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I regularly use ChatGPT to generate questions for junior high worksheets. You would be surprised how easily it fucks up “generate 20 multiple choice and 10 short answer questions”. Most frequently at about 12-13 multiple choice it gives up and moves on. When I point out its flaw and ask it to finish generating the multiple choice, it continues to find new and unique ways to fuck up coming up with the remaining questions.

I would say it gives me simple count and recall errors in about 60% of my attempts to use it.


I use it as a brainstorming tool. I haven’t had a single question make it as-is to a student’s worksheet. If the tool can’t even count to 20 successfully, I’m not sure how anyone could trust it to generate meaningful questions for an ELA program.


Maybe we let professionals decide what tool is best for their field

Hey, really appreciated. Having random potentially uneducated, inexperienced people chime in on what they think I’m doing wrong in my classroom based on the tiniest snippet of information really shouldn’t matter, but it’s disheartening nontheless.

While I take their point, I also wouldn’t walk into a garage and tell someone what they’re doing wrong with a vehicle, or tell a doctor I ran into on the streets that they’re misdiagnosing people based on a comment I overheard. Yet, because I work with children, I get this all the time. So, again, appreciated.


It doesn’t, though. The Monty Hall problem utilizes the fact that there were more possibilities before one was eliminated AND that it cannot eliminate the “best” outcome. No such qualities are at play here.

The question being asked here is “what is the gender of the second child?” The gender of the first child is completely irrelevent. Observed or unobserved, door open or closed, it doesn’t impact the outcome of the second child.

I suspect it’s not the question OP intended to ask, but it’s the question they asked nonetheless.

Glide, (edited )

Well, I guess OPs point is demonstrated. People will in fact argue about it.

What you’re trying to present has multiple holes, but only one matters: you’re not paying attention to the question that’s being asked. You can say first, second, alpha, beta, Leslie, whatever you want to assign the child in question as, but the question only asks you the gender of a singular child. The door opening child doesn’t matter, because it isn’t part of the question. No one asked what gender that child is. No one asked what the odds they have a female child is. It just isn’t a part of the question.

Yes, I referred to it as the second child because the question that was asked happens to have a child in it and ask you about another. Because we’re communicating in a hilariously precise language, we have to say “the other child”. But that doesn’t make the door opening child a part of the equation. The question could be “there is a child in a box. What are the odds the child is female? Oh, it has a brother by the way.” Cool, who cares, the sibling wasn’t a part of the question.

The Monty Hall problem spreads multiple outcomes across multiple choices and then eliminates one. The outcomes and options have a relation. This question just asks you about a singular variable with two possible outcomes and throws around an unrelated red herring.


But you do know which one it is, because you said “other child”. As soon as you ask the question, you assign a specific outcome to a specific child eliminating HH and HT (or in the new example, BB and BG). “What are the odds they have a female child” and “what are the odds the other child is female” are not the same question.


r/Canada is literally run with conservative propaganda efforts in mind. It’s not surprised that any attempt to pull people out of the echo chamber is met with an instant ban.

Glide, (edited )

I tried to keep scrolling, but this post made me wanna coomment so hard.

Poilievre opens up 15 point lead over Trudeau on preferred Prime Minister tracking (Nanos) (

Never invade Russia in the winter. Never fight a land war in Asia. Never go for a third term as Prime Minister in Canada. It makes the electorate hate you. I don’t complain much about his policies, but Trudeau is screwing his own party over and now we might end up with the Trumpiest of Canadian politicians as PM.


Homie wants to defund the CBC so we can get closer to a corporate-owned state. Because we obviously need media to be further dominated by wealth.

Sure, “both sides” or whatever, but let’s not downplay just how fucking awful Pollievre is.


But, but, but Polievre keeps saying it’s the liberal-funded CBC that’s biased and corporate owned, private interest media is the solution!



This is actually a super fascinating example of the way data can be displayed in a technically correct way to lead the viewer to completely invalid conclusions.


BG3 is a unique example in that its built in a system many players already know and understand, AND the whole thing is so watered down that you can absolutely just wing it with a rudimentary understanding of how things function and be fine. You don’t need to min/max to enjoy the game, and if it’s too hard there are multiple difficulty levels. It’s fine to hit explorer difficulty pick a class for RP and just enjoy the game. The “GaMeR” police aren’t going to kick down your door.

