@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar


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@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve got a feeling that Marx fellow didn’t know much about video game difficulties.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Flags are both literally and figuratively a banner for people to match under. When people protest flying a flag above them is an effect way to ensure anyone who sees them understands their motivations.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The core problem is that Canada is relying on the benevolence of a corporation from a foreign nation to deliver timely emergency warnings.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

TLDR: The LTT fan base has a culture of calling out bad actions by the company not because they hate them but because they hold them to standards.

A small company Billet Labs sent them a prototype to test. That prototype was designed for a 3000 series graphics card. LTT didn’t have that card at hand so they asked if it was ok to use a 4000 series card. Billet said they could try but it wasn’t designed for their card. LTT published a review of the prototype based on a scenario it wasn’t designed for and Linus told people it was a bad product. They later agreed to return it to Billet. They ended up auctioning it off at a convention (where some of Billet’s competition was).

Ultimately LTT paid an undisclosed amount to Billet. The actual damages of selling off a start ups only prototype (possibly to their competition) after agreeing to return it, after telling people not to buy a product (which was only a prototype) based on how it performed in a situation it wasn’t intended to be in is unmeasurable. They could have effectively destroyed years of work and killed the future of those people.

Linus said he didn’t use the correct card because it would have cost ~$800. The issue isn’t that he didn’t buy that correct card it’s that he didn’t decide to not publish a video on it if he couldn’t do it right.

On a podcast the other week Linus praised the LTT fans for not just agreeing with everything he does, creating a toxic positive feedback loop. This is them calling him out on his errors.

Yes other companies make these same terrible decisions. But their bad actions don’t justify LTT’s bad actions.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I stopped using Amazon years ago (sometime before 2016). I’d rather buy directly from manufacturers in most cases. Waiting an extra day for shipping isn’t a big deal for me.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it’s just due to what I’m buying online but if I can’t find it for sale on the manufacturer’s website I often can get it from a ‘smaller’ retailer or the webpage for a big box store like Best Buy or REI.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly just do a hard disconnect today. In the time since I’ve never found anything I needed that I couldn’t buy somewhere else. House hold stuff, Target/Walmart. Tech Best Best/Monoprice/New Egg. Cheap shit AliExpress. Random eclectic things eBay.

And not to get political but having a massive store everyone defaults to buying things from can’t be good for the economy.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that’s it for me, I’m done with the YT app. They keep making it shittier. Guess I’ll give revanced a look.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Already all done sub 15 minutes.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

They seemed to manage just fine before the change. I had watch history off and I got fairly relevant suggestions based on the view I was currently watching along with my subscriptions.

This isn’t about suggesting videos this is about making users accept lesser levels of privacy in order to get more money from targeted advertising by withholding previously functional features.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Messed around with it. If I have zero video history and turn it on it has accurate recommendations, based on videos I’ve recently watched (while watch history was disabled).

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Mustalids routinely win against larger prey. Stout kill full size rabbits and a wolverine has been recorded to have killed a polar bear. Don’t give the otter an excuse.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

“Damn those antisemitisms and their looks at note and raises eyebrow … acknowledged of the evils of Nazi Germany?”

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I was curious about the budgeting implications because enacting a increase to revenue doesn’t necessarily mean increased spending would be covered. For any one to lazy to go off site, but also interested:

“$1 billion of the state’s record $56.2 billion fiscal budget for 2024 came from the state’s new 4% tax on millionaires.”

“State lawmakers agreed to put $523 million of revenue from the new tax toward education and put $477 million aside for transportation.”

Didn’t find the cost there but on one of their sources:

“A portion of that money will go toward the $172 million needed to provide free school meals, the State House News Service reported.”

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry if my quoting gave off the wrong impression. I believe it meant that of the total 1 billion dollars 523 million will be spent on education. Of the 523 million to be spent on education 172 million will be used to pay for lunches. The remaining 351 million I would assume is being used for other educational expenses like new equipment or for salaries.

