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Intralexical, (edited )

Yeah my name is Link man,
I’m more well known than Lil’ Wayne

What’s that? You thought my name was Zelda?
That’s a fucking girl’s name!

I’ve saved the world like fifteen times,
And saved the princess from demise
And I do it all alone with no help and no advice!

(Hey, look, listen!
Hey, look, listen, you _ annoying fairy!
I’d rather be forced to listen to constant Katy Perry.)

I’m called the Bushwhacker
And my bank account’s maxed.

Got 999 rupees,
But I’m forced to pay out the ass for these bombs in Castle Town.

So I can kick that dumbass Ganon
All the way to Argentina!

L to the I to the N to the K, and he ain’t gonna stop 'till the world is free of evil.

Legend of Zelda? Fuck that! Legend of Link!

Credit (and blame) to Smosh. By the way, while we’re at it, can someone lend me their tomahawk, or maybe some meat in my mouth? Also, who’s Evil Kneivel?


It is a pretty cool name, honestly


Idk man. I don’t use TikTok and probably never will, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to be able to segregate their entertainment from their intellect.


I meant that it should be possible to appreciate harmlessly stupid or silly/vapid humour without it degrading your ability to also reason critically about serious stuff.


I suppose it would melt/refreeze the surface, and basically turn them into badass armoured snowpeople.


Why would they want you to have a working program? How does that help sell you more stuff?


Welcome to Cascadia, land of trees, salmon, and hydroelectric dams.


Hey, would you look at that? This Lemmy thread is on the first page of Google search results about this.


…There’s probably an ecological definition for “community” that you could try to transfer over… I think in cases where a large group of individuals don’t actually interact with all of each other either directly or indirectly, but are nonetheless relevant as a grouping because they share a particularly contextually prominent set of traits (E.G. “Plays Video Games”), then “population” might be a more appropriate term (if a bit sterile).


Maybe they’re just a fan of death?

…Or maybe they mean threatening death itself— As in, like “Stop killing my friends, Death, that’s really not cool, and I’m going to start stealing your Death-beers from your Death-fridge if you don’t stop”.


Sympathize with their plight if you find doing so worthwhile, but also recognize their response isn’t helping.


That just redirects to thread 16j21jg. They’re generating opaque unique IDs so they can track permalinks now?


as with all things, eventually runs out.

Nah. Cats are exempt from the first and second laws of thermodynamics, I’m pretty sure. They can just conjure more resources and more luck into existence at will. It’s why the ancient Egyptians worshipped them so much.

A man bought a metal detector to get off the couch. He just made the "gold find of the century" in Norway. (

At first, the Norwegian man thought his metal detector reacted to chocolate money buried in the soil. It turned out to be nine pendants, three rings and 10 gold pearls in what was described as the country’s gold find of the century....


It turned out to be nine pendants, three rings and 10 gold pearls in what was described as the country’s gold find of the century.

Huh. I knew gold is one of the few metals that you can find in pure elemental form in the Earth’s crust, but I had no idea it was already forged into pendants and jewelry and stuff! Geology really is fascinating.


…Widespread knowledge of LLM fallibility should be a recent enough cultural phenomenon that it’s not in the GPT training sets? Also, that comment didn’t even mention mushrooms. I assume you fed it your own description of the conversational context?


TAPR or CERN OHL, probably— Kit cars do already exist, though are apparently aimed at hobbyists, and usually just partial cosmetic customizations. “Metal box on wheels with motor” ain’t exactly rocket science, although quality could be challenging and that’s especially important when it comes to safety.

That said, surely the production costs of modern vehicles needed to do their basic job— Efficient-ish and safe-ish transportation from point A to point B­— Can’t possibly be worth their increasingly inflated costs? There’s probably something to be said about the marketability of a sub-$10,000 basic OHL car that you can choose to scratch build or kit-build or buy fully built.


It’s for their upcoming line of Combine harvesters.


Nissan also said it collected information on “sexual activity.” It didn’t explain how.

Nissan doesn’t provide a detailed explanation of how the data is collected, but they say that the source they collect the data is “Direct contact with users and Nissan employees,” Whatever that means.

Based on this information, I can only infer that the Nissan sales handbook has a section on using seduction for particularly difficult and/or hot potential customers.

…I used to work at a pizza shop. Oh, so that’s why we got so many orders from the local Nissan dealership!


Source: Dan Baum, Harper’s magazine April 2016 issue, quoting Ehrlichman in 1994 in-person interview.

Ehrlichman had spent a short stint in federal prison, and since found work doing minority recruitment for an engineering firm in Atlanta. Reported on by CNN, with reactions from his family.


