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“Looking into”

I’m sure the API fees plus Twitter’s woes made it not worth it. I also imagine the use wasn’t that high, Twitch integration is much more important.


That’s true, but this isn’t about the comics. I still haven’t beaten SM2, but it does obvious that they are heading towards Miles being the main SM going forward. He’s really going through an evolution arc while Peter is going through a real rough patch.


I’m not finished with the game yet, but I’m a decent chunk into it.

They have really focused on his development more. In a way they’re copying the normal Spiderman story (how to cope with balancing being a super hero versus having a regular life) but they’re changing it a little bit by having him deal with emotions and plot points from the Miles Morales spin-off. And he’s also balancing Pete who is going through the classic symbiote stuff.

I’d consider him a more interesting Spider-Man than the last game, but his regular life development isn’t any more interesting. But I’m probably about half to 2/3 through the game so that could change.


I’m convinced that having kids causes a brain chemistry change that makes parents willing to deal with their children. Otherwise, the majority of people would never have kids or abandon them shortly after birth.


How was there a deposit issue and not a withdrawl problem? That’s a little suspicious.


I think it has gotten worse in that now we have higher bandwidth, faster computers, and more advanced web standards so ads can be an even higher level annoying. If we had the same type of ads back in the 90s that we have today, they would never load and if they tried to they would bring your computer to its knees.

Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs. (

Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.


I already cancelled my subscription. I’m going to the subscription hopping plus piracy route now for D+.


Perhaps I am cringe, but that makes me free!

…Except for when I wake up at ngiht in a cold sweat remembering cringe from years ago.


It’s common, but probably shouldn’t be for these right wing grifters. Or just grifters in general. If you know someone is trying to start some idealogical bullshit in order to satisfy a personal grievance, you can just kind of assume that you’re not getting paid.


That honestly makes me happy that it isn’t a must play. My PC is getting too long in the tooth for a game like Starfield and I don’t have an Xbox. But I’m a big Bethesda fan and felt like I was missing out.

I wanted NMS with a more compelling narrative and RPG components and it doesn’t look like Starfield is that.


I am right above the minimum requirements, but just barely. If anything, playing it would probably make me want to upgrade my PC.


Putin won’t use nuclear weapons and he can’t realistically escalate the war.

That’s a huge bet to make. The whole point of nuclear deterrence is so nuclear powers don’t think to directly engage each other in any serious way. No one is anxious to call a nuclear bluff, especially since this is basically win or die for Putin.


I am glad I stocked up on chicken thighs from my local butcher shop a few weeks ago. Was something like 99 cents/pound. Now I’m seeing them sitting at $1.70/pound.

But chicken quarters are 89 cents a pound. It’s weird how the pricing works.


When they live off, I think they mean is that enough to where you could live on that and not work. And the answer to that is no/not well in the majority of cases.


Good to see. I was thinking we wouldn’t get a fix until 17.1.

Thankfully I haven’t had any overheating issues after setting up the phone. But it did get too hot to touch on the left hand side during data transfer when first setting up the phone.


False positives happen and it seems like they already resolved it.

It’s unfortunate that MS makes it so hard to take them at their word when they’re so aggressive with forcing Edge down everyone’s throat. That makes even obvious bugs seem nefarious.


Honestly, I don’t know how any end user who doesn’t understand IT and wasn’t around before services like Cloudflare were available can say this. They objectively don’t have the information or experience to make the claim.


Have you ever self hosted a website? Was that a modern website, or just a bunch of text? Are you experienced with uptime SLAs on multiple services? Have you ever had to deal with a DDOS attack?

There are lots of things that Cloudflare does that requires experience and knowledge to notice or understand. And it isn’t even the biggest single point of failure when it comes to the Internet. When AWS has an outage for instance there is a huge chunk of the Internet that goes down.

There are problems with the centralization of the Internet. But this happened for a reason, and it has been so long and these services have been so reliable that people don’t even realize what it was like before.


I agree with an asterisk that it would be a worse experience for most users.

But my contention is that the benefit is greater even if it is less convenient, and that alternate app stores on Android have shown that the majority of people don’t use them or know they even exist. So for most people, there won’t be too much change. I’m sure some larger apps will try to force their own app stores and payment methods, but I don’t see that succeeding because again, it hasn’t on mobile. So I think there will be churn in the first few weeks or months, but then it would settle down.

