26 / chaotic neutral / autist / fedi: @flaky

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@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Does Firefish have edit federation yet? Pleroma and Mastodon (and all the currently maintained forks) have it but Misskey and its forks seem to be slacking there.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Not one-for-one, but the BBC actually wanted to put a tax on broadband bills in response to the resentment towards the TV License.

Flaky, (edited )
@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I think the management’s recent decisions, as well as the removal/lack of power-user features for those users, have moved a lot of people away from Firefox, myself included. They really need to focus on providing really good software, not get caught up in trying to chase trends or forcing services people don’t want. This WIRED article does a good job explaining the issues.

I am keeping an eye on Pulse Browser, which is an experimental fork of Firefox with uBlock Origin pre-installed and some UI customisations. They’ve got a sidebar with “web panels” very much like Vivaldi’s Panels, and they’ve got vertical tabs like Edge. People also seem to be posting suggestions to their discussion page on GitHub. It’s early days, but if they listen and try to implement some of the suggested features to their best ability, it could be a much better Firefox than Firefox itself.

Flaky, (edited )
@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

No problem! Tree Style Tabs might also do the job on base Firefox with nested tabs, but it’s not as streamlined as Pulse or Edge, especially if you want to hide the tab bar (you have to edit .CSS files).

edit: okay enabling both features, moving the main side panel to the right and enable tab collapsing makes a great space-saving setup.

edit 2: now i’m using pulse as my main browser

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Oh, I support Gecko. More browser engines to compete against Chromium the better. I just can’t support Firefox in its current state right now. Thankfully, Pulse seems to be picking up the slack in places.

Free/Name Your Price Music - A community for finding music that is free download/name-your-price

In the MusicBrainz community, there’s a thread for posting music that is available legally as a free download, or in the case of Bandcamp, name your price. I’ve used these sort of releases to help find new and interesting music to get into, and I thought that’d make an interesting community here for that reason....

Is Tidal/Deezer worth it?

Hello, everybody, I’ve been thinking to move on from my Spotify subscription to move to Tidal or Deezer. I want to try out HIFI audio, but still get a good and stable experience. Are there any suggestions for which one I should pick? Could you also tell about your experience with those apps, or are there any other you would...

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Ditto on Apple Music. Lossless at no extra cost with a much better UX than all except maybe Spotify. Wasn’t a fan of Tidal’s UX compared to Spotify and Apple Music, and Deezer still has this weird hard limit of 2,000 tracks on playlists. For comparison, Spotify has a 10,000 track limit and Apple Music has none (not to be confused with the 100k song library limit).

My main reason for sticking with Apple Music lately was the library management, particularly when syncing local songs. I have some music I got from Bandcamp that is not on streaming at all. On Spotify, you can’t have them alongside your liked songs, while on Apple Music, they’re treated as part of your music library and therefore much more streamlined than Spotify’s.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’ve heard as much, especially on r/TrueSpotify when I still used Reddit. Lots of “where hifi/2fa”.

Apple’s UX isn’t perfect either but the library management is a huge part of why their UX is personally better for me.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I use ListenBrainz nowadays as the metadata is so much better at handling edge cases than Last.fm is (e.g. featured artists in the artist tag) and I honestly just use Rate Your Music for recommendations now.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

If recommendations are what you want, I’d honestly look at getting an account with Rate Your Music if you haven’t already and populating ratings with music you love and hate. Yes, the community can be very snobby and cynical at times and the site is slow-updating, but at the same time I’ve gotten some great recommendations, both from the community and the site’s algorithms, while streaming can be very hit or miss. There’s no app, but at the same time your recommendations aren’t tied to one streaming service, so you can use any service that fits your needs or sail the seas while still getting good recommendations.

