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Because capitalism has famously prevented mass starvation and warfare.

Edit: Also communism has nothing to do with a vague notion of equality.


He’s got that Innsmouth look.


This almost sounds like a prediction of contemporary meme culture where every situation or emotion is conveyed though a shared collection of phrases and images.

What is good to eat when you have no appetite?

I am super sick right now and haven’t eaten much in a few days. It’s getting to the point where I am gonna need to force myself to eat something to keep my strength up but everything just sounds terrible to me right now. I have been subsisting mostly on small glasses of milk and the occasional packet of instant oatmeal....


Fasting can actually help recovery. But no matter if you eat what you can or nothing at all it is absolutely necessary to get enough water, salt, and potassium.

Something that might go down easy is plain canned beans, just make sure to drain and rinse them and maybe even soak them a little to minimize intestinal issues. Plain quinoa or lentils made in a rice cooker or pot with just water and salt could also be good.

Sometimes your hear about the BRAT diet. I’d recommend against it, it is very nutritionally poor so it will not give you much energy if you can only handle eating a little.


I go old school and rock a pocket watch (my cellphone).


And large quantities of butter in both.


The center bottom one looks like the sicp snake.


Criticism of China isn’t necessarily sinophobic. However being particularly concerned that a Chinese automaker is doing something most US automakers do might be. Especially when you consider that on an individual level it is less of a concern for Chinese companies to be tracking you then US companies. If you live in the US then local companies will gladly turn over information to authorities or shut off features for some reason. And to be fair I also think it would be better for a Chinese person to use a foreign for similar reasons.


I just use /

I don’t think having a swap partition or file would be all that useful because I have plenty of memory. I’ve never had to reinstall Linux so I’m not sure why I would need a separate home. If I did bork my OS somehow I’m fairly confident I could repair it from a live distro. And even if I did end up having to save my home I could just copy the files I want to another drive if it really came to that.


I have 64GB of RAM and 8GB of VRAM, I only have a TB of storage. The only time I’ve ever filled up my RAM is due to memory leak.


My absolute favorite thing is exploring big buildings (hotels, schools, etc.), especially if there is a surreal element to how different areas are connected.


Did anyone seriously believe Americans would be healthier if they consumed more refined fat and alcohol?


People who say this are generally fine being a part of every other instance that is full of liberals who repeat fascist propaganda verbatim. Seen rather clearly in response to the recent escalations in Gaza.

The "bovine" joke in The Restaurant at the end of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series)

The whole “bovine” joke was hilarious on one hand and a little horrifying on the other. It got me thinking: how would I feel if an animal I was about to consume came up to me enthusiastically conveying its consent for being eaten? I will be horrified, just like Arthur! But why?...


Isn’t spiritual centrism great? It lets you feel comfy about the greatest enslavement and slaughter of sentient beings in history.


You may want to look up what a genocide is. It definitely does not require the complete extermination of a people, even by the self serving UN definition.


AI has been used to refer to all kinds of dynamic programming in the history of computation. Algebraic solvers, edge detection, fuzzy decision systems, player programs for video games and tabletop games. So when you say AI is this or that you are being rather prescriptivist about it.

The problem with AI and ML is more one of it being presented to the public by grifters as a magical one stop solution to almost any problem. What term was used hardly matters, it was the propaganda that carried the term. It would be like saying the name Nike is the reason for the shoe brand’s success and not it’s marketing.

So discredit the grifters, and if you want to destroy the term then look to dilute it by using it to describe even more things. It was never really a useful term to begin with. I’ll leave you with this quote

A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it’s not labelled AI anymore.


Umberto Eco wrote this

Fascism became an all-purpose term because one can eliminate from a fascist regime one or more features, and it will still be recognizable as fascist.

I believe you can have a secular fascism. There is a current of that in France for example. There’s no harm in being more specific.


I always forget if is even requires is odd or the other way around.


If you are in a situation where you must live exclusively off the land then you probably aren’t the person vegans are addressing. If you’re any random human, and especially if you are any random Lemmy user that is probably not the case though. Vegan staples are not a luxury. I’ve gone weeks on end eating for less than 5 USD a day in areas where food was expensive many times when I was tight on money. Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes, and other dense plant foods are some of the cheapest foods available.

As for desire, that’s simple. Desire very rarely trumps more serious moral considerations. It’s never right to murder someone simply because I desire to do so, and personally I don’t desire murdering others. Saying that’s how the world works is even worse than the naturalistic fallacy. You’re essentially saying morality and conditions cannot improve, that the world is immutably (un)just. You’re also saying we can’t change who we are, do you just not believe in self improvement? This isn’t just a depressing outlook but it is just historically inaccurate. It’s clear to me that there are many times in history where conditions got better or worse for people, and often do to the choices of humans.


