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Help me help a coworker not be an incel?

Personal background: I strongly feel just about everyone grows up and has something shitty about them. I know growing up I definitely thought and said some less-than-ideal jokes about women, minorities, etc. And while some of that was the proverbial ‘the times’, and some was growing up in a sheltered hyper Christian southern...


My only fear would be that this turns dnd more into a walled garden.


I played on the switch and that made it take ages. I got until about act 4 or 5, I can't remember, with a kraken? But I noticed a harsh spike in difficulty at that point. Coupled with the very tedious controls on switch that made me stop playing.

Was a great game until that point

GataZapata, (edited )

Jemand mit Migrationshintgrund ist eine Person, bei der mindestens ein Elternteil nach De eingewandert ist.
Diese person kann natürlich die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft haben. Meine Freundin ist zB aus dem EUAusland, unsere Kinder werden also alle Migrationshinterrund haben, aber hier aufwachsen und zur Schule gehen und die Staatsbürgerschaft sowie Wahlrecht haben.

Staatsbürgerschaft und Migrationshintergrund sind ganz verschiedene Sachen.

Edit: ich kenne dieses Wort aus dem NRW Schulbetrieb, sollte das anderswo anders verwendet werden freue ich mich, berichtigt zu werden


I think you are missing the point. My guess is that this will not create story, but they will try to integrate it with their upcoming VTT. Imagine you as the DM describe what you want and the tool prepares everything, with monsters, terrain and the whole lot. I am pretty sure that will be the angle they take.

Of course.. It can only prepare from the database of premium materials you have to painfully buy bit for bit

How do I go about writing aquatic humans as an allegory (or w/e the right word is) for Indigenous people?

I’m considering writing the merfolk in my story as a sort of metaphor for indigenous peoples, as well as other sea-dwelling or otherwise aquatic humans. Is this inherently problematic in and of itself, or is there a way to write this that works and is respectful to actual indigenous folks? If it’s inherently disrespectful, I...


What aspect of indigenous peoples would you want to represent? Think about that in detail, and think about whether what you want to represent might just be a stereotype.

I can imagine that this can be done tastefully. But it could also turn out really horrible. What specifically do you mean by a sort of metaphor? Do you want to go into some indigenous social constructs and living conditions? If so, WHAT groups specifically?
Do you only want to talk about stolen land and shamans? I would advise against that. The question is more nuanced and you have to be more detailed to get usable answers


Die afd ist eine rechtsextreme nazi Partei.

You won't let me leave, you get me at my worst (

I don’t even think I will play the ODD after what WotC pulled out, but if I get to comment what I think of their shitty ideas, I will. Seriously, what kind of asshole decided to nerf the game’s weakest class and then make subclass that do everything it can do but better and for one of already strongest classes.

GataZapata, (edited )

Read another game. Free yourself fully from wizords.

13th age is my new dragon game of choice, feels close to home and fresh at the same time!

Kanister ökologisch besser als Nachfüllbeutel? German

Schon länger kaufe ich bei DM beispielsweise für Handwaschcreme oder Spülmittel immer diese Nachfüllbeutel, weil das weniger Verpackungsmüll bedeutet als jedesmal einen neuen Spender zu kaufen. Was mich dabei aber schon länger stört, ist, dass diese Nachfüllbeutel so klein dimensioniert sind, dass ich meinen Spender nur...


Die pakete die die Läden kriegen sind doch genau so?

Economic worries are prompting young Europeans to delay or forgo parenthood (

Whereas previous economic shocks such as the oil crisis of 1973 caused a temporary dip in fertility, the 2007-2008 banking meltdown was different because birth rates continued to decline even after the economy started growing again, says to Daniele Vignoli, professor of demography at the University of Florence in Italy. He...


Also houses. No space, no kids.


I remember we have one in German, but it's more about language...
you ask a bunch of questions ghat the answer are different colors, and when they are all used to saying colour's, if you ask them what a cow gives, they'll probably say white. Of course, this was in 2nd grade.


