@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar


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@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I can literally hear the Offspring “ Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya!” by looking at this picture.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I think it’s a bit early to make any kind of educated speculation and wild speculation just isn’t really all that helpful for anyone.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I mean I've been trying to formally request that ISO change the C API for send() to yeet() for sockets where connection reliability is not required at the network interface level.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

That kid is way too young for organ harvesting though. Most of the demand for organs is from adults who need adult sized organs and kid organs won't keep growing in a body that's long stopped producing all the hormone indicators to signal for growth.

or... or, so I'm told.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I see your discs. Here’s my Mandrake 7 discs.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

As soon as we declare independence, we're going to be wealthy.

Hey I'm pretty sure the UK could let you know a thing or two about aforementioned topic.

A separate currency

Oh yeah, just FYI, world market does oil trade in US dollars which you wouldn't have access to and would make selling that oil to US aligned countries really difficult. And the countries that aren't US aligned, they know that, so they'll be expecting deals for them or they won't buy your oil either.

I personally believe that our personal GDP will double in five to seven years.

That's going to be really difficult as you'll become more toxic than Chernobyl soil on the International market and Texas has no where near enough domestic trade to actually hit that 200% GDP in seven years.

But let's be frank here, an independent Texas would not go bankrupt. They have enough cash and product to stay afloat. But much like the US Civil War taught us all, that the Confederates found out super fast what happens when they get cut off from literally every market on the planet Earth. It makes it really difficult to keep that bottom line from going red and really forces governments to either make really difficult calls on how to govern their slowly decaying nation or start a war and try to convince the world that they should trade with them.

Texas would not crumble overnight but they would be hurting very badly economically. They would in fact be very poor. Very, very poor. If they think their oil is going to save them, go ask Venezuela how that's working for them.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Maybe I'm not Rusting enough.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Agree to disagree. I find the Kamala Kahn character to be an effervescent relief to a series that's taking itself way too seriously or trying too hard for slap stick. Does that make this particular movie great? No. The movie itself is a pretty flimsy plot. The main trope of the movie is someone makes a mistake, the group comes together to resolve the mistake, and develop themselves during that resolution. So with that said, it's not really good at delivering that, it's not Trolls bad (the original one which the plot sucks, the music is quite good) but yeah there was a lot of room for lots of character development that was just not included in what was delivered. To me the movie pulled its punches on what it could have delivered.

But in these kinds of tropes you see classic character stereotype traits, in this case Kamala Kahn plays the lighthearted comedic foil and does so quite well through the movie. Needless to say the Captain Marvel character is our person who brings the conflict to be resolved and towards the end you are left with a pretty unsatisfying result. Like the issue is indeed resolved, but it's about as exciting as how I might feel when I've completed my taxes. Hooray, I got that done. Maria Rambeau is our power character consistently pushing the accelerator for the characters to resolve the matter. And she's pretty good at it, but there was absolutely more opportunity for her to flesh that out that they kept sacking her personal past to keep that in check. Which at some point one might go, yeah we get it, she's troubled and doesn't want to talk about it. There's a degree of too much "I'm the aloof character in this movie". I will say the final fight scene is actually good for the level of just skirting the level of frenetic and follow-ability. I've gotten to a point where I just tune out superhero fights when it just becomes a lightshow and camera pandemonium (ala the most recent Ant Man movie).

Like I said, it's not a horrible movie. I went to the 10am showing of it on Friday (with one other friend) and that was $40 and that's where I would say "Do NOT go see this movie for $40". But I really enjoy the Kamala Kahn character and the level of energy the actress brings to the character. It reminds me a bit of how bubbly my twenty-two year old niece is sometimes and that serves as a nice refresher given the backdrop of generally everything else. So, I will acquiescence, there's a likely bias on my part for the character.

Again, absolutely not disagreeing with your position on the character. I think Marvel (and this touches just every so slightly on the superhero saturation) has gotten so big that not every character is going to be widely welcomed by everyone. I think there's a point that the Marvel Superhero movies get so numerous that you have to start considering sub-genres for the movies. And perhaps Marvel should pull back a bit on the distribution (it's their ship ultimately to sail and sink if need be). But I really enjoyed the Kamala Kahn character in the same way that I enjoyed the Katy character from the Shang-Chi movie. I good comedic foil is like pepper, you need just enough to flavor the food and not too much to over power the food and both of those characters have carried that role quite well thus far. But like anything, Disney has every chance to run that straight into the ground.

