@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar


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@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

🫡 stay strong, Mr. Stallman

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Did I miss it in the article? I cannot determine what the attack vector is. Am I downloading a malicious file? Am I running an insecure publicly facing service?

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok, makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re right. There is a lot of theft going on, and it goes unpunished. cbsnews.com/…/owed-employers-face-little-accounta…

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

That looks pretty good. May have to try this one.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

This is why I’m fundamentally opposed to what the coreutils rewritten in Rust project is doing. And the guy who started it just claims that he’s not interested in the license or legal stuff, he just picked MIT. I mean, maybe he really doesn’t for all I know, but he can certainly imagine the implications of what he’s doing, no? Personally, I don’t believe him.

This FSF guy might sound like he’s coming in to be a scold but he’s absolutely correct (github.com/uutils/coreutils/issues/1781). We can clearly see the implications of an essential (coreutils) MIT-licensed project like in Android where it is “Linux” strictly speaking, in that it uses the kernel, but every other piece of code is some form of MIT or BSD licensed software that allows Google to, rather successfully, jail its users.

Edit: And if you want to do some reading about how this argument over licenses formed, especially with a PR campaign to support the non-GPL style ones, check out the first half of this piece about Tim O’Reilly (as in the O’Reilly books guy) thebaffler.com/salvos/the-meme-hustler

Is there a proper way to use several DE's on one distro or is it not advised?

I have read many conflicting things, like always. Just wondering if there’s a safe way to use several DE’s on one distro without messing up my damn computer lol I’ve tried it several times and it always messed things up. I’m currently brand new to fedora workstation 38 too btw. Thanks alot

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I have kind of messed some things up by installing KDE on my Fedora that already has Gnome. This was almost a year ago, now. I would not advise doing this. It is a bigger hassle than it was worth, and I’m just looking forward to a free moment when I can wipe and clean install.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Some aspects of theming are messed up, like the spacers on my GTK4 drop menus are just flat gray rectangles (they look like placeholder assets). Also launching some programs after a fresh boot now take an inexplicable long time, but only the first time. So for example, if I reboot and launch Firefox or Nautilus it will take an extra 5-6 seconds. Every subsequent time any slow launching program will be fast so long as one of the slow launching programs has been started.

Finally, not a messed up thing, but there is just needless clutter of stuff in my config files, now, since I’ve got KDE, Gnome, and actually a couple other DE things laying around, now. Mind you, this is all after I’ve already uninstalled KDE.

Edit: I thought about what I wrote and it occurred to me some of that stuff might be because of bad gtk4 config files. So I deleted them and rebooted. The theming is correct again as far as I can tell, but the slow launch stuff persists.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar


Thank you! xdg-desktop-portal-gnome was already installed but removing xdg-desktop-portal-kde did the trick!

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve seen advice before that creating a new user account and using that to log into multiple DEs is an option.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s a bit vague. What did you try, and what didn’t work?

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I just can’t stand those annoying ass youtube thumbnails. I only see them when I’m a private browser session (my logged-in suggestions are totally different). But they are so annoying and stupid looking that I never, ever click on them.

Sadly and clearly that stuff works, though, because MrBeast is the most subscribed-to individual on YouTube.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Interesting. This basically is what I want, thanks!

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

This seems like a really cool implementation, but I cannot get it to open anything beyond the first site I put into the array. I am never prompted about opening multiple tabs, either.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I did give it a shot in a clean profile, but no difference. If I uncover a solution later I will definitely post my findings.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Great info!

@Crul adding these exceptions was the necessary trick.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Radiant Silvergun is so good. Great mechanics, good variety of techniques to employ. Perfect foil to Ikaruga.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Really took me out of the movie that none of the characters were alarmed by this line of dialogue.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

That sucks. Good luck convincing them, or good luck if you failed to convince them and have to use spyware.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar


@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

The benefits are numerous. By cooking at home you can ensure that it’s healthier, cooked thoroughly with sanitary handling, impress guests, pay less, and prepare it to your own taste.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I think there are a few compelling QOL aspects to Ubuntu still compared to Debian. The installer, the default fonts, the easy upgrader between releases, and the customized gnome desktop. Obviously the gap has narrowed between the two with each new release of Debian.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

You mean those little discs that you throw a bigger, heaver disc on top of? You’ve gotta share a pic sometime

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

That account’s profile clearly states it’s _un_official, just BTW.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I sincerely hope that for people who rely on these cable cars that this doesn’t merely bring attention to their issue, but funding and engineers to construct and operate reliable cable car services. I don’t know what the costs are, but I cannot imagine they are so expensive that this problem can be neglected any further for the people who endured this or others who have to put up with something similar.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

lol holy shit there it is. get a fucking grip, dude.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Can’t help but remember this article at this moment. And most moments. www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/5/7344206/

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

2 weeks vacation

You mean NO 2 weeks vacation, right? We have no mandatory minimums. It’s just a perk of many jobs, and not a perk of many other jobs.