RYM has two algorithms to help you find some interesting music, based on finding highly rated music and your taste in genres and descriptors: there’s one that recommends music it thinks you’ll like, and another that’s the opposite of your music taste, to challenge you to get you out your comfort zone. I have found stuff I’ve loved in both. Paid supporters (iirc monthly is £2 while a year is roughly £20 depending on currency conversion) do get access to tweaking the algorithm to fit their needs, as well as visual access to the data that fuels your recommendations, but I don’t mind paying for it over Spotify/AM. Might be worth having a look.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Covenience. Most people really don’t care about that as long as they can get whatever Android app they have on their computer. I say this as a Waydroid user.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I presume some of the margarine ended up on the image.

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Reinterpreted By Mike Shinoda) (www.youtube.com)

I don’t know I found out about this but a while ago I found out Depeche Mode had a remix of ETS by Mike Shinoda, during the days of Meteora it sounds like, judging by the wispy Numb-like synths. Both Depeche Mode and Linkin Park are two acts I really like, and I think this is an amazing remix. Definitely does the original...

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Might want to save some Twitch VODs. I’ve heard some places have been streaming r/place. Those would be useful.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Part of me doesn’t like the fact that this is just giving Reddit engagement.

But another part of me is happy that this is here, even if it’ll inevitably get destroyed this is honestly a really sweet gesture.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Bloody hell. They’re not holding back their anger, are they?

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’ll just enjoy the fun from the comfort of whoever reposts it on Lemmy.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

This is great lol. When my friend tried Linux Mint he had to go into the terminal to install Brave, as they don’t just provide a .DEB like other browsers do. Maybe I should recommend Fedora to him as well.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I use Vivaldi (and Firefox if a site doesn’t work in Vivaldi) which is part of that “other browsers” bracket so I’m good lol.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Because I need tab organisation to stop my arse from overflowing with tabs and getting overwhelmed, which Vivaldi does nicely with workspaces and Firefox can’t really do at all.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

No prob! I did use Tree Style Tabs and that helped a bit but Vivaldi’s extra features and how streamlined it is just edge it out as better than Firefox + addons for me. There’s also tab workspaces for grouping tabs into screens, typically on what type of browsing you’re doing, and tab tiling which Firefox was able to do back in its XUL days but can’t do in Quantum. I think Firefox would be pretty neat with a power-user oriented fork to bring back some missing features.

My only issue with Vivaldi is, if a site is still providing insecure HTTP for whatever reason (7digital for some reason still provides purchase downloads this way) then Vivaldi silently fails. Firefox clearly warns the user, so that’s my reason for having Firefox on hand - for those stragglers.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I knew Fedora had Flatpak baked in but didn’t know Linux Mint had it. I know they’ve got a hatred for Snaps, though lol. Thanks for the explanation!

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I use AdGuard on my iPad, they’re probably the best ad blocker for iOS. But yeah, uBlock Origin is the go-to everywhere else.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Apple Card isn’t even a thing in the UK, so I keep forgetting it exists.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Sounds to me like they messed up the communication between them and the devs. If they directed the PR submitter to Fedora, I think there wouldn’t be as much fuel to the fire.

Granted, all the chaos surrounding RHEL does make me a little worried for Fedora. Fedora is not a bad distro by any means, and I don’t want to have to not recommend it because of the drama.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

He lied about the plans for third party apps, he lied about Apollo, he called mods “landed gentry”. Why should we trust him on this? The mods really need to really let go and turn their backs.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Re: the Chromium bad one - I’ll be honest, the Firefox fanboyism was strong on Reddit too, and stronger actually because of how many people used Reddit back then. It’s just that because Lemmy is mainly populated by tech nerds that you’ll see them much more on the meme communities.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Now if only they did the same antitrust they did with Microsoft back in the day but targeting Google.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Both is good.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Pretty sure there was a thing like r/place but for streamers. So they’re are ahead of ya there at least.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

The way Epic handled competition was by strong-handing exclusives constantly without actually providing a better service. Last time I bought a game from Epic, it didn’t even have a cart system to buy games in bulk. Couple that with the tolerance of cryptocurrency/blockchain and acquisitions of sites like Artstation and Bandcamp, and yeah - people have reasons to not like Epic. I’ve heard stories of people getting locked out of their banks because of the lack of a cart and they were buying a lot of games in a short amount of time. I’ve also heard stories about people’s Epic accounts getting breached because of Fortnite BS.

