@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar


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@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Summary: Measuring time is important when measuring a large number of quantum bits, and so there’s a constant race toward precision timekeeping. The article ends saying that component quality is more of a factor than the measurement of time (for now), but in the future potential advancements in quantum computing might be able to “buy time” in this arena and reduce errors in some future advancement.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

This is one reason I have a “hibernate” shortcut on my desktop so I don’t have to deal with the hassle of having to hunt for that button.

If you are curious, creating your own hibernate shortcut on windows is easy:

  • Right click desktop
  • Select new > shortcut
  • Copy this into the shortcut: “C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /h” obviously replace C:\Windows\ with the installation drive/folder on your machine.
  • (Optional: Change the icon for the shortcut to a useful picture)
  • Done
@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I can’t be the only one who read that article and didn’t cringe a bit at the end. The woman thinks she is going to get through best care possible and she lives in Alabama, where they are currently shutting down maternity units: www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/…/ar-AA1ifxW3

What OSS is in-between Google Sheets and a custom CRM or SQL db?

I run into a need for this type of software frequently but I don’t know what it’s called or if it exists. I am very adept at Google Sheets and it works great for pulling in data from other places, creating custom little dashboards and forms, etc but where it’s not particularly good is storing relational data for example...

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Great, now all I need to do is get the button on the homepage to load!

HumbleHobo, (edited )
@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Ummm, since we are being critical, I’m going to say that low effort bug reports get sent to the recycle bin on my dev team. Also, what’s up with the tone of your post? You sound like you hated Cyberpunk 2077 in general and so you felt the need to scream it from the rooftops.

I’ve played Phantom Liberty now for a couple days and I’ve never seen anything you’re reporting, so you’ll need to give more detail, like are you playing this on PC or Console, and which console? What are your settings? Also lose the bad attitude man, we are all here to have fun.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

It seems weird that you are judging Cyberpunk without ever having played it. Saying that the general consensus is “meh” is not accurate at all. The game had bugs and it had some technical and gameplay issues that made its much more mature brethren seem better or more well thought through. That’s true.

There’s a huge BUT here though. The storytelling and main questlike through Cyberpunk, at launch, was pretty freaking spectacular. I say this as someone who readily acknowledges the issues with the game at launch. Yes, they have addressed most of those issues, and the game feels better now, but the same story from launch-day is still there and is a rather compelling and great experience. I’m on my second playthrough of it now with the PL expansion and so far it’s been so much better.

And this is all to say nothing of the truly jaw-dropping level design and aesthetics, AT launch, that the game is still sporting. I remember saying when I first played this at launch that I really hope they release some more expansions for this game because the environment is so richly detailed, it feels like I’m running around in a dystopian nightmare.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I think the reason you saw the response you saw is that a lot of the players who bought Cyberpunk on the PC early on were too busy PLAYING the game to talk about it online. If you were a console user though you had little choice though, the console versions of Cyberpunk were awful at launch and deserved much of the scorn they received, I am not certain on stats, but I’m positive that most of the game-breaking bugs were on the console. Yes, I noticed some bugs on my first playthrough on the PC, but it wasn’t as dramatic as what I saw people posting regarding console Cyberpunk.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Apple errors be all like

“Operation couldn’t be completed (com.apple.mobilephone error 1035)”

What am I supposed to do with this?

Linux error be all like

“System program problem detected. Do you want to report it?”

Who am I reporting this to, Linus himself? He’s just going to yell at me.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

A lot of people in Linux subs seem to be ready and willing to unload their “everything is dumbed down” opinion, with all the ferver of a solider heading out to war. I’m a long time computer user, programmer and hacker, so I understand these points of view, but they come across as very gate-keepy around the idea of using a computer at all. Like… I think it’s obscene that so many people would think you need to learn how to use the command-line in order to use a computer.

You guys have it wrong, I love smart GUIs that mean I don’t have to spend my life writing complex command line statements, why are there so many people trying to hold back the wonder and marvel of computers from people who haven’t spent their entire lives dedicated to learning about the computer? I mean seriously, I don’t expect any of my friends or family to be as experienced at these things as I am, and that’s okay. I want the computer to be an easy thing to use. Hell, I want the computer to be easy to use so that I can apply my skills to building things on the computer and have people pay money for them, I think that’s a fairly reasonable trade.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Can you play your desktop while in bed?

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I have a steam controller and a steam link, and this is not the same as that, at all. The steam link has a lot of issues honestly as well, and I tried to use the Steam Link as a way to play games on my TV in other parts of my house and it simply stinks unless you play only specific steam-link compatible games.