The answer to the wider question is: No, I don’t. I like learning systems and I’ve practiced learning systems very rapidly. I’ve been quickly learning new systems for some 20+ years, so by now, I am just good at it. I do not spend any real length of time researching how to play these games; I load in, read and absorb what’s in front of me, and try thngs. Things that don’t work, I throw out, and I try new things. After a few iterations of this, if I am still heavily struggling I may Google some build repository so I can glance over some ideas of what other suggest work and then incorporate those ideas into my own setup, but even then, that practice is preserved for more competitive games. Games like BG3, Deep Rock, Warframe, Darktide, Inkbound, and Cassette Beasts, just to name some I’ve played in the last couple months, I’ll never look up how others build and play. This is in part because I don’t need to, and in part because crafting my own builds and finding my own solutions is a large part of the fun for me.


There isn’t even an attempt to suggest that there is some form of greater good at play here. They just apologetically do it and make no excuses. This is oppression, plain and simple.


If hype stopped selling, they’d stomp hyping.


Please, please, please just make gambling-focused monetization models illegal. This shit literally just exists to prey on those with poor impulse control and should not have gotten away with existing as long as it has.


Defunding the CBC would have devastating effects on all of Canada. Welcome to the world of corporate sponsored misinformation. Remember, this is what the CPC is campaigning on.


I think you grossly misunderstood me. To be fair, I can see how, and should have been more clear.

I was attempting to insinuate that defunding the CBC is our route to corporate sponsered misinformation taking it’s place in entirety.

This is perhaps the issue with taking a paragraph and breaking it into its smaller parts, addressing each one in a vaccum. Taken as a whole, it’s pretty clear if I am defending the CBC and therefore, it’s likely that I do not think this article, specifically, is misinformation. I am simply adding to the headline that all of Canada is in trouble, not just rural Canada. Yes, this is a fact which is stated in the article, and I never disputed otherwise. I just wanted to emphasize that point as people have a tendency to read headlines and move on.


Is it Monster Hunter time?


The answer is different for everyone but:

Reach out to others.

Create something.

Set goals you care about and force yourself to start working towards them.

Set a time where you do something for you daiky, weekly, etc., pending the size of it.

If all of those feel too big or impossible for you: seek help. A friend or family member first, ideally, but sometimes the only answer is professional help. If said professional recommends drugs to help you get back to a positive mindset, don’t scoff. Sometimes we need to external correction before we can take care of ourselves properly.

Glide, (edited )

A total of 1,518 Canadians participated in the web survey from Oct. 6 to Oct. 9. It cannot be assigned a margin of error because online polls are not considered truly.

Call me suspicious of the validity of an online poll. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t share it’s collection location or methods, online polls are substantially more vulnerable to brigading, astroturfing, or any other form of manipulation.

Global News should be fucking ashamed of itself. Imagine calling this cash-in of ad revenue on this hot topic issue, “journalism”.

Glide, (edited )

Our country is a community. To some capacity, every single one of us gives up a level of freedom to be a part of that community and help it prosper.

Positioning and simplifying “parental rights” as “what I say vs what the government says” is exactly the problem. It’s not about you versus the government. If this was actually a matter of parental rights, and not another thinly veiled “fuck Trudeau”, alt-right, anti-human rights conspiracy, this would be about your freedom to instill values that are important to you, your family and your community in your children first abd foremost, even when “simplified”. Being decidedly anti-government would be so far down the list that it should never make the short-hand version.

You do not have a right to teach your children to hate others, and fear expressing themselves, and fuck you for ever suggesting you should.

Glide, (edited )

It’s surprisingly hard to moderate a conversation between not being particularly happy with Trudeau’s decisions, and not believing he’s a Communist Chinese plant out to destroy democracy, Canadian values and freedom of speech. The levels with which people treat politics like a sports team is almost as fucking insane as the shit people happily consume and regurgitate solely to justify their fear and hatred.

I’d like to believe that we can do better than Trudeau. But we can sure do a fuck load worse.

