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Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?...

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds good to me. I’ll have friends and family watch from the outside so I’ll be confident it isn’t some kind of ruse.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

What’s mildy infuriating is your attempt to advertise your app here. I have ad blockers, but I kind of suspect this site has ads on it somewhere.

Izzy, (edited )
@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Almost all of Syncs business model is ads. The free version has ads and almost everyone who pays for it is doing so to remove ads. Which is just rewarding the implementation of ads. I also disagree with the concept of profiting from free user content with ads like Reddit does. Which was Reddits primary goal of preventing third party apps. They wanted the ad revenue themselves instead of third parties getting the ad revenue.

The only way this can be acceptable is to not have a free ad version and only have a paid version. That way you are paying for software and not paying to remove ads or profiting from free user content.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

That would be a good idea too.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Developers should make money. Just not with ads.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not trying to be rude here, but please read my post. Paying to remove ads is part of the ad business model. Anyone who pays to remove ads means the developer profited from ads.

[Discussion] Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir (Spoilers) (lemmy.world)

We are two weeks into the month of September now. I think this might be a reasonable amount of time for some readers to have completed this book if they started early this month. At least I finished it last week. I’ll leave this thread pinned for the rest of the month and next weekend I’ll create the poll for the next book...

Izzy, (edited )
@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

After being mostly disappointed by Artemis and The Martian I was quite wary of this one. Perhaps my expectations were more reasonable this time around, but I think it was also a better book. Considering how those other books were trying their hardest to stay within a reasonable level of scientific accuracy and plausibility I was completely surprised that there turned out to be an alien in this one. An intelligent sentient species no less. He also just kind of showed up out of nowhere and I was in disbelief that that was the direction the story was going for a bit.

Like someone else mentioned I did find the book to be a bit too much “for all ages” kind of thing. Like it was intentionally written so that it could some day be a PG movie for both kids and adults. There is nothing wrong with this of course it is just not my usual thing. I did find it a bit eye rolling at times how great this supposed average teacher was at any kind of science and alien communication. Rocky was clearly the best character in my opinion. If he wasn’t there to offset the whole lone savior idea like The Martian I don’t think I would have enjoyed this book.

The science bits were a bit too sciencey and not enough fictiony for my tastes, but I don’t think it is Weir’s style to try and make up his own fictional science. Almost all of the science was just real science and math. I think the only thing that was pretty much entirely made up was the idea that something like astrophage and its neutrino harvesting amoeba could exist. I did like the details given for everything Ryland and Rocky were doing.

I kind of wish he actually managed to get back to Earth. It felt like a bit of a cop out for us to never fully see the impact to Earth. We know that at least somebody survived, but I wanted to see the scale of the damage. Anyway I liked this book more than I expected and I’ll more than likely read whatever book Weir publishes next.


@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

This is what I clicked this thread to say. It doesn’t make any sense. There is no official “anonymous” organization so there can’t be an official Youtube channel.

The Pixel Tablet is actually just a few spare parts in a half-empty body [article headline] (arstechnica.com)

I am not sure where I land on this issue, I am not entirely sold that it should have been filled to the brim and packed tightly but it does seem like they could have done better either for repairability or at least having things like a headphone jack and maybe better speakers (I have read that speakers can do better with more...

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, but at $500 the profit margins are still huge. This is like a $200 tablet being sold for $500. It probably costs $50 to manufacture.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

When you design a new device from the ground up you make them fit in a way that allows the remaining space to be a single large rectangle to be entirely filled with battery. This might require custom PCB to have some L shapes. If you want to target a specific weight and having that much battery is too heavy then you make the device thinner. Instead it looks like they took pre-existing components from other devices such as Pixel phones or the Google Home and put them in a larger case.

It’s not necessarily a problem that this device exists how it is, but that it is a cheap way to go about it and yet still sold at a premium price.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It seems to be primarily for a Japanese audience.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Matrix has some Lemmy integration already and perhaps more in the future.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I believe you can send DMs over the Matrix protocol. I’ve never looked into it.