StemaDeck doesn’t have those limitations, you can play anything, even games not really made for it and have a smooth-as-butter experience. Even multiplayer on a TV, or on the go.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

To plug the Steamdeck into a TV you need, at minimum, something that converts USB-C into DVI or whatever port your TV has. The multiplayer can be through corded USB controllers plugged into a dock, or you can use Steam controllers through USB thingy, or Xbox and Nintendo Bluetooth controllers natively through the deck itself.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Don’t let the name of this book fool you, but go read “Polysecure” it talks about what is going on in your head and what your partner might be thinking about. It really changed my mind about how to approach anything to do with non-monogamy.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Well I think I need to pick up this book, or at least the audiobook.

HumbleHobo, (edited )
@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Weird response, but I’ll bite. Sitting at home on my couch is not a place I can play on my desktop computer, so I can play some fun indie games on a machine I can pause and suspend gameplay anywhere and resume at anytime. I literally cannot do that on my PC without using some serious docker type stuff on my games which is not worth it.

I have a fair amount of casual games that I don’t play on my PC as I prefer more indepth games when I’m at my PC. The SteamDeck provides a perfect use case for these games. Anyways, I’m surprised. I also setup GOG and Epic on my SteamDeck through the Heroic Launcher which even lets me play some old school games which is endless fun.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Another use that I have found for it is as multiplayer platform on-the-go, either watching movies, video games, or just as a handheld laptop haha. The desktop mode is very cool if you haven’t checked it out.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Trump committed crimes because he didn’t like the outcome of democracy. That gives him a LOT in common with all the totalitarian leaders out there and especially the puppet Presidential structure Russia has.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

My only thoughts are about abuse, have the devs thought about how to limit abuse of a tagging system?

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I’m sad because the fediverse wasn’t necessarily equipped to handle the influx of new people or accomodate all the outgoing mods. It should have been a moment to bring everyone over here, but sadly, even now I’m seeing the drop-off of usage of many of my fediverse hangouts. :(

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

It’s not a trans persons responsibility to have to explain their existence though. Can you imagine how exhausting that would be? Give them a break. Give them some cover. I actually love all my trans friends and I try to listen and see what they want. I don’t put the burden on them to be the trans explainer in all situations.

I just give them love when they need it, and an ear when they need it. I think, just like all of us, they just want to exist and not be hassled about it most times, and if given the right space and the right moment they might tell you about their experience and maybe you’ll get a chance to help.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I found that IFTTT has integrations for hardware and software that doesn’t always have a clear public API that can replace it. I would like to be proved wrong on this because I’m definitely using IFTTT and would love to replace it. But it’s pretty useful still.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Might be worth putting a link in here seeing as this is a third-party mod deckhd.com

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I have talked to my conservative friends on Facebook about their problems and their perspectives and try to understand where we agreed on things; what I found was that we agreed on a ton of things. This is funny because they would often times believe I was conservative simply because I was listening to them.

The biggest hurdle seemed to be some kind of weird mental block whenever it was revealed that they were talking to someone who didn’t religiously follow certain political stances or certain politicians. This bothered me because I wanted to discuss certain topics and politicians and the conversation would immediately end whenever doubt was introduced.

Meanwhile, it seems whenever I criticize a liberal ideal with liberal friends I would get a lively conversation and nobody hating anyone at the end. I want to know why it’s like this!!

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Most all of my friends are pretty liberal, and I enjoy a rousing conversation about policy with them, but the only ideological stances I’ve ever heard liberals not move on are human-rights type stuff, everything else is on the table. Without talking in vague overtones about generalities, I don’t think it’s possible to really dig into the issues you are talking about further.

The problem, as I see it, is that many conservative ideologues back in the 80s discovered that you can’t get people out to the polls with boring policy stances, so conservatives started pushing wedge issues and the culture war. Ever since then, it’s been impossible to pull some people away from their culture war battles. Now, this culture war has escalated so that legislation is targeting specific groups and having direct harm on people. And conservatives are celebrating this harm because there are so many perceived aggreviences already that who cares about actually governing, it’s easier to score points on your opponent.

And rich liberals are just sitting back and banking on the outrage at conservative policies to just fix itself without any work. Making peoples lives better involves directly engaging them not speaking about them and around them. So, we are just in this stuck place where the majority is unhappy with everyone, and everyone sticks in their corner because everyone is outraged all the time. Rich people love this situation where everyone is blaming whoever the media is telling them to blame instead of blaming rich people.

