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Safari is by far the best browser for battery performance. I’m uncertain if this would translate over to safari running in darling when it supports guis fully.

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....


They are probably publishing this because they’ve recently made bard immune to such attack. This is google PR.


There isn’t many times when either side wants the war. They usually want something else and the war is the result of one side doing something and the other stopping them.

Everyone wants peace, every war is fought for peace. It’s just the type of peace that causes war.

Israel doesn’t want war, they want all of the people in Gaza gone. Gaza doesn’t want war, they want Israelis gone. Both have a preference for peace, just not a peace both sides will agree to.

Of course some defense companies and those that seek violence want war. But nations and most people don’t. Wars never great.


When I said Gaza wants Israeli gone, it was probably an over simplification. They would probably be happy without the Israeli boot on their neck. If that’s a one state or two state solution. Being recognised as citizens with rights is probably the desire of most Palestinians.


Both cut spending to military spending to the point there was questions about the ability of the military to act.


Google’s paying for it and Apple’s going to be using jibe.

It the same shit as Google being the default search on safari and iPhone.

Data scraping and advertising dollars.

Google currently has very limited insight about iPhone users messaging habits. iPhone users are using apple’s iMessage, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, telegram, signal, discord, slack etc. Most of which have limited Google interactions. On Android Google at least gets some info from third party messaging services. Like use time, installation, stored data size etc. On iPhone they can only scrap through search and Gmail.

Google has been trying to crack the messaging space for a while. They keep dropping messaging apps because they haven’t been able to get the mass adoption. They’ve found their solution with RCS.

Take a open protocol that no carriers will seriously implement. Adapt it to your needs and restrict acces to it (no third party apps only Google and limited second party like Samsung). Create the implementation (jibe) give it to the carriers. When carriers don’t do it, make a fallback to jibe in the messenger app. Unlike apple, Google messaging service is hard to notice - therefore easier to slip by. RCS messages have small text only at the start and a slightly different shade of blue.

Once it’s established on Android. Publicly shame apple for not using your open standard, where most messages run through your server. Privately pay them for adoption and ensure it meshes with your version of the open standard. Taking away one of the last reasons the messenger app on android has to avoid Google by default.


You do need a messenger app. Google wants you believe you don’t but you do.

It’s baked into Google messages and Samsung messages (Samsung messages is just rebranded Google messages). It pre installed and defaulted if the person you tried to text can receive it.

Google RCS goes through the internet, not carrier networks. Most likely Google jibe service. Which you carrier may have Google implement for them, if not it will default to Google’s own jibe service.


It’s more likely Google has paid them.

There would have to be a court case and ruling before Apple could be threatened with a fine. For messaging this isn’t the case (so far). Apple doesn’t restrict access to messaging apps. You can install iMessage competitors.

The RCS apple is implementing is Google’s standard. That they control and have restricted access to. So far only Google, Samsung and Apple have been allowed to use it.


Google probably isn’t paying enough.

Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year (

In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard. The feature will launch via a software update “later next year” and bring a wide range of iMessage-style features to messaging between iPhone and Android users....


Many carries use Google Jibe service for their RCS implementation.


Samsung’s app is just rebranded Google app.


It remains to be seen whether Profiles are an RCS feature or something that Google (Messages) is managing and hosting itself.

This misconception that RCS isn’t just Google in a big hat is strong.

If your using RCS it is highly probable you or one of your contacts are being provided with RCS through Jibe.

Jibe is Google’s proprietary RCS backend. Carriers aren’t implementing RCS so Google does it for them. RCS isn’t a proper open standard, it’s Google trying to jam it’s messaging service into your life through the backdoor.

Developers can’t make custom frontends for RCS because Google won’t let them. Only Google and device manufacturers can.

They are trying to force apple into this system as well. They hope to get iMessage to support it. So they’ll have their messaging system embedded into every Android or iPhone.

The worst part is it barely works. I’ll get more unable to deliver over RCS than I’ve ever seen on Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp. As soon I switch back to SMS it delivers straight away. The fact it doesn’t switch automatically further frustrates me because it’ll leave messages hanging, when you expect the text messaging app to send texts.

OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login. (

Update…Per Microsoft’s instructions, disabled all tracking protections in Safari and requested desktop mode and it works. Their instructions say turn protections back on after using teams… 😐...


It’s harder to track you in some browsers, like safari and Firefox.

But the best apps are the ones that tell you to go to the web page to access some key feature. Despite the website telling you, you need to download the app.


