
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


hasn’t been successfully brought into the mainstream



You actually can use Stremio on iOS devices just fine. After you set it up using this guide just go to on your iOS device, log in, and add that shortcut to your home page. You’ll also need to install VLC (for free) or Outplayer (I think it was $10, but worth every penny) and there’s really no way that I can tell that it isn’t a native app from the App Store.


Why not? You’re only sourcing things from real-debrid. That’s sort of one of their big selling points, is it’s not P2P, so you don’t need a VPN.


While I absolutely abhor the use of ‘Lemmings’ in regards to anything related to Lemmy, I have only seen it used to describe the people that use it, and not the communities.

You took a dumb thing and made it 1,000 times dumber.


I am helping people learn. Using the term Lemmings makes you look stupid. Using the term Lemming incorrectly makes you look REALLY fucking stupid.


It’s more fun this way. Plus it looks like it pisses dweebs like you off, so win/win.


Mental gymnastics? What are you even talking about? I got to call a stupid thing stupid and pissed an asshole idiot like you off which makes me happy. And now you’re pretending like there’s some sort of win on your end because you allowed me to rile you up? There’s definitely some sort of attempt at mental gymnastics going on here, but it’s from your end and it’s a massive failure.


Oh I’m definitely enjoying it. You’re even acknowledging that fact. You’re so close to figuring out what’s going on here, you just have all the roles switched up.

Also, for someone who was whining about me being mean, you sure are (trying to) come in hard with the personal attacks.

But I’m definitely the angry one here. ;)


I like how you asked “what personal attacks?” and then proceeded to repeat said personal attacks. Just because they’re not remotely clever or true doesn’t mean you’re not trying your hardest to make things personal. I’m dealing with an absolute genius here.


Are you using different apps across the platforms to access Lemmy? There’s an upcoming change in Lemmy as a whole that will essentially get rid of the scores altogether, so a lot of apps are going ahead and removing that feature so they’ll be compliant when the change happens.


Dear God, why?


I like how, out of all the pictures on the page you picked the least awful one to put in this thread.

Is there any way that we can get Voyager to stop asking if we want to block all NSFW communities?

So, I don’t want to block all NSFW communities. However, I do want to pick and choose which ones that I see. As a result, I end up blocking a lot of them, and each and every time it asks me if I want to block that specific community or all NSFW. Is there a way you can add a “don’t ask me again” option for this, or maybe...


Awesome. You are literally the best. Of all the things.


I don’t know if you’re choosing to add those hashtags to your comment or if it’s just something that mastodon does automatically, but holy fuckweasels is that shit annoying.

How do they even manage it? (

This meme uses the “Anime Girl Hiding From Terminator” template, in mexico filter, where the text ‘I, who can’t even write 100 spells for my TTRPG’ is layered over the anime girl, and ‘Rolemaster casually having 2000 spells in 162 spell lists and 15 magic classes’ in the Terminator, which is referring to the...


Should be “me” and not “I”.


That’s fine. Likewise, I don’t care if you want to continue looking like an idiot. At least I tried to help you, but some people are beyond help.


Which, you know, would probably be enough information to someone who spoke German, but then again if someone spoke German, they probably wouldn’t be asking this question to begin with.


I just went and tried USB A-C with 4 different portable chargers I have and all of them worked just fine.

Do you guys use realdebrid (and similar services) to download stuff, or to set it up to be able to stream directly without having to download anything?

On the one hand, it’s really fun to be able to stream 60gb 4k content through stremio/plex debrid, but on the other hand, if i choose to end my subscription, I don’t have anything to show for the money I spent till that time.


For me, I do a mix of both. If I know I’m going to watch something multiple times, or want to save it for later I’ll download it, if it’s just a show that I’m casually watching in the background, or I’m using my phone/tablet to kill time I’ll stream it. Also my internet isn’t amazing (starlink) so if I’m downloading an Xbox update or something I can’t always stream 4K content without it buffering, so a lot of time I’ll go ahead and download something beforehand.

I like the fact that all options are equally easy.

Also, the cost of 6 months of RD is roughly equal to the price of a “value meal” at a fast food restaurant these days. Do you really feel bad about not having something to show for when you’re getting 6 months of all the shows you can stream for basically nothing? Especially when you have the option of downloading everything if you want. The entitlement there is a bit much.

hotnycorndog, to nsfw avatar

I would like to go to the Folsom street fair!! @nsfw @bondage


Man they really need to sort out all the hashtag nonsense that gets displayed when someone posts something to Lemmy via Mastadon because that shit is annoying as fuck.


Don’t blame yourself, it was extremely poorly worded and unnecessarily confusing.