Is the purpose of life to be happy?

When I’m unhappy, I feel like I’m doing life wrong. I’d rather be happy. But is happiness the point of life, or is there more to it? If I pursue happiness, mine first then for those around me, is that selfish? But if there’s a bigger purpose, then what about people with Alzheimer’s or dementia who can’t recall recent...


I’m a big fan of positive nihilism. Everything has occurred by random chance and there are no inherent truths or any purpose to anything. Nothing we do actually matters in the grand scheme of the universe. So, since nothing matters, I am free to exhert my free will and give value to what I choose.

I want to live a life where my perspective is, on the whole, a positive, happy one, and I want to create as many opportunities for others to do the same as possible. I do not want to tolerate those that use their freedom to steal the freedom of others or who seek pleasure at the pain and cost of others. I want to utilize my freedom to seek pleasure and joy and bring pleasure and joy to others without causing pain and suffer.

Nothing matters, so choose the life you want. There is no right or wrong way to live.


I don’t expect others to feel the same. I have chosen to give value to one over the other simply because I would prefer a world where we collaborate towards collective happiness, joy, and pleasure. I suspect many others believe that working towards the prosperity of the collective will hamper their ability to find personal prosperity, and I simply think they are wrong. I think such a case boils down to chasing momentary pleasure over long-lasting pleasure, because that is my experience with such people.

In a way I believe in tangible karma; those who work to bring pleasure to those around them are occasionally taken advantage of, but more often are given pleasure in turn. Likewise, I’ve never met a self-centered asshole who isn’t consistantly overcome with unhappiness, while almost universally blaming that unhappiness on external factors.

I plant trees I will never get to sit under because I appreciate those before me who did the same. Again, that is no more than what I have chosen to give value to.

But this is a bit of a digression. The reality is these are the wisdoms of my experiences, and I wager there’s no universal truths in them. Nothing matters, so I look to these experiences and see that a co-operative, collaborative life looks more pleasurable. So I strive towards one, encourage others to do the same, and refuse to tolerate those that would actively work to steal happiness from others. Yes, I am aware that the inverse is equally true - why is it wrong to steal happiness from others if nothing matters - but this perspective is simply not the one I have chosen to place value on. Arbitrary? Sure. It still represents the best way I’ve found to enjoy life.


There’s one massive quality that makes positive Nihilism different from Absurdism. Absurdism states that trying to create meaning in a chaotic universe puts you at odds with it. Therefore, doing so creates unhappiness. Optimistic Nihilism, as the common thought I was trying to convey but incorrectly labelled is called, believes that without inherent meaning in our chaotic universe, we are free to create whatever meaning we desire.

Both believe the universe is inherently chaotic and meaingless. Only one believes that you can successfully create meaning.


I think there’s a big difference between knowing that answers exist and with time, energy and resources you could learn them, but it’s just too impractical to do it all, and blindly accepting that no one has the capacity to know something.

Plus, science backs up claims with evidence, experiments and data, and, at least to some capacity, a layman can parse that information. Fundamentally, science is provable, even if you won’t get 100% of it. Religion is strictly founded in the fact that no one is capable of parsing anything it teaches.


On that topic, I was really disappointed with the way her story just kind of… Went away? After the attack in act 2 and the subsequent conversation with Karlach, I was incredibly invested in Mol’s story, helping her, and helping Karlach save what she sees as a small her from some of the pain she suffered.

But then we got to act 3 and I literally didn’t find any story threads to continue with. The previous problem presented solved itself off-screen, Mol flipped from “I will kill for these kids” to “who?”, Karlach never brought it up again, and there was no noteworthy dialogue with Mol other than “buy some stuff or fuck off”.

Act 3 felt like it had a lot of unresolved story threads, early ends, and bugs resulting in the aforementioned problems, but this one really stands out to me. It’s like I watched someone set up a whole domino sequence, flick the first one, and 70% of the way through a domino missed and the builder just told me that was supposed to happen and left.


I know it’s late enough in the game that it’s a big whatever, but I really wanted to keep Hope. She was just exactly the kind of chaotic positive-but-insane energy I needed in that chapter of the game, and while I buy her personal conlusion, choosing to join you would make a lot of sense too.


