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I’m dropping GM, because they are unsafe. I’m not going back to looking down at my phone while I’m driving.

Also, as a former 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt owner, I’d love to have a good chat about safety with the executives of GM. That is, if they aren’t too busy creating their new in-dash subscription model. Which is what this is really about, and we all know it.

Maybe they should first focus on their gross manufacturing shortfalls, and their other issues. Maybe take a look at that parking lot in Pontiac that’s bursting at the seams with Corvettes stuck in limbo, and their very pissed off purchasers.

Fuck. What a bunch of numbskulls.


No my counterargument is that there’s thankfully lots of alternatives on the market. I could care less what GM does at this point, honestly. There’s going to be some upset people at the dinner table next year, but I’m driving something else in 2024. The quality has just gone to absolute shit, and they are pretty clearly trying to rush everything out and come up with all these fucking pretend schemes why they are doing it and why options are missing. When it’'s got zero to do with safety, and everything to do with their new UAW deal, where they are going to try and find new revenue streams to offset their rising costs, while also charging everyone out the ass for their bullshit. Because heaven help if the executives or the worst CEO in their history has to give back the increases in their bloated salary/bonuses. Mary Berra couldn’t successfully run a fucking lemonade stand, let alone one of the biggest companies in the world.

GrindingGears, (edited )

My family is weirdly intense about my choice in car manufacturers because I’m from a small town, and growing up there was quite the vested interest in what I’m seen driving because I’m a GM dealer’s something something. It’s caused quite a few issues in my personal life over the years, which I’m not expecting you to comprehend or understand.

All you need to know my hatred for the modern day General runs deep. Mostly because it’s a company with a long institutional-like history and a deep integration into many communities, and was formerly a company that I cared very much about, for a variety of personal reasons and interests. But it’s also a company that has been run by a long succession of absolute fucking morons that have made a long successive chain of absolutely r word decisions. Like this one for example. So I mean I’m biased, and that needs to be stated. But this is still the stupidest fucking move by a company that I’ve read about all week.

Also the vehicles are terrible and I’m about to have to haul my wife’s POS GM for what feels like the 80th time this year to our local dealer (who is also complete shit, but I have a higher expectation of dealers than what is probably ordinary). I’m just over it.


Capacitive buttons need to die a painful death. I’m ok with some functions being capacitive or touch screen buttons, like little unimportant ones like accessing my 6th favourite radio station or whatever. Or even Carplay or Android Auto.

But when it comes to operating the HVAC or shifting gears, it shouldn’t be allowed that these aren’t mechanical switches with proper fail-safe backups. I don’t even think those shifter buttons in a lot of modern vehicles, or the shifting knobs, like what’s been in the Jeep SUVs for the past decade, are the best idea.


This would inevitably put the manufacturer in a bind though. You’d have a pile of pissed off customers standing in a line one morning for you, because Apple or some third party pushed an update that suddenly makes the product incompatible with your car, and they’d be screaming at you about it. You’d have techs piled around a car scratching their heads, like is it the car that’s fucked up, is it the device? All without knowing that some third party has randomly done something unbeknown to the person who is scratching their head trying to figure it out. It’s frustrating when your Android Auto isn’t working suddenly for reasons like this one, this I personally know all about. But could you imagine if it was suddenly the whole dashboard that wasn’t working?

Also it beholdens you to third parties to provide solutions that you can’t really control from a quality standpoint, but any quality or compatibility issues will 100% affect the customers perception of your product. For example, “I can’t get my iPhone to work in that piece of shit car, I fucking hate that far so much,” because they can’t control the car suddenly either.

Don’t get me wrong, your idea is neat, and it would be cool if you could get that all to work, for sure. But it’s also fraught with peril, you know what I mean?


My personal car (the second, mostly unused car in our family) is from 2016, and it has nav and everything, but it looks like it’s a commodore. It’s also woefully out of date, my house is in the middle of a cornfield according to my car. Literally unusable, and was pretty much right out of the gates even. Doesn’t work very well with my phone, I’m still able to stream Spotify and skip songs or whatever, but guess how I have to control it? The phone hooked to the cord and sitting on my seat.

My wife’s car, I don’t even think I’ve ever used the navigation. I’m not even really sure how her radio works come to think of it, because it just switches to Android Auto when I start it, and whatever I was doing on my phone, well it’s right there. Spotify starts up, and on the way we go. Don’t even look at it most of the time, if I’m being honest. Super unsafe for sure, the proprietary solution is for sure better (/s)


It’s apparently quite a mess. Quite a few of the late summer and fall builds went into 3800 production status. That means it’s built, like it’s off the assembly line but sitting before the final inspection staging and shipping. So for some this went on for a couple months, and some people started questioning where the fuck their vettes were, like 3800 status usually doesn’t last for very long.

