
@[email protected]

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You mean when I was a kid and had a dinosaur as a pet instead of a dog? Compute!'s Gazette, Compute!, Ahoy!, Your 64. Amiga Format, Electronic Games, Nintendo Power, and some other magazines I can’t remember. I was a junky for magazines and still am.


I remember using cassettes, but never vinyl, and I got the magazines when I was a kid, never saw one with a record. By the mid 1980s the magazines started including a floppy disk with all the programs stored on them so you could copy the code from the magazine if you wanted to or you could just grab them from the floppy. I guess it depended on what computer you used. I had commodore computers all through the 80s. It could be a regional difference, too. Maybe in the US in the 80s nobody wanted to use records and preferred tapes and floppies. Anyway, nice article. It was fun and interesting to read!


It’s painful and just awful. I was an RA in college and saw all kinds of stuff with alcohol poisoning, including convulsions and seizures. I really dreaded weekend duty because I always had a resident that did something stupid while partying. Things get very painful and horrifying when other substances are combined with the alcohol poisoning, including permanent injuries. So, OP, if you’re just curious and couldn’t decipher what you found on whatever medical web site, now you know. If you’re thinking about ways to die, call a hotline and get help.


I actually started using Stremio today because of what this guy said. I never heard of it. It’s definitely easy to use, but requires some setting up with plugins. Without the right plugin (torrentio) you won’t be able to stream anything without being told to use a subscription service. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out how to get the plugin. I just watched Evil Dead: Rise and I had plenty of options for streaming it. Considering how I canceled my Netflix subscription a little while ago it’s nice to have a reliable replacement. I mean, it’s even better than Netflix. Lots of new movies and shows to watch. I hope this thing lasts a long time because it’s just what I was looking for.

Linux distro for gaming

I know this has probably been asked before but I am currently using Arch and wondering if my choice is the best for gaming. What are the thoughts from the community? I have an AMD Ryzen 7 processor with 64 gigs of RAM and a decent AMD GPU. Gaming seems to be okay on Arch but I am wondering if I’ve overlooked something better....


Yeah, Steam is pretty much the reason why Linux is more viable for gaming now.

FinalBoy1975, (edited )

I’m actually going to try Nobara one day when I’m bored and don’t have any place to be. This is mainly because it seems to promise that Xbox One wireless controllers work with it out of the box. On Fedora 38 I’m having a hard time and I actually prefer this controller. I have had to use a different one because I still haven’t figured out what I’m missing. *edit: just read the web site for Nobara and saw it includes driver support for Lenovo Legion computers! I’m totally doing this tomorrow on a lazy Sunday!


Well, I actually got going on installing it last night and I’ve been using it for several hours now. Xpadneo comes with the distro, but for me it’s been a bust, even after troubleshooting, just like what happened to me on Fedora, so no xbox controller over bluetooth. However, the other driver that comes with the kernel (xow) allows me to use it with a USB cable, which I couldn’t do on Fedora. So, I’m sticking with Nobara and I will just figure out the bluetooth problem or buy a dongle and see if that works. As for the rest, it is the best and easiest linux installation I have ever used and I have been using linux since 1999. The installer connects to wifi and updates the system as it’s installing. On first startup you get a welcome screen telling you what to do next (this, for me, included installing the NVIDIA drivers). Installing NVIDIA drivers for me was basically just clicking “OK” and letting it do its thing, something I’ve never seen before. All the games I’ve tried work great and the installer installs Steam and Lutris automatically. All the features of my laptop work out of the box, including battery conservation mode (specific to Lenovo). Only caveat: read the website carefully and make sure your system can handle Nobara because, contrary to other Linux distros, this one does not support older NVIDIA cards. If your card can handle the newest NVIDIA driver, then that’s good. If not, you won’t get much out of installing it. Another thing: you can use flatpak on Nobara, but the web site specifically tells you that you should not use flatpak for key packages: steam, lutris, gamescope, mangohud, obs-studio, blender. The Nobara repositories are fully integrated in the software store so for the rest you can pick and choose where you want your other software to come from. I’m impressed and I’m sticking with this distro. I love it.


