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Technically Canada (and most other Liberal democracies) have similar freedom of expression (which includes speech). Where the difference lies between Canada and the US is in the Canadian Charter of Rights’ structure vs. the US Constitution’s structure.

In the US, “Freedom of Speech” is the first amendment, and as such (as I understand it) stands largely on it’s own as an enumerated right. Unless it intersects with another Constitutional provision, or with the interpretation of the text of the first amendment itself, it’s otherwise unlimited.

In Canada, Freedom of Expression is provided for in Section 2 of the Charter, but Section 1 provides for the limitation of any of the following rights and freedoms:

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

I Am Not A Lawyer, but the legal framework for testing Section 1 laws is call the Oakes test, and the language in this article bears the hallmark of justifications of the application of Section 1:

In its decision, the court found Webster’s statements failed a basic “public interest” test since “perpetuating hurtful myths and stereotypes about vulnerable members in our society” does not represent speech anti-SLAPP rules are “intended to protect."

I would assume that since this was an attempt to dismiss a lawsuit using Ontario’s anti-SLAPP law, that the motion to dismiss was overruled because the anti-SLAPP laws were in line with promoting a Free and Democratic society.

Also there is Section 33, the “notwithstanding clause”, which allows for the temporary suspension on just about any of the rights by the legislature, but that’s not relevant here, ans is fairly rarely used (except in Quebec).


It is in the curriculum, but Cs get degrees I guess.


The first amendment you say? They’re still salty about the formation of Manitoba out of the Northwest Territory?


Varies a lot by region. Out here on Vancouver Island you can see it in microcosm. Still, I would be curious about teasing out stats on how different.

My impression from relatives in even Alberta would (anecdotally) seem to back this up. Edmonton would be fine, but Lloydminster maybe a little rough.


I’d say move to someplace like the Cowichan Valley on Vancovuer Island, but even rural property is expensive. Maybe Edmonton? Urban, fairly progressive, cold (and therefore less expensive), lots of work.


I think it was in Grade 10 Social Studies, BC, back in the eighties mind, so it was pretty fresh then and long in the past now. We didn’t exactly commit it to memory, just “this happened in 1982, here is the text” 10 question quiz or something, probably a question or two at the most on the final. Even when something is covered in school, and is on the final, the details will be hazy within a few years, although hopefully the general concepts will endure.

Of course, some of these people calling out groomers were probably in High School before the Constitution Act of 1982.


SATAN’s popularity diminished after the 1990s.

Wikipedia quote of the day.


It kind of makes sense. First I’ve ever heard about Ubuntu Christian Edition as well, but it seems to mostly be set up with filtering in mind, with the DNS tools and such. Add in productivity software aimed at preaching I guess, and you have a “safe” OS for kids and the laptop hooked up to the projector at a church.


Ubuntu was the distribution that had me switch from dual-booting with Windows as default to dual-booting with Linux as default.

I also remember ordering an actual Ubuntu disc, with the extra donation to fund the mailing for free program.

Now years later after lots of distro-hopping I just run Ubuntu LTS, and stay on the very boring LTS branch.


I used to use PlayOnLinux for exactly this thing. It’s a front end/manager for WINE. Heroic and Lutris are similar, but have carried the concept further.


I have an idea! The government should provide Homeopathic remedies to every household! I bet they could make homeopathic remedies in bulk real cheap. Maybe come up with a system

I’m ready for my job as Alberta’s next Health Minister!


My monochrome Brother Laser is around 15 years old. Works great on Linux, as it should on any cups system. It’s still the same printer or was 15 years ago, drivers shouldn’t change.

I think I’m on the 3rd drum for that thing. Lord knows how many pages. Just keeps trucking.


On site deep geological disposal is possible using boreholes. There’s a Kyle Hill video touching on it.

Above ground storage is in dry casks, is it not? Hardly that nasty. I guess if it is in pools, out might arguably be nasty.


Interplay, Microprobe, Sierra On-Line, Bullfrog, Dynamix, Origin, all long gone.

Activision is still around, but it’s something completely different. Same with Atari (although theres a nostalgia brand now, so maybe back).

Of them all, I think is have to say I’m most nostalgic for Sierra On-Line, although Origin gives them a run for most nostalgic.


