific blinky-light error code, 10-20 minutes into a cycle.

I’m anbelectronics engineer myself, so I’ve got no issue repairing any visible damage on the control board, if there is any.


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  • JakenVeina,

    So, wait, they’re seriously going to make this function MORE annoying than it already is?!


    Too bad Twitter didn’t already have a fully-functional identity verification system 6 months ago, which didn’t require the exposure of any sensitive PII. Would be crazy if that had been a thing, eh?


    That is actually an excellent point. Rich investors are going to descend on this situation like parasites.


    Don’t forget about the potential to prank your dad or kids about a leek in the basement, or under the sink.

    Pancetta is probably mine. We use that shit all the time now.


    Definitely Babish Culinary Universe.

    JakenVeina, (edited )

    Let’s see of I can give a trimmed-down explanation of what “character escapement” is, because others have covered that & in web-land is an escapement character.

    The simplest type of escapement is probably quotes.

    <span style="color:#323232;">var myString = "This is a string";

    This little line of pseudo-code is roughly what you would write (depending on language) to make a program write the text This is a string into some location in memory, that is, a sequence of numbers that are the standard numbers for representing those letters.

    Here, the double-quote character is serving a special purpose, to designate that the characters within the set of quotes represent not instructions for things that the program should do, but instead just bits of data that the program should load.

    Now consider: what if the character data that you want to load into memory has an actual double-quote character within it? How does the compiler (the program that turns your code into its own program) know the difference between a double-quote character that’s supposed to serve the special purpose, and a double-quote character that’s just supposed to be a piece of data like the other characters? The answer is escapement.

    <span style="color:#323232;">var myString = "This is a "string"";

    Here, the backslash character serves its own special purpose of escaping other characters. When the compiler is reading this code, it knows that whatever character follows the backslash is supposed to be interpreted specially: in this case, the double-quote should not be interpreted as the end of the string, as usual, but as just a character to be put within the string. The backslash doesn’t end up in memory with the other characters, but it tells the compiler how to interpret things.

    In web-land, ampersand is an escape character. If you want to embed plain text to be displayed on the screen, within HTML, you need to “escape” special characters that have a non-text purpose normally, in order to get those characters to display as text. Ampersand is the escape character in HTML, and by extension, it also has its OWN escape sequence, which is &amp;.

    The reason you see &amp; in places across Lemmy is likely just due to a bug of some kind. Somewhere between when the user is entering this text, and when it later gets displayed, there’s code that’s adding escapement to the text an extra time than is necessary.


    In the ensuing hours, the county posted a series of evacuation orders on Facebook as the fire spread through the town.

    This appears to be just a small piece of the story, not like it was responsible for the disaster, but… is this implying that Facebook is considered a primary ergency alert system? I don’t know how anyone can consider that anything but GROSSLY negligent.

    Dharkstare, to pcgaming

    Despite how much I dislike working with hardware, I'm toying with the idea of building my own PC. A quick perusal through Newegg leaves me wondering why everything related to gaming PCs has to have RGB lights everywhere? How am I supposed to sleep at night when my computer's acting like it's at a rave?

    #pcgaming @pcgaming


    For what it’s worth, I would HIGHLY recommend not shopping on Newegg. A decade ago, they were the gold standard. Since then, they got bought out, and the new owners have gutted the customer support system.

    Microcenter is what you’re looking for, whether you want to shop online or in-store. Although, if you don’t have a physical store near you, I dunno if you might have to pay more for shipping or anything.


    Do what you gotta do, friend.


    Supposedly, my grandpa used to do “Schwartz’s Mortuary, Iberium Deep speeking.”


    Finished up (mostly) Tunic early this week. Still working on translating the manual, and trying to think up more ideas for the (presumably) final final post-game puzzle.

    If you’re interested in exploration/discovery/puzzle games, I’ll recommend it, with 2 caveats:

    A) The combat system is really not good. Particularly with regard to boss fights. I’ve played all the optional post-game stuff in some BRUTALLY difficult games: Hollow Knight, Celeste, Dark Souls, Elden Ring… but THIS game is the one that broke me. Not just cause it’s difficult, but it’s difficult for all the worst reasons. Point being, don’t hesitate to just drop the difficulty or turn on no-fail mode. It’s not worth it.

