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Computers have CMOS batteries. They are pretty cheap. I don’t know why they haven’t been added yet.


See this is how effective Russian propaganda can be. I listened to a podcast about this not too long ago.

Russian media has described the situation as this: Ukraine wants to be more independent of Russian influence. This means Ukraine is now more nationalistic. The Nazis were also at one point described as Nationalists. Therefore, a country like Ukraine wanting more independence and autonomy = Nationalism = Nazi. Nazism is bad and the Soviet Union fought hard against them in WW2 and has celebrated this victory ever since.

Therefore Ukraine = Nazis.

Obviously this is complete bullshit rife with falsehoods and misinformation. But it has been enough to convince the average gopnik to join the Russian army and fight. Putin gets his loyal army.

The irony here is that Putin being a quasi dictator reminiscent of Hitler makes him much closer to a Nazi than any Ukrainians are.

However, there is that Azoz battalion that are crazy white supremacists. The only reason they’ve been tolerated on the Ukrainian side is “my enemy’s enemy is my friend, type thinking”. Once the war is over, they won’t be tolerated anymore.


Apex Legends works fine on my Steam Deck. It’s awesome now that there’s cross progression now finally across Steam, Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo. I had progress across all of them and it’s all together in one account now.

I really enjoyed the last season of Fortnite. The OG season where they brought back the style and gameplay of how Fortnite was when it first launched its Battle Royale mode. The new season is very gimmicky and I don’t like it. But my younger brothers and cousins love it. It would be amazing to be able to play with them on Steam Deck. If Apex can do it, so should Fortnite.

How will we ever get away from plastics when they are ubiquitous for safety

Plastic seals food, sterile medical implements, medicine, beverages, etc… it’s seems like plastic is used as a way to seal things safely. Post pandemic rising, I see even more. My work used to be have plastic utensils in the cafeteria, for example, an already wasteful thing. Now, post-2020, every fork, knife, and spoon is...


Getting rid of Internal combustion engined cars more reasonable. EVs aren’t perfect, but they are much better than ICE cars as far as pollution goes.


Agreed. I think cash should always be there as a fallback. But 9/10, I prefer to use card because cash is so dirty, and is harder to keep track of.

If I go to my bank app. I know exactly how much I have. Whereas if I keep cash in my wallet, I have to count it all out and keep track of it in my head. I don’t like that. It’s just more awkward for me.


‘Military GRADE encryption’ *


I was all in on the Apple Eco System. I had a MacBook Pro, Apple TV, Iphone, Apple Watch etc. Then my 2010 MacBook Pro stopped getting updates because Apple said its hardware couldn’t keep up with the new features they were adding.

I loved that thing. I had put extra RAM in it and replaced the Hard Drive with an SSD. Even though Apple said it was ‘too old to receive support’, it ran like a dream for several more years when I installed Linux on it. It was great for my constant distro hopping. I used it until it died in 2021.

I think it was around 2017 when Apple stopped supporting that generation of MacBook. High Sierra was the last Mac OS version to get native support. At that stage, I already had to use third party apps to do things like set ‘night mode’ to reduce eye strain at night and control my Apple TV because Apple refused to add these features natively.

Now in late 2023, you couldn’t pay me to use an Apple Product. I’m all in on FOSS. I went from an Iphone to a Fairphone. From A MacBook Pro and Apple TV to a Tuxedo Aura 15, Steam Deck and running my own Jellyfin server on an Asus laptop with a headless Ubuntu installation.

I also went from iMessage to Signal, Apple Keychain to Bitwarden, Safari to Firefox etc

I have Fedora installed on my main desktop but I don’t use that much these days. My gf has been hinting at getting me Fairbuds XL for Christmas and I honestly can’t wait for the day that Linux will be viable instead of Android.

TL;DR Apple’s greed drove me to try Linux, and now I’m never going back lol


In what world could Ireland be considered predominantly Protestant.

Traditionally, Catholics outnumber Protestants by a significant margin.

Nowadays, people are becoming more atheist if anything.


Dumb watch. I have a digital Casio watch (A158W) and it’s great. The battery lasts years and is easy to replace. It’s cheap and looks decent enough.

Maybe in years down the line when Smart Watches become cheap, easier to fix and give more health features, I might be more tempted. But right now, I love my Casio and highly recommend it.


Modern problems require modern solutions

FrankTheHealer, (edited )

Jewish people aren’t an ethnic group any more than Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc.

Judaism is simply a religion.

Edit: Well TIL. Apologies, I didn’t mean to appear ignorant. Thank you to the people who have pointed out my misunderstanding. I will be reading more about this and try to get a better grasp on this topic.


This has ‘back in my day’ energy.


Is this how we win over the Trump crowd? Attributing various philosophy quotes to Dale Earnhard. Cuz if so, I would love it. We can make bumper stickers and everything.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Dale Earnhardt”

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...


Very fair and measured approach. I wish more Americans would adopt this strategy.


What, the CoD with the lazy short single player campaign. The lazy and dull zombies mode. And multiplayer consisting of just recycling old maps.

