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There’s a lot of people who call exurban areas suburbs. And everyone has basically changed the definition. Suburbs in the traditional definition are usually close to a city (often within the city limits), and has house but also public transport and close access to the city itself. And in that sense suburbs are probably a very nice balance, compared to exurbs. Exurbs are definitely not a nice balance, as it’s nothing but stroads and shitty plazas, with giant parking lots, and fast food chains.

Brooklyn is technically a suburb. Palmdale, CA is a exurb.


American here. Always knew C temps.

10 c cool 20 c perfect 30 c ok I need shade and a body of water 40 c wtf 50 c I’m dead




Nah I’m good. Haha

Not trying to exchange mood states with you bro.


I couldn’t survive anymore without dual income. It sucks. The only thing I can think now is if you’re not married you need a roommate to even afford that house. Didn’t use to be that way.


I don’t doubt it can last 20 years, but I doubt any Tesla will last as long as an average Toyota. We know batteries have limited cycles. When an engine takes a shit it’s a few grand. When batteries take a shit, you’ll never even consider replacing them because they’re 5x-10x more expensive than the car is worth. So off to the landfill. Definitely saving the planet or much money buying a higher end model Tesla.

I think it becomes economical sensible for a lowest priced model 3 if you qualify for all the rebates (state and federal), otherwise it’s an early adopter tech toy.


There’s nothing wrong with or abnormal about being aware of your image or how you are perceived. Knowledge of self and self awareness and all that. Standard unavoidable reality of life.


Ya that would be difficult for a Tesla fan. Easier just to make a baseless claim and pretend you could but simply don’t want to refute anything with facts.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Then why even reply… Waste of time and space. It’s ok to just move on.

Lithium batteries are very expensive(20k) and don’t last 250-300k miles. That’s an undeniable fact.

Engine swaps are not even close to that. You can swap 5 engines for the cost of a full battery swap.

And EVs aren’t saving the world. They’re saving a few people some money on gas. Which is much less than the extra cost of the cars unless you drive a lot, or live somewhere with expensive gas.

20% battery degradation after 100k miles is not a small issue. It’s extremely significant to the equation of value.

These aren’t “opinions.” They’re facts that are well addressed and talked about routinely. There’s no secret information about the limits of lithium batteries. They’re literally 18650 batteries. The same batteries consumers used for over a decade. We’re all aware of battery degradation.

Some people are in denial. And that’s on them.

You see lithium degradation curves here:…/d1cp00359c

Yes. They’ll be “functional” for 2000+ cycles, but they don’t hold much charge after 1000 cycles.


First of all I have never owned a car that got less than 250k. But every car I’ve ever had was made in Japan and maintained properly. That statistic is meaningless because 1) many cars aren’t maintained 2) many cars are “totaled” for no good reason 3) cars are resold to people who refuse to or can afford to maintain them.

I didn’t say 10-15x the *original cost * of the car. By the time a car has let’s say 150k+ on it it’s not very valuable. It’s 17k for a full replacement on their smallest vehicle. So a $20k+ battery on midsized car (the actual cost of a full battery replacement, not according to Elon) won’t get replaced at all. The car will be totaled.

Replacing a full battery is not $13k. You are citing the average cost which includes if only one cell needs replacement. Replacing an transmission or a engine is much more affordable than a full battery replacement.

It’s not fox news. It’s fox news talking points that pretend EVs are good enough to save the world, and we can keep on feeling fine with an unsustainable “solutions” instead of dealing with the real issues.

Very misleading arguments you are making. EVs will make no meaningful changes to saving your wallet, the environment, or resolving climate change. And definitely won’t lessen the amount of waste headed to landfills in 15 years.


I don’t see why I should care, as long as their not assholes, not breaking their own rules, and not abusing their powers as devs.


I love your posts. Wtf.

This community carries lemmy. And your posts carry this community.


I only drink raw milk anyhow.


I’ve got news for you. Adults drank milk way before any of those things existed.


Where I live raw milk is highly regulated. More than pretty much any other food. It’s extremely safe. I am sure on some places it’s a risk.

And it does in fact taste much better than pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk to me probably tasted like what canned milk would taste like to you.