    B) Don’t just write off the in-game language as puzzle only for puzzle enthusiasts. It is optional, but I wish I had been putting effort into solving it, little by little, since the beginnig. It would have been really satisfying to solve some of the other game puzzles that way.

    Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit age-inappropriate. Any suggestions from the community? (gameranx.com)

    Edit: Daughter is only 5 so she’s unlikely to play much but she watches me and as long as it’s not too violent, it should be fine


    It has a variety of assist-mode options. My 8-year-old plays it and enjoys it, and actually can play with no assist most kf the time now.


    Seconding because my 8-year-old plays and loves it, due tobthe fact that it has assist-mode options. He now plays without assist mode at all, and is pretty freaking good at it.

    Beeple who have tried both a dual-monitor setup and a single ultrawide setup: which did you prefer?

    I’m reworking my computer setup, and I’m currently debating with myself over whether I want to pick up a second monitor, or sell my current one and replace it with an ultrawide. I figured I’d seek out anecdotes to see which setup people tend to prefer....


    Multi-monitor, no question. I uss 3 at work and 4 for my home desktop.


    Consider the common analogy of e-mail: your e-mail account is defined by its address, because that’s the key piece of info required to do things with that account, like send e-mail from it, or to it. If you change the name of the server that your e-mail account belongs to (E.G. @mymail.com to @mymail2.com) that, by definition, is a different account. Lemmy user accounts work effectively the same way.

    Of course, with e-mail, it’s not terribly difficult to just take the history of all your e-mails from the old server, and move them, but those e-mails are all still gonna show as “from” or “to” the old address, unless you also go through and re-write the history. Lemmy currently does not have any such “migration” procedure, and also suffers from a variety of design constraints that would make this much more difficult than our theoretical e-mail history migration, most notably the problem of how to synchronizd this mgration action across all instances.

    This issue has actually already come up in practice, BTW. The instance VLemmy basically vanished off the internet a month or so ago, apparently due to loss of their domain name rights, right in the middle of the reddit migration. There were a lot of people asking whether the whole INSTANCE could be migrated to a new domain name. If that wasn’t enough push to get migration capabilities designed and added, I doubt anything will.


    Depends how many levels of recursion you’re interested in.

    The most immediate project is to rewire all the ceiling lighting in the basement, to get it all on one circuit, while also eliminating a few dim spots and swapping some old flourescent fixtures for some nice dimmable LED panels I got on a sale, for the area that we eventually wanna turn into an entertainment center. I’ve got all the supplies ready, but I keep getting sidetracked by lawn work and issues with the car.

    THAT whole project is in service of tearing down and rebuilding the drywall facade walls in the basement, and being able to have working lighting available for that project.

    THAT project is in service of finishing waterpoofing the basement after we had a gutter and sump system professionally installed last fall. That eliminated all the issues we had with water seeping up from under the foundation, but there’s still a very small amount that leaks in from over the TOP of the foundation, when there’s heavy-enough rain. For that, we need to rip out the remainder of the walls, which were partially ripped out to install the gutter, and put up a liner directly on the foundation walls that will redirect all water down into the gutter.

    THEN we can replace the carpet that we had to rip out after the record-setting rain storm we had last summer that soaked the entire basement.

    THEN we can move everything in the garage back intonthe basement.

    THEN I can being working on the car that grenaded itself when it threw a timing chain.

    Also, does buying a new car count? Cause that was our entire 3-day weekend.


    Seems pretty on-brand to me, considering what the general consensus of pirates has always been: it’s not about unwillingness to pay, it’s about unwillingness to deal with bullshit.


    That Master Lock one seems entirely plausible.


    Yes, but making that point, sarcastically or otherwise, ratuer contradicts the main thesis of “billionares are a group that thinks alike and spends most of their time trying to grow their fortunes”. Sarcasm isn’t about stating a thesis and then contradicting it with your very first argument.