Some of the most nutritionally complete foods we can eat like spinach and other such veggies are limited (though not excluded) on a keto diet, meanwhile there is no limit to how much of these you can eat as a vegan. But also food isn’t just medicine or energy, it can also be poison, and other than refined junk it’s going to be the animal foods that are some of the deadliest.

I’ll agree with you that foods like wheat and rice are not very nutritious, but also they aren’t likely to be the foods that kill you, and you can easily not eat them. Meanwhile keto is very hard to do without animal foods, for many people it’s very hard to do even with animal foods. Keto doesn’t just require you to exclude a list of foods like you sell it, it has very strict macro requirements which requires monitoring your intake of many of the allowed foods.


Yeah they are better than fast food, even the fast food is healthier if you sub the meat. But that is a terrible benchmark to use.

Compare these meat substitutes to the humble bean and it’s no contest.


As someone who has done keto in the past and someone who has been a vegan for years I agree, at least in regards to myself. But the key difference is veganism is not a diet, what vegans eat is just a consequence of their ethics. Vegans are insufferable because animal ethics are a serious moral issue. I disagree with the pompous part though. I don’t pat myself on the back for being vegan the same way I don’t pat myself on the back for not committing various other moral abuses. I’m not contributing anything positive to the world by being a vegan, but I’m hopefully stepping on the rights of others less.


What a weirdo. I know someone who’s dog died at a prime age and they didn’t even eat it.


“Rot” is kind of a loaded term. Our gut flora are an important part of digestion and essential to human health.

Even 100% grass fed (extremely rare) livestock products really don’t have high quantities of omega 3s. Seeds are one of the best sources, and if you are concerned about ALA conversion then then algae is probably the best source, that’s where the fish get it from.

Everything that’s not a refined food has protein pretty much. And save a few categories like grains and fruits most have a good portion of protein relative to their macros and a good distribution of aminos. It would be difficult to not get enough protein eating WFPB, but even if you do include refined foods and more grains in your diet you likely just need to eat beans and veg to balance it out. Basically don’t eat an exclusively bananas and rice diet and you’ll probably be fine.



materials derived from animals

Why are you even debating veganism when you don’t know what veganism is. Veganism isn’t a diet, and it includes avoiding all animal products whenever possible.

And just calling something a fallacy doesn’t make it so either.

But you are posting legit historical and ethical fallacies. Your stance is the natural is the good and that the world is impermeable anyway so why bother, honestly I’m not sure why you’d have to make both of these arguments as either would suffice if they were valid to begin with. And they are more than fallacies, they are bad faith arguments as nobody seriously believes these things.


It’s changeable so I don’t really mind but I hate the XDG default data dirs used by most OSs. Uppercase feels out of place, organizing things based on mine type (ex. “Video”) feels wrong, and wtf is a “Desktop”.


Hawaii: warm, colonialism

But it’s all colonialism.


Fantastic has the word fantasy as its root, but the meaning has shifted and that usage has fallen out of favor a bit. The same happened to terrific, which is an even greater oddity, terror being the root. The act was both fantastic and terrific but not in the most common contemporary usage of those words.


Path of Exile
Enter The Gungeon


I eat a lot of beans and rice to save money, even did so before I was vegan, which made the typical baby vegan question of “What will I eat???” a no brainer. If you use spices and vary your beans I don’t find it gets too boring. I love curries of all kinds, especially with hearty veg like onion, potato, eggplant. I make my own seitan cold cuts fairly often, a sandwich with that, a homemade sauce, and homemade pickled veg is so good.

I have a mac and cheese recipe that I came up with myself and improved over time that I make fairly often, it’s great comfort food. Involves making a roux, then adding water, pickle brine (or vinegar), nooch, and spices. The roux is what makes it thick and creamy, the pickle brine gives it that sharp flavor that cheese has, loooots of nooch, and for spices salt obviously but things like paprika and dill are good. For the roux I use canola oil because it’s cheap and healthier, but palm or deodorized coconut or vegan butter would give the best mouthfeel because of the saturated fat. After the sauce thickens and you stir in the cooked pasta you can either serve as is or bake. It’s simple, fast, and cheap.

Going on 4 years, don’t see any reason to stop.


It’s gonna blow oh whoa oh whoa whoa 🌋


That’s not the definition of veganism at all. It’s actually not even the definition of a plant based diet since plant based dieters eat fungi and yeast.

Floey, (edited )

If the VFT was grown for human purposes such as eating then no it would not be vegan, as they require a small but steady stream of bugs to grow. Though if you found a feed alternative like a nutrient pill then I guess it could be vegan. As for a VFT found in the wild then yes it would be vegan, anything it has consumed in the past wasn’t done so for your sake.


