

@[email protected]

Fiber arts. SoCal. Social justice. Snark.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


This looks so great!! I'm glad you went for the blocking and can now confidently give it to your Godchild. They'll love it!


Blocking can only help (a bit), if you used natural fibers like wool or cotton. I can't tell from your photo or post if you used acrylic yarn, which will not block.

I echo the advice about a border to make the outside edge more uniform.

Good luck with it! It's a gorgeous pattern!

HandsHurtLoL, (edited )

Haven't even directed my browser to reddit since migrating to kbin in June, but it's never fulfilled the same dopamine hit for me. I've supplanted my online addiction with YouTube now, which because of what I flit past and what I actually pay attention to has been extremely educational because of the algorithm!

Pretty early on, I ended up becoming the head moderator for a magazine on kbin, which then made me feel an ethical sort of guilt about commenting there anymore, so really the only place I wanted to be part of the dialogue is now gone for me here on kbin. Our magazine has a much larger mirror community on lemmyworld, so our magazine is barely holding on by a thread even after an initial burst of new subscribers. Discussion is almost non-existent in the magazine, and I'm not sure if it's because we tried to instate common-sense community guidelines early, or if because we missed the momentum of growing userbase after the rexxit since most people migrated to lemmyworld instead of kbin.

I'm not even sure why I keep my account. (I know I sound like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh in this post.)


Ah - yikes. I was really not anticipating you seeing my mini pity party here, ernest. I know you and the team have been really working hard on kbin and I've seen massive changes with the modding panel and functions as a result of the latest instance update. I have a ton of respect for what you all are accomplishing on the fediverse and I was originally a very vocal early adopter after the first reddit migration in June. I trust that you all are shouldering a major responsibility with this instance, and I'm grateful for the fediverse at the very least. I hope when you read this you didn't get the sense that I had any criticisms of kbin as the particular user interface I use for the fediverse - just that even across the federated instances (mostly lemmyworld), my ability to doom scroll for hours a day outpaces the userbase.

I think I feel a personal sense of failure(?) or disappointment(?) that I wasn't able to usher in a similar sense of community and activity to the sub I moderate compared to reddit. I think moving over here, it felt like my sub would be the natural beneficiary of inheriting the volume of users and content that existed on reddit, but our mirror community on lemmyworld got the lion's share and it isn't even scratching former reddit heyday numbers. Also, the people in their community are... suspect. I don't care for the comments section.

I hope you didn't take umbrage to my comment. I'm eager to see what new features the kbin dev team will roll out.


Yeah, it's a 100% self-imposed moratorium just because I don't want to appear to have a modding bias. There was a period where I was trying to enliven the community by posting a few articles each day, especially from sources not submitted to our mirror community on lemmyworld, but then my real life job was draining my soul for 3 straight months, so that endeavor fell by the wayside. Also, unless it's an article dumping on one key player, our user base doesn't tend to comment on news articles. It's a weird phenomenon I've observed.

I will add though that my hobby communities that I belong to never make it to my feed, which seems to imply that those communities are stagnant, too. I would probably comment more in those spaces, but it's rare that new threads are created, I guess.


You need to post this as a link to an article, not as a discussion thread in which you link to the article. Removed, but you're encouraged to repost. Article title must be the title of thread.

HandsHurtLoL, (edited )

I saw an ADHD influencer recommend wearing ear plugs in public to block out environmental noise to keep conversation directed at you still audible.

I get distracted in public when my ears pick up conversation around me - especially people who are fighting or gossiping and I find it very entertaining compared to the discussion I'm in - so this is something I'd like to try the next time I have a dinner out at a busy restaurant with others.

Editing to add: I just listened to about a minute of the femtanyl song you linked and I realized that I also get in the zone productive with some types of music in which I can't understand the lyrics. I listen to a Pandora station built around Sigur Ros because I can't understand the language lol


Fun fact on kbin.social: you can add mods without their consent or notification.

Not ethical to do so, but you can do what you've described in your question.

[News] "Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums - Salon.com (www.salon.com)

Users on far-right online forums are publishing private information about members of the Georgia grand jury that indicted former president Donald Trump and 18 of his allies in a sweeping criminal case focused on alleged 2020 election interference earlier this month, leading to jurors receiving threats online....


