@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar


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Irisfreundin, to plants German
@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

#Zimmerpflanzen #indoorPlants #Hydrokultur #hydroculture

Eine freiheitsliebende Sanserverie hat den Hydrokulturtopf verlassen :ablobcatattentionreverse:

Wer will den Ableger (bei Interesse DN)?

Nahaufnahme des "Flüchtlings"

jblue, to plants
@jblue@mastodon.world avatar

If you grow any citrus at all, grow this one.

Citrus obovata, Fukushu kumquat

Cold hardy to 28F/-2C, can be grown in a pot. Fruits 4-5 yrs from seed.

It’s the fruit that makes it so special. The peel is very sweet and chewy and the fruit inside balances it with a nice tartness. And bc you eat fruit+peel, it’s very nutritious.

I sell seedlings for $15 plus shipping available in early spring. Open to reservations now.


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@jblue @plants

The descriptions I get here in Germany say that the fruit is bitter. Is it a special selection you grow?

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@jblue @plants Seeds in Citrus are grown when a bee has visited the flower (or any other respective pollinator).

Irisfreundin, to buechermachen German
@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar



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silphium, to plants
@silphium@regenerate.social avatar

Everytime I try and stratify seeds in my fridge, they turn moldy. What am I doing wrong?


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@silphium @plants Your fridge is too warm. I stratify seeds by sowing them in pots and bury these outside in a garden bed. (shelter against mice, birds and rainworms). In spring they're perfectly stratified and start to germinate.

appassionato, to bookstodon
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

The Fruit Gardener's Bible: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruits and Nuts in the Home Garden

Enjoy bushels of crispy apples and baskets of juicy blueberries from your own backyard. Authors Lewis Hill and Leonard Perry provide everything you need to know to successfully grow delicious organic fruit at home, from choosing the best varieties for your area to planting, pruning, and harvesting a bountiful crop.


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@appassionato @bookstodon

Wenn es vor der letzten Revision der Winterhärtegrade geschrieben ist, dürfte das meiste nicht mehr stimmen. 😞

Rhyothemis, to gardening
@Rhyothemis@zeroes.ca avatar

According to the new 2023 USDA Hardiness Zone Map, I'm now in Zone 8a.

Not surprising with global warming.

This means I should be able to plant some new (to me) perennials, but I'm wondering about that. Last year I lost a Texas tarragon, I think due to the unusually hard freezes (11 deg F) we had. It seems like the unpredictable extremes that climate change causes might mess up the whole zone map thing.

Video on the new map:
The NEW Hardiness Zone Map (Explained)

Link to interactive USDA Hardiness Zone Map:

#gardening #perennials #ZoneMap @gardening

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@Rhyothemis @gardening
Winter hardiness also depends on fertilization. If nitrogenous fertilizer is applied after June, the plants collect too much water and are less hardy.

levampyre, to gardening German
@levampyre@chaos.social avatar

How did you get into ?

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@levampyre @gardening Meine Eltern hatten immer einen (Pacht-)Garten für eigenes Gemüse und helfen war Pflicht. Als ich dann auszog, dachte ich "Nie mehr Gartenarbeit!" und fünf Jahre später hatte ich doch einen Schrebergarten. Ich kann nicht leben ohne Garten und ein Herbst ohne eingeweckte/eingefrorene Gemüse- und Obstvorräte macht mich unruhig - da fehlt etwas.

kwheaton, to gardening
@kwheaton@sfba.social avatar

More Camelias from today. All sansanquas. Setsugekka, Kanjiro and Jean May. @gardening

Deep pink single. Kanjiro
Double light Pink Jean May.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@kwheaton @gardening Since two weeks I owe my first Camelia. It's Camellia Shibori-egao, a two-colour blossom. I'm eager to see the first flower!

18+ AimeeMaroux, to mythology
@AimeeMaroux@mastodon.social avatar

It's the Day of Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka ! 🐏

This cup of and a dog was made as a pair, the other depiting Apollon. The delicately painted seated adorns the center of the cup, feeding or playfully teasing the hound reclining at his side.

