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@Itty53@kbin.social avatar
Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Grain of salt, rather than skepticism.

No normal person can waste their time being truly skeptical of everything they see. The reality is we don't have to (nor often do we) believe everything we see in normal situations. So take everything you see online, on TV, from afar with a grain of salt. Don't put too much faith in it. Shit this is important even with actual real video footage, context can change everything. You get twenty seconds of a twenty minute video and you can make it say anything you want. Just cut the context to suit.

In situations where evidence counts, such as a court room, custody of that evidence is considered. Any old mp4 can't be provided to the court as evidence without it being thrown out by the other team. So there really, truly is hardly any concern whatsoever about generative AI in the courts.

And the other side of that coin is confirmation bias. I don't care how shitty the fake is, if you show a MAGA a video of Biden eating a baby that person will insist it's real. Against any evidence to the contrary, they'll argue its real and reality won't matter.

That's what's been meant by the "post truth world". It isn't a problem of establishing what is and isn't truth. The problem is that the truth doesn't matter anymore.

Hopes Dashed As LK-99 Confirmed Not To Be A Room-Temperature Superconductor (www.iflscience.com)

After a few intense weeks of speculation and drama, more and more labs have been able to recreate LK-99, also known as modified lead-apatite. The material was touted as the first-ever room-temperature ambient pressure superconductor, a claim that was met with healthy skepticism and excitement. After all, extraordinary claims...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Yeah this all smacks hard of a con then. You don't publish except to get replication. That's the entire point.

Publishing while being intentionally vague about replication is a huge red flag.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

People do see it all the time. But they're dumb.

The vast majority of MAGAs out there think Trump is against the wealthy "elite" because he keeps saying he is while associating every political opponent to that elite.

They are acting as if the wealthy elite are the enemy. They're just dumb.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

California here. They wont. People don't notice those kinds of things. The central valley in CA though is sinking and has been sinking since the 60s. For the same reasons.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

They want to avoid that until the absolute only option that's left is that. Because gag orders are very problematic of the first amendment, and his strategy is entirely trying to make this a referendum on his first amendment rights.

If they don't issue a gag order there's nothing he's being charged with that the first amendment will protect him from. If they do? His argument gets that much stronger.

He is pushing the limits purposefully. He wants a gag order. But he wants it without actually breaking the existing order (which his post over the weekend did not do). If he breaks that he faces additional felonies and they'll be consecutive punishments.

So don't feed into the public demand for retribution, that feeds trump. Let justice grind it's course. The judge and prosecuting attorney are both being meticulous and acting faster than anyone could reasonably expect.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

To be entirely fair there's a significant chance some of them are undercover cops. But that's neither here nor there.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

No one is demonizing this particular thing. People are complaining about a senator who needs to give way to a younger, more progressive person.

Like a 70 year old. /s Jokes aside this highlights things well.

Seriously though, no one is demonizing the thing. They're pointing out the thing adds strong evidence to the arguments they've been making for the better part of the last 20 years. When W Bush went under the knife he signed over power to Cheney. That's the responsible thing to do. On the same token, Feinstein has indicated the likelihood that she is unable to serve her role in numerous ways, with this just being one more way. If she can no longer speak for herself, how can she speak for Californians? I live here, BTW. I'm affected directly.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Alt-right: These people want literal genocide.

"Leftists": These people want healthcare and affordable housing and a true living wage and perhaps not to be afraid of dying every time they interact with police.

You : these two extremes are both untenable, there's a compromise here we can all agree on.

You don't come off as enlightened, you come off as ignorant. Edit, yep he's just a regular, cowardly fascist. Honestly I have more respect for the swastika wearing khaki boi than I do for these pitiful little trolls. At least the guy wearing a swastika has the conviction and the balls to say what he actually thinks. He's wrong, he's awful, but at least he isn't a fucking coward too.

Block the guy, reader, he wants to waste your time and energy and frustrate you. That's his goal.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Haha you're just a coward. You want to be a conservative but you know it isn't popular so you won't just be one. Coward. C. O. W. A. R. D.

Republicans are fascists. You seem to be okay with a little fascism. I'm not. There's our disconnect. Fascism is a deal breaker for me.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Ha! Ok. We're done. You're a fascist troll and I'm blocking you, and you're going to tell yourself that's a win but the reality is it isn't. It isn't a win that you can annoy people with your cowardice until they refuse to waste further time on you.

You need to go take a looonnnggg look in the mirror and ask yourself why you act the way you do. It isn't nobility or wisdom. It isn't respectable. It's cowardly and ignorant and lazy. One day you might grow up and realize that. It isn't gonna be today though.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Huh, the games did phenomenally well in America. Weird. /s

We're in an age of knee-jerk finger pointing, with the problem getting worse the higher you get in society. It's just one giant game of blame hot-potato.