Or use is important here. Veganism isn’t a diet, the way vegan eat follows from vegan ethics, which apply to more then just what we put in our mouths.


Thanks for letting me know, fixed.


But both the things OP drank are ethanol beverages.


Weed can’t really be an alternative to booze for me. The vibes when I’ve consumed THC socially are just very off, even worse if it’s in a public place. They are just a very different feeling and I wish there were something that gave the effects of ethenol without the health consequences because it is not good for your body. I don’t really get hangovers though, I’m concerned about the long term consequences and should probably just avoid drinking.


Trusting your body is not good for long term health. You seem to understand this because you say that chocolate ice cream is bad. But if we have a system for overriding bad instincts like in the ice cream example, then why would we trust those instincts in the first place?

I’m not saying your cravings can’t be onto something ever. Your brain can probably make the connection between some nutrients and some foods, but even in those cases this instinctual part of your brain does not know the most efficient and healthful way to replenish those nutrients. Like hypothetically if donut sprinkles contained iodine and someone craved a donut because they were deficient in iodine it would not suddenly be good to start eating donuts, and their brain might have not even made the sprinkle connection but just a more general donut connection.


I don’t eat animal products. Even though many animal products are associated with negative health outcomes, I do it for ethical reasons, not those health reasons.

I usually eat twice a day, a very large meal and a small to medium meal. Has nothing to do with health that just follows when I get hungry and eating is more pleasurable when I am hungry.

Been cutting back on hyperpalatable foods, more potatoes, less potato chips.

To save money I rely a lot on high calorie staples like grains and pulses.

For drinks it’s almost all water and tea. When I’m out I will indulge in some liquor, but I’ve cut back on that a lot.


Microwave or parboil veggies before sauteing on high heat. Lets you get the perfect exterior without having to worry about if they are cooked through. It’s also faster and if you parboil in salted water you allow salt to penetrate deeper into the veg. I especially like this technique for starches like potatoes, as they take a long time to cook and I’m impatient.


What did they think was going to happen when they stopped operating public vaccination sites?


Isn’t it sexist to think that women can’t hold their own regressive political ideas, and they only do so because they were tricked by a man?



I’d be hesitant to bring back anyone who’s reason for death was suicide or substance abuse, it just seems cruel.


I don’t know what you mean by “being and doing exactly what it says”.

And saying oat milk is pure sugar it’s hyperbole. Oats on their own have well over the amount of aminos you need, sure they might not have the overall quantity of protein as soy milk or skim cows milk, but they have way more protein than say fruit, and even fruit isn’t pure sugar.


Even animal based cat food has to be fortified, so I don’t find arguments about “natural” diet convincing. I’m also not sure what nutrient cats would have to get from animals. Animal specific nutrients are things like assembled proteins, which bodies break down and reform anyway. Assembled proteins are the natural way to consume amino acids but if anything that causes problems. Foreign proteins can over trigger our immune systems causing allergic responses and auto immune disorders, in rare cases misfolded proteins can directly cause disease like in the case of prions. There’s a reason hypoallergenic pet food exists and you don’t see people calling others monsters for feeding that to their pets even though that seems to be the common sentiment against people who feed their pets vegan pet food.

I don’t understand your point about children. If your child wants to eat just Oreos would you let them? Parents always control what their children eat, if not directly, simply through what they are able to make available.

To me it’s kind of moot though because I don’t think we should be breeding “pets” in the first place. But while there are still pets that need to be adopted and cared for I don’t think sacrificing livestock is the way to care for those animals. We are deciding that the life of one animal is worth the life and suffering of dozens. If you are ethically against vegan pet food then you should be pro murder/euthanasia because we are making a decision to kill either way.


We definitely shouldn’t breed animals for the purposes of being kept in our households. As for animals already existing in shelters it is probably the most ethical option to adopt them, but if we need to slaughter other animals to sustain them then even that is no longer ethical.


Either B12 or multi depending on how I’m eating (how much produce I can afford), just one pill either way though. I don’t really eat fortified products because I make my own milk and prefer unfortified nooch as when I use it I use a lot.


I think this thinking falls into the common belief that “sexuality” and preference within “sexuality” are actually distinct things. I really think everyone’s sexual preferences are unique, and so even microlabels don’t do them justice. But I don’t think the purpose of labeling your sexuality is meant to be perfectly descriptive, it’s a way to connect with people over shared parts of their experience with sexuality and that can be as coarse or fine as you want it to be. You say there should be only straight, gay, and bi, but we could go even more broad and say there should only be cishet and queer.

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