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Not sure about the whole idea of being proud of something. It seems to me that it is a concept that evaporates when you look closely at it.

However I am pleased with the role that I played in getting some meadows that were going to be sold off for housing included a nature reserve instead when I was the ranger for the site.

I’d created some good toad breeding habitat nearby and then I put in a lot of my own time in building a volunteer group and recording in detail where the toads went and how they used the land - including the area that was going to be sold - over the course of a few years. It turned out to be the largest recorded toad colony of its type in the UK one year. The data was a critical point in the final decision by the local authority.

The thing about being proud is that it seems odd to be proud of something over which you have no control. Well, OK, I did have control here: I chose to spend my time in doing this, certainly. But I can be quite determined about things like that - that is down to my temperament. Do I actually have control of my temperament - or was I just born that way? Even if I have developed my own temperament over the years - wouldn’t that simply be because I was born with the capability of developing it? And so on and so on. Ultimately it always seems to boil down to something over which I really couldn’t say that I have any control.

But I can be pleased at any of those, no matter what.

Newly discovered hedgehog species diverged from others more than a million years ago (

Researchers at Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China, have announced the discovery of a new species within the hedgehog genus Mesechinus. The eastern China hedgehog species was found to be distinct from other regional hedgehogs across morphological and phylogenetic characteristics....

Horizon scan identifies 15 most pressing issues for conservation, including invertebrate decline and marine ecosystems (

Since 2009, the Cambridge Conservation Initiative has coordinated an annual horizon scan, a well-established method for predicting which threats, changes, and technologies will have the biggest impact on biological conservation in the following year....


If nothing existed, it would not be possible to raise a question of this - or any other - type.

So that is that determined.

Whether anything beyond my instantaneous perception of thought relating to this question exists is another matter. I can’t prove it. I wouldn’t really say that I do ‘explain’ it either. I merely have an experience of it.


There are years when I have read upwards of 60 books and others when I have scarcely read 6. It depends heavily on what else is going on. I don’t do numerical goals and never have.

For the last few years, however, no matter how many others I read, I have had a ‘big read’ of some kind spread across the year: War and Peace first - since it has 365 chapters in total, then In Search of Lost Time, and this year Finnegans Wake - which I was reading with a group which scheduled in some ‘summing up time’ at the end so I have finished it already. In 2024 I have decided that it will be The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: so completing that is my goal.


An isolated shingle spit nature reserve. We’d lost mains power in a storm some while back and were running on a generator. Fuel deliveries were hard to arrange. We’d finally got one. We were pretty much running on fumes and another storm was coming in. We really needed this delivery.

To collect the fuel, I had to take the Unimog along a dump track and across 5 miles of loose shingle - including one low causeway stretch through a lagoon that was prone to wash out during storms. We’d rebuilt it a LOT over the years. On the way up, there was plenty of water around there, but it was still solid.

I get up to the top ok and get the tank full - 2000L of red diesel - but the wind is pretty strong by the time I have. Half way back, I drop down off the seawall and reach the causeway section. The water is just about topping over. If I don’t go immediately, I won’t get through at all and we will be out of fuel for days - maybe weeks. So I put my foot down and get through that section only to find that 200 meters on, another section already has washed out. Oh shit.

I back up a little but sure enough the first section has also washed through now. I now have the vehicle and a full load of fuel marooned on a short section of causeway that is slowly washing out. Oh double shit. Probably more than double. Calling it in on the radio, everyone else agrees and starts preparing for a pollution incident.

In the end I find the firmest spot that I can in that short stretch and leave the Moggie there. Picking my route and my moment carefully I can get off that ‘island’ on foot - no hope with the truck - BUT due to the layout of the lagoons only to the seaward ridge, where the waves are now crashing over into the lagoon with alarming force. I then spend one of the longest half-hours I can remember freezing cold and drenched, scrambling yard by yard along the back side of that ridge and flattening myself and hoping each time a big wave hits.

The firm bit of causeway survived and there was no washed away Unimog or pollution in the end - and I didn’t drown either - but much more by luck than judgement.

These days I am in a position where I am responsible for writing risk assessments and methods statements for procedures like this. It was another world back then.

what if a human being replaced all drinkable liquids with water??

i feel happy and proud of myself because a few weeks ago i replaced all drinks and soda with just water woa!! i feel ok and very calm most of the time, but is doing this ok?? am i missing out on important vitamins if i don’t drink juice or soda etc?? i know water doesn’t have anything, no vitamins, nothing, just water, but...


Humans have spent most of their evolutionary history not drinking juice or soda or anything. It is absolutely fine - as long as you are eating healthily.

These days it is once in a blue moon that I drink anything except water myself. I don’t believe that the very occasional elderflower presse is the only thing standing between me and a hideous malnourished death.


