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Guydht, not shit on america any% speedrun:


How is this a meme

Also classic hating everything about the west


Oh yay so all I need to do to launch terror attacks on a sovereign state without repercussions is hide under a school? Neet!

Statue of Liberty Shut Down by Protesters Calling for Gaza Cease-fire (

Dressed uniformly in black, the protesters with Jewish Voice for Peace gathered on the pedestal shortly before 1 p.m. when they dropped massive banners with calls for a cease-fire and other slogans, such as “The Whole World Is Watching” and “Never Again for Anyone.” The group sang “Cease-fire now” and occupied the...


a cease fire means no more dead anyone

On 6/10 there was a cease fire - that didn’t prevent Israelis from being slaughtered. Hamas showed no* indication of stopping their massacares. In fact, they did the opposite - they only talk about how glad they are with the massacare and how they intend to do that again.

Israel is perfectly capable of defending itself without comitting genocide

Then what was the 7/10 attack? Even with oppressing the region they can’t defend against such terror acts without their air force.


Israel mainly kills innocent civilians

You mean during this war or before? If during, then yeah probably (although Hamas won’t release the numbers of terrorists/civilians killed) But again, that’s just war, and war is horrible. We can all agree on that.

And about 2023 being the deadliest one - it’s so much more nuanced than this - it’s indeed the Israeli government’s fault that things escalated since it’s one of the most right-wing governments Israel has ever seen - and their lack of competence should and is blamed for the escalation and for allowing such a major attack to happen. Israel’s government has a lot to answer after this war, to a lot of people - especially to Israelis.

That is to say, the escalation in violence was in the west bank, not in Gaza. Gaza was a relatively quiet area for months up until the attack (except for disturbenceses on the fence which Israel stupidly disregarded)

obviously when people say cease fire they mean a real one

Then by that standard there have been 0 cease fires in Gaza since Hamas took over. Rockets are fired from Gaza at least once a year - is that peace in your eyes? Calling for it now after all those years is just ridiculous. Maybe a pause for humanitarian aid, but ceasefire? Basically giving Gaza back to Hamas? What sane Israeli would live in one of the slaughtered Kibutz while Hamas is still in power?

A failure. That doesn’t justify genocide of people

War != Genocide. They both have massive civilian deaths - but it’s an important distinction. The 7/10 attack does indeed justify entering a war - where sadly lots of civilians are killed. Poor Gazans have both Israel and Hamas to blame for allowing this war to happen.


Yo what’s up with lemmy’s being psychos saying they don’t care he died since he was a republican

The man was publicly humiliated (by his standards) to the whole world and ya’ll encourage it?

Whoever published the blog should be sentenced.


And yet no one bats an eye when china murders millions of muslims or Armenians are getting wiped out. The west only cares about Palestinians, even when they get warning after warnings of evacuation orders. “Israel says leave north Gaza for fear of your life” “Two weeks pass, plenty of time for anyone to flee” “People who didn’t live are fearing their lives”

Come on. Are they supposed to go in there on foot on basically suicide missions to heavily trapped areas because people are refusing to get out of an active warzone after multiple warnings? How about keeping Hamas responsible for evacuating their civilians when they live in active warzones? Israel is legit the only country in the world who knocks first, and ya’ll are goving them crap for it. Grow up.

People get surprised when people are killed in warzones. 10/10 logic.


And what lack of knowledge about this conflict do I have? Please enlighten me. Did Israelis not tell every possible Gazan “hey, leave this area, your terrorist leaders are hiding here and we don’t like killing civilians”?

It’s like ya’ll leave in a fantasy world where no wrong could ever be done towards a side in a conflict which is weaker. It’s like you forgot how war actually works.


Dude what? I guess ya’ll are really just supporting anything which is against the west, no matter how hypocritical it is. Next thing I’ll hear on Lemmy how Ukraine had it coming from Russia.


It’s not just whataboutism, I talked about how Israel did literally everything they could considering they’re at war. It’s like ya’ll forgot how wars worked.

Just imagine the allied forces telling germans “hey yo things are about to get ugly here please leave to this area where we’ll bomb way less”. There’s no other country who treats war with such careful hands, and Israel is still getting shit over it.

War is evil. Israel’s wars are the least evil in the world.


“we should never legitimize it”

Okay buddy, sure. Really easy to talk from a peaceful state without constant threats pointed at you. How about providing actual real solutions to conflicts instead of waiting around, doing nothing then yelling when a war breaks out because of what everyone ignored.

The rest of the world did nothing to provide peace in the region - so those same foreigners to the conflicts shouldn’t point a finger and be surprised when war happens. Either leave the region alone (just like most disputes happening in Africa for example) or actually do something when it’s not wartime. Trying to do something when everything is broken to the point of no return is nothing but virtue signaling.