Izzy, (edited )
@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Are you overqualified for the position or are they just paying lower than market rate? Or perhaps were you previously making more than market rate? It’s always a good idea to try and get as high of a salary as you can, but jobs are going to be listed for a specific range for a reason. For example if it is a junior developer position they won’t want to hire a senior developer regardless of whatever reasons led to that person applying. The risk is high that this person won’t stick around in the junior position because they are too experienced.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I think that is a bit of a gamble. They might not want to hire you because it will be clear that you are looking to be promoted as soon as possible. Then they will have to go through the hiring process again to fill the position you just left.

If I were desperate for a job and needed this position I’d probably claim I was making around the top end of the positions salary range rather than much more. Then just deal with it until I can move up. In an ideal world I’d be applying for a job that is already at my current level with appropriate pay.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Personally I’d rather it wasn’t a thing. Regardless of how insignificant and “just for fun” such things are we inevitably get into a situation where people are only doing things to be awarded. It corrupts the incentives of participating in discussion. The same problem would exist if we had karma on Lemmy.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

What does it mean to “Shout down a speaker”? What are they speaking about and what is the purpose of shouting at them?

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I see. If someone is yelling obscenities at you then its probably ok to yell at them too although I wouldn’t bother personally. I don’t think this poll can mean anything though as I imagine everyone has different understandings of what a “speaker” is and is doing.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I started reading regularly. Been doing it for a few years now. I think it was exactly what I needed in my life. I pretty much cut off playing video games and replaced it with books. 👍

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

No reason in particular. I can’t get interested in video games anymore. So I have unintentionally replaced my free time playing video games with reading. If I could manage to get interested in a video game then I would still play it.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

If we could control instance level blocking on a user level it would be much more feasible.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It won’t protect a server from getting illegal content on their drives. Best to defederate if that is happening and can’t be dealt with otherwise. If you have some other method of dealing with illegal content on your server and wanted to host a Lemmy instance that is federated with everything it would only be appealing to me if I could block instances myself.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Sure. This isn’t a solution to the problem lemmy.world is having. I just think this feature should exist.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Those two things don’t seem conflicting. Some bad actor right now could upload illegal content to lemmy.world. It’s not like lemmy.world can defederate with itself as a solution. It must deal with it by deleting the content. An instance could potentially delete illegal content coming from everywhere on the lemmyverse. This would take a lot of work so if you didn’t want to bother doing that for instances other than your own you would defederate.

If some instance owner for whatever reason decided to take on this work either manually or with some automated process that allowed an instance to exist that is federated with everything, but clear of illegal content then it would be an appealing instance. Assuming I could curate my own instance block list.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

What kind of moderation tools could help with this?

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t recall exactly when it was, but quite awhile ago I saw Twitter transitioning from a place people use internet aliases to talk about niche things into a place where official organizations like local city governments, news channels and even the fire station to put out information. As well as people using real identities including celebrities. That’s when I bailed. It might have been around 2012? I don’t know for sure. The same problem happened on Facebook.

Using these websites as a place to do serious things feels absurd to me. Like trying to have a discussion about politics on a neopets forum. Except it is a neopets forum that is mostly porn. At least Facebook doesn’t have porn, but I don’t like the idea of real identities online. Real identities are for offline in my opinion. Official organizations should use dedicated sites for their purpose. Or a self hosted mastodon instance where they don’t allow sign ups if they really want this format of delivery.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

How is this not illegal, but sending spam emails is? What a messed up world.

Izzy, (edited )
@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

I have a book called Sinopticon which primarily consists of science fiction stories by woman from China. So far they have been very different from anything else I’ve read as they often completely abandon any kind of tropes.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

They are good and interesting in my opinion. I haven’t finished all of the short stories yet though, but I can’t imagine the rest of them would be bad.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

We have re-invented trains for the 500th time. Good job world.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Truck platoons on rails. Sounds so cool. Fund it immediately.

