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Proprietary snap store backend that is controlled by Canonical: that’s it.

I used Ubuntu for years: installed it for family and friends. I moved away around a year ago.

Moving packages like Firefox to snap was what first started annoying me.

If the backend was open source, and the community could have hosted their own (like how flatpak repositories can be), I might have been slightly more forgiving.

Did a quick Google to find if someone had elaborated, here’s a good one:


smb4k, while primarily for KDE, is awesome for samba shares.

You might want to give it a spin.


You can still try it.

Multiple mounts of the same filesystem is nothing special: I’ve done it on multiple occasions for various tests.

Keep you setup, install smb4k, see how stable it is for you.


super productivity is pretty good.

You can also sync between your phone, desktop, etc using different sync options including Dropbox, webdav, local file, etc

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

Mission Accomplished! My printer driver now has a MirrorPrint Option, and selecting it enables Mirror Printing. For convenience (since I don’t see a client side option to flip mirror printing), I have a doppleganger of my regular printer, and I named it MirrorTest - screenshot below. When I need a mirror print, I just send it to the mirror printer.

Actual Changes

Here’s the relevant excerpt (added) in /etc/cups/ppd/MirrorTest.ppd (I added this UI option right below the Toner option). Excerpt adds a MirrorPrint Toggle (boolean) to the printer defaults setup. When enabled - the printer will print in mirror mode.

<span style="color:#323232;">*%=== Mirror Printing ================================
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*OpenGroup: General
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*OpenUI *MirrorPrint/Mirror Print: Boolean
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*OrderDependency: 110 AnySetup *MirrorPrint
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*DefaultMirrorPrint: True
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*MirrorPrint True/MirrorPrint: "&lt;>setpagedevice"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*MirrorPrint False/Normal: ""
</span><span style="color:#323232;">*CloseUI: *MirrorPrint

For further convenience (making sure that a new printer installation didn’t mess up my custom changes, I also updated the relevant ppd file in /usr/share/cups/model/. Whenever you add a new printer - CUPS will use the corresponding model ppd as a base, and it will apply any settings changes from configuring default to the copied ppd file in /etc/cups/ppd/your_printer.ppd.

Hope this helps if someone else is also looking to do something similar!


It is certainly useful for some use cases such as network print servers (I have a dedicated lxc container on the network to do this) and custom conversions of pages (during my digging, I learned about companies using a CUPS network printer to watermark every document being printed).

I’m not an expert by any means: it is definitely a useful tool in certain cases, but oh man… the documentation was a bit hard to figure out for me!

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

Try running it from the command line with code --disable-gpu.

If that works, you can update the desktop shortcut files (exec section) with the same added parameter.

I recently ran into something similar (opensuse slowroll//kde)

Ref: stackoverflow/Google for the –disable-gpu argument, the desktop file editing - I did for convenience.

Here’s how you can find . desktop files

Desktop file reference.- easy format


That would be cool.

Here’s my new setup that might not work for everyone, but I’d recommend thinking about if you’re able to.

  1. Network printers are blocked from Internet by my router. They have static IP addresses allocated (permanent DHCP leases) for convenience.
  2. I have some Canon laser printers. I don’t want to install Canon software across my devices, so I setup a cups print server (lxc container) where I installed the software.
  3. I setup and shared the printers (local network only), made them discoverable.
  4. I use the CUPS web GUI over ssh tunnel if I need to check on job queues and do maintenance/admin tasks (don’t usually have to).

Clients immediately find the printers on the server, no driver required.

As a bonus, I made the margins 0 on the CUPS ppd on the server so that I get to print without margins when so desired (Canon has fixed minimum margins otherwise).

The one caveat is that the Canon drivers don’t work on raspberry pi (arm), so while I have a to-do to get around that by using a virtualization layer, you need a separate Intel/AMD machine for the print server if your printer doesn’t support ARM.


Wow, that’s so messed up: I didn’t know HP did that… I think it might just be a matter of time before others follow suit.

Sounds very Wireshark worthy!


That’s not right. Debian/suse are no less out of the box user friendly than Arch - not counting endeavouros/Manjaro, they’re more friendly.