Those protest should’ve happened when Hamas won elections. Those protests should’ve happened when right wing Israeli government came to power. Those protests should’ve happened when no one did anything about Hamas arming themselves, preparing for war.

Protesting now is doing nothing. Both sides are so fed up with the other that no peaceful resolution, no ceasefire could happen. And screaming about it now is not gonna change that.


I mean there’s a whole wikipedia page on the camps china built for them…

My point is that there are so many more wrongdoings and innocent people being prosecuted way more harshly than Palestinians in the world, and the world is only focusing on Palestinians since it’s the frontline of the west vs iranian arab society. Those magnitudes of protests weren’t around when china put muslims in camps or killed thousands of protestors.

This whole thing is an assault on western ideology. hamas is Iran2.0 and would massacre those same left-wing europeans or Americans who protest for them, in the name of Islam.


Classifying Israel as Apartheid is valid if and only if Israel and Palestinians in the west bank define themselves as Israelis and treat themselves as part of the Israeli national. Surprise surprise - they don’t. Neither. Israel classifies Palestinians as basically foreigners, hence no citizen right. And Palestinians don’t try to push against it because all they want is a country of their own. Now, providing a Palestinian state is a whole subject in itself, but basically it’s hard. And not enough foreign power is used to make it happen - that’s the real disservice done to the Palestinians. They never ever talked about Israel accepting them to Israeli society, and no one expects that of them. They’re literal foreigners to Israel, with work permits. Of course they won’t have a government vote.

Another point was the jewish nature of Israel and how it discriminates - and that’s just true. There’s indeed a case to be made of Israel needing to be some part jewish, but Israel politics and laws are fucked up, especially regarding settlements. Let’s hope they get their shit together and have a working government who actually does good.

And lastly, Gazans moving south. Does anybody in this world remember what war’s like? Does anybody remember how many German civilian homes were bombed by the brits in WW2? Does anyone remember the civilian casualties Germany suffered?

War is war. And war is horrible. But expecting a country who just had its worst attack on its land ever to not fight the ones responsible, is extremely privileged by the world. Any state encountering such a big threat on civilian lives would do everything to destroy that threat. And that’s what they’re doing. The war won’t end when all Gazans are dead - it’ll end when Hamas has 0 armed terrorists, and 0 threatening capabilities. And that’s a goal no one can criticize Israel for pursuing. (Obviously you can criticize their methods - but relative to all recent conflicts - they really are avoiding civilian lives as much as possible considering their enemy.)


You keep repeating over and over hoping for your point to be true, while it’s just not. Keep crying and keep turning a blind eye to the fact that there are 2 sides here who both have valid goals and disregard one of them just because they’re bigger and pretty much achieved their goal is bullshit or straight up racism.

History is and forever was on the side of the bigger powers, so no. Looks like history would not be on the side of terrorists.


Dude when have I equated all Palestinians to Hamas exactly?? I said that war is horrible and that innocents die in it, and that’s how it always has been. That doesn’t equate to me saying all Palestinians are Hamas. Heck, I think Palestinians are the biggest victims of Hamas, being the main reason for thousands of deaths on innocent Palestinians.

And taking the side of no civilian casualty is just a very privileged position you can say only from thousands of kms away - when your life is threatened, some civilian casualty is justified under war. That’s what I meant when I said war is horrible, and that’s why everyone no matter who you are should try and prevent it always. But saying a side who has pretty rightfully opened a war, and saying they should stop because you’re against all civilian lives lost, is just not helpful and not gonna do anything, since it really is just privileged, having not experienced any part of the conflict yourself. Saying “from my point of view it’s bad so don’t do it” while not looking at it from the point of view of the other party is really just not helpful in understanding or doing anything.

And about the Apartheid, my bad, I talked about Gaza, not the West bank, where the Israelis are actually entering the region and oppressing Palestinians. I still don’t compare it to south africa where it was oppression of your own citizens, but it’s still really horrible and the right wing government of Israel needs to fall. For that I’ll protest all day.

But again, I really see the people of Gaza as prisoners not of Israel, but Hamas. Israel willingly just fell back from the region in 2005, and from then onwards Palestinian civilians were truly doomed by Hamas (Israel literally physically just walked away) to a constant state of war.


Then think again. They literally say what their goal is - a forceful end to Israel. And that nothing less will be enough - and that they’ll keep killing civilians until that goal is met.


Do you seriously think Israel shut off internet to hide what’s inside? Do you know satellites exist? Do you know cameras exist? How in the world was that preventing anyone from seeing into Gaza?


I mean, some of those 1,000 prisoners were active in that recent oct.7 massacre, so I guess that Israel learned from its mistakes. As much as it pains them, they can’t effort giving Hamas forces, as they’ll regret it tenfold later.