…Am I not allowed to use “y’all”, north of the 49th parallel? Do we have to bring back “thou” so “you” can be plural again? Or is this part of the Quebecois plot to force everyone to parler en français donc nous pouvons utiliser “vous”? C’est bien, anyway, j’suppose.


C’est un trait quebecois, je pense… les cowboys fringants la dit (“anyway”), donc je ne sais, c’est probablement ok… J’ai entendu “j’suppose” avant aussi, vraiment, je pense…? Est-ce que ça n’est pas comme “I’spose” en anglais? Reverso a beaucoup des examples pour “j’suppose”, quand même. (Je ne suis pas quebecois ou francophone, si tu ne peut pas voir pour quelque raison; je suis un idiot anglophone.)


“I’spose” est facile. “J’suppose” est dur à dire, parce qu’on ne peut pas dire “j’s” comme “i’s”.

Eh, je ne sais. C’est plus difficile que “I’spose”, oui, mais je pense que c’est ok… Les cowboys fringants dit aussi “j’te”, “j’rentre”, et probablement les autres consonnes aussi, donc, généralement, je l’imagine comme si on bredouille un peu.

J’ai dû sortir mon français rouillé. Merci pour la pratique. Et oui, j’ai utilisé Google.

Et la même à toi! Mais j’utilise Google pour traduire du français vers l’anglais, après avoir premièrement écrit la français avec Collins et quelquefois Reverso (mon professeur français a toujours aimé ça). Je fais des corrections alors peut-être. Ainsi, Google me dit si j’ai fait des grosses erreurs, mais je pratique mon français tout seul.


Honestly, I’m glad to see the EU and its constituent countries realize it needs to be able to assert itself without counting fully on the US.

Granted, I don’t have to live in the US myself, so… Sorry about that.


Xournal++ is old, but it can directly write on PDFs with both pen tablet and scanned image insertion, and can probably add/remove/reorder pages too— Technically I think its file format links to/embeds the whole PDF file, and then probably exports a new one with stuff added on top, or something like that, but the end result is usually that you can directly edit the PDF.

Or do you mean some kind of cryptographic signing? Well, it looks like Adobe offers a webtool too?


For example there is no proper pdf reader that can sign a pdf and add or remove a page.

Xournal++ should be a proper PDF reader that can sign a PDF and add and remove pages. Haven’t tried doing the latter personally though. It looks a bit old and might be hard to find, but it’s always worked suspiciously fine for me and is still in active development.

The “Adobe Acrobat” brand apparently also has a web app for signing PDFs. This is like, the first web search result for “PDF signing”.

I’ve also tried Inkscape import as vector and then reexport, which works fine for visually signing single pages. Just make sure you render the text to paths on import, instead of converting them to SVG text— And don’t actually do this, because it’s kinda dumb, so just use Xournal++ or the Adobe website instead, but there are options.

Granted, depending on how your experience with Xournal goes, these options are indeed not as convenient or easy as they should be.

Web3 is really helping linux out.

No! This term refers to, like, three three different things already, all of which have largely been either practical failures or grifts. Prescriptivism is usually just pedantry, but HTML5 web apps aren’t even on that inauspicious list.



Curious about why both?


The only downside I have is one you wouldn’t experience because you’re not using a laptop.

Optimus/Bumblebee/IGPU switching/whatever?


My point was its all a separate tool which defeats the point. […] Just makes no sense.

Ah, well, “UNIX Philosophy”, maybe. Each tool does one thing, and does it well, and it’s up to the user to figure out what they want to accomplish by using multiple tools together— Though it probably made more sense in CLI than in the GUI realm. I think it works for 95% of cases. I don’t want to need an entire office suite just to be able to make a mark on a page. But when you’re working a lot on one particular document (be it a PDF, video edit, source code, digital illustration, or whatever), then yeah, having a “complete solution” with an efficient workflow can be hugely important as well.

I honestly willing to pay for a complete solution I dont want it for free.

You could check if CodeWeavers Crossover, the money behind the WINE project, can run your preferred Windows applications but do it on Linux:

Or maybe WINE will do it for free:


There’s probably some programs that you always want to run with the dedicated GPU, though.

Copy the launchers for those from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications, and edit the Exec= line to include prime-run?

Or, assuming prime-run is inheritable (since otherwise apps that need renderer subprocesses wouldn’t work), run an application launcher/menu itself with prime-run?

Actually, it looks like just sets a couple environment variables anyway. So set those however you want for each program.

What does “NVIDIA Control Panel” look like these days? It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen it. No options in there?

