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You cannot run a big expensive awards show without convincing someone to pay those expenses. That why there are so many trailers and game announcements at the game awards. The games industry are the ones paying for the event and that influences the content.

It’s not a reflection on Geoff Keighley’s character that he chose not to cover the layoffs, that’s just the nature of running a show like this. The real work in show business is fundraising, and you won’t be in the business long if you speak out against those who give those funds.

Money is coercive.


He’s not even posing. He’s standing there holding his arms awkwardly while this woman takes a selfie in front of him.

I don’t understand why this image has become so widespread. It doesn’t contain evidence for what the title claims. Bobart is dishonest and celebrities pose for selfies. This is not good evidence of transphobia one way or the other.


Then why not post examples of said behavior?


You clearly missed the point of my comment.

I’m asking rhetorically. Why is this bullshit being posted and getting tons of traction as if a celebrity begrudgingly appearing in a selfie is evidence of their opinion?

He has made pretty clear statements on the subject.


You can see the edge of the screen at the titlebar on the right steamdeck, but not the left one. True black instead of dark grey.

Does everyone learn the same gravity in school or is it different everywhere?

So, I learned in physics class at school in the UK that the value of acceleration due to gravity is a constant called g and that it was 9.81m/s^2. I knew that this value is not a true constant as it is affected by terrain and location. However I didn’t know that it can be so significantly different as to be 9.776 m/s^2 in...


Standard gravity is 9.80665 m/s2. That the number defined by the metric people who set all the world’s units. In schools in the united states of america, we used 9.8. I don’t recal using any more precision than that. Gravity at the surface does vary, but you don’t need more presision than that for most academic purposes.


Standard gravity was adopted as a standard in 1901. That was at the 3rd meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures. They redefined a litre as 1 kilogram of water, but the volume of water depends on the pressure, and the pressure depends on the local gravity, so they had to come up with standard values for both standard atmosphere and standard gravity. You also need a standard value for gravity to define a standard for weight measurements which was also done.

Standard gravity is the acceleration at sea level at 45 degrees latitude. The official number was based on measurements made by Gilbert Étienne Defforges in 1888. I can’t find details about his methodology without going to a library or something, and that’s not worth the effort for an internet comment.

how can I change Ubuntu to have default settings (everything, apps, icon size, color, etc) without losing any other software or files??

I recently became interested in using operating systems or software in the most vanilla way possible!! Without changing anything, just getting new files and other stuff. I’ve changed a lot of things from Ubuntu (for example uninstalling Rhythmbox and getting VLC) and I honestly want all the Ubuntu GNOME vanilla software back,...


Nearly all settings are stored in .config in your home directory. It’s a hidden directory so you may need to find that option in your file browser.

Rename .config to something else, .config_old for example, then reboot. The system will notice the lack of config files and generate new default ones.

Some settings are stored elsewhere like .local/share but this should reset most of the settings while still allowing you to restore the old configurations if needed.


That one loaded fine for me.

Temporary outages are likely the result of the server being unable to handle the load. If youtube changed their system it would take a while for a fix.

Piped is web software anyone can host. Like Lemmy, everyone piles into the biggest instance with most memorable / searchale name, thus overloading it.


Try another instance and see if it solves the issue.

Would it make sense to have #CashAwarenessMonth

Maybe December? So we all take money out of banks, at least current month salary, and spend cash only. I think that is something that shouldn’t be hard to do and it would show if we, the people, have any power left to make positive changes for the future or we can just surrender and eat bugs....


Credit card companies increased their fees in October. Did they do anything for merchants or cardholders to increase the quality of service a commensurate amount? No. They decided to increase their transaction fees due to greed alone.

You should spend cash, at least at merchants you like. If you pay $20 in cash, the recipient gets $20. If you pay by card the recipient gets significantly less.


I BCC because I’m stealthy.

What is the deal with Palestine and Hamas?

For mental health reasons, I had taken myself out of most political topics. But lately there seems to be a surge of talk about Palestine and Hamas (forgive me if I spelled this wrong). I do know it’s something to do with land rights, but it also seems to be so much more at the same time. I’m not trying to start any fights. I...


There is no record of this comment


Australian for pickup truck. Utes were usually pickups built on a car platform, but the term is now used for pickup trucks generally.


It might be, but in this context it’s referring to the truck in the picture.


US can’t have good transit because it’s so much bigger than a single city.

The US doesn’t have cities the size of Vancouver, or municipal governments that can solve transit locally.

The country is simply to big for that.


Every single one of the examples you gave relies on some single centralized authority to give it value. Passports and licences are meaningless without a government. Tickets rely on the venue.