I mean, exchanging prisoners means freeing those who massacred on oct.7, and come on, Israel is not that stupid to let them run free again. That exchange will bite them tenfold in years to come if they do it (and they realized it now, hence they don’t agree to it)


For more than the last decade Israel spent 0 efforts on raising the Gaza population and completely left them to run their own educational/inner governmental funding. That proved to be the worst mistake they could ever do, as that educational program is pure hate fuel for religious extremists and the government funding (which btw is a lot of funding from foreigners) was used for rockets and anti-tank ammunition instead of safe houses for civilians. Heck, the only safe zones are the underground tunnels, which are only used for Hamas fighters.

All that means is that Israel should’ve either completely hammer down on stuff going in, and truly be like china murdering muslims, or completely run the region themselves, which is basically colonialism. Which option is good? None. Who can be blamed for that? The Palestinians leaders.

Don’t get me wrong, Israel’s leaders also chose a very bad option of leaving it alone and letting it grow into a monster, but let’s face it - they had no good options on what to do with Gaza. So blaming everything that’s happening purely on Israel, is just unfair. What could they have done to prevent this?


Try to think as an army for just a second. When you send your troops into unknown territory which is 100% trapped, you wanna confuse your enemy. And shutting communication is exactly that.

It absolutely fails at hiding what’s going on in Gaza from being revealed, but it *50% succeeds in making their enemies blind during their attack. It’s just a military tactic. A proven and effective one.


Not doing any of this stuff would’ve meant a Palestinian state in Gaza led by Hamas.

Such a state would’ve killed many more jews.

Is it really that hard to see such obvious facts? What action has Palestinian ever done to warrant faith from the Israeli side that they wouldn’t get massacres if Palestinians had a state.

It’s as simple as that. Make Israelis not feel threatened, make a state. Do make Israelis feel threatened, get oppression.

And no other country in the world would do differently when feeling threatened. Some would do actual genocide and have 2 million dead.

GAZA: 3,195 children killed in three weeks surpasses annual number of children killed in conflict zones since 2019 (

Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks in Gaza is more than the number killed in armed conflict...


That’s horrible. Palestinian civilians are the worse off in this whole conflict. But blaming Israel is 50% of the question. Maybe even 40%, since by now they have no other way of securing their 200 prisoners while not leaving Hamas with so much power to launch another deadly attack on them.

The only way to prevent such atrocities now is to let Gazans flee to Egypt and let Israel kill Hamas, then let Palestinians start fresh with a leadership which prefers clean water over terror.


If Israel were nazis, you wouldn’t hear cries of civilians injured, because 2 million would’ve been wiped out.

No. Israel is really not Nazi Germany, who killed its own citizens out of racism. Israel is fighting aggressive neighbors who will do anything to kill them. Don’t confuse the two, it’s a dangerous comparison since it’s so wrong.


If that were their goal 2 million would’ve been obliterated already. Stop assuming they’re racist and think what they can do from their perspective. They have over 200 kidnapped, mostly civilians, and they’re dealing with a group which proved physically that their only goal is killing civilians for terror.


You really think they don’t know where Hamas’ leaders are? They know, but it’s probably impossible to kill them, since they hide under hospitals in underground tunnels, and no type of ammunition can penetrate 30m deep underground without obliterating the building above it. No country in the world has faced these kinds of fighting conditions, and even the U.S had trouble fighting in the middle east because of probably these same reasons.

They’re not fighting another army, with a base and well defined targets. They’re fighting a terror organization operating from civilian homes.


You’re either super innocent, or super brainwashed if you truly believe that open sea and air spaces for Hamas would mean less violence.


“stop the bombs”… But only incoming ones, not outgoing ones from Gaza because they’re friendly rockets which are a symbol for peace! Look, we’re such peaceful people who want peace!

Obviously Israel should just stop its efforts of freeing over 200 kidnapped citizens. Oh they also should pack up their bags, leave their home, kiss Hamas’s feet, thank them for massacring civilians and pillageing homes, and let them take the entirety of Israeli land and start a new state called Iran.2.0.

Maybe then jews in Berlin won’t have stars of david sprayed on their homes.


When reporters are going into active warzones, they get killed. Big shock!

And Palestinian’s deaths are just as much on the hands of Hamas as they are on the hands of Israel. Since day 1 Hamas’s creed was annihilating Israel and its citizens, and they were true on those words. Do you expect Israel to just do nothing and let them grow even larger than what they’re already are? Do Israelis deserve no safety? Israel prioritizes its citizens’ safety above that of Gazans, and no one in the world can fault them for that, since every other single state in the world would do the same.


There is literally no other way of entering Gaza on foot but to bomb the area beforehand. Dead soldiers won’t bring back any kidnapped prisoners.