Here's the thing: The producers don't owe the fans shit. They don't owe the fans an explanation even. They owe the investors an explanation. The fans are just there, that's the reality of being a fan of something. We don't get a say, we just can choose to watch or not, and then decide to trash it or praise it online if we want to.

So while there's a problem going up the ladder of the blame game, there's another one coming back down the ladder, and it's entitlement. For some odd reason there's an air of "we deserve this content, exactly to our specifications" and it permeates games, movies, music, all of the entertainment content we have been inundated with as a society. And I think the culture generally leans towards encouraging it because it keeps the culture thriving. But it also keeps us in the exact status quo we're in as a society, beholden to these billionaire publishers we all rail on daily.

Because let's face it: We as a society spend an enormous amount of energy and as such, destroy a lot of the planet, on all this entertainment. If we can't accept that as a fact then we're fucking doomed.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

There's a difference between choosing and listening to fans (critics) to improve and being made to feel obligated to do so. This society literally harasses people over being upset at fictional portrayals of cartoons. Sometimes harassed right out of their chosen career. Game devs know this very well.

Content creators have no obligations to the consumers of the content, period. No more than Picasso had an obligation to paint landscapes. He didn't care to so he didn't.

Content creators, publishers, etc: they're free to make schlock we don't like, and we're free to express our disdain for it, and I'm free to point out that the folks wasting their energy complaining are indeed, wasting their energy. And cringey to boot. There's a line crossed when you start insisting and making personal commentary at all. A publisher's interests and the fan's interests are not always aligned. That's fine. You can deal with it, I promise. You bring up the snyder cut: Know who probably drove that whole push? The studio. Yeah, every one of those "fans" got played. This kind of shit is unacceptable. Period.


Don't encourage it.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Declaring "I shall not be purchasing [thing] because [reason]" in public is yes, very cringey. You just, don't buy the thing. That's all. No look-at-me-i'm-important declaration necessary.

My complaint isn't the same as that bullshit. Try again.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Right now a lot of the electricity we send from A to B gets lost as heat energy, among other sciency shit. So for every watt of power you use, it takes more than that to get it to you. You're phone heats up because of this. Computers all require ventilation and heat sinks because of this. LED screens are even warm and they're meant to be as not warm as possible.

Super conductors at room temperature addresses that fundamental problem of moving electricity.

This doesn't even touch the magnet factor. Super conducting magnets can levitate. This is literal cars without wheels territory. Maglev roads. Railgun shuttle launches. The abundance of the materials one question is also highly promising. We're not talking rare earth.

If this is true it's the biggest discovery since the transistor, no sweat.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I'm skeptical, but then I also understand that in the scheme of things, "room temperature" is arbitrary. So there's no reason I know of that it can't happen. It's not like perpetual motion or something.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Honestly, leave it on Reddit. That sub was just ASUS and Corsair in a trenchcoat. I can do without the commercials.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Ketchup packets, but flipped in the 4th dimension.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Just block him. You're actively spreading his message by responding to him in any fashion, that's how the fediverse works. This can't be stated hard enough. When you see these accounts you need to block them and move on.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Imagine having the time to actually look at all that nonsense just to find out who clicked an arrow icon halfway around the world.

I don't think people really understand just how privileged it is to be here dawdling at all, given time, technology, access, etc ... nevermind dawdling maliciously over something so petty.

Then again you could easily make bots to check all that shit, do the cross referencing, and pump out a black list of folks you don't want to interact with. I can see there's a lot of use in that for moderation and administration, but as a user? Begging for problems. It won't ever create positivity to have people able to see that. I understand the protocol won't hide it, but apps can.

Edit, Wait, I'm not even sure the protocol allows for downvotes anyway, that's specific to the apps isn't it? So there's a conscious decision going on to show them? That's a miss.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

At this point doing something that you're unsure whether it will make things better or worse is literally a better option than just nothing. I mean really what's the worst thing that happens? The equivalent of an oil spill? Like that's ever stopped us from doing things for profit? Why should we hold ourselves to these "better be entirely certain" standards when we never held ourselves to that standard on the way here?

This is a legitimate train of thought. "This might hurt things but I'm not sure how" simply isn't good enough. Give me a reason to be afraid to use this. Cause we're not afraid of using oil yet. Fuck it let's put a bunch of iron in the oceans. Really can't hurt things any worse than we have, can it?

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

No that's what got us here. Profit above all else brought us where we are, it can't bring us back. Apologies for being blunt but that's a stupid thought you shared.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

By positing it as the reality and not just a reality that we can actually change, you're playing defense for em. You're using their talking points.

BTW You don't have to be debating the finer points of morality to be doing something immoral. Corporatists don't debate morality either. Because they know they lose, every time. Hint hint.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

You and the other guy both sound like you're whining that free content isn't being catered to your every taste for you when you have every tool at your disposal to curate your own content.

