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Well, they don’t want to do the one thing needed to make it successful: transparency. Maybe it can’t be.


Of course, it’s by design.


The problem isn’t the majority of people, it’s the minority of people who wouldn’t, specially in the environment surrounding Clark Kent. Neighbors, old class mates, heck, he is surrounded by an army of investigative journalists. At the very least they would joke about it even if they didn’t believe it.

InternetTubes, (edited )

I can sort of understand corruption and social inequality being so high that they don’t know which rich asshole is playing vigilante, they would just suspect that one of them is. The armament Batman uses, well Wayne industries would be the obvious explanation, but it isn’t like rich assholes wouldn’t have other options. Who was the rich asshole with a jetpack/high altitude drone flying it near airports in Los Angeles?

Batman would act not only as an example of social inequality and different standards for different social classes because of that suspicion, but as proof that only the rich and powerful can get away with acting like a vigilante while anyone else who does it to just try to protect themselves can’t. It would probably be Joker’s whole reason for being as influential as he is, “what a joke! well, if we can’t be the vigilantes we might as well be the criminals that steal from this corrupt city”.

I think there’s a considerable number of rich people in Gotham who could afford it, but the police is never really going to investigate them, they don’t have the power to even begin preparing the lawyers and the search warrants. They specially wouldn’t begin with the ones making large donations to the city who’s also the owner of one of its major employers.

However, the argument does begin to fall apart when one considers that other companies and industry leaders would want to spy on Wayne and that batman’s “secret” hideout never really changes. Competitors and law enforcement would eventually put two and two together.

InternetTubes, (edited )

Reddit has become like the Nigerian prince letters with this, as in if you are nuanced enough to ever experience this, you are not their target audience. They want only their very slim narratives to thrive, and they will willingly obliterate the post history and presence of decade old users to achieve this. This isn’t just keeping away conspiracy theories and misinformation to keep the noise down, it’s about keeping away any nuance and discussion away when the admins don’t like it when it personally offends them or argues against them. It is basically eroding the sort of participation that made reddit great and them just hoping that there’s enough participation left over to make it up.

Reddit is basically what X and Meta would be if Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg where as deceitful enough as Steve Huffman, as opposed to loud idiots who because of it everyone knows what they are. It’s a social network that is rotten to its core but has played people well enough to be able to get attention in places where it shouldn’t have been able to. Thank spez he was finally able to have his whole out-himself moment with the whole API fiasco, but of course he’s going to care less and less about appearances now that the cat is out of the bag.


I mean, since you are putting them all on the same buses, their destination clearly doesn’t matter, so it might as well be their final one.


So, where can I find the Chad scrapper for reddit? They definitely have made it harder to track admin shadow ban and removal shenanigans, specially because sites like reveddit have decided to play ball as if reddit was acting in good faith in the first place.


Good plan, temporal instability tends to make things like giving yourself a list of winning lottery numbers butterfly effect out into ways that have unintended consequences. Tends to make the list meaningless short after as well, too.


I cannot imagine feeling safe in a country were lethal weapons are available so freely under a society where these outliers are not only being allowed to become far more predominant, but are actively being fueled by scummy politicians. Yeah, sure, it’s not all states, the problem is it increasingly doesn’t matter as long as they are willing to do anything and everything to take control of the federal government.


It’s almost as if people had a biological drive to it that only tends to balance out when they find a mate to share it with.


The development of cheaper manufacturing methods has been hiding the decline for quite some time now.


Sounds like a not wanting a business name to live beyond what you are capable of problem. Founded in 1883 would be a pretty hot selling tag for passing a business along to interested buyers even if they were going to operate in different markets.


Going out of business for as long as whatever small taxes they have on the place can be payed. People will keep empty properties as long as it really isn’t weighing on their pockets. Meanwhile there are people who can’t afford roofs because of rents powers of magnitude larger than what the property owners have to pay for empty unmaintained properties. People want to point off to the richest where economic inequality is involved, but the reality is that it’s usually a doorstop away.

There was an automobile repair shop were I lived that was the result of several properties getting bought up and being joined into a single one. It eventually failed and moved, but the business that bought it, who initially did so for logistics but later expanded beyond it, has now ended up using it as a glorified parking space even though the garage is a relatively small portion of the business, He’s not willing to sell it, and is only willing to rent it above what it’s worth, and doesn’t care because he has to pay shit all to keep it.

He could even divide it up into multiple properties and sell those, since he’s just using it as a parking space. But with what he pays for it, he doesn’t have to give a shit. Hell, it might even be profitable for him as a tax/insurance writeoff for the rest of his business if some sort of natural disaster happens to it.

He’s far from the only one, and the only local properties that have been bought nearby are those that have been allowed to be sold as housing, along with the markup that’s associated with it.