And I’m saying this as someone who uses multiple launchers. I hated Steam back in the mid-2010s (skipped the middleman and bought GTAV from Rockstar directly) and they were in quite a bad rut with Steam Greenlight and the paid mods fiasco. People were rightfully loudly critical of Steam and at a time, Valve really did not deserve taking a 30% cut. They’ve done a lot since then to recoup that lost trust and deserve the 30% cut, Proton and the Steam Deck being a massive part of that for many people.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

GOG is good if the game you want is on there. I got the ultimate edition of Fallout New Vegas for like £5. It was like £10-15 on Steam at the time. Great deal. The main issue is they’re strictly anti-DRM for offline games so the bigger developers are less inclined to put their games on there, but whatever.

When did you first get "hit" by music?

Do you remember the first time you really clicked with music? I remember being on a family vacation at 9 or 10, getting some sort of random Beatles “Hits” cassette tape at whatever gas station, and playing it nonstop in my off-brand Walkman. That was the first time I really felt music in my bones, and to this day few things...

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Probably when I ripped a Steps CD my family had to my computer.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Back then? Probably not. They were very nostalgic to me back then as my family would play their music a lot. Their debut was the first album I decided to rip. Some of the tracks don’t age as well, but I still very much enjoy them because of that nostalgia and since then they have had hits that have aged far better - I’d say One for Sorrow was one of the best tracks on there.

FWIW, they were notably popular in their home country while another band like them - S Club 7 - fared better with an American audience.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Clearly not smart, they should’ve locked all the Doge ones to milk the crypto memers.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

From a cursory look at the screenshots, tracking any games not on PC.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I only used it to muck about with Bing Chat. But now Vivaldi can fake being Edge so you can access it without needing another browser.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

vivaldi gang

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

If you know exactly what you’re looking for and you know the seller, Amazon can be alright. I just bought an album CD there from MusicMagpie who’s set up shop on Amazon.

But if what you want is vague, be prepared to be bombarded with a bunch of Chinese sellers with weird brand names going through shittier couriers than Amazon themselves. It’s getting worse than AliExpress at this point.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

gotta sniff your Steam Deck’s farts at least once

Linux for Microsoft Surface devices. It is reality! (upload.wikimedia.org)

I would like to share with you a very cool project that develops drivers for correct operation of Microsoft Surface devices on Linux. I myself use Surface Pro 6 with these drivers and everything works like a charm (battery life is good, cameras work, stylus, keyboard, touchscreen, screen). The developers are gods. From myself, I...

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Should also mention Nobara Linux (which is funnily enough based on Fedora) has Surface Linux patches baked into its kernel.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

Not me, but someone on r/TrashTaste got permanently banned from Reddit for posting a tweet.


For context, Trash Taste is a podcast run by anime YouTubers. They had Chris Broad (a.k.a. Abroad in Japan) as a guest and it’s safe to say, they’re very friendly with each other so of course they’d share content involving and about Chris there. Someone decided to share Chris’ frustrated tweet about North Korea throwing missiles in Japanese waters, jokingly suggesting that the Japanese military get some “Patriot missiles” (which I’ve been told are purely defensive). For the record, this isn’t the first time NK has done this, and it’s not the first time Chris has been openly frustrated at it.

This ban is ridiculous - it’s not like someone is actually being threatened. It’s just some grumpy British man living in Japan venting his frustrations over a dictatorship trying to bomb the country he’s living in.

The tweet, and the ban image I found, are below.


@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

If only Firefox’s management had its head screwed on better. I really don’t care about Turning Red themes, I have a KDE theme just to keep it matching my desktop. Just make the core browsing experience better. Hell, take some features from Vivaldi. I’ve noticed a good portion of Vivaldi users back when I used Reddit were former Firefox users, and I can understand why.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

There’s a small but notable trend of AI covers. I went down a rabbit hole of them myself, and found myself at Sonic the Hedgehog singing Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.

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