Never finished most of the Ultima Games. Started U4 again a few years ago. Tried picking it back up, and I’ve misplaced that damn balloon again.


Have most of them still! I think all of them into the 20’s, and hit or miss after. There’s been a couple of reboots.


I loved Earthsiege! IIRC I got the game with an expansion card (STI Lightning 128?), and it really was fun playing with my first flight stick, a CH Products flight stick.


What does “20% attachment ratio” mean? Does that mean that 20% of the CP2077 sales are now CP2077+PL?


Thanks. Saw the same question in the linked conversation, didn’t see the answer, but then I didn’t scroll that deep.

This is pretty much exactly what I assumed from the infographic alone.

GOG or STEAM? how do you choose?

With the use of Heroic game launcher, I’m wondering if you all preferred to play your GOG version of games over the Steam version. I can go either way but sometimes I pause and think, having two copies of the same game, one on steam and one on GOG, which one would give me a better gaming experience. For example, I may choose...


Prefer Heroic’s interface on Steam Deck, or at least last I compared.

Also, why use Steam on Lutris on Steam Deck, when Steam Deck is already showing all your Steam games? Control install locations or something?


Rupert’s Land (named after Prince Rupert). Not that I want to infringe on the first amendment (creation of Manitoba IIRC).

Although the city of Prince Rupert is pretty damp and dreary…


See, that’s his problem. He should have claimed to be a Freeman on the Land, and referenced the Magna Carta.

Or invoke Her Majesty, Queen Roman Dildo Romana Didulo I of Canada. Totally would have worked! Give it a try guy, and post the results online!


It will when you get a 20% pay raise… any day now, right?


New housing plan? Bring back the memes!

Anyone knows about calm Windows games with 1-finger touch screen support?

What I am searching for is for games that support touch screens and can be played with 1 finger / one hand. No action games with fake joysticks on the screen, just games that work with a single finger or at least one hand while lying in bed and trying to wind down. One very good example is Civilization V, which has a dedicated...


I’ll double check on my Steam Deck, but from what you described, many old point-and-click game would also work, since a mouse input without right clicking should translate well one finger touch input. This might make SCUMMVM and all the compatible classic adventure games potential successes. More modern adventure games might also work well.

Like I said, I’ll have to test, but tentatively I’ll suggest:

  • SCUMMVM + numerous classic adventure games (Amazon Queen and Beneath A Steel Sky are available for free for the SCUMM project, completely legally).
  • Beyond A Steel Sky
  • Broken Sword 1, 2 and 5

Got so many good games through Humble Bundle. I remember the early days when all the games were Linux compatible. That was around when I stopped dual booting and just ran Linux full time.


There are some remakes of adventure game classics out there, Day of the Tentacle specifically comes to mind. Not sure if it’s “one-finger friendly” though.

Got distracted playing Beyond A Steel Sky, and it seems designed more for controllers, with one stick for looking, b add the other for moving. Granted I didn’t force it to use mouse inputs only.

Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

Looking for those games that you may have heard about but never tried until you got a Deck. Or old games on systems you never had that you’re trying for the first time. Or new AAA games that just released in the last year or two that you picked up for the first time specifically to play on Steam Deck and have kept you glued to...


This happened to me recently. I’ve slowed down now that I’ve got all the unlocks, just a couple secrets to go though…


I believe our adventure through time has taken a most serious turn.


That’s what I’d assume. My impression is that many Gen-Z might associate the term “Feminism” with J.K. Rowling and such, Trans-Exclusionary feminists as it were. If there were questions that could suss out concern about trans issues, or even LGBT+ issues in general, I suspect the differences between generation might match.


I’m on Lemmy, downvotes assemble!


It wouldn’t be terrible, as long as it’s based on an open source foundation. Although that depends on the specific open source license. As long as the engine can be forked, the worst of IE6 should be avoidable.

But yes, with Opera moving to Blink, you’ve got really only two-ish browser engines. KHTML/WebKit/Blink and Gecko. WebKit/Blink are Open Source, but I think mostly BSD, so Apple/Google could migrate to a proprietary license easily.

Gecko is MPL, which IIRC is somewhat Copyleft like the GPL, just a bit less stringent.