Where to? I’d love to hear about what basic HTML service you are migrating to … admittedly in no small part due to wanting to see whether it really is a basic HTML service and judge your comment acordingly. There are a lot of people who will hop into hate trains even when they don’t care about the destination.


I think there is room in the world for an basic HTML service that can be viewed in lynx/links, in no small part due to how it usually means those services can be used by the blind and visually impaired as well under more circumstances.


Email, an anachronism? Not to the corporate world. What do you think makes it obsolete and or replaces it, in regards to legal, official, and business matters? Is this an experienced opinion, or is it simply something you don’t use because you don’t need to and perhaps somebody does it for you?


I have a very simple solution to enshittification: release a series of robotic bees designed to take out anyone who excessively uses memes and emojis, and hire archeologists to find out what tactics where employed to get rid of the meme / emoji scourge when writing and reading became a thing and do it now. Bring back enough intelligence into the reading space where people learn to say with words what they shit on with memes and emojis. This should help restore the signal to noise ratio of previous eras.

I realize it has nothing to do with this submission but I think it would be much more effective.

InternetTubes, (edited )

Case in point. People will smear themselves with shit while being proud of it, while also being able to raise a circlejerk cult on demand, all because of the lowered bar.

Circlejerking purely based on the emotional reactions that the worst qualities of people want to troll and brigade other people with is a toxic motivation for a lot of people, and memes and emojis act as the principal facilitators for it when truth is they have much better alternatives and have had much better alternatives in the written language and iconography in no small part due to the purging of their presence throughout human history. Modern society isn’t the only one who discovered how to draw dicks or smileys onto things, but just like cryptobullshit like NFT is treated seriously now, they seem to think that because it is in a digital modern medium it must be good now.


Fortunately for education that it is able to get people to be more than people then. There are things that enable their baser instincts more than others. You won’t read a Charles Dickens novel with emojis.


Sort of the same for multiculturalism. Only cultures that accept multiple cultures should be part of a multicultural society.

InternetTubes, (edited )

That’s a good point, many countries have their own insular China towns as a result and their presence in those societies is very one sided. You even have China setting up extralegal police stations overseas, which shows the lack of respect it is fostering. I think discriminating immigration policiy based on ethnicities that would discriminate against you is quite reasonable, but that doesn’t mean someone from a bad country shouldn’t be allowed to immigrate to where you live, but that you have to make their ability to accept multiple cultures as the deciding factor, specially if you know they are coming from a society specially against it.

Ask Mongolia, Hong Kong, Tiber, or Taiwan how much they like you white knighting their homogenizing the country (and even that which really isn’t) into a single culture.

InternetTubes, (edited )

There are plenty of Muslims and mosques that are multicultural. Religions are divided into different branches, and there’s no shortage of those that are multicultural. There’s also no shortage of those that are radicalized into bigotry and hatred. Take the US for example, there’s a fair number of Evangelical Christians who want to make the US into something that isn’t multicultural.

Faith is like baseless accusations. If you can’t fathom anything but a projection of your own insecurities, you probably aren’t going to contribute so much as you are going to create friction.

But if you really think I am an intolerant islamophobe by claiming that only cultures that accept multiple cultures should be part of a multicultural society, then if you are being consistent to any reasonable degree, just tolerate my intolerance by your own logic. You clearly want to be stepped on, regardless of how little my comment comparatively has to do with Islam. I think OP made a comic for you that you seem to have missed.

InternetTubes, (edited )

So? Then you leave those rightwing extremists that every culture has out of the multicultural society you want to live in.

This isn’t rocket science. Every culture branches out into different subcultures, and some of those branches even fight against other branches. The solution includes not treating all of the branches the same way, which would already be pretty insulting in and of itself to them.

Huh, sudden downvote after making this reply. Pretty revealing about the discussion, if any, that some people want to have. Shame most people outside of were fooled into believing that keeping the source of the downvotes hidden is more valuable than showing it. It would be pretty revealing as well as transparent and could certainly hint about how some people really want to shape it, instead of leaving it as data only the admins can collect and process.


Thanks for confirming the degree of your character and how transient your attention span and ideological viewpoints are.

Thanks for the block as well, when I do it from my side it doesn’t prevent those I block from still reading my comments or creating subthreads to it, making it almost a necessary evil of last resort.


I’m sure than in his ratman language he would call humans whatever passes for manrats and there would be nothing wrong with it.


What do you mean? I thought Skyler was quite an empowered character. In all the moments were the traditional wife character would have fallen for her husband’s lies, she catches on pretty quick.


I don’t tend to find this sentiment, but then again I don’t go read up on social networks and chat with friends to determine the sentiment I should have about a character.