What do you mean by “what happens”? You get nutrients from the food and you hydrate with the water. You carry on as normal otherwise. Nothing much else “happens”.

Some female meerkats have a brutal, bloodthirsty streak, and now we may know why (

Meerkats may look cute, but the dominant females are notoriously deadly and will kill female relatives and eat their offspring to suppress reproduction and eliminate future competition. Now, scientists may finally know what helps these murderous matriarchs become dominant — and stay on top....


Perhaps Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010), if that counts.

Endangered species list grows by 2,000. Climate change is part of the problem (

Climate change is worsening the planet’s biodiversity crises, making environments more deadly for thousands of species and accelerating the precipitous decline in the number of plants and animals on Earth, according to an international organization that tracks species health....


According to Antennapod:

  • In Our Time
  • Thinking Allowed
  • Revolutions

However, I was listening to a LOT of Philosophize This prior to switching to Antennapod, so I expect that that would really take first place.


Sat - we’ll typically watch a movie, which may be at the cinema or, if not, then on a TV via my Plex setup. Sun - we may watch a couple of 50min episodes of something, again on a TV from my Plex collection.

Not sure if you’d count both - or either - of those as watching TV.


The closest to me AFAIK is Sealand, but I’d rather not, tbh. I do actually have a passport from Waveland, declared as part of a Greenpeace campaign some years back and based on Rockall, but also not too appealing as a long-term residence.

At one site that I lived and worked on for several years, we discussed declaring unilateral independence on several occasions. It was a shingle spit nature reserve and seemed a promising location, but we never did. Well, not so far.

Overall, the Free Borough of Llanrwst looks a good bet. I have been there and definitely enjoy the area.


I’m a pagan, so it is all about the solstice for my SO and I.

We will typically go somewhere for the sunrise that morning. I have been to Stonehenge and a couple of other stone circles in the past, camping out overnight beforehand - and more recently have watched the live stream from Newgrange. For the last few years we have also celebrated Brumalia - a Roman and Byzantine winter festival that started (in its later period) on Nov 24th. So we progressively decorate the house with lights or holly, ivy, pine cones etc each day from then until the start of Saturnalia on Dec 17th. I have also made an advent-style calendar with chocolates in matchboxes that runs throughout Brumalia - Nov 24th to Dec 25th.

On Dec 5th, which is Krampusnacht and also a Faunalia festival, we will hang a Krampus figure up and have taken to watching the 2015 movie for the last few years.

During Saturnalia itself we will have at least one meal or party with friends - which usually has some element of mis-rule. On the solstice itself, as well as watching the sun rise somewhere or another (probably a local beach this year, as we are on the east coast), there is a local Mummers’ play that we usually go along to in the evening. The solstice is also when we do our gift-giving.

On the 26th, there is a Cutty Wren ceremony locally that we will go along to and then there is some morris dancing at another location on new year’s day.

DNA analysis of bat droppings shows astonishingly high number of insect species (

Adequate food supply is a fundamental need and requirement for survival. To protect a species, it is often very helpful to know what that species prefers and frequently consumes. Through the analysis of DNA traces in the droppings of a Leisler’s bat colony, researchers at LIB (Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity...


Parks and Recreation would be an obvious one here. It seems fairly common advice to skip S1 altogether.

Researchers discover plant diversity stabilizes soil temperature (

A new study has revealed a natural solution to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather events. Researchers from Leipzig University, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv) and other research institutions have discovered that...


Thanks to a radio sitcom a few days ago, my brain is currently obsessed with Bert Kaempfert’s Swinging Safari and has been repeating it - or at least phrases from it -pretty much continuously for the last 48 hrs. I don’t have much say in the matter myself.


A very under-rated pass-time.

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

-Blaise Pascal


I suppose that I have had some kind of alarm with a snooze capability since about 1980. When I first had a clock radio with that option I recall trying it a couple of times, but I have never touched it since. I was just lying there waiting for it to go off again. Nothing in any way restful about that.



  • Ahsoka
  • Silo
  • Shrinking - if I had to pick only one it would be this
  • Everyone Else Burns
  • The Last of Us

Most Disappointing:

  • Hello Tomorrow - great aesthetics wasted on a nondescript story
  • Fall of the House of Usher
  • Probably a couple of others that I have already forgotten about

Perhaps the Peter Cushing version of Dr Who and the Daleks when it was first shown on TV in the late '60s. It’s pretty weak - toned down to get a ‘U’ cert - and not a patch on Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. from the following year. When I saw that one, I recall that I was drawing scenes from it for some time afterwards. I don’t recall that from the first one though.


