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Yes a car free society should be the end goal but this will take a lot of time. We literally CANNOT wait for a better alternative, we needed to get rid of gas ten years ago.

Daily reminder that “EVs aren’t a perfect solution yet” argument is what the oil industry is pushing, so they can maximise profits for an other decade at the detriment of all of us.

Jaded, (edited )

I would choose a character and concentrate on learning him. There are builds online you can use to not get over whelmed at first by the shop.

I play an other MOBA but there is probably a lane that has two players for most of the match, you should concentrate on playing one of those two types of characters so you and your son can maximise play time together, most likely the tank would be the better choice (more forgiving, easier to learn, support character so your son gets to be the hero).

Jaded, (edited )

This is some really cool tech and I’m happy the trials are starting. It’s a shame having it attached to Elon is ruining the perception of it, I’m hoping other companies get in the game soon.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not volunteering but eventually it will be safe.

Theres definitely barriers to overcome but to go with your analogy, I drive a car everyday on the highway even though a malfunction or even just an other user being stupid can easily lead to my death. That’s just to get to work or see friends. I could imagine myself braving worse to get to use full dive vr.

But you couldn’t pay me to get into one of those death traps when cars were first invented though. I’m eager but I will definitely wait a while before jumping in.


It can eventually help disabled people move, see, hear and talk.

For everyday people, this will replace phones and computers completely. We will be able to project a private screen on any surface, even mid air. We will be thinking the words instead of saying them during phonecalls.

Movies and games are going to be so immersive it’s probably going to cause some serious societal issues. Larping is going to become big I’m guessing.

That’s just the surface stuff that’s easy to think of. It gets even nuttier if you think about recording and downloading dreams and memories, some of the really sci Fi stuff. The possibilities are literally endless. Obviously though, there’s a way to go, it’s still in its infancy.


I really enjoyed the 12 monkeys series as well. The movie is great.


I like to make little cards for my shops with the items on it so I can just hand them out whenever one person goes to a shop

Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: The Tunnels In Gaza Were Built To Protect Hamas Fighters, Not Civilians; Protecting Gaza Civilians Is The Responsibility Of The U.N. And Israel (

Mousa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau said in an October 27, 2023 interview that aired on Russia Today TV that the tunnels in Gaza were built to protect Hams fighters from airstrikes, not civilians. He added that Hamas fights Israel from within the tunnels. Abu Marzouq added that since 75% of the residents in...

Jaded, (edited )

Am I supposed to blame them for the civilian deaths and not the ones dropping bombs on hospitals, refugee camps and escape routes?


Less than a dollar per kg! I think that’s honestly the most impressive part.

Kansas police chief who led raid on small weekly newspaper has resigned, official says (

The police chief who led an August raid on a small weekly newspaper in central Kansas resigned Monday, just days after he was suspended from his post and following the release of body camera video of the raid showing an officer searching the desk of a reporter investigating the chief’s past....


What do you think “someone who has no legal right to be there” is a reference too? When would a citizen not have the legal right to be in his own country? How often have you heard of a citizen being deported from his own country? It’s literally against international law.


I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. This could pave de way to getting rid of a lot of handicaps and diseases, not to mention fdvr. I care about monkeys, I just care more about paraplegics for instance.


There’s different ways to automate it. There was a thread a while back where someone outlined their system. He kept the free Spotify account and had a script that checked it every week for his new recommended playlists, then it would download it automatically. He used an other software to host the library.


Google literally considers itself an ad company. They have a huge framework meant to profit off of ads shown on other products and platforms. They sell data as a service to better target consumers for advertisement. It’s not comparable to a tv channel.


Anything else is going to bite US in the ass. Asking for consent kills any kind of open source development. It puts AI solely in the hands of like three companies. Our economy is going to be very AI focused in the future, they would literally own all of us.

You aren’t getting paid either way so we might as well all enjoy the fruits of humanities labor freely instead of been forced into a subscription model of it.