So just my two cents.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I’m also nervous about using an OS I’m not familiar with for business purposes right away

Absolutely STOP. Do not go with Linux, go with what you are comfortable with. If this is business, you do not have time to be uncomfortable and the learning curve to ramp up to ANY new OS and be productive is something that's just a non-negotiable kind of thing.

If you've never used Linux, play with Linux first on personal time. For business time, use what you know works first and foremost.

All OSes are tools. You do not just learn a tool when your job is waiting for a bed frame to be made or whatever.


If you are not comfortable with Linux, do NOT use it for business.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I’m a Linux user. I prefer compiling my own sexbot.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Game recognizes game my dude.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Here are the answers you're allowed to choose from:

  • I don’t want OneDrive running all the time
  • I don’t know what OneDrive is
  • I don’t use OneDrive
  • I’m trying to fix a problem with OneDrive
  • I’m trying to speed up my computer
  • I get too many notifications
  • Other

I'm going with Other and in the text box I'm telling Microsoft ' SELECT * FROM sys.database_role_members-- and going from there.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Issue 1 covers so much more than just Abortion.

From the ballot:

  • Establish in the Constitution of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion.
  • Create legal protections for any person or entity that assists a person with receiving reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion.
  • Prohibit the State from directly or indirectly burdening, penalizing, or prohibiting abortion before an unborn child is determined to be viable, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means.
  • Grant a pregnant woman’s treating physician the authority to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether an unborn child is viable.
  • Only allow the State to prohibit an abortion after an unborn child is determined by a pregnant woman’s treating physician to be viable and only if the physician does not consider the abortion necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health.
  • Always allow an unborn child to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability if, in the treating physician’s determination, the abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health.

This is a Freedom of Speech type amendment that centers around a person's reproductive rights. In that this amendment prohibits the Ohio State government from passing any law that restricts a person's reproductive rights except in special cases under strict scrutiny. So this goes way pass just abortion. Additionally, it grants doctors benefit of the doubt protections that would have strict scrutiny bars for the State to overcome, an incredibly high evidentiary bar for the State to overcome.

To just say this protects abortion is really missing the forest for the tree. Yeah, it protects abortion but additionally it protects everything related to reproductive rights (contraception, IVF, etc) and sets a massive barrier for the State to later meddle. This is a massive win for not those seeking abortion but for everyone who cheers reproductive protection and Government non-intervention in such matters.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

If the duopoly of our government is enough to convince folks not to vote, they weren’t going to vote anyway and were just looking for a reason.

I don’t disagree with OP, but at the same time, we’ve only got one tool to enact change. So let’s use that tool to get things like ranked voting.

But you’re also right, plenty of folks out there telling folks to give up. All the more reason to not in my opinion.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Material scientists hate this one trick.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Forbes isn't handing out a kiss of death. Forbes is just a publication gushing about the headliners of a rapacious and fraudulent group of people. It's like wondering why a bakery smells like bread.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Her children. She's indicating care required as her residence is Florida and she is being ordered to appear in New York.

However an update to this, which should surprise nobody, is that the Court thought about her argument for fifteen seconds and replied, "Hell Fucking NO". Like that's how ridiculous her request was. It got same day response from a high court because it was just so easy to deny.

Usually there needs to be a really good reason for seeking a continuance (postponement of something that has a deadline). Having trouble finding daycare arrangements for your children is pretty fucking far from what usually rises to requiring emergency continuance. By like........A LOT.

Of course this came after her motion to quash her subpoena was also roundly told to fucking pound sand. She is absolutely doing her best to stall and basically the court is clearly having none of her fucking shit.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Curious what the strategy was

Defense tried to downplay prosecution's intent argument. Seeing how literally everyone turned on him for a reduced sentence plea, it went horrible for the guy. Like a fucking sub full of billionaires, the goddamn thing went completely tits up on him at alarming rates faster than Chuck Yeager could have wildly imagined. Shit show greatly downplays the absolute cluster that was that trial's defense. I have seen more organized effort from a President in bronzer, screen passing paper towels to hurricane victims than what was being reported as the argument defense was putting up.

Then, for who knows what reason, the guy decided to testify in his own trial. I'm guessing that at some point they were like "Fuck it, can't get anymore guilty as fuck, let's go for the Hail Mary!" Because no defense lawyer would ever advise that, but motions hands in a general direction as if presenting something. The jury got a real rare treat of watching a Federal Prosecutor skillfully remove the vital organs of a man with his own words.

