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Power Word Loon. I love this, thank you.

Middle-aged and some what tongue tied (medical condition) anyone else in this situation, and go through with the procedure?

I’m a middle aged guy, who, a few years ago, was off handedly told by a dental hygienist while getting my teeth cleaned, that I was tongue tied. I’ve had a flap of skin under my tongue which holds it down, it isn’t severe, but it does restrict my tongues mobility. For instance, I can’t really stick my tongue out very far...


I think the big argument for is more so that I can’t reach the back surface of my molars, so I can’t clean them like normal people do. The other thing I have trouble with is, and I will not mince words, is performing oral sex. I’m a straight guy, and the day after performing oral sex, I can feel a little spot on the flap under my tongue that tears a little from trying to stick my tongue out. It’s a pretty good indicator that being tongue tied is in fact reducing my tongues mobility in a bunch of ways.

I do agree with those saying to get a second opinion. Since my dentist literally built a whole facility dedicated to fixing tongue ties, I feel like they’re not going to be honest since they stand to benefit from it. But on the other hand, it causes me problems, and it can fix those problems. I’m quite torn, with any elective surgery, there is always the worry that I’d regret it.


That’s how I found out too! In 2019, I was at the dentist for a cleaning and check up. The dental hygienist had her hands in my mouth as they do and said “Oh, you’re a bit tongue tied”, I thought she was being cheeky that I was talkative since she had her hands in my mouth. When I could talk next, I asked what she meant, and she said the flap of skin I have attached on the bottom of my tongue, anchoring it to the floor of my mouth shouldn’t be there. And that it’s called being tongue tied, they correct it in infants when they find it.

So I had the same response you did, I had no idea it was just a phrase we use to say someone wasn’t talkative, but rather something physically that someone can have!


It sounds like we have a similar level of tongue tie! I can stick my tongue out, but not quite as far as I would be able to if it weren’t for the tongue tie. Yeah I’m leaning toward having it corrected, I had the dentist check what insurance would cover and I’d only have to color 180 out of pocket so that isn’t too bad.


That’s the part I can’t figure out! I think diagnosing of tongue tie is more common now then it was when I was a baby. In the early 80’s, unless the tongue tie was bad enough to prevent the baby from feeding, they probably just said “Meh, good enough”. But it’s weird that it wasn’t called out in my dozens of other dentist visits over the years! I had no idea I was supposed to be able to reach my back edge my molars!


Positively delightful! Thank you for sharing!


I love the first Dune book, and I love the goofy 80’s Dune movie, which was pretty close to the book in terms of getting a lot of the internal dialog in place. But I hated the new Dune movie. I didn’t like how sterile and empty they made the palace, or the weird anus mouth design of the sand worms. Or the silly use of balloons to help lift harvesters. I very much didn’t like how they made Lady Jessica an emotional mess, instead of being in control of her outward emotions, as she was trained to do.

They also screwed up the personal defense shields REAL BAD. The idea that the shields react to kinetic energy, so a fast moving project from a firearm would get stopped, but a slow moving blade would pass through. The fight near the end had people being killed by fast sword strikes by hitting the shields, it was just so jarring and lazy. They also completely misrepresented who and what the Sardukar are. Based on how many people loved the movie, I have an unpopular opinion. Though I found that most people who absolutely loved the movie hadn’t seen the original movie, or read the first book, so they didn’t know anything to color their impression.


That bothered me a ton too. The movie gave the impression that JUST the Atreides and their entourage moved to Arrakis, the palace was so empty, it definitely lacked the grandiose scale the original story had.


I also feel like because the movie didn’t explain as much as the book or original movie did, people just assumed the new movie was profound and deep, and loved it because of it. I asked a friend who loved it but hadn’t read the book or watched the 80’s movie, who the Sardukar are. He answered that they were a religious order who were good fighters. Again, the new movie just doesn’t give enough context or answers to stuff.

I also can’t express how much I didn’t care for the new Worm design.


2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse! Pearlescent Sunset, SE spoiler, pedals, and SE stripe. Decent sound system, handled great in the snow, and was fast enough to get me in trouble! I had it for 11 years, solid car.


I held off on playing NMS until last year, I have a lot of experience with similar games on PC like Empyrion and had my expectations set by that game. Boy you couldn’t be more right about the planets, just about actual planet size, but nothing interesting but cloned points of interest. Empryion’s world generation is fantastic, very believable and smooth, transitioning between biomes and having those features being visible from space.

I got around 10ish or 15ish hours out of NMS, and I just noped out when I realized the best way to get a ship was to buy it from a random NPC who just landed, found a ship I liked, bought it, didn’t like the color and found I couldn’t repaint it (at that time, maybe that changed). Between all the stuff we’ve mentioned, plus weird bugs like ships warping into atmosphere but then glitching through the ground. Meh.

Light No Fire looks interesting, but my gut feeling is, it’ll be a huuuuge world, largely full of nothing worth while. I’ll keep an eye on it to see how it develops, and how it’s received at launch. My default position is … cautiously optimistic.


