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I was gonna say SF, but now that I think about it the burger places there tend to be a bit more quaint and definitely don’t have the live laugh love shit everywhere. At least I’ve never seen one, but it’s a big fucking city so there’s almost definitely at least one.

They were everywhere in Denver.


Because a more expensive PSU does not mean a better one. The efficiency ratings also don’t tell the whole story as power supplies are more complicated than their power efficiency. Use one of the many power supply tier lists to ensure you get a good, reliable PSU. I’ve seen some very expensive ones be absolutely awful.


Surprisingly, Remarkable tablets, despite not being open source, you can do just about anything with. They allow root SSH access and the backend is a heavily stripped down version of Linux.

I’ve been writing an application to allow customizing splash screens over SSH/SFTP and it’s actually been super easy to work with. The “jailbreak” scene is also super active, and the company has gone the opposite direction of most. They retroactively removed the need for a subscription to cloud sync on all devices, and seem to very much embrace the ridiculous things people have done with their tablets.

The device is also no nonsense and does exactly what it’s designed to do extremely well and no more. No ads, no bloat, no constant internet connection. You could never connect the thing to the internet if you really wanted. Honestly one of the few devices I’ve bought in recent memory that I feel like I wholely own.

Two big downsides are no Bluetooth, and you need a modified hardware device to unbrick the device if you fuck up (jumping type C pins to put the device into recovery). Overall really solid and would recommend.


They also make your feet absolutely ripped. I bought a pair from Vivo Barefoot a year and a half ago and they took about a month to not be tiring to walk in. I felt muscles in my feet I didn’t know existed, and now my feet are the most vascular part of my body and look like I do some crazy for specific exercise. I can’t wear normal shoes anymore because my toes feel cramped, not being able to feel the ground feels weird, and I feel like I’m gonna slip way more because I can’t “grip” the ground with my foot.

My back doesn’t hurt from walking anymore. Highly recommend, but you gotta give yourself a month to get used to them. Many barefoot shoe stores do 90 day returns no questions asked to give you time to adjust.


I honestly don’t think we’re gonna go any further than we already have in the everything cloud connected direction. The software industry is already pushing against “everything in the cloud”, and on-prem with cloud/off-site backups is becoming more and more common.


I’m a software engineer, and it never stops. Things just get stranger.


There are levels to it. As things get more complex the problems get infinitely more strange. As you learn a particular technology the strange things you encounter are often because of a misunderstanding about that technology or the way it works.

Once you hit professional level software engineering (think distributed systems), things are strange in large part because the system you’re working on has hundreds of thousands of man hours poured into it, and is often very complex with 10 different technologies backing it to do various things.

The more strange things you encounter though the more you’re learning!


This is a super interesting question!

For me IDK if any amount of money would significantly improve my life. I’m not terribly materialistic and I’m happy with what I have/don’t feel like I immediately want or am missing something. I make good money and stash as much as possible while still enjoying nights out with friends and buying whatever I want.

I’m currently saving up a quarter million for a house down payment, and while it’s a lot of money my quality of life/overall happiness would be the same so I wouldn’t call the change significant. Things are really good in my life for once, and it’s nice to be able to recognize that. Thanks for the question it actually made me really happy to think about how lucky I am.

I hope others in this thread who need it can find some fortune in their future.


I wish I could wear something like that, but it’d make me feel pretentious. Not that I think people wearing them look or come off as pretentious, but for me it’d feel that way. I couldn’t pull it off anyway since my daily attire is a hoodie and jeans/joggers.


I guess I’ve never considered myself that “posh” (not British but can’t think of a better word). Fair enough though might have to give it a try!


Meanwhile I just got TamperMonkey on my phone through Firefox, so I can now auto-clip digital Safeway coupons on my phone when I forget to do so before leaving the house.