Making llms requires a stupid amount of data, much more than what is found in the creative commons. Same goes for image gen. Unless you have been accumulating data since forever through tricking people when they sign up to your website or app, you can’t train anything without scraping most of the data.

It has nothing to do with licensing but the fact that there just isn’t enough “free-use” data.


“Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation.”

Yes crowd sourcing is a solution but is only really possible if you are able to reach many people like Mozilla can. They only have 20k of hours up to date. Tortoise needed 50k hours and was made by one guy who open sourced it. He would not have been able to build without scraping YouTube.

Crowd sourcing also becomes much more complicated for llms or if you are making models in other language.


I remember when hazing was a thing and there was a scandal because a teenager got sodomized with a broomstick.

Idea: fediverse of ecommerce. Time to dethrone amazon and ebay. What do you think?

Buying from an alternative ecommerce site usually sucks: you have to register for every website, enter your address, payment information and other information, they may leak data or store it improperly, you may not know the reputation of the website or business, you can’t easily compare products with other vendors and more....

Jaded, (edited )

Shipping was sabotaged and it just doesn’t make sense to buy local. The item is more expensive and there’s a 30 to 60 dollar shipping fee tagged on. It’s usually the same made in china quality.

For work related stuff, I bypass both and get straight from China.

I don’t like it but the gov didn’t step in and basically handed half our economy to Amazon. At the height of it, they decided to sell our national shipping service so prices went up (I’m in Canada btw).

In a perfect world, amazon would get the boot and we would have a government owned drop shipping infrastructure. Until that happens, I’m not ready to pay 3x the price for simple items just to keep a dead dream alive. Local got snuffed when it comes to consumer goods.

Sci-fi books which don't involve too much space travels and massive world builds?

Don’t really know how to explain this. I like sci fi and would love to dig deeper into it. Am avid reader and enjoyed Project Hail Mary (though set in space, this book is just amazing), Dune, short stories by Ray Bradbury and TV shows like Raised by the Wolves, Westworld, From (love From!). But e.g. Foundation I really...


I’ve read memory of empire lately, which is a political intrigue in a Sci Fi setting. It’s centered around one city palace.

I second Lebowitz, the expanse and Ursula especially. Left hand of darkness is amazing.

If you enjoy project hail Mary and the generational aspect of 1000 years of solitude, you might enjoy children of time which has similar themes. It’s my current favorite.

Rainbows end, windup girl and scanner darkly are also great suggestions with no space travel.


I agree with you but I don’t think you can simply convert. HSR take a lot more engineering and careful planning.


I’m no expert either but from what I gather, that’s a big part of their cost so you end up spiking your normal rail construction by quite a bit.

Any rail is good rail though, I just want them to get on with it.


I’m gonna post the whole article because it’s garbage, has no substance and I don’t believe people should click on the link. Do better, GameSpot.

“Bethesda is about to launch Starfield, but what’s coming next? Bethesda Game Studios is making The Elder Scrolls VI and then Fallout 5, so the studio is staying quite busy. In a new interview with GQ, Bethesda’s Todd Howard shared a few new morsels about The Elder Scrolls 6 and discussed when he might retire from making games.

Starting off with the game’s announcement in June 2018, Howard said he often wonders if it was the right thing to announce it so early. “I have asked myself that a lot,” he said. “I don’t know. I probably would’ve announced it more casually.”

Howard also confirmed that The Elder Scrolls 6, or whatever it’s called, does already have a codename but he would not reveal it. As for what he could say, Howard said the game aims to “fill that role of the ultimate fantasy-world simulator.”

“And there are different ways to accomplish that given the time that has passed,” he said.

Howard is 53 now and said it’s “weird for me” to think about retirement, something he believes is a “long, long way off.”

“I want to do it forever,” he said. “I think the way I work will probably evolve, but… look at [71-year-old Mario creator and Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto]. He’s still doing it,” Howard said.