Also the fact that it takes up an inordinate amount of Hard Drive space since it also requires an installation of Call of Duty Warzone.

I mean ffs, it still doesn’t even work on Steam Deck.

Microsoft will have their work cut out for them to try and get the series back on track because this is a let down for players. Anyone paying 70USD for this bullshit has only themselves to blame.


“Never forget, in the story of Jesus, the hero was Killed by the state”

Run the Jewels


Ireland gets a ton of rain, and all of our cattle is grass fed. Turns out, cows that eat organic grass from rainy parts of the world make great milk and butter.

I’m from Ireland and our milk, butter, cream and even yogurt is fantastic.

I’m 26 but will literally have bread and butter with a glass of milk as a bed time snack.

There are some iffy brands locally, but Kerrygold is god tier.

I’ve been toying with the idea of going full vegan now that there are good plant based alternatives. But I will always miss Irish dairy.


In Ireland, this is already a thing between two people who have an account with the same bank.

Online banks like Revolut and N26 tend to be instant between each other too.

Would be nice to have this between all banks in the EU though.

FrankTheHealer, (edited )

Well isn’t Gnome the default and therefore, more likely to be Fedoras focus?


Protonmail with Tutanota as a backup.

My college email is Google though. So I have to use that if I want to make an appointment with someone from the college or if I need to message a lecturer. Gmail is Fine*, the app is functional etc. But I don’t like Google as a company. Their reach and management give me pause. Would rather they get broken up and invest more in FOSS. But I’m doubtful I’ll see that any time soon.


Twitter adds API access fees and removes moderation.

Companies: remove Twitter integration

Elon: Autistic screeching


And taxing companies that produce a significant amount of carbon emissions?


I’ve watched every single episode of zero Punctuation. Holy fuck. This is huge.


Irish people by and large support Gaza and the Palestinian people. We see Israel’s treatment of them as something like how the Brits treated us.


Can anyone in the Miami area egg his house please.


I agree.

Like, more people should ask themselves, what is the function of a society? Is it to merely deliver wealth to the ruling class? Is it to create endless growth for corporations? Is it to maintain the status quo at all costs?

No, when all is said and done, the core fundamental of society should be the following, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” meaning, if you are able to be a good teacher/ doctor/ engineer/ farmer/ programmer/ writer etc etc then do that. Do what you do well. Society requires all of the above to function effectively. However, on the other hand, as a reward or payment for this, you should be guaranteed all the things that a human needs, like housing, education, medical care, heat, food, water, transport, electricity, internet access etc.

Make sure everyone has at least what they need, so that people can then focus on what they want and like.

Now, the above lacks nuance and is probably a huge over simplification, but I truly believe modern society should be more in line with this philosophy. But it’s not. It is largely designed to send wealth and profit to the 1% and everyone else be damned. And there is no good justifiable reason for it.

Elon Musk bought Twitter for 43 billion. His standard of living didn’t change not one iota after the transaction. All he’s done is piss people off and drive away staff and users alike since then. He doesn’t need 43 billion. Heck, he doesn’t even need 1 billion. How many people could be given a home, an education, a clean bill of health with that money. It sickens me to think about it.

But then, if you mention socialism or communism or Marx or Engels, then suddenly, you are the devil incarnate. Like, we don’t need to be saluting statues of Lenin or or adding a hammer and sickle to flags, but maybe just implementing legislation that undoes that money siphon from the working class and ensures people have what they need isn’t such an evil idea ffs.

Anyhow, feel free to downvote, just my thoughts.


Cafes near me don’t open late a lot of the time. They close at about 5pm. So if you want some place to hang out after work? You have no choice other than a bar.

I hate it.


Being easier to access high capacity and/or higher rate of fire weapons

A lack of support causing more people to experience mental health issues

Suburbanization and urban sprawl causing people to feel more isolated

24/7 need channels filling people’s heads with bullshit?

Just a few ideas.


Two bears high fiving

No it actually looks like two bears moving away from a bomb


Software that displays programs on screen. X11 goes way back and is inefficient. Wayland is the new standard but is seeing regular improvement and updates. I know Fedora have already moved to Wayland. I think Ubuntu have now too. Mint going this direction is good news.

TLDR, software that displays apps on screen. X11 is old and awkward. Wayland is new and better but has been slowly becoming standard.


Good. More EVs on the market will lower prices for people buying their first car or who are worried about making the jump to EVs.

Obviously public transit is better for dense urban areas but for people living rurally or in the suburbs, EVs need to be more accessible.


Between this on Apple TV+ and Netflix cancelling Patriot Act with Hassan Minaj, it seems there is definitely a big issue with profit driven platforms worried about pissing off actual nations by literally just stating facts.

I hope Jon Stewart can do a deal with another platform and make this kind of content again. But I doubt any big names will want to after this.


I dare you to post on a programming community, asking how long it would take for the average software developer to save 200k USD. Maybe only if you are a senior developer working for a huge silicon valley company. Or maybe working in a niche role that no one else can do so you can negotiate a better salary.