Most the things I like are “icky.” Luckily what I like isn’t determined by a child. I like liking things.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Small group of many, many millions of people. We like milk. We don’t need commercials to tell us it tastes good.

I honestly don’t know what the fuck you weirdos are trying to accomplish. Are you saying we don’t enjoy milk? Or simply that we shouldn’t?

Because if the argument is that it’s advertising that made use enjoy is, you’re wrong. We enjoyed it well before ads.

And if your argument is that we should dislike something simply because you expect us to dislike something, I think you’ve got your own disorder.

I don’t hate what you hate. Fool, Get a clue.

Glad my ancestors survived your favorite famine. Also glad I have feet. Evolution is neat.

Btw I’m Italian. We drink milk. And we eat cheese. We are tied with Japan for the longest national lifespan. We will also drink coffee if there ok with you. Thanks! Do what you do over there. We got this.


Because it tastes good. Duh

Imagine 🌈


Appreciate has two different meanings.

  1. to value or admire highly
  2. understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.

It’s can be awkward because they are really divergent meanings with almost apposed connotations.


The Mar-a-lago Federal Super-Maximum Security Prison.

Has a nice ring to it.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Tbh the best newsites are paid. It sucks. I use archive to get around it, mostly. Free sites usually just rehash the paid site’s actual scoops, with less information, days later, and are cluttered with ads, or feel like lame a blog.

And when I had a free account, those NYT graphic based interactive publications and data visualizations were S tier. Whoever makes those is making the best technical web content around.

And their real time election coverage when the polls are closing - with the needle - is always the best way to see what’s really going on in terms of where the votes are outstanding, and what that means in terms of what the final number will be.


Also, newspaper journalism in general has always been monetized though a subscription.


Apparently he had an injury that wasn’t being treated. Not saying he deserved to be released, but if our jails weren’t so fucked there’d have never been the appearance of a reason for the court to give him house arrest until sentencing, citing of civil rights abuse.

That said, they’ll find this guy quickly. These days being on the run from the feds when you’re publicly known is really impossible.


Wait so you guys are disabling it or?


Sometimes someone needs to be “the Karen.” My neighbor’s dog barked all the time until 3am. I am too anti confrontational to do anything or say anything. But it really sucked. Someone kept confronting them, complaining, and talking to other neighbors about it, called the animal control etc. Shit eventually stopped. I couldn’t be bothered. But thankful for that person.

If everyone is “cool” and minds their own business all the time, some people take advantage and assume their shitty behavior is ok.

That same person who called about the dog, also got the super ugly RV that was taking up all the space on our tiny street with no parking towed. And it never came back.

Thanks “Karen.”

Another time I was at the beach, and some parents were ignoring their kids just running into other groups and screaming at the top of their lungs. Like way over the top. Not typical levels of kids just having fun.

After a while a woman said something along the lines of “you know it’s fine that your kids are having fun, but they can have fun without the entire beach being about your kids. There’s other people here.” And I definitely agreed with that woman. They called her a Karen. I spoke up, and said isn’t it people who are so self oriented that they don’t think about the other people around them that are the Karens? I think that woman needed to hear that someone agreed with her. And I think those parents needed to hear they weren’t the center of the world just because they like cream pies.


I don’t know how I live with myself.


No you.


He did literally beg him, in person, with his attorney present:…/index.html

What's the best petty revenge for a neighbour that constantly plays loud music but doesn't answer the door when you try asking them to turn it down?

We’ve tried the usual of calling police (three times), inviting them over to hear how loud it is (they agreed that it was very loud), asking to at least reduce the bass, blasting our own music (not sustainable) and so on. Sometimes it works for a day but inevitably it’s back to the usual....


Playing loud music once in a while is fine. For an occasion. Doing it all the time is harmful to others. Public health is mental health. And it’s a right people are entitled to. People need quiet sometimes to rest, to read, to do homework, to have quality time with loved ones, to prepare for the work ahead. Constant noise is proven to be a health hazard that takes years off your life.…/noise-exposure-health-impacts.html

You should stop expecting everyone to put up with your awful behavior, and buy some headphones. Shared space isn’t just your space. You’re the Karen.


You’re the guy that talks in the theater, leaves popcorn and soda all over the seat, etc. We know who the dipshit is here.