In addition to his duties on Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6, Howard is an executive producer on the new Indiana Jones game in the works at Machine Games”


Ouf, crazy how many people are actually pushing for valve to have a complete monopoly. Ya it’s a good product but so was chrome. Diversity is important for consumers.


Fair point, I guess I was ready to disregard it because of the money going to devs and epic already taking less of a cut then valve. Exclusives do suck.


The pop up specifically mentions chrome, it’s not asking to switch browser but just the search engine. It’s anecdotal but I only use Firefox and have never gotten this pop up.


Yup, the book tends to remember about where it was last opened anyways. Sometimes I memorize the page number to be sure.


Car accidents happen all the time, that is why at the first sign of a potentially dangerous situation, I quickly drive into a wall instead.

Jaded, (edited )

I mean I never saw smoke in the sky and at eye level like I’ve seen this summer and a lot of trees are dead, the ones that aren’t are visibly stressed. It’s very visible.


Children of time is amazing imo. Love the concept and the characters.


If it’s for a specific website, it shouldn’t be that hard to whip up a python script using selenium. It might not work for everything but you can change location and user agent from what I remember

Google's AI Bots Tout 'Benefits' of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils (

If you asked a spokesperson from any Fortune 500 Company to list the benefits of genocide or give you the corporation’s take on whether slavery was beneficial, they would most likely either refuse to comment or say “those things are evil; there are no benefits.” However, Google has AI employees, SGE and Bard, who are more...


It does feel like a lecture sometimes, even with stuff that is just difficult and not immoral.


Oh fuck off. They wanted it to spy on their own citizens and those of its allied nations. They wanted the same backdoor google, Facebook, Microsoft and all our telecom companies give them.

I’ve seen a lot of bad takes but this takes the cake. There isn’t anything virtuous about mass spy programs and no way was any actual chinese data even on the table.


The corporations already have all the data, users literally gave it to them by uploading it. Open source only has scrapped data. If you start regulating, you kill open source but the big players will literally just shrug it off.

Traditional artists already lost. It sucks but now we get to find out if the winner is all of society or only just Adobe and Shutterstock.


Some subreddit are a treasure trove of technical information. It’s like if your ex was a renovation specialist and you kept her phone number in case you decide to redo your kitchen. Except the phone number leads to a carbon copy of your ex, so the cheating bitch never gets to find out just how much you miss her. Fuck you Maria, you broke my heart.


We would definitely lose some data but I’m guessing there’s a few hundred backups of Wikipedia and the important stuff floating around.


Solar storms arent really a risk for small electronics, more so if they aren’t connected to the grid. You wouldn’t need a deep vault, more like a cupboard.

There is a risk the hard drives wear out before society gets the grid back online and restarts producing hard drives though. We already don’t have that many facilities and they would certainly be taken offline, and the knowledge to build those facilities, that might get lost properly when the storm would hit.

Can we please unpin the proprietary off-site/off-network promotion of discord

This is completely counter productive to growing Lemmy. I absolutely despise discord. Look at the network traffic it generates and tell me wtf they are doing. They won’t tell you. Their business model will leave you completely dumbfounded as to how they exist. Everything shared on the platform is lost in a black hole...


It’s so the admins can communicate when the server is down. Would you rather they use Twitter?


I’d tend to trust someone haunted by a rainbow personally, I don’t think it’s the best plan


I don’t really get how it’s relevant. It was supposed to be blanks, he would have to pull the trigger for the movie scene, right? The person that modified and put real bullets in is the culprit regardless imo.

People bitching about blocking piracy instances sound like spoiled teenagers with no consideration of consequences

Humans who run instances are real people who have jobs and mortgages and kids. I also like having piracy communities around to balance the greedy ass corporations trying to control media and copyright…I’m glad to know they are there if I need them or feel like screwing around with it. I just wonder if the people ranting all...