But the average college graduate coming into that field is not making anywhere near enough to save 200K. Especially not in the US because of student loans. And likely not overseas either because the IT sector isn’t as big as it would be in the US.

For context, I live in Ireland, and while we do have a lot of big companies setting up shop here, literally just for tax reasons, and we have most university courses paid for by the government (aside from 3k that most students must pay themselves). But even despite all that, the cost of living is horrendous here. Nobody that doesn’t already come from wealth would be able to save 200K.

So respectfully, you need a reality check if you think that just by having a marketable skill, one can realistically achieve what’s necessary to own their own home in this day and age.


PeRhApS iT wIlL bOoSt GrOwTh

This to me seems like he’s just trying to help out his buddies before he loses the next general election.


Jesus fucking christ. Why are they hell bent on destroying themselves.

The fact that Reddit is available from a search engine is one of the main reasons for its popularity imo.


See also: Reddit’s direction to eventually IPO


Wasn’t there another TikTok where someone takes this howl and turns it into a metal song?

Unity CEO John Riccitiello is retiring, effective immediately (

John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity, the company whose 3D game engine had recently seen backlash from developers over proposed fee structures, will retire as CEO, president, and board chairman at the company, according to a press release issued late on a Monday afternoon, one many observe as a holiday.


Patient Gamers FTW


FNV is amazing. I’ve gotten all the achievements on Xbox and I recently finished another playthrough on my Steam Deck. Absolutely amazing game


I got a good laugh from this. Thanks OP


You literally Google, Kodi or Jellyfin whenever you want, and start building your own media library. Then you can cancel all these crazy subscriptions and just enjoy your shows/ films


Is this the same guy that did Sky UI and Fall UI for Skyrim and and Fallout 4

The fact that these features aren’t standard is crazy to me. Like even now in Skyrim, after all these years, you can’t even sort items in a chest by type. They are just all mashed together in a big random list.


Ireland and particularly the Irish language (Gaeilge) has a lot of them.

My favourite one in Irish is

“Tá mé ar mhuin na muice” which literally means “Im on the pigs back” This means that you are well or that you are having a good day etc. Sometimes people will jokingly say this in English too, usually to friends family etc

“How are you today?” “I’m on the pigs back”

There’s loads of other ones too that people say, many of which probably have roots in the Irish language but we don’t know since the Brits made it illegal to speak Irish during their rule of Ireland.

“You’re gas!” They are very funny. Sometimes used in addition to craic (craic, pronounced Crack, is an Irish word for good natured shenanigans or fun) You could say “They are gas craic all together” Meaning this person or people is exceptionally funny or enjoyable to be around.

Some others

“I will in me hole” I will not do that

“I will, yeah!” I will not do that

“It’s mighty tack” Of good quality

“Ah sure, you know yourself now” Kind of like saying ‘thats how it is I guess’

“If there was work in the bed, he’d sleep on the floor” This person is very lazy

“She’d pull up floorboards looking for pipe” This woman is promiscuous/ horny

“Tis steep enough” Said when commenting about the price of something being high

“There’s an aul nip in the breeze” Said if it is somewhat cold outside

“Tis fierce close” It’s warm/ humid outside

“It’s Baltic” The weather is very cold

“It’s a massive day” It’s sunny and pleasant outside

“He’s a bit of a black guard” (black guard, pronounced ‘blaggard’) This person is silly, funny or may not be trust worthy

“I battered him” I physically beat him up

“He’s an awful messer” This person is playful, foolish or silly

“I’m wrecked” I’m tired

“I’m tipping away” Usually said in response to ‘how are you?’ It means I’m doing okay, taking it easy

“How’s she cutting?” How is it going/ how has your day been

“Now we’re sucking diesel!” Now we are doing well! Can sometimes be used as an exclamation when something goes well. If you fixed a problem or are making good progress.

“I’d do be at that the whole time” I do something regularly or habitually. Sometimes shortened into fewer sounds/syllables, sounding something ‘I’d-d’be at dat the whole time’ though that would usually be an older person with a very strong accent. Most Irish people these days would have a comparitively mild accent.

“Tis pure shite” It’s very bad/ of poor quality

“A sniper wouldn’t take her out” This person is unattractive

“He’d get up on a gust of wind” This person is very horny/ promiscuous

“I’m as sick as a small hospital” I am very unwell

“I’m as sick as a plane to Lourdes” Also means I am unwell. Older people like to travel to places of religious significance hoping for a miracle to heal them if they are sick or unwell.

“I’m as shook as a hand at mass” I am very stressed/ tired/ worn out. Comes from ‘offering a sign of peace’ in Catholic mass, where you shake the hands of everyone sitting next to you, in front and behind you.

There’s a ton of others. They can also be quite regional. I’m from Cork in the south of the country, so these ones tend to be more popular here. There are other ones more commonly used elsewhere in Ireland.


We fell into each other’s eye, sounds so sweet, romantic even. I might use that haha

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