What I do tend to find is that people tend to get nitpicky due to biases they don’t readily admit they have, and this might cause the impression perceived in this meme. But those same people often don’t even want to recognize the flaws of the characters who make bad decisions when they root for them.


I just didn’t know she was that unliked, but I’ve since googled it.


If there is ever an investigation, even if just journalistic, I hope you make sure you and others who have experienced this report and contribute to it even if it’s just as personal anecdotes. Reddit has been getting away with a lot of bullshit because they have all the power to hide it under the rug.

Though I’m glad Reddit is now feeling so confident about the abuses it’s performing that it’s willing to admit them, if only partially. Something peeking out from under the rug is a pretty big hint.


I want to know who hired that fucking CEO

Clearly someone who came from the same line of thinking as Steve Huffman.


Funny thing, patents aren’t really international, more like agreements between different patent systems internationally. There are places that will ignore certain patents, and like The Pirate Bay showed, there only needs to be one place where the IP laws don’t jive for it to be available for anyone who wants it - but that’s not the goal of a business, who wants to access as many markets as it is able to sell their product.


Now I’m just curious, did he do it to make the company seem like the victim or did he do it because he disagrees with what the executives are doing?


I do feel sorry for them. Death threats are not ok in this scenario, boycotts and protests are. Death threats makes them a victim, and this shifts away the discussion from the victims they’ve created. The people making death threats as well as those who do not condemn them are helping support Unity indirectly.


The real problem is that it doesn’t cost practically anything to not maintain a property like a house. It either should or the concept of a rent should be abolished for that of affordable ownership. The housing bubble is crowdsourced greed.


They should tax empty houses the prices of rents in the area.


In other words, lemmy population isn’t just an ever-increasing growth slope, let’s panic.


That is definitely not my experience.


I’ve seen some pretty absurd complaints, like the not being able to land on gas planets, or people complaining due to ridiculously high but present area limitations.

Absurd complaints always seem to surround the media people whom people blame of being “woke”, which is why I usually give the media being criticized the extra benefit of a doubt since people will make or criticize shit for reasons they don’t say out-loud. I usually find out it’s not really that bad, but it’s just amplified because they create an environment of criticism that other people that have no underlying agenda still follow.

Then there’s the real complaints about performance, which I personally haven’t experienced because of a top tier PC (although I’m curious what people on the Xbox have to say, as Microsoft would hang them if it wasn’t playable on it as one of their new hallmark exclusives for it), and people not liking the Bethsoft sort of gameplay loop, which this is and has definitely improved upon IMO. Not only will this game be played for years on end like Skyrim, but I suspect it will also spark a much needed MMO off-shoot in the space genre just like their Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games did.


There’s no way it’s a sci-fi version of Skyrim and it does not live on in the gaming zeitgeist, specially when the mods really begin rolling out.


Loading screens isn’t so much for a problem if you’ve got fast NVMe SSD drives. The travel is very akin to old school privateer games, where you basically traveled from loading screen to loading screen., so I don’t mind it that much. If you want something more spaceship focused, I’d recommend Everspace 2.

The gun play is basically a progression of Fallout 4, and if you go fully automatic instead of semi, you will have to spend those credits to purchase ammo and spec appropriately. People should be leveling their personal combat skills first, since that’s what the majority of the combat in the game involves and what most of the RPG components are designed around. Ships, well, you don’t even need to level anything to keep on par with them, I’ve found you can just slap particle weapons on those bad boys to cheese even the hardest fights - I went cruising on a minimalist ship design to test it out and was able to take down an elite pirate ship encounter I came across.

Having said that, if you go the sneaky route, well, I’m going just fine with level 4 sneak bonuses without any rifle bonuses to my suppressed semiautomatic rifles (I’ve leveled melee first and am waiting to see which damage type I will prefer later on, even though I’m pretty sure I will be sticking to rifles).

You also should do the main story quests enough until you get to the game’s fusrodah moment, and then a few missions of that afterwards, since you will gain access to alternative ways of taking down enemies. You might also consider making use of and arming your companions with better weapons, since they don’t consume the ammo you give them.

The UI, well, that might hint at a performance issue again, otherwise it’s just been getting used to it for me. Most annoying thing for me has only been not being able to switch between the mission UI and the map UI easily, but I don’t consider it game breaking.


What Musk wants to do is impose his geopolitics, nothing more and nothing less. He wasted billions buying a social network to get a shot at it.


That’s your fault for marrying discount Sarah.

InternetTubes, (edited )

Even if Google isn’t out to exploit this, basically the people running the ads can. John Oliver sort of did this, but geographically:…

This will expose your user data. This will allow you to get targeted, and it will allow you to get targeted for long term interests versus short term ones. God forbid someone with a political agenda ever decides to act on this data …


Just wait until you learn that people lie on the Internet …


Sometimes the ghosts catch up to him.

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