I’m assuming you still want the IGPU and not the discrete GPU for rendering the desktop/simple programs, for power consumption and performance reasons, so you’re not willing to just turn the IGPU off or stick your entire session under prime-run or export its environment variables in ~/.profile or whatever.

It looks like there are also GPU switcher taskbar applets for both KDE and GNOME. This sounds like it would be easy enough.

…I think back when I was setting up a NVIDIA laptop, I might have just put a toggle for optimus-manager somewhere, or something.


Do you ever run into upstream bugs, or Idk, package version incompatibilities, on Endeavour? The idea that the 2-week package grouping and delay might help avoid those is one of the main things that drew me to Manjaro.


Nix is a good tool, but don’t think I’d personally want to give up the Linux FHS for it. Manjaro’s management does indeed have a somewhat concerning track record.


Well, nuts.

The Fairphone 5 released, is the sleekest repairable phone yet (

Two years after the Fairphone 4 and following the release of some audio products like the Fairbuds XL, the Dutch company is back with a new repairable phone: the Fairphone 5. It looks and feels a lot like the Fairphone 4, but it adds choice upgrades across the board, making it the most modular and also most modern-looking...


I mean, you don’t have to buy the new one. I guess as long as they’re not forcing you to upgrade while your current phone is still fine, it shouldn’t have too much impact on e-waste and stuff for them to refresh the parts list and specs for new buyers.


Let us not forget that S7 and S7 Edge had headphone jack and were waterproof.

Not user-disassemblable, much less Lego-style modular, though. Easy to make something “waterproof” when you can just seal it shut with “gooey black adhesive”.

I personally think the headphone jack is a wonderful truly universal and effectively completely open standard that’s very good at what it does, and which furthermore is doubly useful as a generic power and analog signal delivery mechanism, while mandating its supposed successors like Bluetooth and USB-C needlessly and massively inflates the technical and material cost of just playing a dang sound file. You could get serviceable wired headphones that last forever for like $5 if you were lucky; Nowadays, you pay at least ten times that for fragile lithium batteries and circuitry that will break in a couple years, and I really don’t like this trend of taking away capabilities for less robust alternatives while portraying it as innovating.

But I also actually use my Bluetooth headphones way more than my wired ones, and I appreciate the potential engineering and market challenges in what Fairphone is trying to do here.


I’ve been using the same (comparatively) cheap Sony WIC100 in-ear Bluetooth headset every day for several (over four?) years now. It’s lasted longer than basically any of the cheap wired earbuds I kept replacing before ever did, and still has all-day battery life too. I haven’t been particularly careful with it; Generally, I’ve just crumpled it up and stuffed it in my pocket with my keys, and probably semi-regularly snagged and yanked it on stuff pretty hard. Losing it is not really a concern; It’s all one flexible piece, and it’s basically the same profile or even slightly bulkier and heavier than wired earbuds when coiled up (but still more convenient when worn, because it doesn’t run the length of the torso). Plus they can just dangle safely from my neck when I need to hear stuff around me, which neither wired headphones nor “true wireless” headphones can do.

I agree with all your points in principle, and I still pay attention to the headphone jack when evaluating phones. But the corporations that make our consumer electronics have decided this is the trend they’re going with. Ultimately, you can either adapt, stop using the technology, or make your own with Raspi and SLA or whatever.


Other than the 3.5mm still being universal basically everywhere except for phones, it’s also universal in a purist physical sense.

Any old piece of scrap copper wire connected to a 3.5mm jack, wrapped vaguely into a coil, and placed next to something magnetic, should form a working speaker compatible with the 3.5mm jack. It won’t sound hi-fi, but it will work, because unlike Bluetooth or USB-C where you have to read hundreds of pages of standards and do a bunch of engineering just to figure out how to understand the signal, the signal in the 3.5mm jack basically is the sound.

This has direct practical implications as well: The transparent simplicity vs opaque complexity is why wired headphones can be so cheap and yet so reliable, or as hi-fi as your DAC and the speaker cone will allow, whereas Bluetooth devices are comparatively expensive, a mess to connect, fragile, bandwidth-limited, and environmentally and ethically dubious.

Bluetooth, and even USB-C, is basically black magic— Which wouldn’t be so bad, except that it’s also glitchy black magic. And this remains true regardless of device availability, because it’s determined by the physics of the technology itself is implemented.


