
Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

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Tool to copy Reddit comment chains (greasyfork.org)

So I was reading this post and decided to make the tool described, as a userscript (I credit ChatGPT with doing most of the work, which went pretty quickly). To use it, install a compatible userscript browser extension such as violentmonkey.github.io , then press install on the linked page. Reddit comments should now have a...

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Amazing indeed! Thanks a lot for the ping. I switched instances in between. Gonna ping myself @haui_lemmy

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Additional question: wouldn’t it be cool to have a place where you can only get open source stuff? Obviously there needs to be more to it than this fact i presume but its a start.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Oh! I didnt know that was OS only! Thanks for lmk!

Twitch-like service for the fediverse?

I’m thinking of spinning up some streaming for a couple of games in the near future, (I always do massive 400+ hour factories in Satisfactory) and was wondering if there’s a place or software to stream on that’s not Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or Meta? I’m not looking for revenue or massive followers, this would just be...

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You can. Source: I run an instance.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thanks for answering. I‘m using synapse at this point but I‘m not totally set on that. I need to get back to you on the configs. They’re a huge pain to set up. I kinda get why people are using ansible playbooks. Getting the homeserver.hjson and compose file to sync up and generally getting the configs of those to sync up and then needing srv records and custom npm locations really gets to me.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Very cool! I‘ll post the configs as soon as I am on my computer! Thank you for offering.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I definitely will post them. Just gotta get to my pc. Thanks for offering your help.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">lemmy.hjson https://hastebin.com/share/giqoxejiru.yaml
</span><span style="color:#323232;">docker-compose.yml https://hastebin.com/share/osavazijag.yaml
</span><span style="color:#323232;">npm host file https://hastebin.com/share/ruyivojoyu.bash
</span><span style="color:#323232;">lemmy ui log https://hastebin.com/share/lakurefohe.php

Let me know if you need anything else! :)

Here it is! Thanks again for offering your help.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

docker-compose.yml hastebin.com/share/izeroqiqil.yamlhomeserver.yaml hastebin.com/share/iquzehofen.yamlnpm host file hastebin.com/share/alolegoyey.bashsynapse log hastebin.com/share/abumisutuz.yaml (please note that these errors are not representative of the “functioning but no federation” I had earlier since I seemingly broke something when trying to set it up differently.)

Here is the config! Thanks again for offering your help!

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thanks for pointing this out. For now, I’m good with the @matrix but I will keep that in mind. Now the federation seems to be working. I completely threw out the npm config and remade it. Here’s the new logs. One thing doesn’t work anymore though: I’m not receiving messages from my second account and am not getting “is online” notification (green circle). Here’s the current log. hastebin.com/share/piyumiloho.yaml (btw the .well-known was because federation tester pointed out there was none and I assumed that was the problem.)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thanks for the suggestion. Will check it out! :)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Glad you asked. Yes, mostly. Some things are still janky but most of it works. Whats your setup?

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Ah! Nice. I can only encourage you to do so. It is in fact quite a bit of work but I‘m sure its both going to be easier every day and depending on your skillset and setup, you’ll probably have it a lot easier than me. I have like 13 docker stacks atm. only on my vps and another 10 or so on my homeserver. :)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thank you for your kind words! I‘m always the idealist. :)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thank you for laying this out. Maybe someone can make something out of it. :)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I agree completely. I would argue that we dont need the comments at all. A post, laying out the initial comment chain would be enough. Like I said „user1“ and so on but with real names.

The reason I‘d like to do it this way (without comments but preserving the OPs names) is twofold: its not pretentious (as comments from the same person) and it would honor the original posters.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thanks mate! Very awesome! Pinging my other account [email protected]

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

This is wild. I‘m happy I don’t come in contact with this. I would definitely ruin myself due to repeated and persistent noncompliance.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

also a lot of fun is if you can code, design and do business and are out of a job because no company has a job like this…

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I use nextcloud notes. They are .md and work wonderfully imo. You can either edit them through nc or through the editor on linux (or vs code on windows). Tried obsidian, never got into it and its not open source.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I‘m not sure I understand what you mean. If I wanted to move a section I would cut and paste it. What alternative don’t I know about?

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Ok, got it. Thats neat.

"Linux Desktop: A Collective Delusion" - an unhinged rant (tadeubento.com)

Linux has made significant strides, and in 2023, it’s better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: that desktop Linux is as user-friendly and productive as its mainstream counterparts. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it’s important to provide a clear review of where Linux falls...