Patents trade public disclosure of technology for a limited time exclusive use of the technology. Without them companies are less likely to publicly disclose any technologies they develop.


The idea/spirit of patents is a good one.

It enables generic medicine - as patented medicine needs to publicly disclose methods. It also allows the public to know what is in the patented product because it is public info.

It also makes iteration easier, as everyone can build off and on top of the patent info.

However, patent abuse is a real issue. Using patents to stifle others innovation and create monopolies. Also patents that come about from publicly funded research often give private companies exclusive rights to profit from work funded by the public.

Mickey mouse is copyright, which is a different beast. It’s also good because it protects people producing easily copied work such as writing, music and images. However, the mouse has lobbied his way into making the copyright protection excessively long. It should be much shorter, 30 years since publication would be reasonable - it would be a tremendous victory if we got it down to 50.


High end digital keyboards market themselves as pianos.


Digital keyboards (at least contemporary ones) use embedded systems that require software. OP wants a piano/digital keyboard that uses open source software.

I don’t think it exists (I don’t know of any). The software for these systems is going to be highly coupled to the feature set of that digital piano and the benefit of modifying the software is low. So it’s unlikely someone has made a open source digital piano.

If it exists its either a very small project, a manufacturer has chosen to release their software as open source or an adaptation of keyboard/synthesizer software. Although many libraries for such software are likely open source.

Apple Argued Safari Is Three Different Browsers to Avoid Regulation in EU (

It has now emerged that after being informed that Safari was likely to fall under the DMA’s regulations, Apple filed formal a response to the European Union claiming that Safari is, in fact, “three distinct web browsers.” The company’s claim is based on the argument that Safari for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS are entirely...


This might have big implications for Google. If underlying technology is what determines if a browser is separate and distinct from an other one. Then all chromium browsers could be considered one browser.

Especially with chromium powering not just Chrome but edge, brave, Vivaldi, opera, Samsung internet browser etc. This makes it the default on four major operating systems, and the majority of the global market. It also makes up the majority of alternative browsers.

This is a real problem. Google have defacto control over the internet and the standards thar define how people access it. This is a big issue for Safari right now, because chromium is based on safaris web kit. However, Google forked web kit and it is going to continue to diverge. We will see less sites work on safari in the future, similar to how we see less sites work in Firefox.

This is really bad, because it forces users to use a Chromium based browser. People that prefer safari or Firefox are often compelled to install chrome because they need a website to work correctly. Despite chrome being clunkier, less battery efficient and more spyware.

I think the EU should force all significant operating systems sold to commercial users to provide an option for web browsers. This should include windows, iOS/MacOs, android, pre-installed (Linux), android and possibly chromeOS.

How the internet is accessed and the standards it adheres to are very important. It should be a truly open consortium defining these standards.

We are heading towards the same issue we had with internet explorer. This time the issue will be two major browsers rather than one (chrome and Safari). This will also be hidden by the illusion of choice between all the chromium variants. Firefox is great, but it’s not got the default power like it’s competitors.


All chromium browsers are simply settings and UI tweeks. Some have additional features, but how they operate and how they render websites is the same.

If they were separate and distinct, they would fork chromium. Developing the core of the web browser separately.

They don’t. The take the new chromium build and merge it with their browser software. If safari used different UI design, logos and removed the shared history and settings features from each platform. It would have the same practical distinctions as chromium variants.


These are all just repacked websites. Its just a browser for a web service. It’s also an issue as you no longer get to choose the browser you use.

The web engine isn’t the same as a car engine. Web engines define how the road is built, it’s direction, it’s speed and it’s destination. Leaving this up to Google or apple is bad news for everyone. Just like it was bad to leave it up to Microsoft with internet explorer.

A big problem is how chrome has been masked to appear as different browsers and services. Even desktop app like you mention, as well as web views for android apps all running on chromium where you like it or not.


This is branding of web standards. It dangerous in part because of the illusion of choice. You don’t seem to realise all these browsers reinforce Google’s control over the internet. None of the teams making chromium browsers are able to make a web browser - except Google. They are completely dependent on Google to give them 98% of their product.

They aren’t web browser developers working on edge and brave. It’s UI, UX and tracking developers.


The Linux kernel isn’t in a position that it can manipulate the market through imposed standards. For most Linux distros their distribution and installation is controlled by the end user. There isn’t a default distro - except for pre-installed which is marginal.

The user of a Linux distro has a choice in the one they choose. They actively have to seek it out in most cases. So they impart agree to the UI, default apps and package management system.