…No. It seems like a bad time to be a plant. Too many wildfires, weird things are kinda happening to atmospheric composition, plus invasive species everywhere— Ugh, pine beetles crawling all up in my skin, hogweed taking my nutrients? No thank you. Maybe later— Definitely want the autotrophy eventually, but taking like a 95% hit to metabolic rate and being unable to go indoors obviously wouldn’t be acceptable either…

Seriously though, the comment you replied to also mentioned a few products by name, so I thought I’d reflect that hey, Bluetooth hasn’t been quite as bad as I’d expected it would be, even if most headsets are either overpriced or garbage.


Yes. And I’m saying that’s not really a valid comparison, because those phones are generally just monolithic slabs that have been glued shut, whereas Fairphone has to implement a user-serviceable modular design with actual seals and stuff.

Would giving it both water-sealing and a headphone jack be worth increasing the price by another €20, because it adds a new potential ingress point that the rest of the phone might have to be redesigned around? What if the jack is one of the biggest parts that isn’t replacable? Fairphone 5’s apparently only rated IP55, while Fairphone 4’s only IP54. That’s barely even really “waterproof”, but more like “splash-proof”. Would adding another hole in the frame be worth possibly reducing that rating to IP53 or IP52 (“drip-proof”)? Would it be worth reducing the warranty by 4 years, because some amount of dust and moisture still works its way in over time no matter how robust the rest of the phone is?

Personally I think I would probably rather have the jack even if it meant no waterproofing at all. But that might not be the direction the market is leaning in, and we don’t know what tradeoffs exactly they’ve considered to arrive at their final design with decent-ish waterproofing and good reparability but no headphone jack.

They have written about this directly in some detail, it seems. If nothing else, it shows that they have put some thought into the issue, and they’re aware that removing the headphone jack will be disappointing for some users, but overall they see making the phone thinner and adding IP rating as being the higher priority:



Who is this “God” Person Anyway?


Don’t say that, @FlyingSquid. You’re beautiful, and when us primates are doing ruining ourselves, you will inherit the earth and fly over mountains and forests as well.



Actually, yeah, that basically fits.


Regardless of age, I think you could probably argue that the small, glowing rectangle in your palm is an inferior reading and dining experience compared to an actual menu.

That’s not even to mention the unholy abomination of a tech stack that a system like this would be— Camera, QR decoder, web browser, WiFi/cellular, their web server— That signal might travel hundreds of miles to your ISP, their host, and then back— Probably a couple layers of outsourcing/contracting/helper apps they used to set it up— Though it’s apparently normal to take all that for granted these days, it’s still sorta ridiculous.


They are branded, so effort would have to be put into making them appear to be authentic.

Not really. Branded QR codes are just regular, unbranded QR codes but messed up— You basically just stick the the branding right on top, and then let the built-in error correction take care of the rest. Should take all of 5 minutes to set up, or maybe 20-30 if you wanna be a stickler for detail.

And I think it’s improbable that staff wouldn’t notice.

If I were working at the restaurant— I think I’d notice after a couple weeks— They’d have impunity up to then— But even then, I’d just assume the management switched it out or patched it up because they wanted to change the link for metrics or messed up something backend or something like that.

The staff is paid to wait tables, not to audit cybersec from the perspective of the customers.

And again, the roi for the bad actor seems incredibly poor.

Probably highly variable.

If the restaurant has a lot of patrons that are wealthy and technologically illiterate, with banking apps on unupdated phones with known exploits, then you’d think “ROI” is basically everything in the bank accounts of the patrons.

Same if the online menu includes online payment options for whatever reason.


Lmao, I’ve had literally 40-70GB of highly active application swap on an SSD for the last couple months now because I opened stuff and then didn’t close it.

That said, I chose and installed that drive years ago specifically for this use case (though originally for less intensive/more reasonable cases), and I’m aware of the stupidity of letting it be used like this now.


Tater tots are great, though.


The fastest predator in the world right now is a dinosaur that can fly at over 200 mph— with razor-sharp claws, and so durable it can survive crashing into moving objects at that speed.

Their friends are scary smart. They’re fiercely loyal, and yet ruthless and cruel.

And we’ve spent the last while spraying their eggs with poison, releasing bio-engineered killer drones into their midst, and planting invisible obstacles right in the middle of their highways.


Eh. EM bands, regulations, supply chains, and marketing are complicated, is my read on it. Doubly so when you want to do everything sustainably and ethically, and then market that in a famously hyper-consumeristic country.

I wish they did sell it directly in North America. But I don’t blame them for focusing on the EU where they’re at home.


Just turn off your watch history, and you won’t have to deal with any “Algorithm” crap. If you see something you like, press the “Like” button or add it to a playlist— You can explicitly steer and basically whitelist types of videos for YT to recommend to you this way.

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