Like I would quip that maybe he [Sam Bankman-Fried] learned something from that mistake, but the dexterity by which prosecution so smoothly diced Bankman-Fried into chum in front of the Judge, Jury, and the Almighty, I highly doubt the signals for "HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE!! ABORT ABORT!!" ever made it to the receptors in that brain of Bankman-Fried's.

So I honestly think at some point the strategy went from "cast doubt on the intent" to something along the lines of "Just don't piss your pants in front of everyone! Well just catch it back on the sentencing!! OKAY?!"

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

But we can still steal from the poor right?

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

This is literally going to be what they did for FLoC. Basically release it as topics.

Google absolutely cannot stop tracking everyone at this point. I'm pretty sure they've put the entire house on the bet to track people more and do everything to ensure that Google Chrome tracks every aspect of your web browsing experience.

So while WEI is dead, I think Google's boat is so far out to sea now that it's either try this again a bit more gently or watch the ship sink. Everyone said FLoC was dead and they absolutely put it into the web browser with Topics. Nothing convinces me this is any different, they are absolutely going to, and I dare say have an existential need to, put this shit in everyone's browser.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

For those wondering. This substance is regulated by the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), third protocol.

One attack on the town of Dhayra on 16 October must be investigated as a war crime because it was an indiscriminate attack that injured at least nine civilians and damaged civilian objects

The highlight is mine but points out their legal objection here. One may refer to Article II of Protocol III, sections 2 and 3.

  • It is prohibited in all circumstances to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by air-delivered incendiary weapons.
  • It is further prohibited to make any military objective located within a concentration of civilians the object of attack by means of incendiary weapons other than air-delivered incendiary weapons, except when such military objective is clearly separated from the concentration of civilians and all feasible precautions are taken with a view to limiting the incendiary effects to the military objective and to avoiding, and in any event to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects.

Per Article II section 3, it would be illegal for an indiscriminate attack that did not take all feasible precautions to limit the incendiary effect to military objectives.

As for anyone wondering, the use of white phosphorus is not a violation per Article I (1)(b)(i).

(b) Incendiary weapons do not include
(i) Munitions which may have incidental incendiary effects, such as illuminants, tracers, smoke or signalling systems

Of which white phosphorus falls into when it is not used solely for it's incendiary effects. Again, that is if Israel was justifiably using the substance.

So all of this is to say, that while Amnesty International does indeed bring up a valid point. The international law gives enough wiggle room for Israel to avoid consequences.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

For hardware folks: Using RISC-V.

Legit, some dude in US Congress is wanting to crack down on China via..... RISC-V exports, because oh no, the technology is too open and might give China some of our IP. Oh and by the way, dude has a pretty big Intel portfolio, but nevermind that!!

As an aside, why the hell are lawmakers allowed to trade stocks?

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I disagree with Fry. But I’m a boobs kinda person.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

WTF?! You mean some randos just walk up and do that? Yo, those are some mentally unwell bastards.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

M2 release dates.

  • M2: June 24, 2022
  • M2 Pro and Max: January 17, 2023
  • M2 Ultra: June 13, 2023

Damn Apple.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

KDE: Welcome to Linux. Do you like the UI of Windows? Well we have an excellent offering for you if that’s your choice. There’s also other DEs that you may select from if that’s your choice.

Windows: Here’s an ad bitch, fuck your choice.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Okay. Original person this whole thread spawned from. I think you all went down the rabbit hole of "what's an advert" and lost the entire point of my comment which is lack of choice.

But before I address that choice thing let's address the "Ads" of Linux as you would call it. The "Featured" apps in a lot of software managers for Linux are selections that come from folks who manage the distro wanting to ensure that people know that "Linux can do that stuff that Windows can". The "Feature" is not there to promote Dropbox and pray get some money, it's there to point out to people "we can do that here as well, just FYI."

So you may feel that the featured in the software managers is "ad" but you can ask the folks who run the distro how they arrived at what's there and pretty much every case it's so they can show that the distro has some feature parity with what people are expecting. Now you do mention Firefox and they are indeed hawking their own product. Interestingly, Mozilla maintains a page about just this thing. And it's come up time and time again in mailinglists. Distro builders absolutely have the option to disable this in their repo, but by default build, it's allowed and default options is how a lot of distros choose build the package. And it's this later part that leads me to the point of my original comment.