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Its people being people I guess. They’re all weird. Some good weird, some bad weird. Thank you for taking the time to critique the article so I don’t need to read it. :)

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I‘m thinking of hosting a peertube instance just for funzies. It seems like an awesome thing. I just dont „get“ it as much as I get mastodon, lemmy and matrix. Something about the discovery process does not click with me yet. Is anyone making an ios (i know) app soon?

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Not a bad tipp for individuals. Won’t solve the problem though. The few individuals who actually go through with this dont make a dent while children and their parents will gobble up this stuff because marketing. We need policy for shit like this.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

It’s a very good idea. But I‘m sorry to inform you that this is regulation. It is a very nuanced piece though. Much better than banning it outright, at least to try first.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I know. It is a pattern. It’s roughly summarized under anti trust. You know, the stuff that has been dismantled in the US over the past couple of years.

Same goes for europe but not as brutal. When these laws were made, there were no insanely fast growing international conglomerates with a product that changes shape like a chameleon. No wonder they didn’t keep up but now we‘ve got homework. We gotta push politicians to revise laws and change the status quo.

We need to balance the scales so consumers get the info they need (instead of constantly changing terms and conditions, 10+ pages long), the power to actually change stuff (be able to sue if apple does not let you mass extract your fkin passwords if you dont own a mac) and keep new transgressions from happening by putting long jail terms on anti competitive behavior.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Makes sense and will be taken more serious than a black and white approach. I‘m with you there.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What eludes me is that literally nobody except hp, xerox, canon, brother, dell, epson, kyocera, lenovo, lexmark seems to be making decent printers.

I know that the printer business is rough for sales people for some reason (the guy who I learned sales from 18 yrs ago was a printer salesman before becoming a coach). But what I don’t get is that there does not seem to be good money to make for small companies as they are not gaining on the big ones.

Is everything locked by patents or what is the deal here?

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Okay. Let me rephrase that: why are these the only brands that make printers except niche ones?

Too much competition in a 10 player market? This is an oligopol and likely the reason why there is an entry problem.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I agree. What do you think would help?

I have heard of a law or precedent that put CEOs under the reign of the shareholders instead of the company, customer and society.

Do you happen to know what legislation did that change? Maybe that needs to be overturned.

Edit: I found at least the term. It is called shareholder primacy.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I begin to really like you! Probably the first person I have ever heard say that except myself. The open source community is pretty much the first one that is 100% stakeholder value (the people who use it, make it, more or less).

I figure that should be the same everywhere. No single figure that bankrolls a bunch of people and gets filthy rich while they barely get by.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I mean, there are if you’re „arian“, not disabled or otherwise made a target and don’t get snitched on by your neighbors.

In that case you can live like a „free“ person while people around you „disappear“ which would not freak you out at all. (/s)

You are not actually free though because if you openly criticize anything, you disappear as well.

I suppose the common theme is „murderous authoritarianism“.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I was wondering why everyone said disk since disks are mounted below that.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Thats rough. Good to know. Also one reason why I ever only connect to storage when I need it and dismount when I don’t and don’t save the credentials (and have another backup off site).

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

That microsoft is allowed to buy one more company instead of being sliced up into smaller companies themselves is a sign that anti trust has not evolved a bit in the last decade.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Very good idea! Be the change you wanna see and fork firefox right now! :) or build something else entirely.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Nextcloud (or docker for that matter) are rather complex.

Permission problems are every day life in linux, you always have to sudo or - if you change that - someone else can vaporize your server and steal all your data. Linux is infinitely more secure because it is a nightmare to use casually with a complex setup. Some windows script kiddie is gonna die inside your directories and never be found again.

Writing a script that you need to make executable first? Chowning files that are made by docker? Having to use a specific user inside docker (in case of nextcloud especially)?

All these things are incredibly frustrating but given the sheer complexity of nextcloud, it’s actually working rather good imo. So does linux.

I‘m not shitting on linux, docker or nc. I love them all but saying they’re not working just says they’re not plug and play yet. Other examples: most things snap are a mystery for me. Freakin permissions.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Well, transportation is the biggest emitter. [www.epa.gov/…/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#:~…](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#:~:text=Transportation%20(28%25%20of%202021%20greenhouse,ships%2C%20trains%2C%20and%20planes).

And personal cars as well as trucks are the largest emitters among those. www.cbo.gov/publication/58861

I do agree that there should be done a lot more to make this go faster. One of the most obvious things is immediately outlaw the production of gasoline suvs. They‘re inefficient and rather pricey so you wont hit anyone who‘s life depends on it. Then outlaw the production of any gasoline sportscars.

Obviously the expansion of public transport is still important but selling new v8 suvs demoralizes anyone trying to do the right thing.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I‘m pretty sure the assets such as textures need to be installed in the client anyway and the server code does not necessarily need to be open source to make it available for use.

