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My impression is just that nobody has the money for it anymore.


Money is time. When you spend all of your time and energy focusing on working, eating, and sleeping because you’re too broke to do anything else, it doesn’t leave you with much time or energy to care about christmas.


But seriously, why are there straps on his legs?


MREs are designed to turn into gut plugs so after eating those for a while grabbing some good old burger king colon blow when you get back to base is probably a straight up religious experience.


If I’m ordering it at work it’s because I’m at work and can’t pick it up myself. I sometimes do that for lunch when I’m working overtime to treat myself. If I’m ordering it at home it’s usually because I’m indesposed in some way. In both situations picking the stuff up myself wasn’t a feasable option but I still wanted the stuff enough that I was willing to pay more for it.

For example I’m pretty sure I currently have RSV so last night I door dashed some food from one of my favorite resturants and doubledashed a pharmacy for some pedialyte and cold medicine. I could have gone out to grab the stuff myself but I would have potentially infected everyone I came in contact with. By going through a delivery service I didn’t risk infecting anyone and I didn’t have to drag my miserable snot laden wheezing self out of the house.

I’ve also only ever personally had one quality issue with door dash which wasn’t that major anyways. Otherwise everything has always arrived perfectly fine.

This may seem kind of stupid but I am kind of stupid, is there a list somewhere of phrases that are stupid or insensitive racially or gender biased?

I just got up from conversation with a couple of older black men, that I said “well I got to go back to work and start cracking the whip.” And it occurred to me then that it was probably a really insensitive stupid thing to say....


You completely missed an opporitunity for kraut-cars.


People think France is bad, but they have objective proof about the UK.


When the water pressure is too high for your bidet.


I am guilty of doing that but only because my computer keyboard doesn’t have an ñ.


I’m not on my computer. My phone keyboard does all sorts of fun crazy things; some of them are even intentional.


By doing so you are engaging with the content which is exactly what the clickbait is supposed to get you to do. Just block them and move on. Any engagment boosts their content.


I used to work for a big hardware company and we regularly sold heated jacket that just accepted tool batteries. For example our Milwaukee jackets just accepted the Milwaukee tool batteries. So when you’re on the worksite you just swap out and recharge the batteries as needed with all of the other tool batteries. I got one of those jackets myself once and they are super nice. It could toggle between 3 different power levels depending on what you needed and the battery actually lasted a surprisingly long time.

As far as the rest of your body goes just layer up. Long wool (or goretex if you have the money for it,) socks, long underwear, thermal pants, boots, gloves, ski mask, and maybe an additional hat plus your coat hood. Of course you also want torso layers with the heated jacket but if you’re using one of those then it will be doing most of the heavy lifting as far as keeping you warm goes. If you frequently get cold feet/hands then you can also add glove liners and an extra pair of socks or just toss some instant heat packs in your socks and gloves as needed (they normally last several hours).

Also when it comes to your inner layers avoid cotton like the plague. The saying in boyscouts was always “cotton kills” because even though cotton is insulating, it loses all of its insulating properties the moment it becomes even slightly damp and it will not dry on its own. When it gets wet, wearing cotton is worse than wearing nothing at all. I personally made that mistake once and I was literally better off once I pulled off my socks and just walked around with my bare feet in my boots. When it comes to fabric choice the ideal choice is wool because it’s insulating and getting a little wet doesn’t impact that too much. But if all you have are synthetic fabrics then go with those; they typically don’t insulate as well but they still work better than cotton when they get wet. If you have the money and feel like splurging, goretex is a synthetic fabric that is supposed to be even better than wool; I’ve never gotten the opporitunity to try it out though so I can’t say much there.


Well, I spend the first half of the year with depression so bad I rarely left my bed and basically didn’t work for 6 months straight. I’ve spent the second half of the year finally on working depression meds again and spending every spare cent on mortgage repayments so I can keep my house. Those should be finishing up early next year so next year is going to be my year because if anything this has taught me how to survive on very little money so I will feel positively rich compared to before.

So this year was a bust but I’m going to get so much shit done next year. I’m thinking my house (which currently looks like a crackhouse) is due for a whole lot of remoddling next year.


Thank you. It wasn’t much I did though. I just spun the wheel of pharmacology a few times and finally got it to land on the right med. The only reason it got so bad this time was because it took a few more spins than usual to hit the right one. So far that was the unluckiest I’ve ever been in that regard.


Most Americans don’t drink tea. The only things that I know they are used for are tea and instant noodles.


At 110V that’s a 20A kettle. So you aren’t getting that high of wattage kettle in the US. Most standard US residential breakers are only 20A (some are only 15A) and they aren’t designed to continuously run near the max amperage so the biggest we can run on a “normal” circuit is probably around a 1760W kettle but it would also have to be the only thing running on that circuit at the time.