I had actually heard that giving her her contract causes her to just get pissed at you and do nothing. I’m not clear on what the strange conditionals there are, as I simply didn’t find the contract (even though I swear I found everything and then some in the House of Hope) and am working entirely on second-hand experiences.

Still feels incredibly lackluster, tbh. Tying it to a companion (side?)quest via Karlach, or at least letting Mol half admit to you what happened and prompting a quest log entry or… something, could have made it feel far more significant and meaningful.


I don’t remember any of their prior movies needing to push agendas for anything in particular.

Then you aren’t paying attention.

Gender-normative, male dominant relationships were the agenda. Since then, we’ve had an era of strong and independant - or at least stronger and more independant - female characters. Now we’re entering an era of deconstructing heteronormativity.

Things have been one way for so long that you perceive it as normal, and anything else as a divergenance meant to push an agenda. Every piece of media you’ve ever consumed has had an agenda and actively, consciously played to the stereotypes that would bring in the greatest viewership and reinforce the most commonly held stereotypes and opinions. This is no different; you just got used to one agenda in particular.


Okay, but you’re grossly missing the point. There was and will always be an agenda. Being upset that it isn’t your agenda and presenting this opinion under the guise of wanting it depoliticized is at best ignorant and misinformed, at worst dishonest, and regardless attempts to reinforce and legitimize hate for those who do not conform to historical norms.

I’d propose that your argument about the “woke agenda” failing Disney’s pocket book is in itself a cherry picked argument which ignores the massive technological and cultural shifts in the way we consume and monitize media. But it doesn’t matter, because that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. Disney has always sold a lifestyle and pandered to an agenda. There is a reason Disneyland was such a prominent point of Baudrillard’s work; Disney’s ability to conjure and sell an imaginative reality has been historically unparalleled. Now that it’s selling a fantasy that makes the privledged uncomfortable, ignorant, invalid commentary, such as your original comment, shows up perpetuating false premisis’ about media suddenly pushing an agenda, as though this is new. It is not.

You can choose to try and understand that, you can dig in and veil your choice of ignorance and hate, or you can simply accept that you won’t understand everything and bow out. Just don’t be surprised when you face the consequences of your choices.


“If we say we want to taze the gays, we’ll lose the support of the moderates! Oh, what a conundrum we’re in, having to choose between dehumanizing and abusing the non-heteronormative’s or potentially losing the vote of moderate voters! This is such a difficult, challenging moral and ethical problem!”

Fuck the CPC.


I kind of liked Ultra-Instinct at the end of Super for this reason. It’s not some transformation or unlocked racial boon. It’s positioned as a genuine technique achieved by removing conscious thought from the equation and allowing each part of the trained body to react on its own. Yes, we’re in the divine arc, and the gods try to position the technique as divine power, but the unique simplicity of how it functions brings us back to ground from the world of legendary transformations and cyber-biological enhancements. It fits in a martial arts anime, even if the series isn’t quite that anymore.


Necromancin’ Dancin’ is just such a fucking banger, though

TIL You can jump to Karlach from the back exit of Zevlor's room in the grove (

If you go to where Zevlor is standing here in the grove there is an exit to the left up some rocks. When you go out this exit Karlach’s spawn point is a jump down the cliff on the right. You’ll take like 90% damage if you don’t have featherfall or something similar like misty step but you get to her super early and don’t...


TIL, Zevlor has a room in the grove.

Glide, (edited )


The Steel Legion factory in the far corner from where you enter the lower city is another good one. If you decide you don’t give a shit about doing some specific tasks in a specific order and allowing some deep gnomes to die, there are a few combats in there.


My b, a typo combined with a strange and aggressive autocorrect. Meant to say “combats”.


White space.

So many UIs in my education programs and my work as a teacher just fucking love to leave huge piles of unused space and hide the options I am looking for in a drop down menu off a drop down menu.

Use the space. Give me buttons. Take options out of menus in menus in some absurd, backwards attempt at achieving “minimalism”, because you don’t understand what the word means, and make a UI that minimizes the time between when I load the thing, and when I get to what I am here for.


Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions.