<span style="color:#323232;">// ==UserScript==
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @name         Safeway Clip All Coupons Button
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @version      0.1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @description  Add convenient button to automatically load and clip all coupons on Safeway's ForU page
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @match        https://www.safeway.com/foru/coupons-deals.html*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @icon         
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// @grant        none
</span><span style="color:#323232;">// ==/UserScript==
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">(function() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    'use strict';
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    const couponGridContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('coupon-grid-container')[0];
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    let clipButton = document.createElement('button');
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    clipButton.addEventListener('click', clipCoupons);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    clipButton.innerHTML = '<span>Clip All Coupons</span>';
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    clipButton.classList.add('btn');
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    clipButton.classList.add('btn-secondary');
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    clipButton.style.width = '175px';
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    couponGridContainer.insertBefore(clipButton, couponGridContainer.firstChild);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">})();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">async function clipCoupons() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    console.log('Clipping coupons...');
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    let load_more = document.getElementsByClassName('load-more')[0];
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    while (load_more != undefined) {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        load_more.click()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        load_more = document.getElementsByClassName('load-more')[0];
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    let coupons = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-coupon-btn");
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    for (let coupon of coupons) coupon.click();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    console.log('Finished clipping coupons!');
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

Idk man cigarettes smell fucking awful. Vapes at least don’t smell awful and aren’t as bad for you.


I think this is just a case of correlation doesn’t equal causation.

People in higher socioeconomic groups tend to consume mind-altering substances in smaller quantities, and often don’t consume the more harmful ones (i.e. cigarettes) at all. Largely because higher socioeconomic status is correlated with higher quality of life and less need to “cope”. As a result the negative affects are seen as less of a downside since the short-term positive mental effects are more impactful to those who have a lower quality of life.

In lesser words, people who have shitty lives are more likely to opt for less healthy habits to lessen suffering in the short term, despite increased risk of long term side effects.

Most people couldn’t care less if the person smoking on the corner is wealthy or poor. It’s gross either way.


Woah, I didn’t even know you could do that. What CSS did you use for this? I use SideBerry and would like to do the same thing.


Found a config on the internet:

<span style="color:#323232;">:root {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  --sidebar-hover-width: 52px;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  --sidebar-visible-width: 320px;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#TabsToolbar, #sidebar-header {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  display: none !important;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#sidebar-box {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  position: relative !important;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  overflow:hidden;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  max-width: var(--sidebar-hover-width) !important;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#sidebar-box:hover {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  transition: all 200ms !important;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  max-width: var(--sidebar-visible-width) !important;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

Source is reddit


Ended up with a similar issue in SideBerry. The option there is “Show titles of pinned tabs”. Turning it on is the fix.


I promise you it’s dead simple to install if you wanna check it out. ModDrop is probably the easiest installation route, just follow the instructions in that link and you’ll be set up!


Computers don’t have hard stop generations like consoles. There are hardware generations, but they run the same software as previous ones. As such you get continuous support on a platform that won’t just change every 5-10 years. You’re also not at the mercy of the hardware manufacturer as you are with a traditional console.

If you decide you wanna build a desktop PC and get rid of your Steam Deck in the future your Minecraft world will run there the same as it would your Steam Deck, even across different operating systems (Windows/MacOS/Linux). Minecraft is built on Java, so anything that can run modern Java can run it provided it has sufficient specs.

The Steam Deck runs Minecraft Java Edition extremely well. I cap it at 60 FPS to conserve battery, but it easily pushes 200 FPS for me with a 32x texture pack and some QOL/performance mods. You can also dock it and plug in a mouse and keyboard if you prefer as it’s extremely versatile.

JDubbleu, (edited )

Using a Steam Deck as it was intended abstracts Linux so far away from you it really does not matter what is under the hood. I do love the stupid amount of customization and projects like EmuDeck that make setting up emulation support dead simple, but 99% of the time I use my Steam Deck it’s in game mode.


Yeah phone autocorrect strikes again


I’ve hosted one on a raspberry pi and it took at most a second to process and act on commands. Basic speech to text doesn’t require massive models and has become much less compute intensive in the past decade.