Shokz are awesome. I can’t have my hearing impared at work for safety and just practical reasons but the shokz don’t block my hearing so they’re fine. The battery on them can also easily last through a whole 12 hour shift. I’ve had mine for a couple of years now and only just recently one of the buttons has started to act up, otherwise I’ve had no problems with them.


I frequently need to clean my ears due to wax issues and I have used q-tips to do so for my entire life. I have only ever been told that my ears are immaculate at anual exams so this definitely depends on the person.


If you’re looking for an actual “all-purpose” lubricant try tri-flow lubricant. It’s technically a chain lube but it works pretty well for most light duty household stuff and it sticks around a whole lot longer than WD40. Generally wherever you think WD40 is a good idea that stuff will usually work better. The only downside is that it smells strongly like bananas for a while after you spray it on because it contains banana oil. It’s not a bad smell but it’s definitely noticable.

WD40 is a bit of a catch all. It kind of does a lot of things but it isn’t great at any of them. It’s kind of a penetrating oil for busting things loose but it doesn’t work nearly as well as an actual penetrating oil. It’s kind of a part cleaner but it won’t work nearly as well as an actual part cleaner. It’s kind of a lubricant but it won’t work nearly as well as an actual lubricant. If you had one can of stuff to bring with you to a deserted island then WD40 would be the best thing to bring. But other than that there is always a better dedicated spray for whatever you want to do.


In all my years of driving complete beaters in awful road conditions, I’ve never encountered a mechanical failure that was that dangerous. The closest would be when I had a strut snap and punch a hole in my tire while driving down the highway. But even that didn’t wind up being particularly dangerous. I still had way more than enough control to just make a controlled stop on the side of the road.

The only mechanical failure I can think of which doesn’t always just allow you to make a controlled stop is a busted brake line or master cylinder. But a lot of times that will still result in a slow enough loss of braking capability that you still have time to make a controlled stop before your braking ability is gone. Everything else that I can think of will render the vehicle completely undrivable before it breaks in significantly dangerous way. Of course that doesn’t mean that things won’t break in a far more expensive way if ignored.


That’s fair. But even so, as long as you have brakes then you can always stop. As long as you have brakes and steering you can always stop fairly safely. I already said a sudden brake failure could be dangerous. I can’t think of any way you suddenly completely lose steering. There are plenty of failures that make steering way harder but I’ve seen a vehicle completely dragging a dead front tire sideways (hit a deer and broke something major, I was only a witness so I don’t know what) still have enough steering ability to safely pull over. I guess your steering wheel could fall off but I’ve never heard of that happening without someone tampering with it.


Factorio. I tried it years ago and it just never clicked. I just started playing it again and suffice it to say I have gotten very little sleep over the past couple weeks.


The factory must expand to meet the ever expanding needs of the factory.


What ad blocker are you using? I’m using ublock origin and I still haven’t seen the ad blocker blocker thing on anything.


Even though Pi hole doesn’t block youtube ads, that’s probably what is triggering the ad blocker blocker. Unfortunately I don’t know a way around that but I’m sure someone in one of the pihole communities has figured it out.


It’s a little weird because its definitely slower on my desktop but on my laptop (with the same account, browser, and extensions) it’s perfectly fine. I’m guessing that there’s some AB testing going on.


What? There already is porn. A lot of it.


That sentence makes no sense. That’s like saying “this ‘website’-shit isn’t helping the internet grow tbh.”

Instances are Lemmy. They’re all seperate platforms that just so happen to share stuff and use mostly the same code. It’s just people hosting their own social media sites.


I’m not going to indulge your kink.


Store them burried in a bucket of dry sand. That’s literally how they get stored for disposal because that’s the best place for them to be if they do pop.


To be fair, per chrystian mythos, god didn’t create humans with original sin. Eve caused original sin by eating the forbidden fruit. Before that humans were completely sinless like other animals. Now why god created a temptation sin tree is a better question.


Original sin is passed on by birth so I’m pretty sure if they bred into the line of adam and eve then their offspring become infected with original sin. So those that are immune are only those who are entirely seperate from the line of adam and eve. It’s basically just an incurable STD.


The fastest way to liquify a wrench.


To be fair, if you play cards right you can make a lot of money. Poker tounament players do get sponsors.


I’m an environmental chamber technician. I fix and test the equipment that does all of the temperature and humidity testing for most electronics from consumer grade stuff to stuff that is literally going into space. Basically an environmental chamber is just a programable box that is refrigerated and/or heated that you put stuff into to see how it performs at different temperatures. The ones I work on also often have programable humidity levels for testing equipment under basically any normal atmospheric conditions. The ones I work with are anywhere between the size of a household microwave and slightly larger than Volkswagen Beetle. The ones that don’t use liquid nitrogen can manage temperatures anywhere between 200C and -75C. The liquid nitrogen ones can of course manage temps as low as liquid nitrogen gets.