I do not think there’s much risk to hosting a forum talking about piracy, even less so when your forum is simply connected to it.

Im personally not a big fan of defederation. It just seems to split the user base, it’s extreme like cutting your arm off to avoid some poison ivy. In the end, it reduces the amount of users a post gets too and reduces the number of comments and general engagement. It has its place and I don’t think this was it.

It’s also annoying to have to create different accounts. I didn’t quit Reddit to start using 5 different mini reddits one at a time.

That being said, it’s really hard to care about.


What facts does that change. Do you have a seperate non-tankie source that says the US did everything it could to stop opium production? It’s quite clear letting it go on suited them.


You are the one implying we should ignore the points in the article because of its source.

They grabbed all the oil and couldn’t even try to kill the opium industry. They fucked the whole country, bailed on it and let it go to crazies, and it’s THOSE crazies that finally do the right thing. And all it took was a couple of sticks,what a joke.

The US military complex is fucking disgusting and shits all over wherever it decides to raid next. But I guess any reason to bootlick is a good one. Pathetic.


Ah yes, establishing a democratic country by pillaging it’s resources, letting the drug industry grow and then giving the whole country wrapped up in a bow to the Taliban. At least your country’s propaganda budget isn’t money wasted.

I’m not praising the Taliban, a group btw built by the US. I’m saying if they managed to so easily destroy the opium industry, there is no reason the US couldn’t on their “peace keeping” mission. Except there is a reason, and knowing the CIAs track record, it’s easy to guess what it is.

But keep drinking the Kool aid. “America number one. It’s not called pillaging if we are bringing democracy to savages. Our guns only shoot rainbows and we only bomb civi city centers when they deserve it.”

I guess all logic goes out the window if you can utter the word tankie just like in the 70s when you could ignore a person points by screaming commie. Not like that word is being instilled in you specifically so you can blindly follow your leaders. I bet you don’t even know just how far down your face is bent.


It’s kind of crazy to see it all on there for individual download. It should only be available in bulk imo, to act more as an archive and not a pirate site.


To avoid being sued? The internet archive shouldn’t be acting like a new age limewire. I hate record companies as much as the next guy but I use torrents and youtube-dl. No need for the internet archive to be offering the service at such risk.

They hold a lot of important stuff, I just don’t want open season to be declared on suing them. Pick your battles kind of moment.

TIL about the "'New York Times problem'—the dilemma of indicting Assange for the very same kind of investigative journalism that mainstream media engages frequently" (

Two of us, Ellsberg and Noam Chomsky, testified for Assange at his extradition hearing last year. In Ellsberg’s words then, the WikiLeaks publications that Assange is being charged for are “amongst the most important truthful revelations of hidden criminal state behavior that have been made public in U.S. history.” The...

Jaded, (edited )

I highly suggest anyone not knowledgable on the subject to quickly read his wiki to get an idea of what he leaked.

We wouldn’t know his name if the us had kept it’s nose clean. He isn’t the bad guy, the country drone striking and killing civilians while illegally spying on its citizens is. State secrets don’t deserve to be kept secret if it’s literally poison and corruption.


Ignoring the fact that training an AI is insanely transformative and definitely fair use, people would not get any kind of pay. The data is owned by websites and corporations.

If AI training was to be highly restricted, Microsoft and google would just pay each other for the data and pay the few websites they don’t own (stack, GitHub, Reddit, Shutterstock, etc), a bit of money would go to publishing houses and record companies, not enough for the actual artist to get anything over a few dollars.

And they would happily do it, since they would be the only players in the game and could easily overcharge for a product that is eventually going to replace 30% of our workforce.

Your emotional short sighted response kills all open source and literally gives our economy to Google and Microsoft. They become the sole owners of AI tech. Don’t be stupid, please. They want you to be mad, it literally only helps them.


I had my insurance company ask me for my phone number for security purposes. It was an old one I had since replaced and forgotten, so they read it out to me and asked me to confirm it.

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