It’s a gamble to get a used car you know nothing about when you have a truck you know is at least a bit reliable. My family grew up playing used car roulette and it’s pretty damn hard to come out ahead in this scenario. Best to run the thing until it dies while saving up for a new or like new vehicle.


I know a ton about cars, but short of taking the motor apart there’s only so much you can glean from a drive and quick once over.

Is this VPN comparison breakdown trustworthy?

I’m shopping for a VPN providers, and really struggling to find a detailed and non-biased breakdown of the various options. A number of years ago, I recall finding an extremely detailed VPN comparison spreadsheet that had 30+ columns, which were contained criteria by which the VPNs were judged both quantitatively and...


I did a lot of research a few years ago and settled on ProtonVPN. I won’t say anything authoritative regarding privacy as I haven’t done any recent research, but I’ve been very happy with the service so far.

I run a seedbox with all the traffic from qBittorrent tunneled through ProtonVPN and I’ve gotten up to 200 Mbps down through a few very healthy torrents before, and on dedicated speed tests I can pull down ~250 Mbps on my gigabit service. I’ve also never had it go down despite using the exact same server 24/7.

Their documentation is also amazing and they generate connection configs for Wireguard and OpenVPN on their website using provided parameters making it dead simple to get started.


The only universally correct date format is ISO.


Catch me loading up a new version of Super Smash Bros Melee every time I gotta save a timestamp.


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  • JDubbleu,

    For me, a native speaker, I’ve been confused maybe twice by the use of singular they, and all it took was a quick clarification to remedy. This is because it seems pretty rare in English to use a pronoun without some context surrounding it.

    If someone came to me and said, “they went to the store” my confusion would be due to a lack of context. Who are we even talking about in the first place? In that scenario gender neutral he, which is confusing for a myriad of other reasons and can lead to false assumptions, would be just as confusing.

    However in an exchange like, “where did this person go? They went to the store” or, “where did Alex and Bob go? They went to the store” the context provides whether they is singular or plural. Revisiting the first example with zero context, “they” would normally be replaced by a proper noun. This sets the required context and makes future uses of “they” make perfect sense.

    Whereas with gender neutral he I’d assume you knew the gender of who you were referring to. I grew up using they in the singular form constantly, and it’s not like I was surrounded by queer culture, it’s just a function of how English is spoken in some places even outside of the UK (I’m from California).

    I can definitely see it being confusing though if you were taught “proper” formal English. No one I’ve ever encountered speaks that way and it’s largely reserved for academic works. Hell, should’nt’ve and wheredya might as well be in the dictionary by now.


    As someone who grew up somewhere super flat it really doesn’t get to you because it’s all you’ve ever known. However, now that I live somewhere with hills it drives me crazy when I visit home.


    It’s not quite blockchain. It is incredibly useful in a broad range of applications, and has genuinely changed how millions of people work. Sure it’s not the magic bullet wall street thinks it is, but my work has been improved immensely through the use of generative AI. Especially with uniquely challenging software problems and niche questions.

    I think it’ll be similar to VR. Extremely useful and interesting, but over-hyped and not going to penetrate our lives as much as most people think.


    It is strictly due to power efficiency. ARM is insanely power efficient when put up against x86. Our phones run it, laptops are starting to run it (ever wonder why MacBooks have 20+ hour battery lives now?), hell AWS is switching their data centers to ARM because of the energy savings. It’ll save the world a lot of energy since 10% of our electricity is used for computers.

    No one is forcing you to run out and buy an ARM system, and x86 is gonna be supported for a very long time. Software will be developed for both platforms in parallel as it’s going to be at least a decade before it reaches dominance.

    Did you feel this was when we went from 32 to 64 bit computers? If so, we still write software for them even though many people, myself included, haven’t used a 32 bit computer since the 2000s.