    Does loving it in 2005 count?


    Man won an emmy for ringing a bell. Respect on him for even ACCEPTING a role like that. What did the audition look like?


    I could accept an adjustment where manufacturers only need to provide an option in the current generation, I.E. they can sell iPhone 16s that don’t have a replaceable battery, as long as they sell an equivalent version that does. The argument for waterproofing seems fair to me, so the best approach in my mind would be to give that choice to consumers.

    Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

    Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I’m gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn’t played Hotline Miami 2. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably know what I mean, but I’m going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory....


    The entire hour-or-so-long finale sequence of Tears of the Kingdom is ASTOUNDINGLY good. It hits ALL emotions: fear, joy, suspense, sorrow, elation. Also, the Dragon Tears Quest throughout the regular game.

    The Dream No More ending of Hollow Knight. I felt that in my soul. Largely due to the musical score.

    The ending of Outer Wilds made me feel an emotion I really had trouble describing. Bittersweet, maybe? Mixed with awe? Same for the DLC ending, but with a distinctly more sorrowful vibe.

    Subnautica had me literally drop my jaw, with the Sunbeam questline, midway-through the game.

    Plus more that have already been mentioned.


    As a play off of the term “grassroots”? Yea.


    Two episodes from finishing Silo. It’s a solid 7/10 for me, so far.


    Fake as fuck. I still giggled.


    I see one way this can work:

    Every episode begins and is intercut with elder Lando playing a card game in a cantina, and telling an over-embellished story from his life. We get to see it with young Lando.


    Gallant leave no room for ambiguity and simply takes them all.


    I dunno if the community’s migrated or is still over on reddit, but /r/outerwilds was always good for gentle hints, for those who want them.

    I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone yet who QUITE got all the puzzles in their own. Some of them are a RIGHT bitch, so don’t feel too bad if you need to get a little bit of help.


    Hi Nailbar.


    I suckered myself into another Hollow Knight playthrough, so that’s been my week. All I’ve got left are the round-2 dream bosses, and the dreamers themselves.

    Not sure what I wanna pick up next. Pikmin 1&2 before 4? I never actually played 2. Persona 5: Strikers? God of War 2018? Final Fantasy 7 Remake? Horizon: Zero Dawn? Finish Hyrule Warrior: Age of Calamity?


    I think templates is what he’s making fun of.


    No idea, since it seems Jerboa doesn’t show the list anywhere, but it’s probably a couple dozen, all non-English communitues.

    Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed?

    I consistently hear people on YouTube complain that the subscribe button doesn’t do anything for viewers, now that channel notifications are controlled by the bell. But it does do something: it puts the videos from that channel in your subscription feed, which is readily accessible on all versions of YouTube. So why do people...


    I didn’t even know that “the bell” was a thing, until just now. I use my Subscriptions feed almost exclusively.


    if a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow

    Christ, imagine being on the dev team that has to make this happen in a day.


    So… is this just like a really dumb cost-cutting measure to stop paying fees for the twitter domain/brand name or something, since he already owns the name “X”?

    Man Found Guilty of Child Porn, Because He Ran a Tor Exit Node (The Story of William Weber) - LowEndBox (lowendbox.com)

    William Weber, a LowEndTalk member, was raided by Austrian police in 2012 for operating a Tor exit node that was allegedly used to distribute child pornography. While he was not arrested, many of his computers and devices were confiscated. He was later found guilty of supporting the distribution of child pornography through his...

    JakenVeina, (edited )

    From the article…

    Yes, as they had to give me the minimum sentence. By law they were right as the law only protected registered companies, unlike in Germany for example. The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

    So, ISPs in Austria actually have legal protection from liability here, rightfully so, and also rightfully so, that protection was extended to private persons as well. A rare story of a legal system apparently working well, with regard to the marriage of privacy and technology.


    You shouldn’t feel too ashamed, in the end Weber got 5 years of probation on the sentence of “support of general distribution”, and shortly after the law was amended to give private persons like Weber the same protection from liability that ISPs enjoy from how people use their network. At least, according to Weber.

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