Then someone in Michigan noticed their OnStar got activated, and pinged the car and it was saying it was in Pontiac, not Bowling Green. So someone apparently went and looked and sure as shit, lot full of vettes. They took a bunch of shots of like heavy security but otherwise the cars just all sitting outside. GM was and is absolutely zipped about what’s going on, it’s under lock and key. Prevailing rumor is they needed heavy rework, some rumors are aimed at something to do with the DCTs, there’s also rumors that the bodies needed heavy reworking. Whatever the issue is, it’s a friggin snafu and a half. The boomers that have their orders sitting there were going thermonuclear because their Vettes have been sitting outside in the rain and snow. They just started getting delivered this past month, so guess we will see if some issues become apparent down the road. It’s maybe still going on too, like some cars are still getting stuck at 3800, and are returning pings a couple hours east of Bowling Green. Not sure I’d touch a late model 23 build, that’s for sure.


Snapchat made me realize I’m basically my dad now. Still trying to figure out the purpose of it.


Whenever I see this, on Google reviews or whatever, it just solidifies what the complaint was and basically is tantamount to the responder doubling down on whatever the reviewer was saying. Valid or not. When you respond with passive aggressive “kindness” or denial, it just makes you look like a piece of shit, even if you are actually in the right. I cannot fathom how people don’t understand this.


It’s unbelievable. The dumb fuckers literally figured out a way to beat piracy. High quantity, easily accessible content at an appetizable price. Even one for TV, one for music, $10-15 a month, I had no issue. Everyone made out like a bandit, I was satisfied, and they all made billions.

Now you can’t even use YouTube without being bombarded with ads, and streaming is quickly becoming worse than cable was. Piracy is definitely back on the table, and the fuckers don’t have license to whine about it this time. They literally had it licked, but then got too greedy, so fuck them.


They aren’t finished. Remember that you are in the minority with your outrage, and 95% of the general population loves eating shit popsicles from megacorps. Aka they won’t do anything about it.

If anyone doubts this, simply visit the nearest Apple store for a half hour and watch the lemmings around you. Apple store employees, and the company literally abuse people and treat their customers like shit, yet the place is still packed. The lemmings still line up for an hour for their “appointment,” and put up with people yelling/talking down at them, only to have the privilege of purchasing the latest iPhone.

The general population will take this lying down. CTV is one of the biggest growing advertising channels. It mostly gets bought and sold programmatically too, and nothing is off the table. Not only are we getting fucking hosed with streaming fees, they are going to absolutely bombard us with ads too.


If it wasn’t for the Mrs., I would have turfed Netflix a long time ago. They are the grossest of all the streamers, and they are at the forefront of the greed we face today. I refuse to even use it. I pay for two subscriptions (my wife’s, and one for my parents, who live across the continent). I refuse to use it. I don’t even use it. Who are we turning into as a species?


Yes. Just move on and make new games worth playing, instead of rehashing the past. And more often than not, fucking it up in the process. Only our modern society would accept and accommodate a remade game that’s 100% worse than the original.


Oh trust me, they are going to get what’s coming to them. The parents will make sure of it. One way or another.


If anything, I feel a lot more calmer and more at peace when reading Lemmy threads. I find the people here are the reasonable ones, and all the other maggots seemed to stay on Reddit. Which I’m super ok with.

Now and then you’ll see someone who just goes thermonuclear on the first response to one of their comments, but they are far and few between. They all seem to eventually go back to Reddit, thankfully. Maybe because they can’t get the endorphin rush that they crave here.

This period of peace won’t probably last long, but I’m enjoying it while I can.


I treat Reddit like I treat twitter. When something happens, I look at it to get a read on the situation, or what people are saying or whatever. But I otherwise totally ignore it now.

A year ago, I couldn’t go an hour without looking at Reddit.


Reddit allowed their communities to get shifted to the poles. My local community is the exact opposite, it’s so far to the left that it’s painful. The extreme poles of either side of the political spectrum are just as painful as the other.

Here we just chat. Left right square circle triangle, doesn’t seem to matter. The threads and interactions on here seem to be with people that are most like me, and not so much with the Ultra Hardcore MAGA bros, or the basement dweller 40 year old virgin social assistance crowd. Can’t say the same for Reddit. Glad they have a place too, hopefully they stay there.