If I'm not mistaken, Trump was given very clear orders from the bench not to run his mouth online to disparage any members of the jury, interact with them, or intimidate them. This situation is that Brooklyn 99 meme of Holt saying, "Why did you start intimidating the jury? I specifically requested that you don't."

Lock him up.

[News] House Judiciary Committee expected to launch inquiry into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (www.cnn.com)

The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee is expected to open a congressional investigation into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis as soon as Thursday, a source tells CNN – the same day former President Donald Trump is slated to surrender at the county jail after being charged for participating in schemes to...


I bet they're going to subpoena her for a hearing the day-of or after the start of the Fulton trial just to delay the trial for Trump and then maybe he can cry unfair that his constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated.

Why do they still carry water for this goon?


Although this blog is discussing law at a deep level, this is not addressing law related to public policy and therefore is not political in nature. This is not what this magazine is intended for. Removed.

HandsHurtLoL, (edited )

I'm truly baffled at how this guy's polling could do even better after the Georgia indictment, but I guess if you legitimately believe he is the Messiah (which, note that his supporters have conspicuously dropped all the second coming of Jesus rhetoric around him), then it's believable that the whole world and system will persecute him because he's just too good for this world and evil is jealous of his pure righteousness. I say this to mock christians who view 45 as the new Jesus, not to mock all of Christianity.

You would think that the GOP - all these fucking barnacles on the bloated carcass that is 45 - would start getting on board with this Amendment 14 strategy to disqualify him for running for POTUS again a la the Ides of March style. Banding together - and hell, not even reaching across the aisle for God-forbid bipartisanship - to depose 45 fully would finally create enough power vacuum for them to divvy up or for at least a new strongman to step up. Even if they quibble at it, reminiscent of the GOP primary in 2012 with - what? 15 podiums of pretenders at the first primary debate? - it would finally free up the sheer volume of resources that are constantly flowing to 45 for other political darlings to leverage.


This is not what our magazine is intended for. Removed.


On the Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart, The Epoch Times' averaged reliability score is 19.80, which is very far below our cutoff average score of 32.0.

I have removed this submission.


This article is not addressing anything from politics, so I have removed it. No one listed in the article is a policymaker at any level (local, state, or federal), nor is it related to or resulting from any laws/policies.

Will a federal judge in Texas force Planned Parenthood to repay millions? (apnews.com)

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal judge in Texas who put access to the abortion pill misefpristone in limbo earlier this year presided Tuesday over another potentially groundbreaking case: a state lawsuit seeking to force Planned Parenthood pay back millions of dollars it received through Medicaid.


I am glad I left Texas when I did. The disgust I have for this entire ilk of people would have me choking on my bile 24 hours a day. My stomach is turning thinking that some people make a living or heaven forbid are prospering off augmenting the suffering of hundreds of thousands.


I would be interested!


I appreciate that ringing endorsement, but I feel like it's a losing proposition. So perhaps this is the insight I can share: this maybe speaking only about this one instance (kbin.social), but users can technically submit content from outside the magazine, or from never even having visited the magazine for a first time, so I'm feeling hard-pressed to hold content submitters accountable to the magazine's rules or side bar.

And for federated users, I think it gets even more tricky because the sidebar may not fully load up (maybe they see the description but none of the rules or community expectations) if they federated prior to those being published; and not at all if they federated or created accounts after the pinned post was published.

I've stepped back significantly from policing submission rules because of this, but I'm beside myself with the quandary of how do you grow a community? > You create a place for healthy discourse by adding structure. > You create structure through moderation and community guidelines/rules. > Rules are de facto unenforceable because of federation. > How do you grow a community then?


Someone remind me if Ken Starr is alive or dead...

[Analysis] Kenneth Chesebro’s Misrepresentation of My Scholarship in His Efforts to Overturn the 2020 Presidential Election (www.justsecurity.org)

A key memorandum drafted by Chesebro -- which might otherwise appear relatively innocuous even in how it is discussed in the indictment -- laid the foundation for the scheme grounded, in part, on misrepresenting my work.


Hi @lowdownfool. Your submission is missing a label in the title.

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NEWS: Patriot Front sues left-wing activist who infiltrated the hate group and named members (www.rawstory.com)

The white supremacist group Patriot Front is suing a left-wing activist for allegedly infiltrating the group and revealing the identities of members, USA Today reported. The lawsuit says the alleged "doxxings" cost the members their jobs and personal relationships. As USA Today points out, Patriot F...