Also. The cops don’t just kill pepper for no reason in most of the world. Sorry you live in such a shithole. But it’s not as universal as you hope.


Cops aren’t dangerous thugs where I live. Maybe you should move. Not everywhere is like where you’re from. OP is in the UK. Police brutality in most places isn’t like it is in Florida.


Find me data that says interacting with the police over a noise complaint in the UK takes more years off your life on average than not being able to sleep. Idiot

You’re just a wannabe social anarchist. It’s ok to do anything harmful to others, and there should never be recourse for the victim, right….

No one can be this stupid. Has to be trolling.


It must be really scary for you in this world.


They’ve been doing this talking about e-bike fatalities non-stop. “E-bikes are dangerous…. 42 people died on e-bikes…” they cite the statistics, but never mention how many of those people were ran over by assholes who don’t respect the danger of their cars.

Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach (

Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN.


You’re right. There would have to be additional evidence for them to even bother indicting. And it seems that there most likely is. But what we do know now in and of itself is a substantial amount of evidence. Testimony that rises to the level of Congressional testimony with corroboration would absolutely be enough.


I kinda got sad when he got back to the main topic about games and stopped talking about the history of the concord.


Fake “Communist” losers



And he took that as a dare.


Iraq and Florida should get a room. They’re made for each other.

Sam Bankman-Fried sent to jail as judge revokes bail over witness tampering, VPN use (

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan ordered the former billionaire remanded after prosecutors pushed to have his bail revoked, citing violations that included Bankman-Fried’s admitted usage of VPN software that he said was to watch an NFL game and the judge’s view that he had attempted to tamper with witnesses “at least twice.”


He’s not facing two months. He’s facing 115 years to 155 years according to federal sentencing guidelines. Even if he’s only found guilty of one single count, he will do 20 years minimum.

Certain groups of internet people have been saying he’s going to get away with this the entire time. And everything points to the opposite. And now his bail has been revoked, and the goal post is being moved.

This dude is beyond fucked. It’s time to find someone else to talk about when it comes to the failures and special treatment related the justice department. Using him as an example of said failures really waters down that otherwise valid complaint.


Ah sorry I misunderstood.

It will count, but his time served won’t be a drop in the bucket. They’re gonna bury this clown.


No. Bail is collateral if a person fails to appear. Bail term revocation and bail bond forfeiture are entirely different things.


He wasn’t charged by NY state. The southern district of NY(SDNY) is a federal court. In federal court:

When a defendant’s bail is revoked for failing to appear or violating a bail condition, any money put up for bond can be forfeited.

Though they can both happen for the same reasons, they are separate things, and one doesn’t happen automatically because of the other.

In this case:

His bail was revoked. His bail was not forfeited.

I don’t think in any state bail revocation makes bail forfeiture automatic. They’re separate actions.

The court would make two separate rulings:

The defendants bail terms are revoked.

The defendant’s bail shall be forfeited.

And the headline would read Bankman bail revoked and forfeited

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Good natured discussion is contagious. Thank you for being so chill.

I should have mentioned this too::

To be fair, this statement I made incorrect in a way:

No. Bail is collateral if a person fails to appear.

It’s loosely (or more so) implies something that is somewhat incorrect. In a way, implies that bail is only for collateral. And that’s not true either. As you mentioned. The fact that bail can be forfeited for numerous things all lends a secondary purpose of insuring that not only they appear, but also comply with other terms of their bail.

I didn’t mean to imply that was it’s only purpose. I meant to imply it was the primarily purpose, but most importantly I meant to make a distinction between revocation and forfeiture.


No. They’re really not. Tankies are Marxist. These people are Vatnik and 50 cent party types. Specifically, “Tankie” was used to distinguish party members who spoke out in defense of the Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring uprising. The USSR has been replaced by a hyper capitalist right wing failed empire. It’s simply not accurate to call them tankies, and in doing so you’re doing them a service. It fails to bring attention to their hypocrisy, their lack of consistency, and all out lack of discernible values. This isn’t semantics. It’s basic history, and it’s only helping them to use shitty internet lingo with alternative meme definitions instead of being accurate. These people have no ideology. Marxists would never support the current state of Russia. They’re worse than tankies.


Yada yada tankies



I actually addressed that.

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