    Clocks use IIII instead of IV most of the time. This is completely normal and not at all out of place

    Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

    This is based off the “Great tier” AMD build, but I’m waffling a bit on the price. I don’t really know a whole lot about PC specs, but I read this is supposed to be a good long-lasting build based on the DDR5 and something newer in the CPU or Video card. That being said, I’ve only really ever build mid-tier and while I...


    I’m going to preface this with this computer will last quite a while, but you won’t have nearly as much of an upgrade path if you went with an AM5 platform (latest AMD CPU socket) on DDR5 (latest generation of RAM). With that said, your use case seems to be one that will not require keeping up with the latest games, so if you want to save some money this is what I would do.

    NOTE: Prices are from Amazon, you can likely find a few components cheaper elsewhere.

    CPU: You don’t need an R5 7600. I was running an R5 3600 up until a few months ago and the only reason I upgraded was I found a 5800X3D for a good price. I’d go for an R5 5600X which is $60 cheaper than the 7600 and will be more than enough for City Skylines 2

    Motherboard: You can now get a B450DS3H board for that CPU for $40 cheaper

    RAM: You’ll now be on DDR4. Get a 16GB kit of CL16 DDR4, will be about the same price as the DDR5 you have. May want to go for 32GB of RAM because sim games eat RAM, but ultimately up to you. You can always buy more down the road if needed as a 32GB kit is like $5 less than 2 16GB kits.

    Case: The no-name brand cases on Amazon are actually quite good. You can get a nice case for ~$50. Hell, I just found a Thermaltake Versa H18 for that price. Another $55 saved.

    GPU: I haven’t kept up to date on GPUs, but I’ve heard good things about the 6700XT, and benchmarks look respectable for BG3 and City Skylines 2. You could likely get away with something a bit less powerful, but price to performance seems to side with the 6700XT.

    This brings the price down to $831. You could ditch the aftermarket cooler and get it under $800 as the 5600X comes with a cooler, but I’m never going to knock aftermarket coolers as they tend to be much quieter and less whiny than stock.

    JDubbleu, (edited )

    I think in this case AM4 is fine. I recommended it because OP mentioned the price was a bit much, and AM4 at the moment gets you a lot of value. Especially given they are someone who plays indie games primarily with some heavier games occasionally and isn’t on all the latest AAA games. I’m actually very similar to them where I’ll play the occasional AAA game, but I mainly stick to Minecraft and KSP (which is stupid CPU intensive). My R5 3600 was more than enough for this and my upgrade was 100% unnecessary, so the 5600X should last them quite a while. There is also a decent upgrade path from a 5600X to a 5800X3D or 5900X3D.

    We’re starting to see gaps between generations get smaller as Moore’s law fails, so I think parts are going to start lasting a bit longer now anyway. Hell, my 4970k lasted me almost 7 years, and my mom ran it in her work PC I built her for another 3 after that.

    I honestly don’t think either path is a bad one, just up to them if they want to save some money or get a little bit more upgradability.

    mr_MADAFAKA, to steamdeck
    @mr_MADAFAKA@mastodon.social avatar

    Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the past month, sorted by playtime.



    It’s a handheld, standalone computer. It can do game streaming from a PC as well, but it’s powerful enough to run games like Fallout 4 at 40 FPS.


    The change to Android where notifications are now a restricted permission by default has been amazing. Just about every notification I get is one I care about because only ~5% of my apps can even do so. Those that send them too frequently quickly become part of the 95%.


    IntelliJ for Java Pycharm for Python VS Code for everything else

    I use the Jetbrains IDEs through Gateway to my dev desktop, and VS Code through SSH.

    I work at AWS and the tight integration of the Jetbrains IDEs with our internal package manager/build system is a must. I frequently need to do some lighter scripting or text formatting at which point I just use VS Code because it’s faster. I could realistically use any of them for everything, but I’ve realized using 3 IDEs that suit my multiple use cases perfectly has been more enjoyable than using one IDE that does one thing perfect, and everything else just okay.