Y'all are entitled as shit.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I thought about it.

Y'all are entitled as shit.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

You sound like you're a teenager.

The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor (arxiv.org)

For the first time in the world, we succeeded in synthesizing the room-temperature superconductor (T(C) >= 400K, 127C) working at ambient pressure with a modified lead-apatite (LK-99) structure. The superconductivity of LK-99 is proved with the Critical temperature (T(C)), Zero-resistivity, Critical current (I(C)), Critical...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Note that the guy said if it gets peer reviewed. Many people have made many claims that would've changed the world as we know it, but until it gets repeated in controlled environments it doesn't change anything.

I think it's an achievable goal for sure. There's nothing I know of that makes room temperature anything but arbitrary so it could happen. If it did, yeah it changes a lot potentially.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

They do it every time they want to keep inquiring and suspicious people distracted.

Once is an occurrence. Twice is a coincidence. Every few years for the past six decades is a pattern. Nothing ever comes of it but in the end new shit got to happen without interruption.

Like how do these people believe the government can keep aliens a secret but they won't buy that?

Edit, watch AOCs questions in that hearing. She is hot onto the point: she asks specific questions about the process and requirements for reporting phenomenon to Congress. She's doing that because this entire hearing is focused on whether grusch endured reprisals for whistleblowing. That's all they care about, that's what the House Oversight Committee does. And when she gets to the root, Grusch goes anxious, stutters, etc. But when he's talking about his claims it's highly scripted, no stutters, nothing.

Grusch is using the whistleblower protections to grandstand, AOC knows it. He's gonna be facing perjury charges within a month, bet. I'll bet even further, he's gonna flee the country and then claim the warrant they put out for him is "targeted" at him for whistleblowing. Conspiracy con artists all operate on the same script.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Not yet 🎵🎶🎵

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

But they're only each 9. Ever seen drunk dudes fighting in groups? They'd fight like that. Getting in each other's way, tripping over each other. Hell if my kid is any indication he'd just sit and play with toys the other kids left behind.

I could take about 5 at once given what I know of children, that's a reasonable limit.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I think really you only need to get a solid punch on one kids jaw. One goes out cold, the others to into survival mode. I think the primary risk there is I might wear myself out chasing them down to mop up.

I'm gonna step back and just say this is all humorous. Don't hit kids... Unless they deserve it.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

This is a wildly over generalized take.

Twitter was also an important tool for journalists and researchers worldwide. Military targets have come from Twitter posts. It is a reflection of a huge chunk of society. You may as well call all of internet technology "just a porn box" for how wildly over generalized that statement is. The reality is your generalization comes from arrogance. "I never engaged in such frivolous behavior". You're here now. Yes you have and yes you do.

Even your comment is the first cousin of outrage, it's pure disdain. Nothing more or less, and exactly as valuable as outrage.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

He's a bellwether for the party. "How far can we push the message". That's not ironically the exact purposes of primaries when you get down to it - consolidating a party message. You use different politicians to highlight different aspects, send them out and get the feedback. They'll do it for healthcare platforms the same way they will for fascist ones. Same game rules apply.

Might seem kind of snarky to generalize actual states and actual people and their actual lives as game theory, but that's exactly what they do. Because it works. Every major party engages in that kind of thing worldwide.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Really wanna see how it handles the standard Photoshop touch ups. It's not like the news media has never altered photos to solicit a skewed perception.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I really hate the label AI. They're data models, not intelligence - artificial or otherwise. It's PAI. Pseudo Artificial Intelligence, which we've had since the 80s.

The thing is that these data models are, in the end, fed to algorithms to provide output. That being the case it's a mathematical certainty that it can be reversed and thus, shown to be from such an algorithm. Watermark or not, if an algorithm makes a result, then you can deduce the algorithm from a given set of it's results.

It wouldn't be able to meaningfully distinguish 4'33" from silence though. Nor could it determine a flat white image wasn't made by an algorithm.

I think what we're really demonstrating in all this is just exactly how algorithmically human beings think already. Something psychology has been talking about for a longer time still.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

You're following me exactly, just not seeing what I'm pointing at.

I agree, a human can't meaningfully distinguish between a flat white picture made by a human (with say, MSPaint) and one made by an "AI" with a data model that includes the color Flat White. Similarly there's no meaningful distinction to be made between 4'33" as performed by an algorithm vs one performed by a master pianist - humans can't do that and neither can a machine.

We've called certain kinds of entertainment "formulaic" - well that wasn't inaccurate. It was. It is. We are. We are algorithmic. And just like in decades past when scientists put forth the idea that our emotions are just the combination of biology and chemistry, there will be serious existential pushback from certain sectors of humanity. Because it belittles the idea of what it is to be human and relegates us back to simple animals that can be trained. The reality is we are just that. And we keep proving it.