Saving a few alive is better than adding hundreds of dead soldiers, entering their death to underground narrow death tunnels, filled with traps.


Using white phosphorus? No legit source confirmed that. That’s some nice propaganda by Hamas who have been proven to lie constantly.

Idk about the 2 other claims, but it’s easy to believe them. I’d like to think they had a good reason bombing so called “safe spaces” but the truth is that there couldn’t be a safe place in Gaza right now. Not when Hamas is legit everywhere.

And about the kidnapped, do you really think they can just march into the tunnels and just grab them and say bye? Dead soldiers can’t save anyone. They’d rather kill some and actually rescue some, than keeping them alive while getting hundreds if not thousands of soldiers running to their deaths in trapped underground tunnels. Doing a ground invasion without bombing the area first is just suicide.

Seriously, what the hell do you expect Israel to do in that situation. Think for just a second from their perspective and you’ll realize what they’re doing is necessary.


That article literally starts with “Beirut, oc.12”. Saying lebanon are a good source of facts is delusional.

And that justifies bombing trucks full of refugees?

Again, source? And not an obviously biased one. Either way though, I can see that happening as a part of a war. Hamas are literally hiding between innocent women and babies, and that means those women and babies are killed. Does Israel have a hand in those deaths? Yes. Is Hamas responsible for those people? 200% yes and much more than Israel. Hamas started this attack very well prepared militarily, and with zero civilian infrastructure preparations. Not only did they not think of “what’ll become of our civilians” they actively hold them from running to the south (which is still less bombed than the north). Blaming Israel and protesting against Israel is just ignoring the other side being completely wrong

Oh ok so 1400 dead and 200 kidnapped and they’re supposed to just tap Hamas on the wrist and call it a day?

Israel’s response is deadly, and 100% known since day 1 by anyone who is even a bit knowledgeable on the conflict. And that includes Hamas, which just disregard their citizens as colletaral damage in the pursuit of their lunatic jihad mindset.


No reason to invade? And they’re supposed to do what, say “ok don’t do it again thx bye” to Hamas???

Hamas proved their lack of willingness to do anything but kill (Israelis and their own citizens). If Israel just backs down in a few years they’ll have another attack, much bigger this time. There’s no other way but to destroy Hamas, who no matter what are set only on death.

Any state in this world, after events like oct.7 would destroy the ones responsible. And saying they should just work towards peace, at this point, is gullible and delusional.

2,000 children killed in Gaza, aid group says, as doctors warn fuel shortage is a death sentence | CNN (

Inside Gaza, cut off from the world by a near total blockade, Israeli airstrikes have decimated entire neighborhoods, leveling homes, schools and mosques. CNN drone footage from Monday showed the level of destruction across parts of the strip, with whole streets flattened in the al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City and a row of...


*religious zionism

Zionism is literally just nationalism for the jewish people. The fact that it has a religious brother is because the world decided that a race and a religion are linked. Do all jews want to be jews? No. Can they stop? No. Do all Israelis support religious zionism (which means taking land)? No. Even most of them don’t. Their government and politics are just so fucked up that we have a result of religious zionists running the state. Let’s pray that after this war they’ll get their shit together.


The reports indicate the rocket was launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a more extremist group seperate from Hamas, but who’s basically Hamas with much less power and effectiveness (they fail a lot). It’s true that Hamas blamed Israel, and that Israel showed satellite images indicating it’s a failed rocket from PIJ. Photos also show that it mainly hurt the parking lot (and without a crater, typical of Israeli ammunition) which means for 500 to be dead, there’d need to be a lot of people in that parking lot for some reason.

Basically Hamas lied. But they’re a terrorist organization, every chance of shock and terror is a win for them.


Oh so if they allow trucks the fighting stop? Oh please. Hamas hasn’t stopped launching rockets since day 1. And if you think their preparation ended in a day, you’re terribly mistaken. There’s no chance for peace in the region now.


And again, that’s just nationalism. The jewish people (not religion) believe they need to have a home in Israel, and nowhere in zionism are settlements of west bank/gaza are mentioned. That’s religious zionism, which says the complete whole land of Israel should belong to the Jewish people. Zionism is the 48 border, religious zionism is the 67 border.


How did you imagine me in your head when you typed “glad you’re losing control”? What does that even mean?

Anyway, blocking someone over so little shows either a) you just can’t handle disagreements in life or b) the internet has spoiled you, blocking anyone who disagrees with you being so easy.

In both cases, that’s a bad thing. Have fun spreading hate.


Dude have you seen what Hamas did yesterday? Kidnapping children, women, elders. Even burnt houses to get families out of their homes to kidnap them. No matter how sympathetic you are towards palestinians, no one with a right conscious can support them.


Why does your username exists.

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