Ich erinnere mich dass der Diskurs zur WM in Katar anders war. 'Die arbriten da ihr Leben lang drauf hin, das ist die einzige Chance bla bla'


Man this is the best one in a while


Jesús christ yes. I used to run or play 3-4 or sometimes more days a week, plus work, uni, gym, girlfriend... That is not sustainable for a longer time than maybe half a year


We had a big fat goose as a quest thing in Fellowship 2e once. The city was separated into trades guilds, and in the area of those that do woodcarving, the goose snuck up on people and honked and made them cut themselves. All the fingerless woodcarvers chipped in to get the party to help.

That was a great day in that campaign. Afterwards, the overlords general and the giants attacked town and destroyed everything, and that encounter was just barely harder than the goose chase. Love that system.


As a Australian woman, she did not present for Florida court. So the court defaulted judgment to the party that did

what are .webp files and why has my online experience been plagued by them?

I don’t know what a .webp file is but I don’t like it. They’re like a filthy prank version of the image/gif you’re looking for. They make you jump through all these hoops to find the original versions of the files that you can actually do anything with....


It's an image format ghat saves a lot of data. I use it all the time to save space!


Jesus christ no. What we need to do is stop flying, stop driving cars, stop eating meat and fish and dumping waste in the ocean... We cannot bioengineering all the coral. Being open to new technology to save us, at some point just resembles waiting for Jesus to rapture you on doomsday.


I am reading resonance by Hartmut Rosa. I like and would recommend it. It is a sociological academic book that criticizes classic sociology and the indicators we use to be too extremely focused on the possession and use of resources. It tries to propose a scientifically measurable and quantifiable way to determine how much one is 'resonating' with the world around them, how much they see it as something happening to them VS something they can shape and feel a response from. I read it for my masters so maybe not for fun reading.


I am looking forward to her and Lagarde disappearing from politics.
It is a shame they have such high EU positions after how badly they fared nationally.

Advent's Amazing Advice: The Lost Mine of Phandelver Fully Prepped and Ready to Go! Part 1 Cragmaw Hideout (

Welcome to Advent’s Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!...


The protest is shitty right wing nazi people. The people upset about it is shitty religious fundamentalists. Nobody cares about either side.


Just steal the big book of grudges for any setting involving dwarves, up to and including glorantha

GataZapata, (edited )

Psoe is democratic socialist.
pp is democratic conservative.
sumar is hard left, pro environment and workers right
Vox is nationalistic ultra right/fascist

As far as I'm aware both erc and junts are Catalonian separatist right wing (unsure I mix them up, maybe one was left wing)
Pnv is nationalist Basques right
Bildu is separatist Basques left

GataZapata, (edited )

Spanien wird von den ehemals konjunkturellen Problemen, die nun durch austerität strukturell wurden eingeholt. Gut ausgebildete junge Menschen verlassen seit 15 Jahren entweder das Land oder werden Kellner für Touristen. Die Landflucht ist, nicht zuletzt durch den im zweiten Frankismus forcierten Schwenk auf Tourismus, aber eben auch durch Klimawandel, nahezu vollständig abgeschlossen.

Nun wenden sich die verzweifelten an Rattenfänger. Europa und der Welt stehen schwere Zeiten bevor. Reaktionäre wissenschaftsverweigerer die behaupten, wenn wir auf probleme nicht achten dann verschwinden sie, haben immer mehr erfolg. Nicht nur in Spanien: Schweden, Finnland, De (wie viel Prozent hat die afd?), aktueller protest ist ein gefundenes fressen für LePen, in Österreich regieren quasi nazis, Griechenland, Türkei, Polen, Ungarn sowieso, Indien, China, die neue Rechte verstärkt auch in den USA (der nächste trump kommt bestimmt)...

Die Nazis gewinnen aktuell. Auf der ganzen Welt.

Das wird noch richtig unbequem

Edit: da das hier viele lesen ist anzumerken, dass zwischen der spanischen Linken und rechten aufgrund der noch mangelhafteren Aufarbeitung des Faschismus als zB in Deutschland eine andere Beziehung besteht und die Rechte nicht plötzlich über Nacht verstärkt ist. Das ist aber n längeres thema


Es wird ziemlich sicher PP/Vox. Das wäre nach den kürzlich durchgeführten lokalwahlen und Voruntersuchung recht plausibel.