I have not heard anyone mention any application for NFTs that would work better than a database run by the agency that is required to give the document value.

Blockchain is a solution in search of a problem.


Holding an NFT can give you ownership of an image. If you have a bored ape NFT you own some legal rights to the image.

That’s because of contract law, and IP law. A contract assigns the copyright to the holder of the NFT, and governments enforce legal contracts.

The only thing that gives NFTs any claim to value is the fact that a centralized authority can enforce it. The entire concept behind the decentralized leaderless authority of the blockchain is a myth.


Yes… That’s the point of my comment.


National security is just the thing people in government say when they’re doing something they know they shouldn’t be doing.

National security is never a justification for anything.


donkey made insomniac add big wheel to spider-man. with big power comes big responsibility



Companies don’t make sweeping, damaging admissions in a court defense. No broadcaster would admit that all of their news is not news. They only make statements about the facts at issue. It’s a bad idea to admit anything beyond the scope of the case at issue. Anyone saying that a news agency admits they aren’t news has a bridge to sell.

The arguments made by fox were that their pundit, Tucker Carlson made exaggerated statements during his punditry show. And the courts agreed that those false statements were not defamatory, because reasonable viewers would not expect a political pundit to be factual, because dishonest exaggeration is what political punditry is.

MSNBC made very similar arguments in court. Rachel Maddow got a lawsuit from One America News Network dismissed under very similar circumstances. You don’t get factual information from pundits. Doesn’t matter what political leanings the network claims to have. Pundits are all liars, that’s what they do.

Fox does awful journalism. You probably shouldn’t trust their reporting, but not because they admitted in court that their pundit did punditry before they fired him.


They are both political pundits who work(ed) for advertisement funded national broadcasters. They both made statements in court that they do not make factual statements as a defense against defamation cases, both of which were winning arguments.

They have a lot more in common than you would think.

Fox and CNN and MSNBC will claim to be left or right wing. They do so to cater to specific audiences. But they are all funded by largely the same advertisers which have the same interests. Don’t trust any enormous media corporation.


They just added the caption. If the creator of this were capable of making the drawing, they would do something more with their life than memes.

You can’t find an image of pushing the brake and throttle at the same time on wikihow.


Android makes you double confirm every installation on F-Droid. If you want to install something you have to tap to download, then tap again to actually install the software. Updating apps is incredibly annoying.

The google store doesn’t do this. They allow sideloading, but they do a lot to discourage it.


I doubt it. True random shuffle play is rare, because humans don’t understand the chaos of true random generation, we see patterns in it and assume it’s not random.

A truly random shuffle can play the same song twice. A truly random shuffle can play multiple songs from the same artist in a row. In the fullness of time all of these will happen with a true random shuffle.

Nothing does that these days. Nearly everything “random” is algorithmically engineered to be less random so it feels more random to humans.


SUVs and pickup trucks do not have to follow the safety regulations of passenger cars.

Passenger cars have rounded pedestrian safe bumpers that are designed to scoop under a pedestrian in a collision, resulting in injuries that are likely to be survivable.

Modern pickup trucks have massive flat grills directly at chest height, which act as a battering ram, and will roll over a pedestrian in a collision, resulting in injuries that are unlikely to be survivable. Pickup trucks and SUVs have large front blind spots that make them more likely to cause collisions than normal cars.

The increasing numbers of pedestrian fatalities is caused by the increasing number and size of pickup trucks and SUVs. This will only change if the feds close the loopholes that allow SUVs to not follow the same regulations as cars.


That’s already the case. Copyright is only possible for creative works of human authorship. By definition AI generation is uncopyrightable.


This is not shrinkflation. This is fleecing.

Shrinkflation is a scheme that takes subtlety to pull off. There’s some level of artistry involved in increasing prices in a way that is unnoticed by the customer.

This is so unsubtle it doesn’t even deserve to be called shrinkflation.


Android deploys a pop up message saying how many hours until the alarm goes off when you set the alarm. It has saved me from this more than a few times.

It also feels like it’s judging me when, “Alarm set for 2 hours and 46 minutes from now.”


50% vacancy tax. Any property that is vacant for more than 50% of the year would require the owner to pay 50% of the assessed value, unless they can prove there is zero demand for the property at any price.

Would solve the problem very quickly. It’s a fair, equitable, market driven solution to the problem of real estate vacancies. But governments are much more concerned with maintaining the illusion of value, than effective land use.


Eminent domain requires the government to compensate the land owner with the “fair market value” for taking their land. As the “fair market value” is so overinflated that no one can afford to rent the space, taking vacant properties through eminent domain is not a solution.


The CDC was part of that.