    They determined that the average customer stayed in a given McDonald’s after ordering for x minutes, so they made the coffee so hot it couldn’t be consumed within x minutes in an attempt to get people not to utilize their free refills on coffee. The coffee was so hot it was dangerous. All to save a customer from getting 2 more cents worth of coffee.

    DEI Jobs Have Dried Up Post George Floyd Protests But The Ones Left Are Filled Mostly By White People (www.theroot.com)

    Even though diversity, equity and inclusion jobs increased by 55% following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, a recent study has showed that the vast majority of them have dried up. Across the country, DEI layoffs have been fast and unrelenting....


    I work as a software engineer for AWS, and as awful of a company as Amazon is, they do diversity in a pretty unique way that feels very natural, and you’d honestly not notice it if you didn’t pay attention.

    The 13 diversity groups we have (Glamazon, Black Employee Network, etc) were not created by the company, but space and budget was provided for them to be created by employees. You’re made aware of them when you start and can choose to participate or not, and the groups themselves each orchestrate the diversity emails and events around the company. They also make it pretty fun by giving out phonetool awards (basically badges on your employee profile) for completing the optional trainings they design, and the Glamazon ones are always stupidly cool looking.

    It’s not some giant fake, “we give a shit” charade that most companies do, but it’s around you enough to normalize and promote acceptance of the differences we all have. I’ve personally found it broke down a few or my own minor internal biases I didn’t realize I had.

    With all that said Amazon is still a super shitty company.


    I’m pretty sure BitTorrent is the protocol, and qBittorrent is a client which makes use of said protocol. The company responsible for the protocol does make their own client named BitTorrent though.

    JDubbleu, (edited )

    Pretty much. I’m a plugin developer for Decky Loader on Steam Deck and my sole motivation is I enjoy building cool shit. I wanted a feature on my Deck that didn’t exist…so I just made it. Then, since others wanted the feature I created a pull request to the Plugin Store so everyone could use it.

    I’ve spoken with quite a few of the other Steam Deck Homebrew developers and they basically all had the same story. It’s also nice because if you get stuck or need help there are hundreds of people you can ask who are very knowledgeable, and more than willing to help.

    JDubbleu, (edited )

    It’s not a glitch. Lemmy strips EXIF data from uploads for privacy reasons. Many phones don’t truly “rotate” a photo once you capture it. They just append to the EXIF data to tell any photo viewers which way the photo should be oriented when it is loaded. Cropping the photo fixes this because you’re then rewriting the entire photo, but this time the software does rotate it.


    BOTW was one of the first games in a while that hit me with that feeling. I had so much fun with it and I still haven’t beat it because I’ll be damned if I don’t 100% the game first. It was a little slow at first, but I came to appreciate the pacing more as I played it.

    I’m also just getting back into Minecraft after not having played it consistently since 1.13, and I’m having so much fun with all the new shit.

    The idiom of "doesn't grow on trees" as a metaphor for scarcity falls apart when you realize that food does grow on trees yet is still very scarce.

    Extremely not-fun fact: collectively, humanity currently produces more than enough food for every person. But a huge part of it is either wasted or inaccessible by people that need them, which usually results in them not going to anyone and being wasted, which is why we still have food scarcity.


    It’s entirely a logistic issue. African countries are insanely difficult to traverse. You can have all the food in the world but we don’t have a way to move the food to everyone.


    Not me personally, but one of my career mentor’s friend’s took down the entirety of Google Ads as an intern for like 10 minutes. Apparently it was a multi-million dollar mistake, but they fixed the issue so it couldn’t happen again and all was well afterward.


    The thing is LLMs are extremely useful at aiding humans. I use one all the time at work and it has made me faster at my job, but left unchecked they do really stupid shit.


    It’s also possible they sell fewer green ones, meaning they produce fewer and don’t get as much of a benefit from economies of scale.

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