🏛 Red-figure by the Iliupersis Painter, ca 375–350 BCE, in

@mythology @antiquidons

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@AimeeMaroux @mythology @antiquidons

Hermes and Mercurius are completely different deities in Antiquity. The greek Hermes is an ambassador of the gods with wings on his ankles and a healer with the Aesculapian Staff in his hand.

The roman Mercurius is a trader with a purse in his hand.

The identification of the two results of Roman light fiction literature.

tinoeberl, to buechermachen German
@tinoeberl@mastodon.online avatar

"Veröffentlichungen der ""
Selbst ist der

Auf der präsentieren die ihre . Doch immer mehr verlegen ihre Werke selbst - wofür es gute Gründe gibt."

@buechermachen @buchstodon


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@tinoeberl @buechermachen @buchstodon
Bin jetzt 21 Jahre dabei.

dbellingradt, to histodons German
@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

Run, early modern postal horse with your messenger sitting on top blowing the post horn, run. @histodons

You see a video of the identical printed image used in the 1670s on the title page of the Nuremberg “Wochentliche Ordinari Post-Zeitung”. Re-used Woodblock, here we go.

You see a video of the identical printed image - a postal horse with a messenger on top - in the 1670s on the title page of the Nuremberg “Wochentliche Ordinari Post-Zeitung”.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@dbellingradt @histodons

Das kann man wieder nicht auf Deutsch übersetzen lassen. 😞

Irisfreundin, to plants
@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@bike @plants

Ornamental flowers which you can eat: Ornamental Garlic

Allium aflatunense,
Allium hollandicum,
Allium giganteum,
Allium cernuum,
Allium cristophii,
Allium karataviense,
Allium narcissiflorum,
Allium tuberosum,
Allium ramosum.

They flower in all colours. Some of them do not taste like garlic, but like chives or onions.

BrahmaBelarusian, to plants
@BrahmaBelarusian@regenerate.social avatar

@plants One thing I'm noticing as I engage in a fall cleanup of my front yard, including mainly planting cold weather plants & adding mulch, the 2 quince trees that I planted this past spring in the front yard have not only survived but grown sizably, so I'm now considering planting a few more small trees in the front yard.

Another possibility is my trying to get some roses to put along my backyard property line, with some Egyptian walking onions, as I really don't like the stench roses have.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

There is a sort of roses "Pirnitzer Vitaminrose" or PiRo 3 which is bred for extra big hips with much Vitamine C. It has almost no thorns and flowers like a wild rose.


@BrahmaBelarusian @plants

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@BrahmaBelarusian @plants
No. This is the ordinary wild rose. I recommended a speciall breeding. What you showed me is Rosa canina.

The exact Latin name is
Rosa dumalis x Rosa pendulina var. salaevensis

LoraHughes, to gardening
@LoraHughes@mastodon.social avatar

We lost the gravel battle, cuz the landlord says it's cheaper. Killing the = cost effective. In this section, he moved the gravel, put down new membrane, then put back the dirty gravel. Within 2 weeks, there was new grass. At 3 weeks, the grass is 4" tall. When I stick my finger into the gravel, the first digit is coated in dirt. He tried to charge the last tenant for the existent shoddy landscaping. We're thinking about putting heathers & lavenders in to save our deposit. @gardening

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@LoraHughes @gardening
In Germany more and more towns forbid this.

Kuchenschwarte, to gardening German
@Kuchenschwarte@fnordon.de avatar

Jetzt ist die Zeit für Blumenzwiebel-Lasagne!
Mit Wildsorten ist das mehrjährig.