Faucci was right about masks because he has publicly endorsed every possible stance on the subject during the pandemic.


Send your replies to a scarecrow. This is the most strawman argument I have ever seen.

Faucci did a terrible job during the pandemic. He made the CDC sound untrustworthy, which is the worst possible thing to do during a pandemic.

Science is slow. It takes time to find the truth, and science will draw some wrong conclusions that eventually need to be disproven. I understand this. The layperson does not.

It is truly damaging and reckless for the head of the CDC to come out, with full confidence, telling everyone that masks do not work in early 2020. There was not enough evidence to be certain at the time. Instead of honestly, and clearly stating the level of certanty behind the CDC’s statements early in the pandemic. By not doing this, Faucci fundimentially undermined the credibility of the CDC.

That is a major contributing factor in making the facts about covid so divisive.


Nothing. The speed of light is so fast that our intuitive understanding of the world doesn’t apply, when going that fast.

Light travels at the speed of light relative to you. It doesn’t matter where you are or how fast you’re moving light will travel around you at the speed of light.

Imagine you’re in a space ship passing a planet at half the speed of light. You would measure your headlight’s beam as travelling away from you at the speed of light. Someone on the planet would see you going 0.5c and your headlights going 1c, and would conclude your headlight beam is traveling away from you at half the speed of light.

How does the universe deal with these contradictory observations? Time dilation. Time will flow at a different rate on your ship than the planet. The universe is weird at high speeds.

As far as your speed, it would be the same as turning on the headlights of your car. The lights will slow you down, but such a small amount you need a special lab to even measure it.


Most of the time the article is the same length as the headline.

What even is journalism these days?


All three ampersands are displayed incorrectly as an escape sequence on my screen.

Posted from Jerboa 0.0.49

Edit: Firefox displays it the same way.


The military have longer days than us plebs. They have twenty-four hundred hours when we get a measly twenty-four.



Most of y’all are east of the centerline.

You’re the middle east, not midwest.


Happy to learn that you’re unaware of all the new states.


As an American, I can confirm they are just bad with geography.


Improving traffic lights doesn’t require AI, you just need sensors and some basic code to respond accordingly.

Most lights in the us run on a cycle without accounting for traffic at all. Most don’t even take into account the time of day.

Car dependent design is bad. But the us can’t even do car dependency well. You have to constantly wait at a light to leave the intersection clear for no one.

The solution is not AI the solution is having people responsible who care at least somewhat.


Redneck, or pirate, or leet speak language options are there to let developers test the translations without them having to be bilingual.


Minecraft got in trouble when the Afrikaans translation had the n-word (in English) due to a malicious translator. CDPR had an issue with the Ukrainian translation making references to the ongoing war.

This sort of thing happens somewhat frequently. It’s the same reason how fake sign language interpreters can hold positions. It’s hard to verify the accuracy of a translation in a language you don’t speak. They have to trust that the translator did their job right.

Translations are usually just text strings. No reasonable project would allow translators to write code.


Objecting to highways should be a prerequisite for getting a transit planning job.

Hildegarde, (edited )

The word sanction is an antonym of itself. You’re disingenuously arguing semantics.

Sanction: noun Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid.

Sanction: noun The penalty for noncompliance with a law or legal order.

When people use the term “sanctioned genocide,” they are almost assuredly using the first definition.

The Uyghur Genocide is not sanctioned by the west because, unlike Gaza and Yemen, this genocide doesn’t have the support of most western governments.

The lack of economic sanctions against China does not make the Uyghur genocide a sanctioned one. Despite using the same word.

Higher point of impact makes SUV crashes more dangerous for cyclists (www.iihs.org)

Ground-impact injuries — a frequent cause of head injuries — were more than twice as common in SUV crashes than those involving cars, the study showed. The findings follow earlier IIHS research that showed SUVs are more lethal than cars to pedestrians despite design changes that have made them less dangerous to other...



This exists. Not quite 40 but still.

Microcars don’t really work in the US because nearly all road development is designed around allowing everyone to get anywhere in a very big very fast car.

What is the benefit to owning a small or slow car in most parts of the US?


BDSP was a terrible remake that was farmed out to a random porting studio. It’s one of the lowest effort remakes I have ever experienced.

One of the biggest issues is BDSP added modern EXP share where all your pokemon gain EXP every battle.This caused a huge problem for BDSP because they didn’t re-balance the game to account for you gaining much more XP than the original developers expected. The game is completely trivial because you become unreasonably over-leveled when playing through the game normally.

Platinum also added extra content to gen 4 beyond the original Diamond and Perl. None of this content was added to the remaster. If you are wanting to play gen IV and have hardware that can run it, Platinum is the best choice.

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