Where as people buying windows, apple, android and chrome os. Are presented with a default browser and in either can’t or are heavily discouraged from choosing an alternative. Users may also have to use a certain browser to access a website, which happens with chrome.

The types of user are also different.

Again this doesn’t become relevant unless an operating system is in a position to exploit (and has ambitions or has exploited) its large/monopolistic market share. The Linux kernel hasn’t approached this. Not even in the server market, as Microsoft remain a powerful player and the operators are highly informed non commercial users.


It’s interesting they have declared chrome a gatekeeper, but not Samsung internet browser. They are also investigating edge.


I think Gmail on Android does this. Any link you click on in the app Firefox shows you the initial Google address before you go to the link you clicked on.

If you copy and paste the URL this doesn’t happen.


Was college homeschooled as well?


Technically abortion is illegal. There has to be a medical reason for the abortion. In practice a Doctor would consider not wanting to be pregnant would make an abortion necessary. Practice and society expectations differ from the actual law.

This would suggest no prosector would bring charges against anyone, as it wouldn’t be in the public interest. So the police shouldn’t wast resources on it.

There has also been a rise in abortions lately. It appears to be down to misinformation online about contraception.


Yes, but it costs political capital for very little gain. People won’t see it as a pro-abortion move. But anti-abortion people will see it as a pro-abortion move.

The UK doesn’t have the same public debate about abortion as we see in the USA. However, there is a quiet contingent of anti-abortion politicians.

The conservatives won’t move against them. The Tory strategy has been to embrace all positions to the right of them that get any steam. It’s seen them move from being the party bring the UK into the EU to leaving it. Being responsible for the the creation of the ECHR to calling for its end. If the Tories made this change in legislation they would anger the the right of their party. This would cause them to flip position back to where we are now. The total result would have them lose moderate votes that would no longer trust them with women’s health care.

The World’s Oldest Scotch Whisky Is About To Go On Auction (

Late last year, a hidden trove of whisky was discovered in a cellar room deep within a 13th century Scottish castle. The liquid was subsequently tested and determined to have been distilled back in 1833, making it the oldest known scotch in existence. Now two dozen bottles of it are going under the hammer in a November auction.


The longer a whisky is aged, typically it is more expensive. However, aging only happens inside the wooden barrel. The whisky develops more flavours due to interaction with the wooden cask. There is diminishing returns to ageing the whisky longer.

This isn’t what’s happened here. The whisky was stored in bottles. These bottles shouldn’t cause any ageing. However, these two ideas can be conflicted.

The value of this whisky is a taste of the past. A way to physically experience some history. People with an idea that things were better in the past may want to believe this was a better whisky.

I would guess this isn’t going to taste better. Improvements in manufacturing, quality control and knowledge of whisky probably make a better whisky today. Any high end whisky is going to be better. However, these same processes make low end whisky cheaper and probably worse.


Many highly marketed drinks are just slightly better low grade alcohol.

Many alcoholic drinks do have different characteristics and flavour profiles. You also don’t need to go super high end to experience them. If you wanted to learn more go to a tasting event. You don’t need to spend a lot to access go quality stuff. In fact the higher quality accessable stuff isn’t marketed very well.

High end alcohols won’t taste like the very sweet soft drinks. If you want or expect something like that your not going to get it.


Reality and facts don’t matter to conservatives, only how they feel about something. They feel people should be worked harder. So these trials are getting shelved.


Bill Gates went to visit Epstein in prison after he got charged.

Allegedly Epstein’s behaviour was well know. Donald Trump commented on it before it came out, saying Epstein liked them too young.

Epstein died prior to fully testifying, in suspicious circumstances. His partner was charged with trafficking, with no customers being identified.

It’s highly probable some of his associates were his customers. It’s right to treat them with suspicion. We don’t know who they were, but we know they got away with it. They will continue to get away with it, if everyone just forgets.


No amount of money in the world justified the crimes he committed.

Enabling one evil to banish another only exist in hypotheticals and the conscious of the wicked.

Money and financing for charity can be had without sponsoring Epstein. Bill Gates of all people would have access to sufficient funding for any charity endeavour he has taken on.

If Bill Gates lost all his money and access, he would still be better off than most by a large margin. He is extremely unlikely to end up worse off than Epstein’s victims.


Welsh is spoken across the world. There is a significant community of Welsh speakers in Argentina, many of which don’t speak any English.