We've been seeing this problem framed as one facing teachers and educators: How do we know students aren't cheating and having an LLM writing their term papers? The reality is if they have been and teachers didn't catch that from the start? The fault isn't the tool they used. They're teaching and grading the wrong thing.

Language, like math largely did with the calculator, will be relegated to machines and algorithms because we already did that to ourselves a long time ago. We're just building the machines to do the same thing for us, and getting the desired results. If I ask you what 237 x 979 is I don't expect you to math that out in your head, I expect you to probably use a calculator to get that answer. But it's still important we teach kids how to multiply 237 and 979 together on paper. It's very simple to do that and avoid the use of computers altogether. It's basic writing skills after all. Teaching isn't about producing term papers, what does it matter that LLMs might be used to cheat them then? It's about educating the students. Our whole focus on the problems of LLMs is just highlighting over and over and over the problems we as society have had for a long long long time, far before anyone knew what an "LLM" was.

Sorry. I rant.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Confirming this has been happening to me.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

No joke, start digging into the guys who made ancient aliens and not too long after you start seeing Nazi shit in their past. Like explicitly so, not tangentially related, not "neo" but actual Nazis. Historical revisionism is literally the basis of the show, so you shouldn't be surprised that the main players are Holocaust deniers.

Wanna know who wrote the book the show is based on? It wasn't Von Daniken. He only wrote the first, unsuccessful draft. Utz Utermann rewrote the second draft that actually became very popular. Guess where he was from? Guess what he was doing during WW2? Writing propaganda for the Hitler Youth and working as the editor for Nazi newspapers. I'm dead serious.

Ancient Aliens is just soft selling literal, actual mystic Nazism and it always, always, always has been.


Hateforking alreading happening for Fireffish (bungle.online)

"i'm not having another plush.city moment so here's the fucking screenshots, read for yourself the outright hostility and bad faithb no alt text sorry i do not have the time, some other kind soul can do it or i'll do it at a later date (📎5) RE: holy shit contributors to iceshrimp are definitively hostile to firefish i had a...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

We need a good drama sub to track all the meta tea.

Looking for r/menslib equivalent, like mensrights without the toxicity (kbin.social)

Greetings, Kbinners (and anyone else from the 'verse who might be reading this). Back on the platform most of us migrated from, there was/is a subreddit called r/menslib, which was like r/mensrights minus the misogyny and shitting on marginalized groups and minorities. Those of you who subbed will remember it was a great place...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Don’t go looking for the safe place to have the conversation, make all spaces safe for the conversation to take place.

This. No safe space in the world will fix the problem. Safe spaces aren't for addressing concerns, but simply outletting them. Venting without fear. That's all they're good for. If you want to affect change you need to challenge the problems where they arise, when they arise. Directly. That's how you "be a man" today without being toxic: by having the courage it takes to say what ought to be said instead of the cowardice to let bad ideas go unchecked.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

In so many words you just said what I said. Safe spaces aren't where people go to affect change though, at least no where but within themselves. I'm not downplaying their importance by saying so either. I'm just saying that if you're looking to affect real change in society, that a safe space isn't what you want to do that in. It's not what they're for.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Oh yes he was. Manchin is a residual from the neoliberal movement. He's a great reminder that Democrats have been "radical centrists" for decades.

Democrats aren't your friends. They're just the better option between two conservative parties.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Manchin isn't that. He's a neoliberal. Southern Democrats were the precursors to neoliberals but manchin isn't one.

Southern Democrats were Democrats who voted against the civil rights act. Manchin isn't that old. He's been in office since the mid 80s. He is a classic neoliberal. Liberal on social policies, conservative fiscal policies wrapped in a feel good liberal gild.

Base Air Show Featuring Scantily Clad Models Raises Questions About Justification for Drag Show Ban (www.military.com)

At Joint Base Lewis-McChord's air show just outside of Tacoma, Washington, this past weekend, onlookers and families saw tactical military jets, high-performance sports cars and risqué models dancing on stage in skintight red, white and blue bikinis, part of what organizers described as a "way to thank the Puget Sound...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

No it doesn't raise any questions, it's just more evidence on the pile that they're never honest about their justifications for doing what they do, and they'll apply their laws selectively as it suits em.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I'm just thinking half as hot as any camp fire is still plenty hot enough that I don't wanna touch it if given the opportunity to do so.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I'm gonna go ahead and say there's a legitimate argument to make that star wars is a religious or spiritual endeavor for at least a fraction of the fans.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

In this thread: examples of characters who offended the precious sensibilities of right wing clowns. That's the common thread of 90% of examples if not more.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

It doesn't though? How are you arriving at that conclusion?

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