With the Apple/Google impasse with WebKit/Blink, I think we should be able to avoid an IE6 situation, but I would feel better with a stronger Copyleft license.

As much as I love Firefox, I think Firefox has less browser share than it did back in the IE6 days.


I work in industrial automation, on the front lines of that automated timekeeping technology for 24 hour operations. The time change sucks and I hate it. It’s pointless, and I’m glad that the average user is insulated from the years of tweaks and changes and bugs in all that automation, but it is frustrating because it is so pointless.

I still wish Canada had just abandoned the practice when Bush passed the utterly pointless 2007 change to Daylight Savings Time.

Most of the bugs are mostly ironed out, but they still exist. In the background, more modern devices tend to work in UTC, so internally ignore any time change. HMI displays convert to local time based on time zone. Which is famously straightforward.

You don’t make a blanket longer by cutting a foot off the top and sewing it onto the bottom.


Hah! Missed that one. Steam OS is the Steam Deck’s secret sauce. Even when you have to go into Desktop Mode, it’s okay without a KB+M. I wouldn’t want to use it as a laptop replacement without KB+M and maybe an external monitor mind you, but it’s usable.

I haven’t test driven an ROG Ally, but the though of Windows on a handheld fills me with dread for any interaction that devolves to the desktop.


If they just level out for a long while, it will give wages a chance to catch up… it should only take a couple of centuries, right?

But honestly, I am curious what the math would look like on house prices holding steady, with inflation still acting on everything else, until housing is again affordable.


Did some quick math based on a CTV article. The article claims $347,000 is what would constitute “affordable” with Vancouver’s 2021 median household income. Applying inflation the the “affordable house figure” based on the assumption that all the factors that are used to calculate that figure are being effected proportionally, works out to 60 years for the median house for sale in Vancouver to be considered affordable to the household with the median income.


It’s not just that Steam OS is Linux, is also that Steam OS has put lots of thought into working well on a handheld.

Desktop mode on the Steam Deck is usable, and being able to use Desktop Mode is great, but Game Mode is what makes the SD great.

Now you can do something similar with Windows (q.v. Big Picture mode), but from what I’ve heard about the Asus Ally, it’s a bit clunkier. Asus and Lenovo just don’t have the access to the OS to do a true Game Mode equivalent.

Considering that XBox is apparently “Windows without Windows” under the hood, I’m sure it could be done, it’s just not as easy.


Perun group? Any connection to the PowerPoint YouTuber?


I think it’s a decent solution for some. A small private space. I’ll note though that it is rather inefficient in land use. Many of the residents will need a car as well as they get back on their feet. Building these is closer to suburban sprawl in the form of a mini-mobile home park, which is not terrible, as I said it will be a decent solution for some.

I’d be curious as to the construction costs and land use for 99 of these tiny homes vs. building apartment blocks/condos closer into transit and work. Granted I was curious and a quick Google show $800,000 for 880 ft^2 1 bed, 1 bath condo in Vancouver.


I know that other countries have created knock-off CANDU reactors, but I’m not sure how much different they are.

The initial cost of construction for CANDU reactors is higher because of the heavy water requirements as I understand, and that once built the substantially lower fueling costs do have an eventual ROI. Also, the ability to derive power from raw unrefined Uranium allows heavy water reactors to reuse spent fuel from light water reactors. I think this would alleviate some of the (overblown) nuclear waste problems.


Yay. Now they’re a federal society, and they’ve “had a lot of interest in BC…”

We’ve already had an attempted takeover of anti-SOGI types in local school boards.


I’ll jump in and offer my (uninformed) opinion. It seems that housing is seen as more of an investment. Developers build higher end houses rather than lower income housing because the profit margins are higher. In this context, reducing the value of housing as an investment by making it harder for owning multiple properties while making it easier for people to own one house could go a long ways to settling out the cost of housing in the mid to long term simply by changing the incentives on what to build.

Short term, just getting some housing supply out of short term rentals and absentee investors hands could put some more housing on the market now.

Is it enough? I doubt it, but we can do more than one thing.