Now is the time for bulb lasagna!
Use species and leave a bit of room to plant a Hosta on top after they have finished flowering and chances are it will become a perennial affair.
@gardening @plants


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@Kuchenschwarte @gardening @plants

Bei mir sind inzwischen so viele Zwiebeln im Boden und werden aufgrund des trockenen Untergrunds uralt, dass ich gar nicht weiß, wo ich noch welche pflanzen könnte. Also werde ich meine neuen (historischen) Tulpen jetzt in Kübeln überwintern und im späten Frühjahr erst auspflanzen, wenn ich sehen kann, so noch Platz ist. 🤷‍♀️

dbellingradt, to histodons German
@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

Well, around 1500, in Swiss St Gall, nuts were distributed in memory of specific events. Such "memory nuts", as Carla Roth (in her The Talk of The Town" book) calls them, were reminders of old or to be renewed memories of events, things, power constellations etc.

It's a play on words: the contemporary German "Gedächntnuss" (memory) contains "nuss": nut.


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar
dbellingradt, to histodons German
@dbellingradt@mastodon.social avatar

I like big books and I cannot lie. Fellow , this is me in 2013 and 2023 doing my work.

My main field is called . It is an umbrella term, an overextension of many fields and approaches dealing with past communication flows and artifacts:



Me sitting next to big books in Augsburg. The foto is part of a story about my work from Der Spiegel. Simon Koy made the picture.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar
silphium, to plants
@silphium@regenerate.social avatar
@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@silphium @plants
Place the surplus by the road with a sign "To give away".

donkeyherder, to gardening
@donkeyherder@kolektiva.social avatar

I’m equal parts delighted and terrified by my . Two days ago I got 15, and forgot to pickle them, and today I got 28 more. Do I even have that many jars? I’m eating them as fast as I can but I’m losing the war. I’ve ordered some food safe plastic 2 gallon buckets to help.
I’m growing two varieties, “Mideast peace” and “Addis pickle,” and Mideast is far and away my favorite. I’m only going to grow it next year.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@donkeyherder @gardening
You can also peel the thicker cucumbers, cut them in half, scrape out the seeds, fill them with minced meat, bake them and melt cheese over them at the end.

The prepared cucumber halves can also be frozen and enjoyed this way in winter.

Sascha_Raubal, to buchstodon German
@Sascha_Raubal@muenchen.social avatar

Frage an die dt. -Gemeinschaft:
Wenn ich mit einem Buch von einem Dienstleister zum anderen wechsle (sagen wir von BoD zu Tredition), ändert sich ja die ISBN (hab keine eigenen ISBNs gekauft). Titel usw. bleiben gleich. Verliere ich dann alle Sternchen und Bewertungen bei den Online-Händlern?
Ich fürchte ja, oder? Thalia kriegt es ja nicht mal gebacken, mein eBook mit dem Print zusammenzulegen.☹️


@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@Sascha_Raubal @buchstodon @buechermachen

Bei uns waren bei Neuauflage mit neuer ISBN auch beim gleichen Anbieter alle Bewertungen und Rezensionen weg.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@Sascha_Raubal @SFAutor @buchstodon @buechermachen

Tredition mag für reine Texte (Romane) interessant sein.
Für Sachbücher mit vielen Illustrationen ist es uninteressant. Bei meinem letzten Buch bekäme ich bei Tredition ein Buchhandelsmarge von 0,56€, bei BoD 5,22€. Da sind die 39€ Startgebühr schnell wieder raus.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@v_d_richards @Sascha_Raubal @SFAutor @buchstodon @buechermachen

s/w-Illustrationen spielen keine Rolle. Aber das von mir genannte Buch (364 S.) hat 196 Farbseiten.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@SFAutor @v_d_richards @Sascha_Raubal @buchstodon @buechermachen

Ja. Pro Farbseite 7 ct. (netto) bei BoD

Deshalb ist KDP für uns auch preislich uninteressant.

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar
@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@donkeyherder @gardening
So you have had luck. Evrybody says they're poisonous.

ScotHomestead, to gardening
@ScotHomestead@mastodon.scot avatar

Tomato update! Faint hint of orange! It’s coming along. @gardening #gardening

@Irisfreundin@troet.cafe avatar

@ScotHomestead @gardening

In this rainy and cold weather, I would pick them in this state and let them ripen indoors. The risk of the bursts starting to rot is too great outside. Ripening is usually no problem in this state.

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