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Hi @Gargleblaster. Your submission is missing a label in the title. We also ask that users share a few paragraphs copy and pasted from the story in the body.

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Trouble getting back to people when it comes to texting and calls

My partner of one year has not been satisfied with our communication while away from each other. He’d like to know what I’m up to when not at work, and while I would rather have more sporadic catch-ups (say 2/3 times a day) I try to keep to his preferred frequency which usually ends up being once every two hours at minimum,...


I echo what others have said about this sounding like a control issue, but I want to check in with you about some relationship dynamics before jumping too firmly to that conclusion. You phrased your partner's side as:

He’d like to know what I’m up to when not at work

Is he an introverted person who has a small social circle? Does he have a clingy attachment style in your relationship? Does he have this expectation for a check in when he isn't traveling? Have you talked with him about your own communication style and/or how your ADHD manifests as time blindness, as you put it?


Hi @Gargleblaster. Your submission is missing a label in the title. We also ask that users share a few paragraphs copy and pasted from the story in the body.

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If you pick up this book, I highly recommend another book written by the same author - Michael Ende - called Momo.

The fantasy parts of the NES sometimes feel like allegory but mostly feel like folly. But Momo is ostensibly an allegory from the beginning. It also feels like waking up your inner child.

The parts of the NES that were not adapted into the films are absolutely whimsical and amazing. It's a true wonder why some details were used in the film and not others. It's a lot of fun!

[Analysis] The Myth of the Latino Vote and What Newsrooms Must Learn From 2020 (www.propublica.org)

In 2016, when it became clear that Donald Trump would become president, media outlets across the U.S. were blindsided by the results. They pledged to do better representing the larger communities that make up America. That included conservatives, those in rural areas (a complex group on its own) and, yes, Latinos....


It may just be a ruse to support the lawsuit to swing in her favor, but she may also be somewhat cash poor if her wealth is tied up in properties and stocks or other equities. Just because she's worth several million doesn't mean that she has that cash sitting in the bank account, though I agree it raises a lot of questions about how she pays monthly obligations then.

I just can't imagine signing over power of attorney and then not seeing that as the clear sign to retire.


Dude, someone reported your comment. It's as simple as that.

We are here to maintain community standards set by the community. Don't get it twisted.

[News] DeSantis' biggest donor says he won't give more money unless changes are made (www.cnbc.com)

Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach....


I read the OGC report and my interpretation is that it was heavily implied that her race was a factor in why non-university sources were bitching and moaning about her hiring to members of the board of regents, who were uncharacteristically involved in asking the president about this hiring.

Like just because no one on the record says "don't hire a black woman" doesn't mean they aren't all dog whistling to each other about her race.

In the OGC report, at one point the BoR or president expressed concern about "the optics" of hiring someone who's done research in a DEI topic/worked on at least one committee to increase representation in newsrooms during the last state legislative session, under which a law was signed by piss baby Abbott to make it illegal to consider diversity in the hiring process. The OGC report is clear that the president intervened to delay McElroy's hire date until after the end of that legislative session at the very least.

I'm glad A&M settled, but I think she should have sued for more. It's funny that she made more money off this than if she had worked there 5 years in the original offer...


Hi @gonzoleroy. Your submission is missing a label in the title. We also ask that users don't pontificate in the body of the submission. Start the conversation by adding the first comment. Use the body to share a few paragraphs copy and pasted from the story.

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It's fun to completely make shit up about other people, isn't it?


Hi @DMBFFF. Your submission is missing a label in the title. We also ask that the title be the same as on the original source (except for all caps). If you'd like to add context or a submission statement for a video source, you may do so in the body of the submission instead of in the title.

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Thank you!


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HandsHurtLoL, (edited )

Hi @pgm_01. Your submission is missing a label in the title.

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[News] A Georgia judge has rejected former President Trump’s efforts to quash an investigation into his efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results. (thehill.com)

“The movants’ asserted ‘injuries’ that would open the doors of the courthouse to their claims are either insufficient or else speculative and unrealized,” Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney wrote in the nine-page ruling.


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HandsHurtLoL, (edited )

Hi @Hellsadvocate. Your submission is missing a label in the title.

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This is funny, but not true. The federal government turns off servers and electronics after business hours in accordance with power-saving measures enacted by President Jimmy Carter.

Carter installed solar panels onto the White House in the late 70s, early 80s. Reagan came in and dismantled them.

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