Perhaps there is miss management of the funds but I don’t think that it fair to conclude the 351 million has been misappropriated just based on this information.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly this next election is shaping up to be a shit show… again. My prediction is that the Republican party puts forth another candidate who has his potential pool cannibalized by Trump running independently and Biden campaign come under question due to his old age and low approval rating leading to a push for a different blue candidate.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Ammunition prices fluctuate drastically with global and national events. In 2021 when COVID hit 9mm cost roughly 70 cents a round. Today it’s around 19 cents a round. There’s a buy cheap stack deep philosophy practiced when buying ammo.

A competition shooter or someone attending a class can easily shoot 1,000 rounds over a weekend. Buying in large volume when prices are low means that weekend costs $190 not $700.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

What harm can practically be done by one man with 26,000 that couldn’t be done with 4,000 or half that? If we stick with the 9mm metrics 4,000 rounds would weigh just past 100lb (45 kilos) @ 115g rds. 26,000 rounds of it would be 3-4x the weight of the average man at about 650lbs (294 kilos).

That volume only benefits consistent use over weeks/months/years, something fortunately not found in the cases where people abuse firearms to harm others.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The 10th Amendment grants all police powers to the states unless enumerated otherwise in the Constitution (such as is the case with interstate commerce). And states may not enact laws that supercede federal laws per the Supremacy Clause. This is important when applied to arms as they are protected by the 2A in the Constitution, which is the highest law in the land.

As for general welfare, that’s targeted at federal spending. A common place where it applies is that it empowers the federal government to grant crop subsidies to farmers.

That’s why when someone commits a crime like murder it’s under state jurisdiction. Unless that particular case occurred on federal land or involved cross state travel, then that would become a federal case.

3 former GOP operatives to pay $50K for roles in a fake charity tied to E. Palestine derailment (apnews.com)

Three men who have worked as Republican political operatives agreed to pay more than $50,000 in restitution and penalties in Ohio for their roles in operating a phony charity that collected cash purportedly to help victims of the East Palestine train derailment.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar


The state government of Ohio publishes update on the situation. But I’d have to agree with the other replier, we likely won’t know the true human cost for decades. People are still negatively impacted by the Chernobyl explosion.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

If you read the article the court didn’t rule that the actual law was constitutional. The court’s ruling was that there was no constitutional issue with the law particularly as it related to the equal protection clause. This ruling doesn’t mean that there isn’t any other constitutional issues that arise from it, such as 2a or 4a violations.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

You haven’t said your country but I’m willing to wager that there’s more difference between your country and ours than you’re led to believe.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Intermediate .22 caliber semiautomatic rifles excel in home defense applications.

They are softer to fire shotguns or bolt action rifles and can be fired more accurately with less training than pistols as you have a stock to stabilize them.

And their cartridges are designed for high velocity low weight projectiles which have a lesser capacity to penetrate walls and injury those beyond them than it’s alternatives.

It’s not a matter of which options could be sufficient. It’s a matter of which options are best.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The Wild West is not the place you want to look at for constitutional (or even just moral) government practices.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Tell that to the Buffalo Soldiers in Brisbee, AZ. Racial prejudices were unfortunately brought West.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t believe this law Would survive the Bruen test. I’m not suggesting that every law must be proven to be constitutional in court before it may be employed. I was stating that the question at had in the court wasn’t if it was constitutional or not it was whether it violated the Equal Protections Clause. Which the court found it didn’t violate.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The 14th Amendment, this case was about this the plaintiff was arguing on 14th amendment grounds not 2nd per the article.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I recently read the book after having played the games. I’d definitely recommend 2033 whether or not you’ve played the game. It follows the same broader plot of the game but the game and book have substantial enough differences so it wouldn’t feel like the same exact story.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Non-minnesotan but I agree on #4 it also allows it to be reproduced on other mediums like buttons and patches easily.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Not a fan of the red imo it doesn’t particularly suit MA also it’s still kind of just a seal on a bedsheet.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Your effective remedy in this situation is to uninstall Tiktok.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

It’s clearly just any attempt to throw weight and gain market hold by offering crazy deals (which seem to be decreasing in value now). The idea is one you order once it’s likely you might order again.