Language is much more than history. It is also deeply connected to culture and identity. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

I don’t think your intentions are bad, but this attitude leads to cultural destruction (when applied in scale). Cultural destruction is serious evil, those that carry it out often use misdirections like it’s just not practical.


Science is philosophy, at least it was created by philosophy. Logic and reason are insufficient to understand the world and answer questions well. We sort of knew this, that’s why philosopher argue. Scientist uses empirical evidence, so they only have to argue about the collection of evidence. If they disagree with a result they can collect the evidence themselves and verify. This made the development of human knowledge much more effective.

It’s so effective its displaced philosophy and theology. We see science as something different. However, science is just a philosophy with a single approach the scientific method.


You keep the source code, methods of operation or manufacturing methods private. Companies can already do this. Patents force companies to make their inventions public information (you can access the patent), in exchange for a limited exclusive right to use this technology.

For no trivial things patent legislation is a great benefit. Everyone can access the patent knowledge. For trivial iterative things patents only benefit the patentee who gets the exclusive rights.

Copyright means anything you produce that is easily to copy, you have legal control over how it’s copied and the revenue it may generate. This is for things like art work, books, news stories, code etc. Things that can be copy and pasted or printed.

Copyright is granted when you create the content. There’s no application. It ensures someone can make money from the copy they produce. Less people would write books, if Amazon could print and sell copies without paying the author.

Military tech would be private. Even with our current IP protection system. A hostile power doesn’t care about infringing IP, there’s very little consequence for do this. If you patent military technology, then that info would be public.


Google’s messages app also uses different colours for SMS and their RCS. Many phones/network operators rely on Google to provide the RCD service.


You’ve said in your edit. They use a different colour.

They do this because it’s important for the user to know.

SMS isn’t encrypted. It also costs a lot to send images via SMS/MMS. The user needs to know, they are using a different chat mechanism.


They did. RCS.

It technically isn’t proprietary. But many implementations are reliant on Google’s Jibe system. So even if you’ve avoided Google completely. If you use RCS there is a strong chance all your messages are going through Google.

RCS relies on the carrier to implement. With many carriers using Jibe, even if your doesn’t the people you message likely are. So you can’t get away from Google.

At least with iMessage, WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal (plus Allo, Hangouts GChat, meet, GmailTalk etc). You know who controls the messaging service. You can then made a decision to engage with that messaging service.

With RCS this isn’t clear. You may think your using your carrier or the person’s your communicating with carrier. Or you may be using Google’s Jibe. Or some other implementation.


When people are talking about Linux Desktop they usually mean GNU/Linux. Chrome OS and Android both use the Linux kernel, but they aren’t GNU/Linux like we understand Linux desktop.

GNU/Linux needs a company that will create a Macintosh equivalent. A company that will design quality hardware. Restrict the hardware they support tightly, but highly optimise the drivers in their devices. Selling their equipment with a distro that’s well supported with bug testing and user support. Each update being tested on all their devices.

This would allow people to buy their devices without much thought.

I think people in the past thought this could be Ubuntu and Canonical. But their business is server, so there desktop will never get to the place it needs to be.

The steam deck is pushing Linux closer to this place. But I don’t think it will be enough.


System76 aren’t there. They sell rebranded ugly generic laptops with low quality screens. They sell them for a similar prices to low end macbooks. You put the average person in front of both in a store and they are going for the macbook. Better screen, better battery life and good quality hardware.

PopOS has the best chance to be ‘the Linux’ desktop. But they need nicer hardware. System76 are selling laptops to Linux people, that’s their market. They don’t have nice hardware design to compete in the high end of the market. And they aren’t cheap enough to compete in the low end.

System76 are also going after the server market. I suspect they will go the way of Ubuntu. Chasing the server market and being too distracted to follow through with their desktop ambitions.


Google hasn’t actually done the 7 years of support yet. If they were serious about long term support it wouldn’t have been just an announcement. They would be rolling out Android 14 to all the pixel devices from 7 years ago.


This doesn’t stop Google supporting the older Qualcomm phones. It just means they need to be responsible for the drivers, or contract Qualcomm to do it (which will cost Google extra).


Oat milk is just oats blended in water. The research is minimal. The marketing is where they put most of their money.


I don’t think this is the case. Vegans are likely to spend less money on food.


These are industry standard additives, that are trivial to develop recipes for. The research involved is minimal, and wouldn’t represent a significant portion of the business.


Apple provided security updates to the iPhone 5 this year. Your fun is likely to be secure for a while longer.


So you can make clay from dirt.

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