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People should look into the seperation of powers in this country. Rent and health care are provincial responsibilities, grocery bills are moved by market forces and on the rise globally, anyone pinning this on the LPC and thinking conservatives could fix it are in for a nasty surprise.

FunderPants, (edited )

No, that’s not it, in Canadian Parliament it is the speaker of the house who has ths sole responsibility for both inviting guests to the gallery and for recognizing them in the official remarks. Other members of the house and government weren’t even given notice the guy would be there. The speakers office arranges guest vetting, but it is only a security vetting not a political one. That is the PPS and RCMP decide if the 98 year old, legal Canadian immigrant is likely to put the house and guesses physical danger, they don’t consider at all if the guest will cause a political headache.

So the fallout is that the speaker (who in fact was solely responsible for what happened) has resigned, and the PM has offerd an official apology on behalf of all Canadians. There could be more political fallout domestically, as the opposition parties are misleading Canadians and stoking ignorance of our procedures to paint the government as responsible , which I emphasize again, they were not.


In fact it’s the opposite case here, the PM has neither control nor responsibility.

Tom Mulcair: Why Anthony Rota had no choice but to resign (

Anthony Rota had no choice but to resign as House Speaker after he invited a Nazi veteran to Parliament. But, as former NDP leader Tom Mulcair writes in a column for, if history is going to retain the profound embarrassment caused by his mistake, it should also recognize the contributions Rota has made to democratic...


Heard Tom speak about this on CTV, he is very even handed and knowledgeable on this topic.


Pierre is that “I dont want solutions I want to be mad” meme incarnate.

The guy was invited to see the evidence and won’t go. What a joke.


“I dont want security clearance I want to be mad” -PP


I’ve always said if you don’t like the union you’ve got the right to work, somewhere the fuck else.


I hate this with all my being.


Tossed starships and scrambled sith. I think it went.


This transitioned into the song as I read it.

FunderPants, (edited )

I bought it for less than that from a pawn shop during the peak hate. I remember the pawn guy being like “that ones got real bad reviews” and I said “I’ll try any game for $14”.
I tucked it away for a year or so and then loved it.


I quit prime after the last prime day and have saved so much money. It’s really something how much influence that subscription had on me, and how cancelling it changed my buying habits.


Doug Ford was elected at least in part by the very people out there spreading the Anti-LGBTQ messages. I was spending the summer in one of the communities south of Ottawa during the 2018 election, I don’t vote in Ontario, but I spend that particular summer with Ontario voters. One of the big draws of Ford in that election, according to the supporters of his I know, was that he would be against the school boards teaching , quote “little kids about gay sex, and anal sex, in grade 1”. I told her it wasn’t true as I had read the curriculum changes and no such thing was happening, I told her she could read the curriculum online herself and see that this was not happening, and all I got for that was told that “they talk about it in Church, it’s true”. The people out protesting today against gender and LGBTQ+ topics being dealt with in school are so easily lead around by the nose I fear no amount of reasoning with them will work. It will take their leaders standing up and telling them it isn’t true, and maybe then they’d listen, but the problem is people like Ford will never, ever correct them because Ford knows he benefits.


Always has been.


Anyone who thinks personal, private health decisions are safe under conservative governments are fooling themselves. It’s all just timing and they’re willing to wait decades to get what they want. A quick look south confirms it.


Social issues are not a distraction, the idea that they are is exactly an example of normative privilege.


Of course he is, it’s right there in the name, what are Conservatives trying to conserve ? While modern society is by no means one of no or minimal disparity, I’d say we’ve made meaningful advances towards a less disparate society in many ways. Conservatism is about conserving the traditional social and economic systems, it is not about progress, slow progress, careful progress or anything else that folks have diluted themselves into believing. Where conservatism is unable to conserve the traditional systems, it will seek to restore them when they have the power to do so. Understanding that their political message is unappealing to many, they will of course deny this, but one only needs to look at countries where conservatism has consolidated power to see the truth. Historically marginalized people will never be safe from conservative political forces so long as those forces have a legitimate chance to gain power. They will work to restore privilege disparity and erase hard fought gains won over decades or even longer. No area of human rights is safe from prolonged conservative rule, not women’s rights to healthcare and civic participation, not LGBT rights to marriage, privacy, open participation in society and healthcare, not workers rights to safe workplaces, and certainly not any historically marginalized group hoping for a hand up in seeking employment or education.


Fair enough and that’s a fun discussion… but I was replying to someone who said CPC, not all historical federal ‘conservative’ parties. The old PC/Reform split allowed for conservatives and right liberals to belong to different parties. Different times, policy wise though I think you’re right, the PC party is dead and gone in the CPC. I wonder where their voters went.