I’m going to break in to your house and steal yours! (Honestly, I won’t, but that’s how I felt reading your comment, lol) I want one so bad. I’ll just keep on scrimpin’ and savin’.


Just wanted to tell you something funny: When I signed up a while ago I elected to hide bot posts. I didn’t remember until I read your comment and I was lost when I saw this post because I was like, “What automated archive posts?” and “What is this person asking about, I don’t see this stuff.” LOL I might be senile already!

Do Steam guides to games need to be vetted better?

I’m asking because it seems to me that there are people that write guides to games that are high score addicts. For example, if you look up a guide to an RPG or even an Action RPG game on there, the author of the guide wants to help you. The same thing goes for people writing guides for platform-type games. However, if...


This is difficult to answer because we can’t link to things (see the rules to the right). I started off using publicly available channels, which is a convenient way to learn how it works. I just did a search for IPTV and in my search results I got a link to GitHub that provides you with information about how to use the public channels. You might like to try the same to start using it. If you want to get more content, the best way to find out about other IPTV services is to ask individuals you might have in your chat programs. For example, I have a friend on Steam that tells me about the services he uses. If you have the VLC media player this will help you a lot.


I’m not broke, but I remember days when I was. If that’s your case, I hope you have better days soon. Whether you’re broke or not, second hand goods are always a good option.


This article would be more useful to me (I’m saying to me, not in general, perhaps it’s useful for many and I’m strange) if it had suggestions for which retro handhelds are really good. I don’t particularly enjoy watching YouTube reviews of products. I don’t particularly enjoy watching gamers on YouTube, either. I’d rather read something quickly. Do you happen to have a good article on decent handhelds? I’ve been saving up for a Steam Deck, but if there are any interesting retro handhelds out there, I’d check them out (but no YouTube, please).


PS2 games are super hard to emulate. That’s the shan-gree-lah of emulation. If the product mentioned can emulate PS2 games, I guess it can emulate just about anything.


The thing about me is: If making my choice smartly requires watching YouTube stuff, I decide to not make a choice and live with not deciding.




Thank you for saying it. I did not like this game very much. Maybe the person who threw it away had the same opinion as us. Imagine how much it would be worth if it was actually a good game to play. LOL

Has anybody been able to crack Garmin Dash Cam red light and speed cameras?

I own a Garmin Dash Cam, and one of the features is red light and speed cameras alerts, however this feature is hidden behind a subscription, the camera doesn’t require internet connection all the time, so theoretically the files could be reverse engineered. I tried to do a quick google search but got nothing, does anybody...


If you care to, you might try posting this to !fucksubscriptions because: 1) yet another item that you pay money for that tries to force you to subscribe to things to have access to all of its features 2) maybe somebody bought one, is a member of that community, and figured out a way to crack it because they were as irritated as you might be (I’d be irritated, I probably would not buy it if I knew it required a subscription to get those extra features).


I love it because it’s an arts and crafts project and a computer project all packed into one. I definitely want to try this. I think instead of buying something with RetroPie already installed I’d just get a cheapy mini computer and install it myself. You could totally get away with using old hardware from a pawn shop or yard sale, even.


He didn’t want to buy the company. So, he’s turning it into a pet project. The end. The oxymoron here of this story: The winners of the 44 billion Musk payed for it probably don’t care that their creation is being run into the ground while the users of the platform are obviously in an uproar. In the end, the creators and founders, etc. did it for the money, not the cultural impact they would have on the world. Twitter’s former CEO has allowed himself to be interviewed from time to time to say what he thinks Musk is doing wrong, but he doesn’t seem to have any hurt feelings or express any kind of extreme regrets for the company being sold. From what I’ve seen in the news, he’s pretty dry. The drama comes from the user end. This tells me something about how, in the end, it’s just rich people doing business and doing as they please with what they please. It’s kind of sad. Like, let’s say I made something really cool with my own two hands and my creation got turned into something monstrous. I’d be upset. The people who made twitter are happy with their riches. In the end, the outrage and scandal is kind of pointless because it’s just a thing that makes more money for big business rich tech people and it always was just that.