Every conversation about how liberals or conservatives are the problem seems to avoid speaking about rich people and their influence on our entire way of life.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Is it just me, or does that archive link just not work? Thank god for Firefox Reader mode.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

It depends on your dock, your TV and whatever you connect your SteamDeck to. I tried connecting my SteamDeck to my Yamaha Receiver/AMP and it got confused by the HDMI CEC, and so I had to buy an HDMI CEC filter adapter so that it doesn’t have blank video every time I connect it. But YMMV.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I think most everything is better with superconductors, because there’s less worry about stray electricity or heat causing unnecessary failures.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

So we have techno-luddites deciding that we have to shun all browser advancements because they can be used for evil? Seriously? You can use a car for evil, you can use money for evil. JavaScript and CSS are perfectly cromulent technologies that serve perfectly useful functions. Let’s see an HTML-only site build a custom pizza order or let’s see an HTML-only site crop and fit an uploaded picture into a profile picture.

We shouldn’t be condemning technology, we should be condemning the uses of it that create the hellscapes that we all hate. If anything, the creators should be advocating for some means of truce with advertisers so that regular users can get some peace from disruptive ads.

I understand the frustration being leveled at general web pages though. And I’m not a moron and I understand that there is no way to speak to advertisers in general, like there is no way to seek general consensus on what users (both power and technical) want from their web experience. But I feel like we’ve all gone into our separate camps and assumed that there’s no way to reach common ground.

Maybe we need another standard.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I hope it was one hell of a kiss, at least.

No apologies as Reddit halfheartedly tries to repair ties with moderators (arstechnica.com)

Reddit is reaching out to moderators after tensions rose over recent policy changes and API pricing. A Reddit admin acknowledged the strained relationship and outlined new weekly feedback sessions and other outreach efforts to repair ties. However, moderators remain skeptical of Reddit’s efforts given mixed results from past...

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

It’s a lot of abuse to take, I’m kind of surprised more redditors haven’t jumped ship. It’s so much cozier here on lemmy, I just think maybe redditors have no idea what the water is like over here and so they haven’t even dipped a toe into any alternatives.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

You’re not wrong, but it is definitely getting better. I think the organization of Lemmy takes some getting used to, and as well, I think finding new places to look on Lemmy isn’t quite as easy as Reddit is, which might be an area that the software could improve a bit.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I’ll be honest, that matches my own patterns myself. I use Reddit for some of the niche communities that don’t exist here yet, but eventually they will exist here I hope. I still have two separate accounts here for maintaining the least privilege principle you are doing too.

[Discussion] Playing GOG and Epic games on the Steam Deck, your experience wanted.

I’ve got a substantial library of games on GOG and Epic that I wanted to play on the Steam Deck, and I’ve used the Heroic Launcher with some success to access a lot of my libraries on those two platforms, but managing the compatibility per game is a bit frustrating and sometimes after an update things break....

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I was trying to play Wildfire via Heroic Launcher on GOG and all it gave me was a weird tex2d function not found error. Unsure how to proceed. Although Proton community seems to indicate that Wildfire works perfectly on Steam deck with latest Proton. Not sure where the disconnect is.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I think the strange thing is when a game is listed as Steam deck compatible and the same exact game on GOG doesn’t work with the latest Proton.

It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages (www.miamiherald.com)

Donald Trump had recently finished a familiar riff about banning gender transition surgery for children when the former president, speaking to an audience of Evangelical voters, moved on to something new: a policy that would affect transgender adults. “I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any...

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I hate how Republicans seem to be enthralled with new and exciting ways to hurt people. This isn’t what government is for, I want government to create policies to help people not just throw violence at people for some random reason. Can we outlaw making the government hurt people or something? Is that possible?

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I recommend these keyboards as they are small and seem to get the job done well enough.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

I identify as bi, but when I tried to figure out the difference between bi and pan it seems like bi fits the “attraction to multiple genders” that fits me just fine. I also felt it came down to preference in the end, for me; and I just love the bi flag colors so I think that helped! :)

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

What is exploding-heads, is that an instance?

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

A lot of people probably already knew this, but it’s useful to have studies like this to shove in the face of the “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” crowd. It’s frustrating because we can change this, we don’t have to accept a society that simply revolves around “Whoever makes the most money gets to make the rules”.

I, personally, would like a society that cherishes camaraderie and compassion while also rewarding innovation and talent. There are too many people who believe in this zero-sum game that seems to pit everyone against everyone in this race to gather the most wealth; this is why we’re all struggling, because rich people have gathered the most wealth, and they are trying to protect it at all costs by using the wealth to control the rules that control how they gained the wealth to begin with. It’s all awful and we need to change it now.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

We could get by with our current system we have, simply change the tax system to tax profit way more, so that it’s impossible to become a billionaire. And all that money is used to keep everyone housed, fed, and healthy. The people that want to abuse people for profit won’t have anyone to abuse anymore because people won’t be forced to work in unfair jobs with unfair wages. Wages will rise to natural level to meet what people think those jobs are worth doing. Some companies will find this unsustainable and will go away, and good riddance.

@HumbleHobo@beehaw.org avatar

Where is DataHoarders representation here on Lemmy?? Anyone know?

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