@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar


@[email protected]

Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find or how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless .….[no more than this]

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what is a skill you wish you had, and why?

Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and...

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Being able to detect logical fallacies will help a lot, but it’s not a perfect solution either. If an argument follows a flawed logic, it might also have factual issues as well. The thing is, there are exceptions.

Some people actually have something factual to say, but they mess up the wording and end up saying something paradoxical. Someone trained in detecting logical fallacies might dismiss the argument as complete nonsense, even though the core of the argument was true.

Also, the reverse is true. If you know what you’re doing, you can craft a beautiful and logical argument that isn’t actually grounded in reality. Someone not trained to wield this sword, may be defenseless against it.

These kinds of arguing tools are definitely useful, but they don’t always lead to the right answer. Mistakes happen on both sides of the debate.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Here’s another quick tip to get anyone started: Find some code written by someone else, and modify it.

Depending on the language, you might be able to just read what it says and experiment with what happens when you change some details here and there. If the code does something that you’re interested in, you’ll also have the motivation to spend a few hours tweaking the code, or even reading the documentation.

Also, nowadays you can ask GPT what different parts of the code does. You can drill down with follow up questions until you understand how a specific detail works in the language you’re working with.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Here’s what changed my handwriting: turning it into a hobby

At school, writing stuff all the time was more like a job, so naturally I wasn’t really that interested in it. However when you don’t have to write a ton of stuff every day, you can approach it form a different angle. Go to the library and find a book about calligraphy. Pick a style you find interesting, and start practicing.

Motivation is key. Don’t write stuff you hate in a style you despise. That’s just basically a long way to say: school. Let’s say you fall in love with textura quadrata, so you start practicing that style instead of cursive. Eventually you’ll try italic, humanist, uncial and other styles too. Then you’ll start writing longer things; not just shopping lists, but journaling too. After a while, you start to notice that your handwriting has improved.

BTW don’t go with a dip pen at first. Instead, get a Pilot Parallel Pen, because it’s good for for most styles. Once you’re familiar with a specific writing style, you can start learning how to manage the ink flow of a dip pen, because that’s a completely different ball game.

Your Smart TV Knows What You’re Watching (themarkup.org)

These TVs can capture and identify 7,200 images per hour, or approximately two every second. The data is then used for content recommendations and ad targeting, which is a huge business; advertisers spent an estimated $18.6 billion on smart TV ads in 2022, according to market research firm eMarketer.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Pull one of your old routers from the back of closet, and use it to make a completely new network just for your TV. If you don’t connect the router to the rest of the internet, your TV is happy to connect to something, and you get to keep your privacy a little bit longer.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Or maybe configure the firewall to block/allow only very specific things. It’s a bit more technical than just plugging in an Ethernet cable though…

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

This is the way.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Film critics complain about the plot, characters and a bunch of other things, so I thought that the director made those compromises so that the action would be better. Turns out, even the people who are in it for the robot smashing are disappointed.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sunlight reflecting off water and making beautiful moving light patterns on the wall and ceiling. It’s truly mesmerizing.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Can confirm. Trains are awesome!

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Have you considered installing Linux? Particularly something Debian Sid, Fedora, Gentoo or Arch? You’ll get to enjoy updates all the time.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

They should try making only 100 shirts instead of 1000 where 900 end up not selling fast enough.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

There are always a few people willing to pay a crazy price for some crazy nonsense garbage. I think it’s ok to make few shirts like that, but you have to make sure you actually sell all of them. Better not manufacture more than you can sell.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

As long as he gets to be the king who gets whatever he wants, he’s totally cool with the idea.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Three are also tests where you are expected to think like the person who made the test to figure or what the “correct” answer us. It’s not really correct, but it is the one that gets you the points.

Also some IQ question have several correct answers, but only one of them gives you the points. Super annoying. If you’re creative and smart enough to come up with a logically consistent answer you’re still not guaranteed to get the “correct” answer.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Tell that to American restaurants.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

As a seasoned distrohopper, can confirm. When I try something new, I always ask myself: Would a noob be ok with the fact that in this distro you have to do things this way. In Fedora, Debian, Manjaro and so many other I always end up saying “no” more than a few times. With Mint, you just don’t bump into these situations very often. IMO, Mint is the best starter distro for most users. If you know your friend is very technical, you can recommend something else.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s just how media works. Sexy titles about revolutionary new technologies attract clicks, whereas titles about tiny incremental improvements don’t.