How can I be less competitive about social media engagement?

Posting from a throwaway because this is something that embarasses me a lot. I’m an artist who posts fanart on social media but as much as I remind myself that fanart is just for fun, I should just enjoy myself and not worry about engagement, I can’t get myself out of the competitive headspace against other artists who...

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

People for once not being overworked has made it clear that the scope of modern AAA video games is unsustainable.

[Question] ActivityPub Blogging Platform

Hi! I’m looking to publish a blog that can be discovered through interactions on the fediverse, and potentially displays replies as comments. I had set up WriteFreely and, though it is missing the replies feature, it seemed pretty well-made. However, when I tried to publish my post, pressing “Move to [blog name]” made it...

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

You can make a community on a Lemmy instance and set it only allow moderators to post.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Fascinating. I actually just started a self hosted wordpress and might try this. Maybe… Getting mastodon people in the comments might not be a positive thing. 🤔

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a toss up. There are a lot of people on Mastodon and I wouldn’t want to somehow get drama on my personal blog that is not really meant to be seen by the wider world. It’s harmless content to be sure, but the internet is a weird place. I would potentially want to keep it isolated and just use Mastodon when I want to.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone seems to be micro blogging there own stuff. There are probably people reading various things, but nobody cares enough to respond. I think Twitter fed on drama which got people upset enough to respond. I think Mastodon is still sorting itself out. People will catch on eventually to how it all works.

Izzy, (edited )
@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Infancy. There is no guarantee it will catch on.

Edit: I find it strange that this image is implying that as soon as you stop implementing features you start dying. This is how you get needless bloat and turning solid software into something its original design never intended. A lot of software companies fall prey to this plan of endless expansion which eventually turns off the primary userbase of their software.

Lemmy doesn’t need infinite features to continue surviving, but we definitely aren’t there yet.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Between the legs must be a supremely comfortable spot for a cat.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Something similar to Star Trek. A world without scarcity of resources or money.

How to make a post with a GIF actually post the gif when viewing through lemmy-ui

Whenever I make a post with a link to a gif as the URL, the post on clients like Sync, Liftoff, and Photon all actually show the .gif file in the post so it will play correctly. Whenever I view the post on lemmy-ui (the basic UI) though, sometimes it has some .webm file that was created on the original instance, and to actually...

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

Gifs are extremely efficient though. There is only downloading and no decoding necessary to play it back so it has no impact on your CPU. If you have a screen full of 1000 GIFs then your CPU won’t start melting. Try playing 1000 video files on your computer no matter how small they are.

However, there is no reason for a 50mb GIF to exist. If you actually have something that is longer than a few seconds you should not use GIF.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It can be an argument if you want, but it seems more like a discussion to me. I refute the idea that gifs are horrible and obsolete. You even give a use case in your post. If I have a 1 second looping image I’d much rather use a gif than a video format. So I believe they should work on Lemmy. The rest of the internet has no problem supporting this format.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It would be to be a completely mutual agreement where all parties understand all the details and implications. It will probably never happen so it makes way more sense to make data harvesting and selling of user data illegal.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

It looked like Day was crying after that brutal insult she gave him. Knowing how petty Day can be at even the slightest offense it seems like he is incapable of harming her or even talking back.

@Izzy@lemmy.world avatar

That all sounds pretty cool. I could have sworn they mentioned all those devices they were producing were “personal aura” devices thus being a shield, but that could have just been Day not being aware of what they were. Perhaps the technology of a personal aura but used differently can become a teleporting device.

It’s also possible Hari didn’t even need to sneak anything to Demerzel. I think merely mentioning that the prime radiant is right there and that she could understand it was enough for her to be curious. I can’t recall if she actually took it? I suppose they could have snuck it out with her.

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