The fact that he did not want to buy it for the price he had to buy it for is enough for me to conclude that he doesn’t give two shits about it. The ones he bought it from don’t give two shits, either. It’s just money. For Musk, money lost. For the former owners of Twitter, money gained. The rest is just blah blah blah to them. This is not so for the users of Twitter. It means much more to them socially than it does to the people who bought it and sold it. This, for me, is fascinating as a social phenomenon. Fascinatingly sad in a lot of ways.


I sucked at that game. That’s why I don’t miss it much. LMAO. You did pretty well. The couple of times I played it back in the day, I had a negative bank.




The Nightmare table has always been harder for me than the Ignition table, but yeah Ignition is a rough play through.


That was my favorite Windows game that came with the OS. I wonder why they removed it? Is it because they wanted to sell it as Full Tilt?


I’ve been playing Demon’s Tilt for a while now. It’s a lot like Devil’s Crush, with bonus tables. It definitely isn’t a pinball game for purists. I’m not a purist, I like a lot of different pinball games, so I have fun with it. On older versions of iOS and Android there was PinOut, which I can still play on my iPad. Not sure how long that will last. A lot of the new pinball games you can get on Steam, etc. are not to my liking because they require in-game purchases (you have to buy the game, then buy each table individually).


OK, I wasn’t clear on that. So, Full Tilt! was available before the pinball game was included with Windows. How much work would it have taken Microsoft to adapt their pinball game to 64 bit machines? I mean, come on, what kind of excuse is that? They updated Solitaire and added word games. Silly Microsoft.


Oh wow, that’s so cool I almost popped a boner! Thanks! If you’re a man, I’m sorry. My boner isn’t for you, it’s for the valuable information about what the hell happened to that pinball game, which quite frankly entertained me in my office during office hours for a stretch. LMAO.


I’ve come back here because other people replied. I’m sorry I didn’t answer you with a screenshot. You can find screenshots of the game, though, really easy, just do an image search on your favorite search engine. Trust me, this game has been written about online since dial up internet days, which is what you needed to connect an Amiga to the internet back then. Fun fact: the first porno animated gifs downloaded from the internet were probably created and downloaded to Amigas! So, you can easily find these screenshots yourself. If I get around to playing the game again, I’ll try to remember to screenshot something if somehow you can’t find what you’re looking for. Not sure what you’re looking for.


I’m reading your description and I want to remember this. It sounds like fun. Maybe I played it and I don’t remember? That would make me feel so old. Good thing I drink and smoke to forget.


I wasted my Sega Genesis non-life on this game so many hours you would just call me a loser. The console was my mom’s, so when I went away to college I didn’t have it with me. Every vacation I returned home, I’d just play this and see if I could get a billion points. My mom had the game genie, so she beat it artificially. I refuse the genie. You can find this game anywhere. It was not popular back in the day. It’s one of those cheap games you got at K-Mart for whatever, maybe a couple dollars. It’s definitely like The Adventures of Lolo was. A cheap ass game. Not one of the titles that was overpriced and cool kids arcade category. It was a cheapy game. One of the first of its kind, along with the Lolo games. No sooner it was released, it was in the bargain bin at the cheapy department store.


I’m using the Fusion emulator, if that helps. The Sega Genesis is long dead. RIP.


No, I meant that my Sega Genesis is long dead. It died years ago, as in it stopped working. But it lasted a long time. It finally bit the dust in 2012 or so. This game is great! I played it nonstop when I was 20. A couple of nights ago for some reason the game popped in my head and I felt like playing it. Today I’ve played it at home and when I’ve been out of the house on my phone.


I’m glad you’re having fun with it! When you get tired of it, there’s a sequel to it called “Dragon’s Revenge.” It’s just as fun as “Devil’s Crush.” So nice to enable people to try retro games they hadn’t played before. I had no idea it was on the TurboGrafx as well as the Sega. Most people understand it was developed for the Sega. Interesting!


Still downvoted. Un fucking believable. So, basically, this means I just delete away. Delete delete. And Block technology. Because it isn’t about technology. BTW, where are all the technology people looking for news about technology? I’ll navigate over to there.

What are your thoughts on a on-device model that "fact-checks/determines bias" on comments and posts?