Some people play games to get away from the challenges and struggles of their day-to-day. Others play to find new way to challenge themselves.

I like games with clear indicators of “good”, “better”, “best”, even inside wins. Having a grade, or at least some metric by which to measure just how good my success was, is fun to me. I still load Hi-Fi Rush because, even though I’ve beaten it twice over, there’s opportunities to get a higher rank in each stage or in the post-game challenge modes. I raid in FFXIV because I like trying to parse better and better every week. “Haha number go up” is a fun goal in any game where I find the gameplay engaging.

Does this mean I play games “right” or “wrong” while you do the opposite? Not at all. I’d assume we’re just there for different reasons, and that’s totally fine. The good news is there’s games for both types, and we don’t have to play them all.


Glad someone said it.

Season one or two are actually pretty decent. As the show continued, it doubled down on the minor stereotypical qualities of each character and made that feature their entire personality. It’s a pretty normal outcome for any television show, particular across comedy and sitcoms, when the qualities in question are “has autism/aspbergers” and “doesn’t know how to treat people like they’re human”, it quickly becomes a show focused on punching down. Before long, the plot breaks down to the more socially competent characters “fixing” nerds and nerd culture as it continually reinforces the stereotypes that the first couple seasons, sure, poked fun at, but in equal measure challenged the validity of.

At some point the show stopped being a comedy about nerd culture and shifted to actively mocking, not even nerd culture, but the entire culture around academics and intellectualism. It shifted to bullying, validated on your television screen, by showing you time and time again how horrible these socially awkward nerds are, and how difficult they make life for others.


Fuck Doordash, fuck Uber Eats, fuck Skip the Dishes. These greedy motherfuckerswant me to pay a delivery fee, a “convinience fee”, AND up charge me on my food, and act like triple dipping into my pocket isn’t a fucking crime. Then they have the gall to tell me that waiting an hour and a half for my food while my driver sits in a random-ass parking lot to receive luke-warm food is acceptable delivery time and service and ask for a fucking tip.

And worse, no one wins! The restaurants hate it because they’re paying fees out the ass and receiving hate for the delivery services failures, the driver’s hate it because they’re not being given a fair wage, and the end consumer hates it because they’re paying literally 1.5x the cost of already inflating food prices! The only winner is corporate of whatever company you’re using, all to save you a, what, 10-15 minute drive?

Fuck em’, I will hop in my car and go pick up my food every single day of the week. I’m never too lazy to tell a bullshit service like those to go fuck itself.


I wonder if this 40-70% demographic has actively tried to play it a couple times? My first experience with VR was incredibly disorienting, and yes, made me feel nauseated. But after playing for 2-3 hours across a handful of 15-20 minute sessions (passing it around a few friends for an evening) that just went away. Once the body uses it a bit and learns, even high-movement non-teleport movement games stop being an issue.

I wonder if I happen to be in that upper percent, or if the numbers in question are a matter of people who tried it once in their life and felt sick. Clearly the author has put real time into trying to move past it, but that doesn’t say anything for the study he quotes the “40-70% of players are 15 minutes” numbers from.


I kinda am, tbh. I don’t believe for a second that my experience represents everyone, but such large numbers also don’t seem to make sense to me.


Hard disagree.

Path of Exile is a very different game today and appeals to a completely different subset of players since it started. The people that are still playing a very happy with it, but the people who started with its release/beta perceived it as decidedly “worse every patch”.

The best it ever was was 3.0 when the story felt complete and the campaign still mattered. It’s a glorified slot machine now, and anything that encourages players to actively play the game is perceived as a barricade to more serotonin hits. Just see how the community reacted to the PoE2 footage. “Why do enemies take time to die? What do you mean I’m expected to dodge attacks?”



You’re grossly underestimating these people if you think they ashamedly disappeared. They’re just convinced they won a small victory.


Absolutely loved playing the OG Crystal Chronicles with three friends and was very, very excited when a remake got announced. I mean, it’s so easy now that everyone is playing on their own Switch, right? Imagine fucking up the concept and spirit of the game so hard with the remake.

These guys fucking get it. Buiilding the hypercube is absolutely Chad behaviour.


By the same logic, you have infinite more ahead of you.

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