At the end of the day, this is a computer owned by a user. They should be able to install what they want without having it approved by Apple and sold only through their store.


That’s the risk of freedom.

But even still, I again point to Android. You know how you avoid any security or convenience issues? You just don’t use the third party app store. And I think the same will play out if iOS does start allowing third party app stores.


I’m in my late 30’s, I definitely remember those toolbars and other crapware that was common back then.

But now is not then. And smartphones aren’t the old Windows 2000 and XP machines of back then. I keep repeating it, but we already have a modern example of how this will go. It’s modern Android. And for the vast majority of people (in the West at least) they don’t install apps that are outside of the default apps or the built in Play Store. And I think the same will be true if iOS allows third party App Stores.

Sure, app developers will try. Apple devices are a huge honey pot that scammers and crappy devs would love to exploit. But after that initial gold rush, users that don’t have the knowledge to discern what is safe and what isn’t will be deterred by the difficulty of installing third party stores and inputting their payment methods. Scams will get press and Apple will warn against using them. And then the vast majority will just use their iPhones as is, with some users going third party for piracy and porn and then savvy users going to them for utilities and functions that Apple just doesn’t allow in the App Store.

I think it will be fine and the history of modern smartphones seems to support that theory.


Android users spending less money doesn’t mean no money. There is money to be had, it is just less than iPhone users. And devs did try their own App Store and continue to. Epic for example has their own for Fortnite.

But what happened is that no one wanted to jump through the hoops of enabling third party app installs so most had to bend the knee and come back to the Play Store. If Apple is required to allow the same, I see the exact same thing happening. The majority of users won’t want to jump through hoops and won’t do it. Some devs will try to force it, but the loss of income will make them come back.


I don’t think it’s an intentional feature they added, it’s just an included bonus of USB-C.


I tried this just for the lulz, and it worked with no issue. Was able to get close to my rated gigabit speeds. Not of much use for normal people, but it’s just a freebie from having a USB-C port.


I posted this comment on reddit, but this whole situation is fascinating. Not necessarily that Finewoven is garbage. Apple’s leather cases have been bad since at least the iPhone 11 and their silicone cases have sucked for a while as well. As soon as Apple announced FineWoven I knew it wasn’t going to be good as their leather cases.

What is fascinating are the issues with fit and finish. Cutouts not matching up is very weird for Apple. It makes me feel like some senior official at Apple left years ago and when Apple decided to switch away from leather they didn’t have that senior person there to oversee the effort and make sure that it works and is high quality.


That’s basically where I’m at. I want some tingling, burning and flavor, but I don’t want to feel like I’m dying either during the meal or after.


I’ve never really understood this argument. The history of browsers shows that a browser choice screen isn’t necessary. IE used to be dominant until it started sucking so much that people looked for alternatives. For a while that alternative was Firefox, then Chrome came along and people moved to that.

I think the problem for alternate browsers on PC is that all browsers are good enough at the things most people care about that they don’t look at alternatives anymore. Most pre-built computers come with Chrome pre-installed and if it isn’t, people seek it out on their own to download it. More savvy users know about Chrome’s issues, but those aren’t issues users really care about.

What does need to be addressed is how iOS and Windows either don’t really allow you to use another browser, or make it difficult to switch. iOS needs to allow other rendering engines so alternative browsers aren’t just a skin over Safari and Windows needs to stop with preventing users from changing the default browser for things like widgets.


With Chromium being increasingly the only supported browser we soon won’t have a choice which browser to use for certain websites anymore (e.g. Firefox).

That’s where I disagree. I think that if we do get an internet where Chrome is the only option and it sucks, we’ll get another browser option. Firefox for example went through a few years of being a bad browser but it has gotten past those hurdles. People are lazy and change is slow, but once it starts I think it is unstoppable.


I had issues last Friday with the pre-order and didn’t think to try through the web. So I couldn’t get in my 256GB Pro Max in Natural Titanium pre-order until after 0830 and my delivery date had slipped to Oct 4-9th.

But, I just got an email today saying it shipped and it should be delivered sometime between Sept 26-29th so I’m pumped about that.


You should definitely be able to play with the display models, but their stock for purchase is going to be extremely limited.

Looking at this sketchy ass site for example, the stores near me had only 512GB Blue versions in stock and now I’m not seeing any stock within 100 miles of me.


A few years ago (around the time of the XS) iStockNow was a good site to check availability. I remember using that to get my 8, my XS, and I think my AirPods. But that site died a while back.