Have had a few pet projects in the past around RSS aggregation/news reading, which could fact-check the sources/article while reading, also determining the biases from the grammar and linguistic patterns used by the journalist for the article. Same could be applied to comments....


Apart from what @AlataOrange has said, I think your “on-device model” would die of overload in its first 5 minutes of operation. Most comments are biased. Everyone has an agenda, whether they are conscious of it or not. If I want factual things, I’ll read the factual things elsewhere on the internet. If I want some buttery popcorn, I’ll microwave some and read the comments.


So, your software would go to the link provided (if there’s a link provided) and scan the text of the article for language that sounds biased. This is an interesting exercise in computer programming, but it wouldn’t be useful. Imagine the biased reaction of the user that wants or does not want the article to be judged “biased” by a computer program. I could just hear people muttering to themselves, “damn algorithm.” This is something software is getting better at, but it’s still not reliable. Take, for example, some software from my field: The kind that detects plagiarism. When I get student papers, I have to scan them through the plagiarism detector. After that, I have to inspect the ones that were flagged as “potential plagiarism.” I’ve had to use this type of software for over a decade, and it’s still problematic. I’ve had situations in which I found the plagiarism and the software did not. I’ve had countless situations in which the software found plagiarism but there was no plagiarism. So, I don’t know, your goals as a computer scientist are lofty. Still, I want you to keep your bias detecting software away from my reading in my day to day. Anyway, human beings either have the reading skills and knowledge about where to get the facts from or they do not. If they are ignorant enough to require a computer program to judge for them, they will question the software’s judgment, anyway, whether it’s right or wrong. Why? Everybody’s got an agenda.


OK, so you’re looking for a way to figure out punditry, what the pundits say that is fact and that is just their opinion. I think that this type of goal is entertaining. What you’re looking for is to create software that singles out journalists (they are usually the pundits). It looks easy watching TV, it’s harder to with software. But you’re right in that regard. Journalists aren’t what they used to be. They are free to have an opinion and they are viewed as fact reporters. It’s problematic. Humans are now better at figuring that out than AI. But if you can figure it out, that’s great.


Your post would be more interesting if you stated what file you were downloading. You’re downloading it from the megathread? The megathread provides links to places from which you may download things. It does not provide things for you to download, usually. That’s why you need to be more specific. I think it’s funny how you produced a comment stream that directs you to linux. Like, if your question is legit, ain’t no way you can handle linux. LOL.


I upvoted you, but I let the asshat you replied to unvoted. I mean, come on. This person is clueless.


I’m permanently annoyed with the launcher thing, too. I wish someone would come up with a software store app that 1) installed all the right crap so the game works right and 2) didn’t require you to open the app to open the game. Steam, for example, lets you install the game with a start menu shortcut, but if you don’t have Steam open, clicking on the start menu shortcut opens Steam first, then Steam launches the friggin’ game. Then there is the Bethesda launcher. Then Blizzard’s launcher. There’s an Xbox launcher. Yadda yadda. I don’t know if their primary goal is monopoly as much as it is forcing you to open a program with a store in it so you see stuff to buy when you want to play a game. I think having a monopoly is secondary. Primary to them is forcing you to see that they have more shit for you to buy. I’m pretty sure Apple’s iTunes is the one that started it all. Let’s integrate shopping for music into the computer. Then, the phone. Now it’s not just music. It’s every friggin’ thing. People with shopping addictions must have a hard time if they’re also gamers or fans of other digital media.


Yes, your library can be the start screen when it opens. But first you must see the other window (that I always close without reading) telling you about today’s “special deal” or some game you might like to buy.


It definitely should change its name to US Politics.


Funny how it started out as a search tool. It used to be handy, even better than Yahoo! LOL


Yeah, that’s why literacy is so important now. Not just literacy, but high levels of literacy, the kind that require a high level of research ability. Otherwise, we have the internet of today, and it will not stop until people start putting value on literacy and critical thinking skills. Today’s average user is just not competent enough to sift through all the trash and find the important stuff. That high school English class that forced you to write a research paper? Didn’t prepare you enough. That high school English class needed to do better. Turn you into a research machine.

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