I hope they have time traveling technology to go with that App Store, because they’re a decade and a half or so late if they want to be the first 3rd party App Store for the iPhone. Off the top of my head I could name about a dozen that already exist or have existed in the past.

Is there a way to view user profile info within Voyager?

So I was just browsing Lemmy using the web version of my instance and noticed that when I clicked on a user it took me to a page that looks like they have customized it with profile banners, info, links, etc. I have been using Voyager or Memmy for 99.999% of my Lemmy usage up until this point, and literally didn’t even know...


so watching the video encourages him to do more stupid shit like this

Right on! I even bought some of his merch to help out that much more.


You know, most questions have question marks. Might be helpful in preventing other people from thinking this was a guide thread and not a question.


I just don’t know why they have to go with such weird colors for this and the zero. I’d take black, white, grey, or even an actual red or blue or really any other primary color over these pastel offerings. I have almost no use for one of these but if it was offered in a normal color, I’d order one right away.


Eh, I get both sides of the argument. They’re not deciding what you can or can’t see, they’re deciding what you can or can’t see while using their resources. Personally, that type of censorship would lead me to be looking for another instance, but I also get where they’re coming from. Kinda.


Activation lock on newer Apple devices is pretty bulletproof. Unless you’re stealing it for parts, it’s not gonna be worth your time and since the repairability is pretty low, I don’t see theft as being a huge problem for the Apple Watch.

Personally I would be more worried about it falling off with magnets. I was in a river this weekend and wasn’t worried at all, but if all I had was magnets holding it on, I would definitely think twice about going in with that setup.


YSK, not everybody uses the same app/software/platform/whatever to access Lemmy, so not everyone is gonna have access to this.

I, for one, have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


I just feel like 3 different subscriptions is too much. I pay for RD, as I feel like it’s the best value out there at ~$18 twice a year, but I just use torrent sites on my iPhone/iPad to find whatever I want and upload those directly to RD’s site with a safari extension. Then $25 gets you a fire stick where Kodi is $free.99 so that takes care of watching on TV. I was seriously hoping this whole sideloading thing on iOS17 was gonna be available in all regions and not just the EU because having Kodi on my iPhone without having to worry about signing it once a week would be a blessing.


Absurdly priced lifetime purchases are…well, stupid. I’m still not convinced having 3 different subscriptions is worth it when there are tons of other free options available that are just as good, and I pretty much so refuse to pay for software on a monthly basis on principle alone. But if you’re happy with it, it’s your money. $7 a month is obviously better than $200, but that’s a silly comparison.

Apple TV vs Firestick.

So. I just bought a new telly and to my surprise, not, the OS is rather bad and has very limited amount of apps. Therefore I’ll invest further in either Apple TV or the Firestick. Anyone got any recommendations, tips or hot takes on this? Which has more adds, and can it be blocked via DNS? Further read that Firestick could be...

Ilikecheese, (edited )

Apple TV doesn’t have ads at all. If that’s all you care about, I would say go for that.

The Firestick isn’t really jailbreakable per se, but it doesn’t really need to be. You can sideload things with extreme ease. There’s a pretty decent app that allows you to watch YouTube with no ads or sponsored content shown. That alone is worth the cost of a Firestick for me. It does have some ads in the menu, but they’re not super obtrusive and never bothered me much. Plus the cost is much lower. You used to be able to put a different launcher on the Firestick and never see any Amazon content at all (ads) but they fixed that a while back and I haven’t bothered to see if that works again, but for all I know it might.

Edit: it does.


I never could figure out why Roku got to be so popular. It’s not the best at anything, it’s just decent at the like 1-2 things that it tries to do. But so is just about everything else out there these days. You can’t sideload things on it, the UI is just sorta…there. It’s not configurable at all. It just exists. I’ve tried pretty much so every major media streamer out there and the Roku is, by far, my least favorite. It’s not really bad, it’s just not very good either.


I just like everything to work with the remote. Plus I don’t like the idea of having to pull out and tie up my phone while I’m watching YouTube on the tv.


93% on my iPad with an ahaDNS profile installed. The only thing that makes it through are Apple’s stuff. All things considered, I’m fine with that.


Impressive, I guess, but how many of those 2 million posts have a single comment? If 90% of these are just bots reposting things from Reddit with no further engagement…


Yeah, a ratio means nothing if the bulk of the comments are only on a small portion of the posts. If 90% of the posts have 0 comments and the other 10% have 52.7 comments per post, that’s worth knowing.