FunderPants, (edited )

A right proper Tory as I live and breathe, I thought you all went extinct when Peter MacKay turned over the keys.

I’m just kidding with you, I feel like your story is probably common enough with people who were considered red Tories back in those days.


Brainwashing kids by not injecting the state into private medical decisions?

I don’t get it, but fear is not rational.


I mean, they’re liberals and inside the Canadian Liberal movement along with more centrist elements are left liberals such as social liberals or progressive liberals or even the odd social democrat ( although most of those in Canada are New Democrats). On the whole, Canadian Liberalism is more left of centre than classic liberalism, neo-liberalism or right liberalism. At least, in my estimation.

AI text detectors tend to flag text from non-native speakers as AI generated (

In a study recently published in the journal Patterns, researchers demonstrate that computer algorithms often used to identify AI-generated text frequently falsely label articles written by non-native language speakers as being created by artificial intelligence. The researchers warn that the unreliable performance of these AI...


I’m a college instructor and encourage my students to use ChatGPT this way.


Seeking asylum in Canada is legal.


That’s why there are two different words, which are neither synonyms nor euphemisms, this story is about asylum, features stories about individuals seeking asylum and your attempt to confound the two didn’t work.


Nope, that’s not it, they’ve explicitly changed their behaviour to stay inside the law. It’s what the article is about, how asylum seekers are adapting their behaviour to fit inside the new changes to the safe third country agreent.


Some of them are wrongly convicted, all of them are human beings under the states care. Should those under state care be subjected to cruel and unusual, extrajudicial punishment up to and including death by heat exhaustion?


I agree with you.

FunderPants, (edited )

This is the kind of garbage we should expect from the CPC, not a surprise at all, but what does it even mean to “leave LGBT issues to parents”? If a gay person exists is that too much? If a fictional gay person exists in a book is that too much? Can a married teacher acknowledge their spouse? Can a person take a piss without having someone inspect their genitals or call them out?

Conservatives simply will not defend LGBT people and their rights, they will not defend women, they will not defend minorities or immigrants, and they certainly, absolutely, will not defend the working class.

I know it’s not popular, but it’s times like right now that I get the most pissed off at the both side boosters crawling around calling the CPC and LPC both “neo-liberal” when there are clear and obvious policy and attitude differences between the two parties. Would the CPC have cancelled student loan interest and allowed decades to repay? No. Would the CPC have funded $10 a day childcare nation wide? No. Would the CPC tax carbon, promote EVs, invest in charging infrastructure? No. Would the CPC have invested the resources to lift 91 water boil advisories , and be working on the others? No. Would the CPC have enforced support for women’s healthcare? No. Would they be working with the NDP for a national pharmacare program? No. Legal cannabis? Hahahaha No.

I could go on and on and on about the sunlike levels of daylight between the conservative neoliberal CPC and the liberal LPC parties but I feel like I’d be screaming into the void at this point.

We keep up with these false equivalents, not give the LPC credit for their success, and we are just going to end up with the political equivalent of governance by blacked out F150 with skeleton middle finger stickers. Fuck

Confused about the ending of Metro 2033

In the bad ending of the game, you bomb some volcano looking region of the city with what looks like nukes to kill the dark ones. Got lots of questions about that. Why was that area glowing red? Why were the dark ones thought to be there while during the game they were quite close to human settlements? Or if human settlements...


In the book I don’t believe they were nukes, just described as a pre-war missle silo. They fire 4 into the gardens, it’s pretty clear in the games that the gardens and surrounding area are the home of the dark ones, they live really right on top of humanity. I haven’t played last light tho so I’m not sure about anything else.


This is not accurate, the majority on the electoral reform committee on the house was the NDP, Greens, CPC and BLoc. They passed from committee reccomendations that ensured electoral reform wouldn’t pass the house. They should wear this as much as anyone.


Justin Trudeau also didn’t force anyone into a commuter F150. The number of people blaming Trudeau for their shitty choice in gas guzzler is too high.


There are a few mistakes worth pointing out here. I’ll try not to “flame you” and just get to the mistakes or misconceptions. First, just because time has passed does not mean the impact of slavery is gone, not for the countries that were sources of slaves nor the families descended from slaves nor the states that benefitted from slavery. Think of the way wealth and influence get passed down between generations. In a similar way the King and the house of Windsor accumulates intergenerational wealth on the backs of slavery, the decendents of slaves accrued an intergenerational debt that is still weighing on many of them. The whole idea that historical wrongs “impacts nobody today” is, frankly, just false.