I wish this kind of anti competitive practice was regulated.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The only good non-US setting IMO is a Far Harbor sized DLC in a dense urban part of the USSR. That would contrast the typical US centric Fallout games rather than shirk them. Maybe it could reveal what sparked the first missle launch, and who did it.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The point is having a series identity. If you’re willing to change so much of what is core to the series you’re better off starting a new franchise. It’s the same reason the BOS keeps popping up even though they honestly shouldn’t be as prevalent as they are.

Cold war paranoia, US exceptionalism, and corporatism are core to the series.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe I’m mistaken but I don’t remember a crashed space station in Nuka World, but it’s been a bit. Looked it up and only see results for one in 76.

My interpretation is that there’s been multiple potential groups hinted at for starting it but nothing conclusive.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

The USSR has a lot of landmarks recognizable to an international audience like Saint Basil’s, Red Square, or the Kremlin if they went with Moscow. The USSR and China were allies so presumably Russia had some role in the war that hasn’t been covered much yet.

Also the USSR isn’t around anymore China is. So Bethesda might be worried about them doing something like invading Taiwan that might drastically impact the perception of the release.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly, it’s the same thing as how it felt like trains kept derailing after the Norfolk Southern incident. In truth it’s always been happening, even though it’s rare. It’s just that news conglomerates decided it was a problem for a bit.

Hot take: developing an open source For You algorithm for mastodon that shows you posts based on your likes inbetween every other chronological post would be great

If we had an open source algorithm for Mastodon/Pixelfed that learned based on the words in the post and image/video we could have a Following + For You feed that showed you all the posts from people you follow and you could choose to see, say, 1 recommended For You post after every 3 posts from your Following feed. With the...

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

This seems like it could have negative side effects. For example if you like posts about negative stories and the algorithm interpreted you being supportive of the post as you appreciating negativity it could work to foster a falsely over negative world view in you sending you into a worse mental state. Or if you dislike a post you might not agree with it could lead to you only seeing posts that reinforce your beliefs to the point of radicalization.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Payday 2 leads the industry with countless bangers and implements music in a way that keys you in on what phase you’re currently in.

‘Evil eye’ ‘Hot pursuit’ ‘Break the rules’ ‘Ode to greed’ ‘I will give you my all’ ‘The gauntlet’

Not to mention the Christmas track.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

If either side attempts to pack the court to their political ends by increasing the number of justices it simply guarantees the other party will do the exact same when they come into power.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Unless you’re still holding a grudge against the Grant administration I’d recommend you re-read my comment. The number of judges has remained unchanged since 1869 because the last time one party decided to change that it lead to the two changing the number back and forth and resulted in some of the worst supreme court rulings in this nation’s history.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been running through Into the Radius. It’s in the easily top 3 VR games for me, it’s does a incredible job at immersing you into the world which is basically like Stalker. Coming back from harder missions I’ve felt mentally exhausted just from how stressful it can get. But that stress is so addictive.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

Late to the party but 2033 (game & book) follow the same basic plot with different events. Metro 2034 (2nd book) is it’s own thing. Metro Last Light (2nd game) inspired Metro 2035 (3rd book) which inturn inspired Metro Exodus (3rd game).

There are two different canons but generally overlap. The differences are largely based on adapting the books to work as games.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

That last paragraph was me editorializing not the article. The actual article is only the first two paragraphs. Yes the article is only two paragraphs. Sorry I got your hopes up.

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I think you misunderstood my point, I wasn’t say Biden has done good or bad. I’m unsure of where you got the idea that I was blaming Biden for the economy in my previous comment. My point was that we would expect to see a positive impact to the economy with COVID waning and because we can’t see into the alternative reality where he did nothing we can’t be sure that it was his actions that resulted in the outcome we see.

The stupidity of YT ads these days (lemmy.ml)

I was watching a video on landscape mode on my phone on YouTube. And then when a wild midroll ad appears, the ad thinks it’s a good idea to play a ultrawide-screen video inside a TikTok style vertical phone window, and then puts that in a widescreen video. The whole thing also got smaller to display the CTA at the right....

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

If you minimize a video on mobile ads also fuck up the aspect ratio so when you try to enlarge it to skip it’s harder.

FireTower, (edited )
@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

It’s got a second flag on it so when you buy one flag you get two. That’s value right there!

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