Why would I, an individual, care about “defeating the purpose of a federation” when all I’m trying to do is cultivate a feed that only shows things that I’m interested in? If there’s an instance that only hosts things that I know I’m not interested in, why wouldn’t I at least want to have the option to block everything coming from that instance? It literally affects no one but me, why would you or anyone else care what I choose to see on my screen?

Personally, I’d love to see this feature just so I can block all instances that are in a different language from ones that I speak. It’s quite a task having to constantly block communities that only have things I can’t understand. That’s really not a task that I want to have to constantly maintain, and being able to choose to not see any current or future communities hosted on those servers would be a great timesaver for me.

Also, as another example, there’s one particular instance that is very welcoming to hate speech and ideas of violence towards people that aren’t like them. Not all communities in that instance are as open about it as others, but just a few minutes ago I clicked on a thread hosted on that instance and watched what I thought was an innocent comedy video. About halfway through I started noticing some subtle hate-speech that was being casually tossed in. I went back to the comments section to see what instance the video was hosted in, and sure enough, it was the one that I know of that allows for such content to flourish. So in that regard someone might block the more obvious hate communities, but then not notice the more subtle ones. And while I do appreciate the idea of the fediverse that I can choose to interact with those people if I want to, I personally have made the decision that I do not want to waste my time with literal haters, so I would love to have the option of blocking any and all current and future messages from anyone participating in that instance. It’s my choice. Why wouldn’t you want everyone to have that option even if you don’t want to make that decision yourself?


If I ignore all, how will I ever find things to subscribe to? Just search? How will I know what to search for? Am I just supposed to remember to look for new communities every single day? Every week? What if there’s a great community out there that uses a weird name that doesn’t come up in a search? What if I don’t think of something I like and I never think to search for it? What if there’s something I never knew I liked so I would have never searched for it to begin with? What if something interesting happens in a community that I would have never subscribed to but also wouldn’t have blocked?

It’s just immensely more difficult and time consuming to find all the things that I might be interested in rather than eliminate the few things that I’m not. That’s like saying why not just listen to the same 3 CDs I already know I like rather than put on a streaming service and skip the songs I don’t care for. You get so much more content and variety rather than just sticking with what you already know.


So glad I got your approval.


It would only be spam if it was posted to communities that aren’t on topic or if the individual communities were not interested in the content posted. The way the fediverse is set up, there are going to be tons of communities that all offer similar content. If I find an article that is on topic of several communities, why should I have to pick which one I post it to? How would I choose? Why can’t I post to multiple if I’m trying to get people in all communities to see it?

Spam is typically thought of as unwanted material. As long as the things that are being posted are legit, this isn’t a spam problem, it’s really a fediverse problem that someone is going to have to find a solution to like only displaying links one time if multiple posts are made to similar communities or better yet figuring out a way to federate multiple communities into one big community where everything posted to one automatically gets posted to all of them. But that’s still not spam, that’s just redundant on-topic posts being made to proper places.

It may be semantics, but word choice matters. Especially when your suggested “solution” involves blocking people who are posting legitimate content to places. If everyone goes around blocking all the people posting content, pretty soon there won’t be any content or any people to see it and that’s harmful to the fediverse as a whole. Let’s use the correct terminology and come up with good solutions to the actual issue at hand instead of thinking of it as just needing to block a few spammers like these people are sending out dick pill emails to thousands of people at once.

Ilikecheese, (edited )

I don’t disagree with much of anything you said (and it doesn’t sound like you disagree with anything I said either) aside from the classification that it’s all spam. If I make one on-topic post to a community and you don’t like it, that doesn’t mean it’s spam. If I made 2 posts to to different communities, you admit it’s not spam. The problem isn’t the users who are posting, and blocking them isn’t a solution, at least certainly not a long term one. The problem needs to be addressed at a fediverse level, and not at a content creator level.

If I send out an email to 100 of my friends inviting them to a party and they all wanted to get that email, that’s not spam. If I send out 100 emails to the same people asking them to buy essential oils, that’s spam. It’s not the amount of content that I send, it’s if the content is relevant and appropriate for the audience that defines if something is spam or not. I agree that it’s very annoying to see the same content in dozens of different places here, but to call it spam is to place the blame on the poster, and that’s not where we should be focusing the blame. Dance around it all you want, but posting on-topic content to the correct places isn’t the definition of spam. Period. The only people calling it spam are people, like yourself, who don’t know what spam actually is.


Firstly, not everyone uses subscriptions. A lot of people browse by /all so they end up seeing a lot of repeated content. That’s the nature of how the fediverse works.

Secondly, I don’t think calling it a repost is fair if all they’re doing is taking one link or article and posting it to all relevant communities. When I think of a repost, it’s usually someone taking old content that has been around for ages and posting it again for new users or people that missed it the first time to see. This isn’t typically what’s happening here.