I think the “empty houses” isn’t all or nothing. A house used for an AirBNB results in empty hotel rooms, and is “less full” than a rental that is rented for the whole month. Likewise a large house, with a single occupant is less full than an apartment building on the same land with even a 50% occupancy rate. This is the whole “missing middle density” comes in.

My impression is that developers would rather buy a bunch of land, throw up some upper scale housing, sell it, and move on. You are right that building an apartment building and renting it out is also a viable investment strategy, but it just seems that there are more developers selling houses than landlords building apartment buildings. Granted landlords kind of suck to, so condo’s would be better I would think, but what do I know?


Kitsault keeps appearing on lists of ghost towns. I pretty much guessed from the title. There are some YouTube tours of Kitsault.

It’s a great ghost town because it went from fully occupied to empty pretty much overnight. The mine announced it was closing, and pretty much everyone left. It was pretty effectively mothballed against the day the mine reopened, but here we are 40 years later looking at remarkably well preserved eighties vintage houses.

It’s also remote enough you aren’t going to get random vandals trashing the place. Plus, it was never technically abandoned. It’s owned by somebody, and there are periodically plans around the mines, tourism, resorts, etc. So some maintenance is done.


That’s what I would expect. Basically a fancier RSS.

They’d still need to give some thought to federation management though. They might want to de-federate from instances with incompatible moderation standards.

York University threatens to revoke student unions' status over Israel-Hamas statements (

The university’s statement, released to the public on Friday, addressed the “serious and ongoing harms caused by [the groups’] statement,” which declares “solidarity with the Palestinian people” against “the settler-colonial apartheid state of so-called Israel.”...


At first, I would take issue with what do they mean by “colonial”? The majority of Israel’s population is of Mizrahi descent, Jews from the Middle East. Jews didn’t leave Lebanon and Libya as part of some colonial project. Without further clarification about how they are using the term, my assumption is that they are attempting to imply that the Jews in Israel are somehow “white settlers” there at the behest of European and American powers, which seems to the a popular narrative, although not accurate.

There’s more, but I’ll start with that. A further point would be what do they consider the consequences of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”? Hamas and Fatah have a pretty clear picture of how that would work, clearly presented in their Arabic media. With the availability of automated translation, are they endorsing that stance? What about the the non-Jewish citizens of Israel? From the SU’s statement, I would assume that they endorse the consequences of Hamas getting their wish.

But whatever, sure. “It’s not antisemetic, it’s antizionist” (while ignoring any obvious and inevitable consequences).


I think it’s kind of a Rorshach Colonialism or Schrödinger’s Colonialism. My impression is that people parroting the “Israel is a colonial country” statement aren’t specifically referring to settlements in the West Bank, but to Israel as a whole. The rationale being one of the following:

Rationale 1

  1. Jews are white¹
  2. Palestinians are dark²
  3. Colonialism is something that whites do to darks

Rationale 2

  1. Israel is more powerful, Palestine is the underdog
  2. In colonial vs. indigenous conflicts, the indigenous people are the underdogs
  3. Therefore the Israelis are the colonialist team and the Palestinians are the indigenous team

It should also be noted that Hamas (and Fatah as well IIRC) explicitly use the colonial framing with themselves as the oppressed indigenous group, so I’m fairly certain that those repeating it uncritically are somewhere along the Hamas propaganda pipeline.

<s> Perhaps in these troubling times, we should remember the words of Nobel Peace Prize winner Yassar Arafat:

We will not bend or fail until the blood of every last Jew from the youngest child to the oldest elder is spilt to redeem our land!

In his speech “The Impending Total Collapse of Israel” at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, January 30, 1996


¹ Even though most Israelis are approximately as dark (q.v. Mizrahi Jews) or darker (Beta Israel).³

² Palestinians have a lot of Arabic heritage, whereas Mizrahi Jews are more Levantine (even if from Morocco or Iran orginally). This is probably due to historic isolation of minority communities within the Arabic world.³

³ This is all a stupid basis for determining the worth of someone. I’m pretty much a pure “mudblood”, my ancestors were very open minded apparently. Genetic descent studies are kind of interesting for mapping the migrations of people around the planet, but at the end of the day, we are all just people. Also, talk about perpetuating racism, and looking at it through a modern US lens. Way past my level of expertise. Just my impression.

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