Help back up the Great 78 Collections before the Record Companies force The Internet Archive to take them down! (yiffit.net)

See linked posting. I’ve commented there with a link to a CLI tool in Python that allows downloading of IA collections. I’ve submitted a patch to enable specifying start and end points so that it’s easier to resume downloading a huge collection, or to allow multiple people to split up the work....

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok but then how will my kids record company benefit into perpetuity?

In all seriousness, I think copyright law is the best example of how captured our government is to large corporate interests.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Song of the South does whitewash being black in the USA, but it is set in post-civil war America, so superficially it does not need to handle the slavery topic, which can be dismissed as having been dealt with already.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I literally don’t think the plethora of choices has anything to do with why Linux is not installed by the masses. The only reason is that Microsoft and Apple are huge market forces with the ability to advertise, make deals with other business partners, pre-install their operating systems onto hardware that’s sold, operate technical support services, and so on. They have completely flooded the market with their stuff.

Linux has these things, too, but nowhere in scale or scope, and with relative industry latecomers to sell it. If Linux were created 10-12 years sooner and companies like Suse, RH, Canonical, System76 were all formed earlier than they were I think we’d see a healthy amount of Linux out in the world, with maybe a few percent higher market share (which would be extremely massive).

Keep in mind that Apple, as a company, rebuilt itself truly not on the technical excellence of Macintosh, but by driving sales of iPods then iPhones.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I have a theory that I haven’t explored yet. My mom is not a computer user. She barely knows how to use one, so she doesn’t have knowledge of the MS Windows or MacOS approach of using computers. I suspect if I gave her a laptop with Ubuntu on it and showed her the ropes of how to use it she’d get along very fine. I think she would be able to navigate the UI and never need more technical knowledge than remembering her computer’s password.

Now, before anyone goes and accuses me of being a bad son for leaving my mom in the technological dark, I just want to say she gets by pretty happily with the iPad I got for her, which has an even more foolproof interface than any traditional desktop OS.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Private health insurance is the biggest fucking scam ever. The private insurance companies benefit by getting the aggregate healthiest population into their plans (working adults). The most likely to be expensive people, i.e. old people (on medicare) or poor people (on medicaid, or not even on an insurance plan) are on government, tax payer insurance plans. There is literally no reason except for corporate profiteering that Medicare should not be expanded to cover all people.

Also all those conversations, especially in the 2020 election period, were totally bullshit. You say something like M4A will cost 44 trillion dollars or whatever, which sounds like an insane amount of money. What is often left out of the discussion is that estimated cost was 1) over 10 years and 2) has to be weighed against the current costs we already pay for insurance. So the deal was very simple: the overall costs would go down because the overall spending would be less, and at the same time millions of people without coverage would be covered, and at the same time you don’t have to contemplate stupid bullshit like in network, out of network providers. Or ever again talk to your insurance about why something is or isn’t covered. Boils my blood when I think too much about this.

Not even gonna weigh in on things like how medicare can’t negotiate prescription drug prices (nytimes.com/…/medicare-drug-price-negotiations-la…), or how dental, vision, and hearing are treated separately from general healthcare, or how med school is prohibitively expensive, or how the residents after med school are overworked because the guy who institutionalize that practice was literally a cokehead. Those are all just bonus topics. The point is we are getting fleeced.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

One of the objectives of single-payer is to drive down the costs of healthcare by eliminating the overhead of an insurance bureaucracy. There are other aspects that can be considered like nationalizing hospitals to eliminate private run, for-profit hospitals. People like this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCA_Healthcare are just as responsible for the high per-capita costs of healthcare we pay as are the insurance companies. And I agree with you, they shouldn’t be getting a guaranteed government handout.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

How can the term “Open Source” have been coined in 1998 when I can clearly hear it be uttered here in 1985? youtu.be/0DdoGPav3fc?t=832

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I’d be happy enough with a Smart Fortwo style vehicle. I’d be more than happy with good public transportation and non-car dominated urban planning. I’d be over the moon for high speed rail lines covering the country.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe not, but it is a good reminder each time anyway.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I have almost completely dropped reddit. I’ll check it once every few days on old.reddit for a few niche subreddits, or as I do regular online research on a topic, because it still has a long history. In the end, I never liked Reddit as it’s just a silicon valley-based social media tech company that is designed to track users.