I’ve most frequently seeing AF mean “As fuck”. It’s even gotten to the point of bumper stickers that say things like “Mommy AF”. Outside that meaning, I’m not sure what else AF could mean.


My apologizes, apparently I failed my reading comprehension check.


I suppose it depends on why they’re being quiet. If other civilizations view each other as competitors for rare resources like worlds that would be inhabitable with out large scale terraforming, then being loud may get your planet targeted. That’s the basis for the “Dark Forest” theory. I think that theory is interesting, but it’s a bit pessimistic in my opinion. What’s way more likely is, if there are other civilizations out there, the odds of them existing during the same time frame that we’re here, AND being close enough to receive radio waves in a timely fashion, AND are at a technology level to send and receive those radio waves… it’s all very very very unlikely.

For me, what’s way scarier is, it isn’t that everyone is being quiet, it’s that there isn’t any one else out there, and we’re one of the first civilizations to develop. If there were other highly advanced civilizations out there, there’d be signs of them, signs of their technology. Shit, I read that large ships moving at close to the speed light would generate detectable gravity waves. But so far, nothing.


I find the idea that life is insanely rare, and that 99.99999999999999999999 of every planet and moon is lifeless. Even if we some how find a way to explore the cosmos, we’ll be searching empty dead rocks for the rest of our species lives. That’s scary to me.


I agree about the Dark Forest hypothesis. Also the idea that other alien life just knew to be quiet up front is silly, for the same reason we’ve been blasting radio waves into the universe the moment we figured out how.

Nah, us being first is scary to me in the sense if life is nearly impossible to form, and we’re all alone, that means we can search planet after planet, after planet and only find dead lifeless environments. That’s not nearly as fun of a thought as the universe being full of life, and all the amazing discoveries we’d make exploring. That’s all I meant.


I know it’s so damn frequent that Occam’s Razor gets trotted out, but in this situation, I think the simplest explanation is probably the most likely. Life developing in general is insanely rare in the universe, and there is no law that states that life HAS to evolve into intelligent life that would develop technologies, and space travel.


I agree, my brain heavily dislikes “Ramblomatic” it’s real tough to say it smoothly, it’s that L at the end of Ramble that’s making it tough. My brain wants it to be “Rambo-matic”. But at least I know now Ramblomatic is the new Zero Punctuation!


Don’t hurt me again, after Tribes Ascend and HiRez studios shitting all over that franchise, I don’t know if I could handle another mishandling of one of my favorite games of all time.


I read that Prophecy spun off as an independent studio. Their write-up about Tribes 3 says you won’t have to unlock any weapons, only cost is 19.89 for the base game with more expensive premium editions and micro transaction cosmetics.

At least we won’t be grinding for weapon unlocks, or being pressured into buying new weapons for cash.


I think it was my Motorola Razr, then I got a Black Berry Bold, or some such. So yeah, the Razr.


You and me both! Or I get into a fruit kick, then slow down after a bit, and what I have starts to go bad so I stop buying them all together.


No, we are legion. I’m sure oodles of people fall into this fruit trap.


I think the difference was, they were just side banners and that’s it. They didn’t have all this insane tracking, data analysis, metrics, and knowing everything about you bullshit they do now.


Hah, same here. The dishwasher video was my beginning with his channel. I adore is dry humor, and informative nature!


Oof, very sorry to hear that! What CD was it?


It’s the sense of loss, an item you enjoy that’s survived all this time. I’ve been there, I’m sorry that happened, so we all learn, what’s a better cleaning agent for CDs? I’d probably try the type of Windex with vinegar in it, but now I’m questioning that!


Oh good to know, I’ll keep an eye out for that! Or something like it at least!


The worst part was, the C’tan which ended up being known as The Deceiver convinced them that they could make the Necrontyr immortal, fixing their cancer ridden short lives, and aid them in their war against the Old ones. This was accomplished by a process called bio-transference using the bio furnaces. As the Necrontyr either willingly or unwillingly lined up to burn up their bodes in the furnaces, the C’tan could be seen above the bio furnaces gorging on the souls of the Necrontyr burning.

Yeah, fuck those things.


Watch the documentary on Netflix called “Don’t Look Up” to find out the answer.


The Expeditionary Force series! I loved the series and listened to the whole thing on audible! The great thing is, R.C. Bray could still voice one of the key characters who makes the whole series fun and addicting!


You know it! God damn, a TV show based on that series would be so awesome! Come on Amazon, get cracking!


That and deus ex machina named Jarlaxle, he’s a god damn swiss army knife of plot resolution. Shit, in a live VR QA with R.A. Salvatore, he even said as much, that when he doesn’t know how to resolve a plot he leans on Jarlaxle.


I feel that way about guns and I’m American. It isn’t a hobby, it isn’t a passion, it’s a fetish. They never want to admit why they’re so adamant on having access to any amount of guns they want isn’t for any practical purpose outside they think they’re cool and they feel powerful owning them. There’s also a subset of gun owners here who have guns for “home defense” but they fantasize about someone breaking into their house so they can shoot them. It’s god damn sick, I hate gun ownership culture here. The last reason people love to trot out is the 2nd amendment will help protect the people against a corrupt government, again playing to the sense that gun nuts are some how on part training and mentality wise to a professional military. If the US government ever tried suppressing the population using the military, no amount of Big Gun-Nut Energy and a closet full of guns will stop the real soldiers.