Ich kotzen, ich hoffe die verkacken alles und haben nach 3 Monaten misstrauensvotum


Die S6 war schon so kacke oft kaputt, ich hab aufgehört gehabt zu zählen. ZB einmal sind in Essen werden Steine aufs Gleis gekracht und die war mehrere Wochen mindestens fritte.
früher fuhr die auch noch die ganze Nacht, bin damit öfter vom feiern zurück. Aber S6 kaputt und re kaputt ab Benrath ist einfach n klassiker


Ich glaube die Infrastruktur ist einfach seit den 70ern nicht ausreichend, aber niemand kann vorschlagen zB ein zwei viertel von Köln einzustampfen und mehr schienen zu legen, das ist politischer selbstmord


They will all be like this. We have been told. And we still vote the rightwingers that say this is not real.

Even when te problem is raging through out own streets. We hide our heads in the sand and proclaim that we will just do like before, when everything was 'easy' .

GataZapata, (edited )

I Ried my bike every day. I love bikes. Parking like that is an egoistic cock move, because you block people in wheelchairs, people with baby's in strollers, old people that need walkers etc etc.

I don't care if it's a bike, an electric rental scooter (in my experience most often the offenders in these cases) or a shitty car half hanging on the sidewalk

What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Ever since the language puzzle in Tunic that got me to fill up 6 pocket sized pages of notes over multiple days while trying to puzzle it out as I tried to and, eventually, succeeded at translating the in-game “paper” manual, I’ve had a craving for games that force you to pull out a notebook and take notes/puzzle things...


No notepad, but an excellent explorative puzzle that had me making and remaking theories the whole time: outer wilds. Several people also mentioned obra dinn

[Meta] Can we please chill with the "This is an old post from some other site" titles and actually use something descriptive about the meme itself?

Really getting tired of seeing references to everything here being a repost from Reddit. We get it, this place needs content and posting old stuff is a quick and easy way to do that. Maybe you don’t need to point that out in the title of every single post you make?


This site needs content, but not _that _ desperately. I left that shit site to get away from reposters!


Man mob justice is scary. Might be justified, I mean mistreatment of a slave child, but just for a second imagine you get the neighbor on accident


XManager = free spoti Premium, no downloads

Yt revanced= free yt music premium, no downloads.

Cancel spoti sub, use the money to add GB to your internet plan

If anyone knows a thing with download please tell


Modi ist SEHR SEHR rechts und nationalistisch. Seine regierende Partei ist Hindunationalistisch. Das ist die Selbszbeachreibung, und sie lässt kaum Fragen offen.

Es geht im Diskurs seit vielen Jahren um Hindu Vormacht und die Legende von einem puren, reinen Land, vor der Besatzung durch die Kalifen und danach die Engländer, als alle Inder Hindus waren und alles schön und die beste Wissenschaft usw usf.

Dinge wie die Besetzung Kashmirs werden international geduldet, weil man sich ausmalt, dass ein stark militarisiertes Indien umworben werden muss damit es China im Zaum hält.


How do you currently search for a whole community? Say I want to visit all magazines on, or all microblog on, what is the URL I need to put into


Yes! Thank you! I didn't know it was /d/, I had tried I for instance and some other letters.

I now notice it is not

Is yet another letter required? Maybe m for mastodon? Where can I find out which to use for what, is there a guide maybe?


Ngl kinda bad article imo. I would have chosen very differently. I agree just putting 'the far realm' is also kinda low effort.

I think focusing on just the material plane and the world's within would have been more than enough to choose from. Maybe just one world.

EU defends appointment of US economist in top job despite backlash [has become obsolete as Morton is not taking the job, see the link in the thread] (

The appointment of Fiona Scott Morton, a former competition economist for the US Justice Department who has also lobbied on behalf of Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, has set off alarm bells in Brussels and Paris. Morton’s mandate would involve advising the EU Commission on investigations into alleged anti-competitive behaviour,...


Why are people so disillusioned by politics? Why do they believe all the conspiracy myths? Why does no one vote, and why do all the nazi party's gain support? Why do so many people believe government is corrupt at all levfels and it doesn't matter anyways? It is an eternal mystery


Por muy malo que suene, no creo que eso cambie nada. Con todo el dolor de mi corazón, no veo como vuelve a ganar el psoe. Yo ya solo espero que no salga vox

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