As far as education and certifications go, there isn’t much. In the US you do need an EPA 608 certification to work with refrigerants but that only cost like $100 (my employer covered it) and it’s a lifetime certification. Everything else was just on the job training. I just got mentored by some coworkers, did some independant study, and practiced. The biggest thing is just haveing a technical mindset. Troubleshooting is troubleshooting so basically if you’re someone who can usually figure out how to fix things on their own then odds are you could do my job with minimal refrigeration training.

As far as getting into the same niche today, I definitely would if I could find the job (it’s not all that common). I love working with refrigeration and troubleshooting these machines scratches tha puzzle solving itch in my brain. It’s fun to see the unique options that certain customers get like water cooled systems or liquid nitrogen boost units. Also seeing as how these machines need to be benchmarked at a known ambient temp, it is one the very few refrigeration related jobs that you get to do from a strictly climate controlled building. It is always exactly 23C in my work area because that’s exactly what our testing spec calls for. To top it all off the pay isn’t bad. I could be making a bit more in normal HVAC but not much more and, unlike HVAC, my equipment comes to me in my climate controlled shop. I don’t have to climb up on a roof when it’s 40C outside to fix someone’s AC.


I just got around it by not using roku. Just get a cheap used laptop somewhere and plug it into your TV. It doesn’t even need to have a working screen. For the remote I just use my phone and the Unified Remote app. That app let’s you use your phone as an input device for any computer on the same network that has the client software installed. Play Store App Link

Messed up things a doctor did to you or someone you know? / Bad experiences with doctors

Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?...


When I first got officially diagnosed with depression the doc prescribed me an antidepressant and when I asked about sideffects he said “noone ever gets any sideffects from this med”. It literally had a black box warning and a CVS recipt of known sideeffects. Also yes there were definitely sideffects. Luckily the pharmacist wasn’t a moron like the doc and actually told me what to expect.


This depends on the antidepressant. Most modern antidepressants have a relatively short half-life in the body. For example the one I’m on now has a half-life of about 10 hours. However one of the first SSRIs and the still most frequently prescribed one, Fluoxetine, has a half life of 4 days for the medication itself and its metabolite has a half-life of up to 10 days. So that one does literally take weeks to fully build up in the blood and that’s probably why doctors use that line.

Regardless, even with the shorter half-life drugs it does take a couple of weeks for your brain to adjust to the altered neurotransmitter levels. So even if it’s not technically “waiting for it to build up in the blood”, the result is the same and it’s an easily understandable explanation for doctors to use even if it’s not technically correct.

Fosheze, (edited )

There are a lot of really shitty doctors out there that do shit like that but there are still decent ones too. Luckily the one in my initial post wasn’t my primary care doc. I couldn’t get in to see my normal doc at the time so I just got Dr. Dumbass instead.

My primary care doc is actually great with dealing with my depression despite it not being his area of expertise. I’d love to get in to see a psych and therapist but they’re all so booked up my doctor can’t even get me on a waiting list so he just does the best he can on his own. He literally called up that department while I was in the office with him and they basically gave him a flat no and then hung up on him. Durring one of my initial appointments he just straight up told me that mental health isn’t an area he knows much about but as time went on it became clear that he was putting in a ton of effort to actually educate himself. Now whenever I’m having an issue related to my depression or medications sideeffects he can quickly come up with multiple potential solutions discuss the pros and cons of each one with me and ask which one I want to try. Needless to say I will be keeping this doctor even if it means I need to lock him in my basement.


They do generally give announcements when they defed from larger instances. But they are also constantly defederating from numerous spam instances and such that are constantly popping up so making a dedicated anouncment for each one is a bit much. They do however do a good job with keeping fediseer updated whith all of the instances they defederated and the reason. So if you want specific info on smaller instances then I would check there.

Considering I spend most of my time on Lemmy just scrolling through all and I don’t recognize the instance OP mentioned, I’m assuming it is a fairly and the LW admins didn’t see a reason for a full blown announcement.

Fosheze, (edited )

With Three Mile Island everything that could go wrong did and it still wound up being an overblown non-issue. There have been exactly 0 environmental or health impacts due to Three Mile Island despite it being the worst nuclear disaster in US history.

Fukushima was built in a stupid location. How about we don’t build nuclear power plants on fault lines in tsunami prone areas. Literally 4 different fault lines converge on Japan, it is not a place anyone should be building nuclear power plants.


It definitely is. I had to double check because the chewing was so faint that I missed it the first time. The crab violence on the other hand is very blatant.


I’m still het. I’m just not an obligate het.

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