Lemmy itself is going great. I, for one, am happy that there are way more socialists here as a proportion of the population, and it makes me more comfortable as a user. And ever since Reddit killed 3rd party apps + ever since the lemmy web UI dropped websockets, actually visiting the Lemmy page feels much better. I didn’t create an account on Lemmy for years because I really hated that websockets thing and seeing posts just appear randomly while leaving the site open.

My wish for Lemmy is a common sentiment: I would like to see more people with an easier way for them to get started. And I’d like to see less defederation. Lemmy.world performing preemptive defederation from Hexbear was a really bad move, IMO.

Someone mentioned how Lemmy draws a tech enthusiast crowd, and I think that’s true. But that was also true for Reddit in its early days, as well. I think so long as the posting quality here is good, more people will eventually find their way in. If I can start seeing some cool home DIY stuff (to inspire the fortunate future day where I can finally be a homeowner myself), that is when I know Lemmy as a social platform has made it. I don’t have the heart of a true poster, but I hope that if I have useful information to share and post that I’m doing my part in helping the community grow a bit larger.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Unfortunately as more and more people got online it became more and more ripe for abuse. I can’t imagine Wikipedia not getting horrible defaced if its editorial standards were still in 2006. Old Wikipedia had some weird shit. Not every mid-level WW2 Nazi commander needed a page of thinly-veiled apologia, and thankfully many of those excesses are already dealt with. Also, the articles in general are of a higher quality than they used to be.

I hope they can work out a solution that allows trusted junior editors to become admins more easily.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar
  • KeepassXC [password locker]
  • SyncThing [keep some dirs synced between computers]
  • Thunderbird [Check 4 email accounts simultaneously]
  • PikaBackup [Relatively easy disk backup utility]
  • FSearch [Fast searcher of all files on my computer. Like Search Everything for Windows but worse in many ways]
  • AudioBookshelf [Podcast server]

I use all of those pretty regularly. Honorable mention on iOS is a program called Is It Snappy? which helps me measure input lag. It doesn’t collect any data or run ads (rare trait on a phone app). I actually made a purchasing decision with the help of this thing to correctly conclude that the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller had a noticeable input delay (enough to make me return it). The funny thing about that was if I just looked up spreadsheets others have done I would have seen that same conclusion there, too, without having to go through the effort of buying it myself :P.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

PikaBackup is more of a Time Machine style backup system. Not just for Gnome, it simply is made with the GTK.

Ultimately, I went with a Sony DualSense for my latest gaming controller. It has low latency when wired and the buttons are not clacky. Solid construction. I also have an 8BitDo Pro 2, which has one thing I especially like – hardware turbo buttons. The rest of the controller is merely OK, and IMO not worth the extremely high praise it otherwise receives. Serviceable controller.

GnuLinuxDude, (edited )
@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

Proton as a package is nice. If you immerse yourself into their ecosystem (email, drive, pass, vpn) you can get a lot of value from that $10/mo.

I had to unsubscribe from them after using them for some years because they just won’t bring feature parity to the Linux VPN client. I know they don’t have permanent, fixed port forwarding on the Windows client, but the fact that they still haven’t brought that feature to Linux is a big 🙄 for me.

The other thing is I’d be cautious about being dependent on any service where if you decide it isn’t bringing you as much value as you pay for, but you invested in certain extra features that are paid-only. In my case I had a secondary email handle (one that didn’t just have my full name in it, so I can sign up for stuff anonymously). Well, after coming to grips with the fact that I don’t want the VPN anymore, and that I don’t want to pay $4/mo just to send one email a week and receive a few that are only confirmations, that second address can no longer send/receive. I had to move every account into secondary free proton email before my term ended.

I’m not saying there’s anything nefarious about using a paid feature and then losing it. I am just saying be cautious about it and understand what you get yourself info when starting a subscription that you may depend on.

edit: this is advice directed generally, not specifically to the person I’m responding to who merely inspired me to comment

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

No disagreement about the privacy of services and getting what you paid for. But I’d like to pay commensurate to the use of the service. I was ABOUT TO say Tutanota can get you secure email for $1/mo (which fits much better with how much I actually use email), but I double checked and apparently they had a recent price hike. That’s just how it goes, I suppose.

@GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve been using it in Fedora since they switched to it as the default FS. I have not done anything special. I am not trying anything fancy except compress-force=zstd:1. Seems good to me!

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