Why does this matter? Do we need to appease the shareholders or something? Do we need endless month over month growth, lest the world completely stops turning?

Do we need SYNERGIES??!!!?


You’ve hit on an important point here. I’d love to ride my bike downtown to work on the days I go there, and everywhere else. Problem is, the minute I take my eyes of it, it’s going to be gone. 100%.


They still get into the lockups. The building at my former workplace had a secure lockup that required key card access, and a stringent card granting process. Yet it still happened. Just takes one bonehead to leave the gate unlatched, or to let someone in. Short of actual security guards standing within the cage, unfortunately I just don’t trust it enough.


Who left Take Two/Rockstar, and went to Naughty Dog? That’s what I want to know.


Probably can barely even buy the 1070Ti for what the Series S will cost you. Let alone the rest of the PC


I got the Hollywood escort from my local Apple store for simply trying to stand my ground over a cell phone that had been returned nine times (yes that’s nine appointments) being handed back to me with the exact problem. Being told to make a tenth appointment was the last straw for me, and I asked to simply get this resolved now. Their response was to call security after I calmly told them I wasn’t leaving until someone with some common sense would come up with a workable resolution for me.

Y’all are acting surprised here. I’m not surprised. This company is literally scum of the earth, with zero concern over their behavior towards their customers. Fuck apple.


I’m not arguing that this wait wasn’t ridiculous, because it was, but it’s not like they weren’t doing anything in those years. RDRII was pretty epic, and it was a lot more ambitious than RDR. It couldn’t have been an easy development journey. Now I mean that takes us to what, late 2017, I can’t really explain 2018-23. This game should have been released in 2020 at the latest.

We don’t yet know how ambitious this game is either though. It might blow your socks off. It sounds like you are pretty negative rockstar, which I totally understand and can sympathize. But games in the past four or five years just haven’t been doing it for me, we desperately need an awesome GTA, at least IMO.


I only realized this after I bought Riders Republic, and had made my payment. I agree, I won’t be purchasing another (plus the game pretty much sucks)


We need to get back to the old days, where you bought a game and that was that. I don’t mind paying additional for DLC later on, but only if it adds to the game. Not any of this loot box/character clothing/additional cars/shark card bullshit.


No, not really. I mean if you want to give me them as additional bonuses or whatever, without any real world cost, then no harm no foul. But it’ll be a cold day in hell when I spend real world money on virtual clothing for a character in a video game. Ditto with cars (excluding the game itself).


I’m not saying this isn’t factual, but I’m struggling to recall federal Liberal health care cuts, while I can think of quite a few conservative ones. Not being partisan, just trying to think of examples.


The Ontario liberals are definitely a hot fucking mess. Aren’t we discussing the Canadian liberals here? Provincial parties aren’t 1 to 1 with Federal parties, for example an Alberta NDP and an Ontario NDP are very different, both at a party and individual level.


Fair enough. I mean health care belongs to the provinces anyways. Ontario liberals are their own little island though, I lump them in as just as fucking corrupt than the Ontario conservatives. Ontario politics were a sewer long before the Ford boys showed up (to provincial politics). Not sure I’d automatically put the liberals from all the other provinces in the same bucket though. Most of the provincial conservatives have historically been pretty consistent in attacking healthcare though. And we can’t even compare this new (super old?) breed of conservatives that we face.


It’s kinda weird for sure. They are pretty sweet on PC, but it does feel weird when half of them are missing. Uncharted 4 is a helluva experience, although I still think 3 has the best story.


It’s been established for a couple years now that it’s already going to be DOA. Ubisoft games almost are as a default these days, but this one in particular seems extra cursed.


Today I learned because I can’t code, I’m useless and lazy.

The fucking people you come across on the internet…smh

Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy

Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....


I’m not sure I buy that 12 is going to be subscription based. I think that would be the straw that broke the camels back. I think we are peak subscription at this point, it’s getting hard to justify this ever growing faucet of money outflows to these friggin subscriptions. Cell phones are quickly becoming PC replacements too. Maybe not in our lives, but for a lot of the common folks that just want to browse and email, absolutely they are. This is why you are seeing Apple’s OS and Android increasingly becoming more PC-like. The next battlefield, I think, is going to be Android vs Windows. Android is currently free, which isn’t going to bode well for a 12 subscription model.