CHOICE. Long story short because I feel I've already made this comment pretty long. You don't get choice in Windows. There's not some magic build that you can use to do away with all that Candy Crush and what not and still be this side of the TOS for the OS. And for Linux there is choice. It's less about ads and more about "do you get a say in any of this?" With pretty much every Linux distro, you always have the option to become a contributor in some manner. (As an aside) This is actually the friction that a lot folks talk about with how RedHat and the Fedora project have been doing things lately. They're sort of removing this option for the general public to have a line of commentary into the project. It's a bit more complicated than that, but even with the notions that they're toying with, it's been met with pretty strong reactions against what they're doing. And lots of distros have pointed out, that they are going to be doing the opposite of what RedHat is doing going forward on that front. (but I digress)

But that all said, looking at Windows. You don't get a say in the build process. There's not an option for you to rebuild the software stack to your liking for distribution between your machines. There's what the SKU offers and then there's just finding some other OS. And yes, that's not ignoring that enterprise Windows allows pretty much all of these things to not be a thing via group policy objects in the active directory, but it still sticks to the core aspect of only if your SKU offers that option and you need to use that SKU in accordance with the TOS for that SKU. Those are your options. That's the thing and while I'm sure the debate about "what constitutes an ad or not" is a noble one to have, I think you all lost the entire point of my original comment to debate this point that's not really a point that anyone was making to begin with. And also your view on that point of "what's an ad" is poorly informed from the Linux distro makers perspective. There's a need to point out to users coming from Windows or Mac and trying "Linux" for the first time that "we can do that too". That's distinctly different from Microsoft's goal of letting you know that you too can sign up for OneDrive.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

maybe it’s a your mileage may vary situation based on your region or something

Okay fair enough.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

The ghost thing is one thing from that episode, but that there is this space colony that has patterned itself after Scotland and "POW, you're just going to have to accept that" has never set right with me. It's right up there with an entire space colon that patterned itself after native American Pueblo peoples that rather than hop on over to another planet are legit cool with being under Cardassian rule, because "SPIRITS!" Like dude, y'all got here on spaceships not flying eagle ghost.

Which all of that seems a bit a bit odd considering they're like "we know what's happened in the past, you white people are always making us move!!" Because is feels like they're forgetting that part of the past that goes something like "US Congress promised us they'd leave us alone!"

Also what are the odds that your people's mortal enemy "Picard" from 600 years ago, has his great-great-great-great........grandson shows up on your remote ass planet in the middle of nowhere?

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I’m not editing it now!

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Or you can make multiple accounts. The app makes it super simple to swap accounts on the fly.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Wayland development. Tons of folks yelling “X is good enough!” Where they just ignore that no one is actively developing XOrg which is pretty much the biggest X11 implementation.

Plenty maintaining XOrg but new things aren’t coming to XOrg, there’s just no one there the XOrg devs moved to Wayland.

So all these people shouting, they’re telling you keep a piece of software that’s very fragile, in a space that hardware makers are progressing at rapid pace, has decades of hot fixes, duct tape, and cruft, and nobody is actively developing for.

Like I just don’t understand the people yelling that Wayland is raping peoples wives and setting fire to their dogs. The yelling group is screaming for people to use something that nobody wants to work on and nobody is paying enough for people to work on. The code base is horrible and it easily causes burnout in three weeks or less. No one in their right mind is picking it up for shits and giggles.

So if everyone abandons Wayland, what’s the end goal? Keep riding XOrg till hardware outpaces it completely? Like I don’t understand what the Wayland haters are trying to get at. There’s so little going on in XOrg at this point and everyone seems to universally hate the code base. And a rewrite of the base sounds a whole lot like Wayland but artificially adding in X11 restrictions that make no sense since we all aren’t using PDP-11 to run the clients.

I get that Wayland has configurations that don’t work yet. All software has bugs, including X11 implementations. But Wayland is arguably a technology that is more in line with how modern hardware works than the X11 protocol will ever be. And Wayland is designed to be easy for devs to work with, not a cobble of archaic limitations due to a protocol that was designed for 1970s era computers.

That level of hate for Wayland is just this confusing Luddite cry for software that hardware that properly supports it no longer exists. The reason modern video cards do run on X at this point is because of a lot of hacks. I thought everyone understood this when we did the whole AIGLX vs XGL thing.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

The gen x just goes along with everyone because they’ve never had any power and probably never will, they’re being skipped.

I mean that tracks for me.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

They [Young People] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things -- and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning -- all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything -- they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else.

— Aristotle (~340 BC)

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Israel trying to keep that KD ratio top notch.