You’re probably good with the XS still if it is working for you. Save your money.


The easiest two ways are to either pay per mile, or just add the round trip time to whatever their pay is. There might be some small complaints and attempts to abuse. But the complaining is easy to deal with and I think the abuse would be small and could be dealt with in similar ways as other time theft is dealt with.


They are kind of funny, but more because of how nonsensical and disturbing they are than any actual comedy. Just looking at the image makes my brain feel like it is skipping.


Very nice. Although it is dumb that it is only on the 15.


It does feel kind of spiteful. But honestly, it is surprisingly difficult to find USB 3 USB-C cables anyway. Most of them are USB 2 unless you spring for Thunderbolt cables.


We’re talking USB-C to USB-C right?

Do you have links for some of the ones you looked at? Because I checked a few Anker and Apple cables and they were all USB 2.0.

It does seem to be easier to get USB 3 Type A to type C cables, but not C to C.


Lightning was a good cable. It’s just that Apple didn’t improve it any for a decade and never opened it up so it could have been a standard.

It’s smaller and more durable. It’s just slow and proprietary.


USB 3 is not USB-C. USB-C was a few years after lightning. At the time devices were shipping with Micro USB which was genuinely terrible. Apple could have made Lightning support USB3 speeds out of the box. But they didn’t and never really improved it. I think a few of their tablets did support USB 3 speeds, but weirdly not their phones.


It’s absolutely possible. I have a 2021 Sony TV, a 2016 TCL and a 2021 TCL all hooked up to Apple TVs. I basically never see the actual TV interface on either one and none of them are connected to the Internet.


Most these aren’t beliefs of leftists. They’re either straw men or completely exaggerated and taken out of context.

I think most leftists believe that before the average person gives up anything, the corporations and rich who actually contribute most to climate change should be reined in.


I would feel bad if it wasn’t obvious that Musk would do this. It is impossible for him to control himself. He can’t help to put his dumbass opinion in the mix, no matter how much it hurts him personally and professionally. It’s the reason he was forced to buy Twitter in the first place.


That too. Assuming she is getting paid and not screwed like some of Twitter’s former employees, I’m sure she can cry into her pile of money.


Besides the listed examples from the article, what would be the impact for normal to even hobbyist root users? It seems like this is a good idea to prevent modification of legit certs and allowing certs to be updated remotely.

As touched on above: if you’re configuring your own system CA certificates on Android right now for debugging, reverse engineering, testing or research, that option is going away in Android 14, and presumably all future versions too.


I assume on /r?

I don’t know who would do that. The only reason I view all on Lemmy is because there isn’t enough activity to limit what I see. Despite the downhill trajectory on reddit, it isn’t at that point yet.


That’s sad, but not unexpected. The studio had pretty massive layoffs a few years ago I think when their Overwatch clone didn’t sell well. And this Saints Row reboot didn’t do well either.

Hope all the good people here find some work, one of my favorite LPers worked there and he’s a good guy. Sucks he and others have been jerked around twice like this.

InvaderDJ, (edited )

They also mention that the majority of homeless aren’t that. So this is a nuanced story I think. We may be able to help the majority of the homeless simply by giving them money and/or housing. But for the ones suffering from addiction, mental illness, or entrenched homeless, this won’t be a magic bullet. It will probably take drug and mental health counciling. It probably won’t completely get rid of homeless, and the ones it won’t help are the most visible and most problematic.

But we can’t let perfect be the enemy of good. And we already know our current approach is not even to the level of good.

EDIT: Grammar


It’s a multifaceted problem and will require multiple solutions to address. Those are always the most difficult solutions because they’re expensive up front and may not show results immediately.


It’s a fair question to ask. Any time civil liberties are curtailed, there should be questioning. There should be coverage.

But in a case of a smaller country being invaded by a world power, their options might just be use every tool available or accept losing their sovereignty because a more powerful nation wants their land. And we also need to acknowledge that and say it out loud. If you don’t think the war and loss of civil rights is worth protecting their sovereignty and the right to be a country, admit that up front. That it sucks, but that you think the benefits outweigh the costs.

My one question would be, was there a vote to fight a defensive war when Ukraine was invaded? Is that something invaded countries even do? I’m honestly asking the question. Because if there was a fair and free vote, and the majority voted to defend their land, then it seems like they’re fine with it.

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