Arch still needs extra setup and configuration after install. Endeavouros makes it a bit simpler, but there’s still configuration (and ricing) invoice. Auto-discovery of printers (cups, avahi), graphical configuration tools out of the box, user permissions/group membership setup out of the box in a way that new users (or even power users) can just set things up graphically… all of that needs extra work.

That’s the extra configuration that this is providing.


I see, you’re right from that perspective.

For this ‘distro’, I like the emphasis the maintainer put on out of the box usability, including proprietary codecs, extra repositories that are not enabled/added by default, but widely used, flatpak setup out of the box, printer permissions relaxing etc.


Yes, an opinionated customized installer that seems to be aligned with my own thoughts of great out of the box usage.

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

I have Nixos on a laptop, and have a love//hate relationship with it.

I love the customizability and declarative setup.

I hate the number of times I’ve sunk down rabbitholes trying to set specific things up on it.

The updates being done via switch are a bit inconvenient, but cool enough.

The fact that I can’t customize everything, particularly on kde, is slightly sad.

All in all, I really like it, but wouldn’t recommend it for my less technical friends, who I’d normally install Ubuntu for. This has gone up my list, close to Opensuse slowroll and Linux mint Debian edition now.


You’re fine.

Most distributions/derivative distributions are fine for very long periods.

It’s just that when the base distribution itself (Debian, Fedora in your case, Opensuse, etc) are themselves nicely customized out of the box to address user concerns, that’s a very attractive prospect to long time users like myself.

Debian has a lot of history and stability, so if I can use it for myself, family, friends without an additional layer or more of other parties, that’s very appealing.

Borders for LibreOffice Draw like in MS Publisher

I have stopped using Office programs, mostly because I don’t want to deal with setting up Wine. I am making a birthday card for someone, but I noticed that LibreOffice Draw doesn’t have the Borders and Accents menu like Publisher does. Is there something that can replace it (website/extension/menu)? I’m looking for...


I’m pretty much a superficial user regarding office programs, particularly draw. However, I did want to have borders around my text recently, and found you can insert a single celled table with the border you want.

Would a worse hack with a single celled table in a single celled table (different border colors) do the trick for you?


As someone who has done a lot of debugging in the past, and has also written many log analysis tools in the past, it’s not an ether/or, they complement each other.

I’ve seen a lot of times logs are dismissed in these threads recently, and while I love the debugger (I’d boast that I know very few people who can play with gdb like I can), logs are an art, and just as essential.

The beginner printf thing is an inefficient learning stage that people will get past in their early careers after learning the debugger, but then they’ll need to eventually relearn the art of proper logging too, and understand how to use both tools (logging and debugging).

There’s a stage when you love prints.

Then you discover debuggers, you realize they are much more powerful. (For those of you who haven’t used gdb enough, you can script it to iterate stl (or any other) containers, and test your fixes without writing any code yet.

And then, as your (and everyone else’s) code has been in production a while, and some random client reports a bug that just happened for a few hard to trace events, guess what?

Logs are your best friend. You use them to get the scope of the problem, and region of problem (if you have indexing tools like splunk - much easier, though grep/awk/sort/uniq also work). You also get the input parameters, output results, and often notice the root cause without needing to spin up a debugger. Saves a lot of time for everyone.

If you can’t, you replicate, often takes a bit of time, but at least your logs give you better chances at using the right parameters. Then you spin up the debugger (the heavy guns) when all else fails.

It takes more time, and you often have a lot of issues that are working at designed in production systems, and a lot of upstream/downstream issues that logs will help you with much faster.


Splunk is already very expensive to be honest, with their policy of charging based on indexed logs (hit by searches) as opposed to used logs, and the necessity for a lot of logs to be indexed for 'in case something breaks '. Bit of hearsay there - while I don’t work for the team that manages indexing, I have had quite a few conversations with our internal team.

I was surprised we were moving from splunk to a lesser known proprietary competitor (we tried and gave up on elasticsearch years ago). Splunk is much more powerful for power users , but the cost of the alternative was 7-10 times less, and most users didn’t unfortunately use splunk power user functionality to justify using it over the competitor.

Being a power user with lots of dashboards, my team still uses splunk for now, and I have background conversations to make sure we don’t lose it, I think Cisco would lose out if they jacked up prices, I think they’d add value to their infrastructure offerings using splunk as an additional value add perhaps?