Numerous verified X accounts are claiming that the Maine mass shootings were a “false flag” (www.mediamatters.org)

When X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk changed his platform’s verification system, he ushered in a new reality where fringe conspiracy theorists could easily promote false claims about breaking news. That happened again shortly after the deadly mass shootings in Lewiston, Maine, as Media Matters found numerous heavily...

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

I’m just going to call it now, that this was more than likely an MK Ultra type of operation, conducted by CIA/Gladio to get more ‘support’ for the cause.

— QAnon John (@TPV_John)

I think what's interesting is the "false flag" folks spout off things that are shown to be former Soviet disinformation. Like the whole Gladio false flag is old ass disinformation that was spread around to elicit this very thing. Like good example of how these folks eat up bullshit can be seen here with Matt Gaetz entering into the record actual Chinese disinformation and then having an actual expert shut him down.

It's like none of them stopped for a second to think, "You know what? It could be that someone is lying to you about someone lying to you." And that's the thing about them, they conflate being a contrarian with critical thinking. Like there is a distinct difference between being a cynic and being a critic and the really important differences are completely lost on them.

Of the examples the article gives, every single one of them fails at "Considering alternative systems of thought" or as some call it "playing devil's advocate for your own point." Which is an important aspect of critical thinking. All of them just launch into their speculation and the "evidentiary support" for that speculation not stopping to think about things like:

  • The shooter was reporting as having mental issues and was express as a concern as far back as July of this year.
  • Before that others around him already had concerns.
  • There is an entire list of events that lead up to this shooting.
  • The State of Maine is leading the investigation, manhunt, and ideally the prosecution of this person.
  • An independent body such as The State of Maine would represent an issue with any attempt keep a false flag operation hidden.

All of the body of evidence for these folks is mostly boiled down to "oh isn't it a coincidence…" and then the event that's coincidental varies from person to person, but it all boils down to them thinking various things somehow align with each other. And, I cannot stress this enough, IS NOT EVIDENCE. Not to yank out the old meme but "correlation is not causation" and every single tweet given as example in the linked article massively fails at applying this adage.

Like this guy (@MichaelJaco9) who writes:

Maine mass shooting has markings of a false flag, gun grab and targeting of gun owners

And then links to an hour long rambling on why he thinks that. (and I watched that whole thing and I highly recommend no one else does, you will lose brain cells) And it basically boils down to "it must be a false flag because it'll stir animosity towards conservatives".

And just as an aside, I'm sorry that I am about to rant on this, but that dude is fucking idiot and I just need to vent for a second, bear with me.

And NO. It's because 18 fucking innocent people (some which were kids) were just murdered and things like "we shouldn't give guns to mentally unsound folks" is something some of you Conservatives want to argue against. Yes, that will stir passions, not because you are a Conservative but because of your fucking trivializing of this loss of life due to a lobby that wants to maintain an industry. That's what stirs the animosity, no Hillary Clinton required. Shockingly, some folks actually value life that is not their own. Who fucking knew?! Excuse myself, but that dude is a fucking waste of skin and I really dislike myself for having wasted one hour on his dumb shit. I would have been more entertained going to visit my methed up Aunt in Chattanooga and talking philosophy (and it would have been more informed by massive orders of magnitude) than listening to whatever the fuck that drivel was on his Bumble account.

Deep breath

So, many of these "eyes wide open" folks are actually quite the opposite. And the thing is, there's a danger in linking false flag to conspiracy theorist. Because there is indeed history of actual false flags, like say during World War II and what not, but there's an actual evidentiary standing upon which those are built. Lots of people have critically reviewed the related information. And what these people are doing are just acting the cynic and basically sucking each other's ego dick to inflate their own importance, aka an echo chamber. And what these people do is a massive disservice to people who ACTUALLY STUDY HISTORY.

I just want to buy some of these people a giant hardcover history book and toss it (metaphorically) at their heads. But that would just be a waste of a good history book.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

See OP is trying to do a Simpson's reference, but Riker is trying to indicate to Troi that he's coming for her like a Caitian.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

As a Gen X I welcome our Gen Z overlords. I am looking forward to these bright minded individuals to creating the kind of retirement I always dreamed of.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Dumb ass says dumb ass thing. News at 11.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

Dell iDRAC comes to mind as well.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

LUL. So you’re right but one of the horror stories I tell around campfires is how many folks don’t know about that front door.

So how about we agree to “surprise feature” for iDRAC? And, yes yes, I can feel the “they shouldn’t be admins” coming.

@IHeartBadCode@kbin.social avatar

The person enabling it isn’t always still at the company.

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