If this involves some kind of adjustment of orientation, then I will be doing an early Father Christmas act and coming down from where I have appeared halfway up the chimney (being generous about how wide that chimney is). If it doesn’t, then I am going to be part of the brickwork - except for my guts and arse, which will rot in place in the chimney over the next few weeks.


To a colleague arriving 10 mins late: “Afternoon.”

To a colleague arriving 10 mins early: “Shat the bed?”

GreyShuck, (edited )
  • Typist Artist Pirate King (2023) - biopic of Audrey Amiss with a very effective portrayal of her paranoid schizophrenia.
  • The Creator (2023) - looked great but totally predictable and unoriginal.
  • A Field in England (2013) - surreal, low-key folk horror with some memorable BW cinematography.
  • Oppenheimer (2023) - powerful and great performances, but it could have been just as effective with 20 minutes cut IMHO.
  • The Miracle Club (2023) - nothing outstanding here, but a solidly told tale of forgiveness.
  • Lair of the White Worm (1988) - as messily uneven as ever. Amanda Donahue seemed to know what Loach Russell was aiming for. Not sure about anyone else.

Yes - I do!

Oh yes, The Devils was excellent, as was Tommy - so much anger captured in that one.


The Creator is visually spectacular - don’t underestimate that - but don’t expect anything interesting from the plot.


This is an idea that has been around for very long time. Plato used the Ring of Gyges to talk about it - which went on to inspire Wells’ The Invisible Man - and influenced Tolkien among others.

Bhutan, Spain, Iceland: Why these Oscar entries for international film are worth a watch (

Spain's 'Society of the Snow,' Bhutan's 'The Monk and the Gun,' and Iceland's 'Godland' all make their case for the Academy Awards shortlist. The 2023 contenders for the international film Oscar are filled with tales of real-life struggles from the Ukraine war (Ukraine’s “20 Days in Mariupol”), the Holocaust (United...


Godland was beautiful but bleak - both visually and thematically, really. I will certainly look out for the others mentioned here.

‘A biodiversity catastrophe’: how the world could look in 2050 – unless we act now (

The continued destruction of nature across the planet will result in major shocks to food supplies and safe water, the disappearance of unique species and the loss of landscapes central to human culture and leisure by the middle of this century, experts have warned....

Doctor Who, new series order in home media server?

Yes, I keep a local copy of more or less all Doctor Who on a hard drive. No, I will not get into the particulars or ethics surrounding that. My question is only about keeping the series ordered in my Kodi home theatre setup now that apparently the show has started a new season numbering starting with the upcoming 2024 outing...


According to TVDB (which I use for my Plex setup), they are S00E167 and S00E162 respectively.

  • At work - recruiting another team member, so we are not all constantly plate spinning and I might actually have chance to spend time planning.
  • At home - finally getting the pictures etc up on the walls.
  • Nationally - voting the Tories out.

How local do you mean?

There is an icecream brand based around 20 miles from me that makes some spectacular Gooseberry and Elderflower icecream.

There is also an artisanal bakery about the same distance the other way that does some of the best pizzas that I have ever had, as it happens.

Either of those probably.


I’m in the UK, but I live in a small village. The nearest place with a menu at all (a pub) is about 3 miles away. There is a bakery around the same distance - but their bread is nothing to write home about.

Closest small town - 6 miles - has a few choices but also nothing really outstanding. If I had to choose from there, there is a pizza place with an decently spicy Vesuvio. To get to actual food producers of any size or quality I need to go further afield. One of these is based on a farm. The other in an old malthouse - both also in the middle of nowhere.

GreyShuck, (edited )

HMV for obvious reasons.

Both BMW and Alfa Romeo have logos that originate in heraldry.

Cisco - the golden gate bridge was built in the 1930s

Disney - a castle

Starbucks - a mythical figure


The alternating blue and white are derived from the arms of the free state of Bavaria. The exact pattern is adapted partly because it was illegal to use it directly but ultimately from there. More details on the Wikipedia page, as always. The propellers idea only came about as a result of an ad campaign later.


Yes, we covered that in English classes the UK back in the '70s.


I experience suboptimal viewing by having to watch ads. If I had to pick one or the other, I know which one I prefer.


Since it is well established that Die Hard qualifies, by the same criterion so does Gilliam’s Brazil from 1985, and that would be mine, for its gloriously nightmarish dystopia - closely followed by Klaus (2019), which is a far more conventional seasonal tale: an animation with a beautiful style of artwork and a great story.


If they do, it is probably to avoid grammar like ‘off of’.


No. Perhaps because when I get paid to write about science, I don’t use grammar like that.

Scientists claim to have solved the damselfly color mystery (

For more than 20 years, a research team at Lund University in Sweden has studied the common bluetail damselfly. Females occur in three different color forms—one with a male-like appearance, something that protects them from mating harassment. In a new study, an international research team found that this genetic color...

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