But you‘re correct. Neither the game nor the server software would be maintainable (same as, for example nvidia drivers btw) but it would take away the „kill switch“ for bought software. As long as no major changes come to the system, they would be runnable. Even indefinitely if you dockerize it or otherwise use virtualization.

That would be my minimal goal. But actually, I think there is no reason to keep the majority of the code under wraps. Certain game mechanics and assets are patented anyway. There is no use in having them and breaking the law when using them.

Haui, (edited )
@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I mean it obviously depends on a lot of factors. If you‘re white, speak fluent german and don’t tell anyone you‘re an immigrant, you get bullied less.

But generally, being black seems to be a problem. I’m not too informed about that except reading the occasional report. Having facial features usually found in islamic countries is definitely going to get you in hot water with the older folks and the uneducated.

Depending on the part of germany, you‘ll likely be met with a baseball bat (east germany).

It is normal in germany to make racist jokes and to make jokes about disabled people. The german government commissioned a recent study about this (demokratie-leben.de/…/rassistische-realitaeten-in…) and it came to the conclusion that nearly 25% of all (5000 people I think) have been victim to racism and over half have been present during racist encounters.

This and the fact that the new german nazi party just got voted in second place in the federal state of hessen should tell you most that you need to know.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I completely agree. But I would go even farther. We have misunderstood and corrupted democracy to a popularity contest. I

t is legal to infinitely increase politicians salaries, to accept donations from lobbyist groups, to work into their own pocket. We pretty much legalized corruption.

Now the politicians are so out of touch that they don’t see how their country is eroding under them. The streets have holes, there is garbage on the back alleys but not on the main streets. All so it doesn’t look bad when you drive through but shit if you live there.

Even our former health minister, albeit relatively fast in his reaction, made himself and his husband rich with mask deals. He should definitely go to jail for that.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

My wife and I made a deal yesterday night, after the votes came in. If the nazis get a seat on a national level, we‘re leaving to the nordic countries. We‘ll both be fucked because the light there isn’t great and we have issues with depression anyway but it’s better than the fucking gas chamber.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Hey, now worries. We all make different experiences so yours may differ. Btw. I‘m sorry, they got 30% in the voting district I‘m in, not the whole state but they are second strongest there. I‘ll correct that. Also, I am part of multiple minorities, one of witch is being the child of an immigrant.

I‘m not talking about myself or someone I know though. I used to do sales a lot and traveled through germany for 20 years. I‘ve met hundreds of people every year and am telling you what I hear and see. To be fair, I met with people from all social backgrounds so someone from a more affluent class will make a very different experience.

Anyway, I grew up in the biggest city in hessen and although there are a lot of immigrants, the racist shit that happens there is insane. A friend of mine got sucked in with the local soccer club‘s hooligans and we ended up at a members house who happened to also be in the former nazi parti (npd) and had a red flag in their living room (you know the one). I never went to soccer again.

But I digress: Having worked in eastern hessen, I have had to deal with companies needing employees which I supplied. The most stated demand was „no immigrants please“ (around 2005). Racism is brutal in eastern (rural) hessen. I often had to tell my customers that they were opening themselves up to lawsuits with that behavior.

I now live in western hessen where the political climate used to be pretty chill but it is ramping up big time. Since I have had an autism diagnosis in the meantime, I have been sensitized to ableist commentary. I wouldn’t have picked up on it otherwise either.

Since then, I joined a couple groups in the area to talk about experiences. People are being bullied at work for their disability and frequently fired, stating the disability is the reason but giving another reason legally so the employer cant be sued. As a former employer I‘m familiar with this technique although I find it appalling.

Also, older people tend to send racist or ableist jokes around here. That is not something I heard but something that happens a lot since I happen to know quite a few. I always tell them not to send around shit like this but they’re oblivious why this is bad.

About eastern germany: I have visited leipzig, jena, east berlin, brandenburg and other places. The bigger cities are less racist but brandenburg is insane. People are walking around with shaved heads, black boots and nazi tattoos. I‘m not making this up.

I do agree that some people vote alt right out of protest but we‘re having a racism problem. The study doesn’t lie and neither your nor my account will change that. Racist crimes have picked up 10% in the last year btw.

Most people who don’t belong to a minority don’t really see these things happening here.

@Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

You’re welcome. Happy to help.

Yes, most of it happens among members of the majority (which I can pose as if I keep quiet about myself and don’t show differences) or against a group that is not present. The beatings, spitting and raping happen rather rarely, if you get my drift.

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