13 or so years ago, whenever the first iPads were coming out, that was my first thought. Why don’t they take their laptops, and have the screen removable that it instantly turns into an iPad? Or a windows computer that does the same thing. Microsoft did it with the surface, and it worked pretty well. Still wasn’t quite what I had imagined, but pretty much was. Apple could have made a killing doing something like that, I’m still convinced (if it was PC based when docked though, not their cell phone/iPad OS).

GrindingGears, (edited )

He’s never going to get this past the regulators. Financial break points and buffers make sense, every financial crisis and crisis of stability has taught us that. If you continue to build too big to fail systems, it’s going to be a complete disaster. Deposit institutions shouldn’t be involved in speculative investment banking , which is what high yield usually is. You can’t pay high yields if you aren’t in turn doing any sort of high yield activity with investor deposits. Or without any sort of prop trading. Which he’s sort of suggesting this is going to be. Some of this sounds like it’s going to break the Volcker rule.

Not to even mention this might not qualify for FDIC protections.


For almost $100 bucks at release (over $100 for any deluxe version), I personally expect finished products without excuses. The odd bug is of course not an issue, but I’m not a beta tester at that price. At $20 or $30? Meh. $89 and up? No dice.

I’ll remain on the sidelines until the issues are resolved and see if it grows into a quality replacement for the first one. Hopefully on sale someday. That’s for sure my stance. These game releases are getting less and less exciting, because we are seeing more and more issues at release. I’m not ready to admit it’s excusable.


I stand corrected, it does look like it’s $68 CAD on Steam. I could have sworn it was $89 at some point, but obviously am wrong on that.


Lol I better check


There will be a total of three of them available on the market, and they will be one billion dollars after all mark ups and navigating the scalper marketplace.


AI review of AI comments. Sure, that sounds great /s


Pretty hard to kill yourself, when you are already dead. They are pretty much a zombie company at this point, much like X.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


For real, or at least without forced updates.

My biggest, biggest pet peeve of the PS4/PS5 era, is this. I’m in my 40s, I’m a senior management level professional, I’m on some boards, I’ve got very young kids. The amount of times I get to sit down and just go ahhhhh and fire up the PlayStation, number in the very low single digits each quarter. This means my PlayStation has to update what feels like two hundred thousand things, and I just want to play a god damn game. Nope, I have to update the new system software, have to update the games update, something for the sound, it literally feels like it never ends. So my three free hours turns into me throwing the controller and just moving on to something else more often than not, only for the cycle to repeat. It’s infuriating.


They’ve had that standby mode for a few years for sure (I mostly use PS, but Xbox will have the same). I don’t know why though, for whatever reason after a while it just stops working. Might be the routers cycling or whatever, but it’ll stay on standby forever, but when you login there’s still a sea of updates and most stuff is unable to be played. I hear you on the multiplayer requirements and whatever too, personally I’m never a multiplayer. I’d accept the risks of a game being out of date if it just allowed me to skip updating.


I’m struggling to think of a time, where a thought popped into my head of something I’d like to print, that I went to printables/thingiverse and something wasn’t there. Literally never. And I’ve thought of some pretty random shit…

GrindingGears, (edited )

I’m not. I’ll just wait for the playoffs, as the regular season is next to pointless, and the rules all change in the playoffs. So it’s pretty much meaningless, other than making the playoffs. If I was an NHL GM, especially a Canadian one, that would be my prime focus. Just do well enough to make it, and find a way to stash a whole bunch of studs on the IR, until just before the playoffs. And be way over cap.

GrindingGears, (edited )

The level of ad dollars flying away from Twitter this year has been staggering. Elon has come back from a lot of shit in the past, but I don’t think he’ll ever be able to recover it from this, it’s just going to be a long circle downward. He’s truly lost the plot on this one, and the world’s already moved on. Truth be told, I haven’t understood Twitter for years anyways, but that’s just me.

Ad buyers are demanding accountability for their spends. They want to see justifiable results from their campaigns, so that means heavy measurement that can attribute their spend to quantifiable lifts. Meanwhile, over at twitter? You have a billionaire having a mid life crisis and sticking his thumbs in his ears going lalalalala, pissing off his entire user base and basically taking stances on his platform that no reasonable ad buyers can realistically support. Also doesn’t help when your user base is quickly turning into mostly far right wing maniacs. Not going to survive this new age of advertising, when that’s pretty much your whole funding model.


I think you are going to start seeing an ad exodus from social, that’s my prediction. Connected TV ad spend is going to be what catches all the ad dollars in 2024, especially if Netflix and Amazon start sliding towards exposing their viewers to more ads. Social media is going to start its long decline as a result, turning into pay to play as they all try to survive a world with declining ad revenues.

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