Here’s a slightly more detailed description of my debugging experience over the years (also includes that of many coworkers implicitly… many of whom I’ve walked through the stages).

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

Can confirm… sleeping on the floor does wonders to aches and pains.


The traffic is stuck in the traffic🚦


I’m a bit sad that my favorite (Infinity/Eternity) isn’t that high up. Loved it since my Reddit days. Tried different clients: Lemmy, thunder, liftoff, sync,… still like this the most!

older laptop distro recommendarion

Recently I’ve gave up Windows for Linux and installed Ubuntu with KDE Plasma desktop on my pc and laptop from 2007. It’s an i7 Intel processor with 8gb ddr ram so I thought it would be fine, but it seems quite sluggish. What distro could I use that would be faster and still fully functional? Thanks for your help in advance.


Ubuntu uses snaps, which I’ve found sluggish on older ide hard drives. To be honest, even flatpaks are very slow for these in my experience.

I think you might be better off with opensuse tumbleweed.

Novelty recommendation besides tumbleweed: antix.

While I haven’t used antix except out of curiosity in a virtual machine, they are lightweight, but they have a hard stance against systemd.


Very cool.

Interesting timing that opensuse recently announced slowroll, which has a slower cadence for updates (updates with monthly frequency, rather than daily, while security updates are still ASAP.

Depending on whether frequent updates is you thing or you prefer slightly delayed cycles… you can easily convert your install to slowroll


I’ve used a lot of distributions over the years, and I don’t think you have to worry about a different set of commands across most distributions. It’s some variation of distropkgmgr followed by command, where command, where command is generally one of install upgrade refresh/update remove search to name the most common. If you use a software frontend like gnome-software or discover, you don’t even need to worry about command line differences.

The only exception to that is nixos, which I wouldn’t recommend to someone just switching. It is very cool, just needs more experience.

The shell commands are the same one installed for the most part.

Out of curiosity, are you planning to use a different os when your ssd arrives? I switched from Ubuntu to endeavouros (Arch) to Opensuse tumbleweed on my primary laptop (i9 processor), no complaints 😁!


Gotta try this for fifteen minutes then ditch it forever. Never heard of it before, but as they say: curiosity killed the cat!


Yep… definitely crazy. Tried easy, was thinking I seemed to be pretty smart up to 4 lines. Then it just kept screwing me with two alternating pieces and the holes started. It loves giving you angles that go the wrong way around given your current block layout 😅


Hacki is pretty good.

I use fdroid apps whenever possible… This was the only one on fdroid as of a few months ago.

How do you personally use Obsidian?

I go against recommended practice and have different vaults for different things in my life. The academic note vault is separate from the personal vault is separate from the creative projects vault. I have also committed sacrilege by not having many notes linked to each other. I’m trying to migrate a lot of notes from Google...


I started with one vault, but slowly broken it apart to several. Now I have a lot of reasonably sized vaults for various topics.

I like having separate vaults because it creates mental focus on what I want to work on.

I have a general/personal vault, but when trying to ramp up on topics, I also have research related vaults.


I bought this set of 206 stickers from Amazon a few weeks ago for $10 (9.99, but that’s really 10).

The stickers are very hard to peel off till you get the hang of it, but can vouch.


I have a massive subscribe list, and I usually just read subscriptions. I’ll occasionally (maybe once it twice a week) read all, and if I notice interesting communities: subscribe to them too.


Try it to find out!

  • Install Termux from F-Droid
  • Open Termux, and run pkg install gvim. You might have to add the xorg repo - it will tell you what to do if you try running vim
  • Launch vim
  • You can checkout any time you like but you can never leave…

I’ve learned a few new commands now. :e dials an existing contact, and :w saves contact information.

:q! is super useful for hanging up on robo-callers

I think this thing could work… I dub it the vimphone!


Too late. Removed batteries, now car doesn’t start ☹️


I’m 6 feet 2 inches. Would that be high enough?


I tried typing velocity in the terminal and got a velocity command not found.

I guess the command crew is out on vacation, so no terminal velocity 🤔


I’ve been telling myself that for a while.

I guess it’s time now.


Only gvim is available in pkg, not vim. I had the same surprise when I didn’t see vim.

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

This is from termux on my Android phone, not from my desktop/laptop.

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