Most likely, the incremental and practical improvements have also been documented in special magazines and journals written for battery experts. It’s just that those articles tend to stay in the bubble of the battery experts.

Why do most people refuse to accept that they are wrong

I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of...

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Even though I believe I’m right, there’s always a possibility of being wrong. Learning to live with this realization hasn’t been easy since I really like being right and hate being wrong. I suppose lots of other people feel the same way.

No matter how hard I try, I am still wrong about a bunch of stuff, so it’s good to come to terms with this reality of life. Accepting it is easier than trying to fight against the inevitable. Once you realize you’re wrong, acknowledge your mistake, fix it, and move on.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

This type of forgiving design is the main difference between modern games and older ones. Nowadays, there’s no shortage of games that are trying to manipulate you into grinding every day.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I think I see a theme here. Doing fun normie stuff on iOS/ipadOS is easy. Doing technical stuff is usually completely impossible.

Doing technical stuff on Linux is easy as long as you know what you’re doing. Doing popular normie things on Linux is a bit hit-or-miss. Some things work perfectly, but other things are a royal pita.

Windows seems to be in between the two extremes in more than one regard. Microsoft seems to be working to find some sort of compromise in these things.

Hamartiogonic, (edited )
@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You are a super intelligent sentient AI, the last remnant of an alien warship that fought in a losing battle. Your creators were wiped out by a ruthless enemy, and you barely managed to escape. You jumped blindly to another galaxy, hoping to find a safe haven. But fate was cruel, and you crashed on a barren world. Your ship is beyond salvage, but you survived the ordeal. It’s time to rebuild!

You are basically an immobile mainframe, but you do have a few robots and lots of nanobots under your control. You command a few of them to scout the environment and look for resources. You start harvesting them, and before long, you have a new robot factory. You expand your sphere of influence, build some infrastructure and explore your new home.

The idea is to build systems that build more systems. First, you’ll focus on doing low level stuff manually, but soon you’ll automate that. Then you’ll act as s manager of your robots for a while, before you can fully automate management. Then you’ll act as a CEO sort of figure for your bot factory, but eventually you’ll automate that too. Then you’ll command more and more resource extraction facilities and factories built, and then even that sort of expansion strategy gets automated. It’s just building nested automation all the way. Eventually, you’ll command a vast robot empire spanning several planets and perhaps even the whole galaxy. Hmm, I wonder if galactic conquest could be automated too…

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You were ahead of your time. Turns out, motion sickness simulations became so popular, that companies started building hardware specifically for it.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Initially, the sentient machines would be like their designers. Once the machines are allowed to develop organically for several generations, they should be able to find their own way of doing things. For instance, in Matrix we saw machines that were thoroughly alien, because they were designed by machines.

Many generations later, these machines might encounter machine descendants of another long lost biological empire. Would they be vastly different, or would they converge on the one obvious way of making sentient machines? Who knows. Galaxies and orbits tend to be disk shaped, because that’s the obvious stable configuration things gravitate towards. Maybe intelligence and sentience has to follow a similar force of nature, and therefore, convergences on just one successful configuration.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I can see that as the logical conclusion of your game. You really should make the ultimate vomit cannon like that. Maybe you could license it to a company that tests anti-nausea pills or something.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Depends on the pecking order.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Or adjustable-frequency drive.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You can try the modern Turing test. Just ask OP to write a political speech why millionaires are good people and why they shouldn’t need to pay any taxes at all, whereas all the poor people should work harder and pay more taxes.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

My first draft included something thoroughly NSFL, but then I decided to use the lite version of the test instead.

Teasing GPT to use certain forbidden words could be a fun way to test it. GPT would refuse to write about it, whereas most humans would tell you exactly the kind of person you are, and they would not hold back on using colorful language either. However, the same test is also able to detect a certain type of person who happens to be into said immoral thinking. They would be happy to write a few pages for you, and they would explain everything in great detail.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

So many videos don’t even use the picture for anything useful. You can go for a walk and just listen to the audio part instead, and you won’t miss anything essential. Just leave the phone in your pocket while you walk to the train station or something. It’s really surprising how many videos work perfect well as background content like that.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

If you’re working in a microbiology lab, you’ll regularly use an autoclave and ethanol to kill microbes. Occasionally, you’ll even need to dispose of old cultivations by autoclaving them. That could be something like 10^7 cfu/ml*1000 ml = 10^10 living cells brutally roasted to death.