The only way we’ll ever curb mass shootings is to pass laws restricting gun ownership to the types of guns with low capacities like break action shotguns or low capacity bolt action rifles. Essentially just down to hunting firearms. But that will never happen here, it’s typically right leaning folks who love their guns an unhealthy amount, and right leaning politicians are swing further and further into crazy shit to appease their extreme voting base.

So instead of any good sense gun laws, we get laws being repealed to make gun ownership easier and easier, open carry, conceal carry etc etc. To even hint at laws to bring down the the amount of mass shootings, people screech like howler monkeys. They love the “slippery slope” argument, where any law to restrict any type of gun will lead to the government coming and forcefully taking their guns. They are crazy people.


This feels less meme like and more advertisy. Plus who the shit hasn’t heard of discord before?


In a world constructed of lies, here you are on lemmy spreading truths. Thank you for your service.


I hope this is one of those times were the company making the the game knows just how intensely popular their game is and don’t advertise and hype it for 2 years prior to release. It’d be nice if they just launched their trailer, then have the game come out a month later.


Oh I know, I’m just saying I wish we didn’t have 2 straight years of hype coming.


In a video about pronunciation of words being different based on regional accents, no sound? Anyone have a link to a version with sound?


WoW Ascension on the Area 52 server. This server is classless, you can pick any ability and talents you want. Plus there are mystic scrolls you can find in the world which when equipped (you can have 17 equipped at once, 1 legendary, 3 epic, then a bunch of blue or green) and these enchants completely change how abilities work to allow for you to make incredibly cool custom classes.

It’s full of fresh ideas, I love it a lot!


It’s a separate company, I don’t understand how they don’t get sued into oblivion, but they update the game all the time, it’s feature rich and has so much to explore. The website is They also have an alpha server which cost money to get access to with 21 brand new classes, none of the old classes, new ability, new talents.


I’m so happy someone tried out Ascension based on my post! I’ve been playing around in there for a few months now, nothing hard core, just trying different specs or build ideas. At first it does feel very overwhelming, but they’ve made changes to the talents to sometimes make them a bit more agnostic or if the talent says “Increases Pet Damage” it’ll generally apply to any pet. That combined with the ability to search for any ability or talent based on keywords or phrases like “All Damage” to find talents to increase damage mitgation all combines to allow you to think up interesting specs and try building it your self.

The other thing I adore about this system is, in normal WoW, there has always been the meta, if you’re a fire mage and you want to raid you better be specced this one certain way or your trash. Well in Ascension, the options are so god damn wide open that no you could very well come up with unique build that is better then anyone has made before. Also people can’t see your spec in game, so there just isn’t that rigid expectation of choosing the “right” spec.

Also check out prestiging , it’s fun to loop back to level 1, level back up and earn rewards. Or prestige , and pick a Ironman challenge, where you get 1 life and need to accomplish a certain goal like, kill hogger before level 10 or you fail. I’m working on an Ironman Challenge called “King of the Jungle” where you get 1 life, and need to kill the final tiger boss in the Stranglethorn Vale big game hunt quest line before level 40!

Over all, it’s just a very well thought out and daring approach. On top of Ascension’s Area 52 server that I’m on (Free pick classless), there’s also the Thrall server which is also classless, but instead if free pick you get a selection of 3 or 4 abilities when you level and you try to assemble your build using those cards. I have some friends that positively love the draft server, but it isn’t my cup of tea.


I feel the same, I don’t really trust gearbox, so I’m cautiously optimistic. Hopefully it was a case of Hopoo trusting gear box after their long partnership, and not a case of Hopoo looking to make cash with the sale of Risk of Rain.


Match Group deserves to collapse. Online dating has never been fun, but since Match Group bought up nearly every dating app, they’ve all become very homogeneous and outrageously more expensive.


Nostalgia! Riding my bike to a store so I can spend 5 bucks on a PC gamer magazine just for the demo disk. Because downloading a demo was just an obscene proposition with 14.4k dial up modem.


I remember being so excited going from 14.4 to 33.6! Don’t even get me started on CD-ROM speeds!

AI Camera's took over one small American Town. Now they are everywhere. (

Spread across four computer monitors arranged in a grid, a blue and green interface shows the location of more than 50 different surveillance cameras. Ordinarily, these cameras and others like them might be disparate, their feeds only available to their respective owners: a business, a government building, a resident and their...


How far can this type of intrusive surveillance go and still have the response of your average citizen be “I have nothing to hid”. What happened to the America full of private people who greatly valued that privacy? The idea of this software grabbing live footage from city owned cameras all the way to live cell phone feeds, to door bell cameras, AND managing all those fields with AI setup to look for certain clothing or objects.

And putting all that power into the hands of fallible humans in the form of police. This has already been abused, I guarantee it, tracking an ex, racial profiling, you name it, this level of power isn’t something we should stomach anyone having let alone the police.

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