Finally, I really don’t agree that blocking the posters is a good idea. If anything, you as a user should either use subscriptions, as you suggest, to cultivate what you want to see, or use the block function to block redundant communities so you only see things once. But blocking posters only means that you won’t see other relevant posts they make in the future. This isn’t a sustainable method for being able to get content that interests you, and I can’t fathom why anyone would suggest it.

Ideally I’d love to see multiple like-minded communities be able to federate their content amongst each other so that anything that gets posted to one will get federated to all of them, comments and all. And then anyone viewing one of those communities, either through a subscription or through /all would see just one instance of the post. This also has the wonderful side benefit of creating redundant servers hosting the same content which means if one server goes down the chance of content being lost is greatly lessened. Kind of like crowd sourced redundancy. Hopefully this is something that the people that are developing the platform will be able to add in the future. It will solve this problem while making the platform better for everyone at the same time. Win/win.

Ilikecheese, (edited )

So this is the 2nd time you’ve mentioned subscribing to communities and asked me what the point of subscribing to multiple ones are. You are proving my point just by asking this question. If you subscribe to one community per interest then this is literally not an issue that you will encounter. This only happens to people who browse /all or search by new or generally try to see everything that the fediverse has to offer. So I’m really not sure why you keep asking me about why someone would subscribe to multiple communities because that’s not something I have suggested that anyone should do. In fact, I don’t really see much of a point in subscribing to ANY communities, but that’s beside the scope of what we’re discussing here.

Also, I wouldn’t call what we’re discussing “reposting”. Reposting generally means that you’re taking older content and posting it again in the efforts of bringing new attention to it, either from people who are new to the community, or by people who never saw it the first time it was posted. Again, it’s semantics, but the fact that you’re calling these types of posts “reposts” really shows your lack of understanding of the larger problem here. It’s also why your definition of spam absolutely doesn’t apply here, as none of the content we’re discussing is commercial or unsolicited.

YOU’RE the one that’s not addressing the issue here that I’ve brought up. I’ve never said that what’s going on isn’t annoying or a problem. I’m just saying (for like, the third time now, but who’s counting) that it’s an issue of blame. By continuing to mis-label it as spam, you’re placing the blame on the people who are contributing to the community as a whole. The people who are bringing content to this platform. The people who make it worth this place even existing. And by suggesting that the solution is to block those people, you’re literally suggesting to people that they remove quality content being posted to the correct places. This is insane to me that you think this is a solution.

Look, there is a problem with the way the fediverse is set up. And it needs addressing. I’ve already suggested a couple of different ways to fix it, both in the short term, and in the long term. Your “solution” is to block anyone who is participates in more than one community just because they are trying to spark a discussion in the most places possible. I’m not saying what they’re doing is working out, but to place the blame on the people who are actually trying to make it better is just…I don’t have words for how ridiculous that is. People are using this platform as it is set up in the way that it is intended. That’s not spam, no matter how many times you incorrectly proclaim it is.

it doesn’t work or help Lemmy to do what you’re suggesting

Just curious, but what do you mean with what I’m suggesting? I’m not saying I like, or even agree with multiple posts in multiple likeminded communities. Hell, I actively dislike the fact that there ARE so many communities that are basically clones of each other. It’s a problem that needs to be addressed. I just said that doing it wasn’t spam. What other suggestions of mine do you think is harmful to Lemmy?

I think the biggest issue here is just your way of thinking. You referred to Lemmy multiple times as “this website” or “this site” and that way of thinking is at the heart of the issue”. It’s not just a clone of Reddit, where everyone was on one site and everyone all has a chance to see all the same things. Every instance is different, shows you different content, and federates with other instances in different ways. It is set up to be different for a reason. There is no single thing that is good or bad for Lemmy as a whole, because Lemmy as a whole is not one single entity. Your “spam” problem is only a problem if you choose to look at as many instances of Lemmy as you can, which unfortunately is the best way to get new content for now. The solution moving forward is to curate the specific communities that you end up looking at by blocking instances that duplicate content, or hopefully Lemmy as a whole will allow for a better way to cut down on viewing repeated content across multiple instances. The solution is not to blame the people sharing content and block them from ever being able to share content to you again. Unless you’re just not interested in the content to begin with, but even then I would suggest it’s better to block communities rather than the people putting content in them.


I read the first two sentences and stopped. That’s literally what we’re talking about. If you’re not going to discuss it any further than I have no idea why you ended up typing out so much more after that. I’m not wasting more of my time finding out though.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


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