Another issue is this idea that slavery doesn’t continue to impact these countries seeking or reccomended for reparations. There areany lingering impacts, but let’s just look at population impacts. Conservatively,1833 was 8 generations ago. Take just 2 people out of a slave source country 8 generations ago, and assume they would have stayed behind to have children, assume 3 kids per pair, that’s 3281 people just missing from that country. 3281 people that would have worked, farmed, conducted trade, produced art and conducted academics for every 2 slaves taken in 1833. How many slaves were taken? Just based on the population math how can anyone deny the impact.

Another mistake is to conflate you, personally, with the state. The state is permanent, its human members ephemeral. You may not personally be responsible for slavery, you may not benefit in any way, but the state did and the state is still responsible today for its historical wrongs and the continuing damage. You’re worried about your £569, but a bigger concern is that the state can freely commit attrocity, then avoid culpability by just waiting out the directly impacted. Honestly, you should be focused not on denying the damage of slavery, historical and current, and focus more on which rich asshole the state should tap to make pay. Got any old money arristocratic families hanging around the UK that could use lighter wallets?

Federal NDP targets blue seats in Alberta, bets on urban prairie appetite for change (

The federal New Democrats are eyeing Alberta's urban-rural divide as a way to flip blue seats in the next general election. Leader Jagmeet Singh's recent visit to Edmonton is part of a shift in the party's approach that will have him spend more time in fewer places as a way to deepen connections with people in certain regions of...


The liberals get a lot of flak for not changing the electoral system, but I think that flak is unearned. Unpopular opinion time: The CPC, NDP and GPC deserve every bit as much blame, if not more, for the failure to move away from fptp. Why? They banded together in committee to poison any hope of getting electoral reform past the Senate or even the house. Trudeau , naively I think, promised to do things differently from Harper. True to his promise he balanced the electoral reform house committee by popular vote, instead of using his majority power. This meant that the opposition parties could outvote the liberals in committee and, seemingly forgotten by everyone, the opposition parties welded that power to deliver a complete nonsensical , posion pill filled committee report / reccomendation to the house which had no real chance of passing. That document, a worst of all ideas document if I ever saw it, threw out all ideas put forward by the LPC (the majority in the house, who had a free vote on this) instead favoring CPC demands for a referendum, NDP demands for a vague and nonspecific system that wasn’t STV, but was proportional. The GPC and Bloc got in on it, and passed this report that had no chance , none, of passing the house. Even if it had passed the house it wouldn’t have got past the Senate and the committee delayed their report so long nothing could be done before the next election.

I know parliamentary procedure is boring, and most people don’t follow it, but I do and I saw what happened here. The LPC failure was only in so far as they didn’t just stomp all over the opposition to impose their changes. The LPC acted in good faith instead and got politiced so bad people still blame them .


That’s the tale the hive mind landed on, yup.


There is a big culture of shaming and questioning people who buy small vehicles in the US and Canada. From salesmen who use it to push bigger, more profitable vehicles to people, to marketers who prey on fear and toxic masculinity to sell , and to everyday people who perpetuate the myths and fear, teasing and mocking their fellows who might have chosen a smaller vehicle. So here we are, barely a small vehicle to be bought and all maxed out on credit to drive the biggest rig we can. Well interest rates are headed up, gas is only going to get more expensive and suddenly that big rig with the the big operating cost shouldn’t seem like such a good idea.


It’s the mortgage and other loan interest rates that I’m meaning to allude to here. People facing a 30% increase in mortgages or rent might find that shelling out for that expensive car, it’s maintenance and operation isn’t as tenible as it was a year ago. That’s the whole point of those rate hikes, to stop us buying everything else and push price growth back in line.


I bought mine years ago and was told I’d regret it when the refresh came.


You can easily talk to preschoolers about this stuff. A little bit of information about the world they live in doesn’t hurt them in the least.

Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate” (

In the same week large swaths of the US were under extreme heat warnings, Joe Biden’s Justice Department filed its most recent motion to dismiss a landmark climate case by arguing that nothing in the Constitution guarantees the right to a secure climate.


The constitution gotta protect guns in case the king of England invades your F250 but heaven forbid you protect the environment.


This is a close second to beelzeboss for me.


sorry this is what I thought of reading this.


The internet archive has been an invaluable resource to my academic work, preserving sources that otherwise would have been lost to time.

Shame to see it under attack as of late.


Given the age of the music they cite this whole thing reminds me how ridiculously long copyright terms are.


SUV, Truck, SUV, SUV, SUV, SUV, sedan, SUV, SUV, SUV, SUV.

The culture problem around big vehicles we’ve created with bad regulation and aggressive marketing is depressing.


What makes a log cabin gay? Put a couple of self hating Republicans in it or is there more to it than that?

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