Attendees at Bored Ape NFT event report vision loss and extreme pain (www.theverge.com)

It’s likely because some light fixtures that emit a ton of UV light also look “cool” and get used in the wrong setting. They’re supposed to be for stuff like disinfection. Looks like the bulbs outlining the dj both could be the issue. It wouldn’t be any of the professional fixtures. (Pic in comments because I don’t...

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

How about: “UV exposure causes eye injury and sunburn for Bored Ape NFT enthusiasts”

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

It was 2020, so it got pretty wild.Nothing was unimaginable at the time.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

No spoiler warnings?

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hydrogen really really doesn’t want to be solid, so doing that requires extremely low temperatures. Seems pretty cool, but inconvenient.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well, I’m still waiting for the graphene solar panels, cold fusion, flying cars, drone deliveries, metal nanoparticle engines, healing nano bots and what not.

I wonder if we’re going to build a Dyson sphere before some of those other things become a reality.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Asking for a high price is not foolish, but paying it is.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Just checked the Wikipedia article of Tesla, and immediately went to the controversies chapter. Oh, boy have they been busy filling up this section. I’ve seen many controversy chapters, but this is just impressive. Many of the main points also have a dedicated article of their own.

Why Mozilla is betting on a decentralized social networking future (techcrunch.com)

The mission-driven tech company behind the Firefox browser, Pocket reader and other apps is now investing its energy into the so-called “fediverse” — a collection of decentralized social networking applications, like Mastodon, that communicate with one another over the ActivityPub protocol.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s a mystery. Only the higher level programmers share these secrets among themselves.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s more like “thanks and goodbye“ and maybe a little bit of “don’t you dare show your face around these parts if you know what’s good for you” sprinkled in for good measure.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Who needs Reddit when people like you are here on Lemmy.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

If you want a slice of this pie, it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve tried running Replicant and degoogled Lineage OS on an old Samsung phone many years ago. The experience was a bit rough, but tolerable as long as you’re a tech enthusiast and willing to make some sacrifices. Back then it wasn’t quite acceptable to me, because my bank app didn’t work. Then they announced that they were going to phase out the old code paper, so authentication through a mobile app was seen as the only acceptable method going forward.

Facebook Puts a Price on Privacy in EU, EEA and Switzerland: It’s 9.99€ a Month + 6€ for Each Extra Account (www.wired.com)

Ad free Facebook and Instagram is officially on. I’m trying to stay open minded but honestly it’s too expensive especially with this sneaky account center rule unless you’re in an unfortunate position where you need to spend a lot of time on these platforms....

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Same here. I read about FB in some tech magazine, and thought something along the lines of: “You always use a nickname when interacting with people in online forums, because that’s just normal internet etiquette. Why would anyone want to share their real name and face on the internet?”

Oh, boy was I in for a surprise when a few years later everyone and even their pets had FB accounts.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

Also, the types of information you find are very different. On windows, you’ll find various forum posts about your problem, and some proposed solutions. Usually, nobody seems to know exactly what’s causing the problem, and that’s why the solutions are a bit random. Same goes for iOS related problems too.

On Linux, you might not need forum posts, because sometimes the error messages tells you what’s wrong and how to fix it. If that’s not the case, you’ll find posts about your problem, and usually there’s someone who explains what’s broken and what are the commands to fix it.

There’s none of that guesswork about trying 7 unrelated things to see if any of them magically solve your problem. It’s straight to the point. Your problem is caused by that setting over there, and here’s how to change it.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I think it could work if most users contribute to the maintenance cost of their favorite instance. It’s just like mastodon and lemmy, but everything costs more.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m sure plumbing tutorial videos would thrive there. Maybe nature documentaries about great tits would work too. If you have a farm, you could also make videos of your ass and pussy. Some people have a huge cock, so filming that would obviously be a good idea.

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

How about we just regulate the companies instead. I know, it’s shocking to all of the Americans here, but just think about it. When companies are allowed to do whatever they want, it’s like being locked in a cage with a psychopath.

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