
@[email protected]

Usually, my own thoughts are the only ones that matter to me. The exception is the rare occasion when I actually create a post or comment asking a question. That’s when I want to know about what you think. Otherwise, buzz off.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Yes. With VPN. And so many lessons learned after about how you didn’t have to do it, but you did it.


Well, he must taste like a cheeseburger. He eats one every day doesn’t he? Imagine eating a person and every bite tastes like a cheeseburger. If people tasted delicious like a cheeseburger, I’d totally hop on board the Hannibal train. I could put up with bringing my jar of pickles, my chopped onions, and other condiments to the love fest.


My only question about this is: Why did the Nazis specifically look to Jim Crow laws? Ease of use and accessibility in a time before the internet or something? They could have looked at any other laws as a model in the world that were similar in scope and effect. Plenty of European neighbors, quite recently (in the 19th century) had established similar racist laws in their colonies. I can’t seem to find an answer to my question. Any colonial law code from a European power invested in colonizing and subjugating people would have sufficed, actually, because the Nazis were trying to achieve world domination through the subjugation of “others” who were not of what they called the “Aryan” race (hence the outbreak of two World Wars). It’s an interesting essay, but it doesn’t answer this question. It would have been much better and more convincing if it had taken colonial and post-colonial theories into question, for the simple fact that the Nazi agenda was an empire building enterprise. If the essay had asked this question and addressed it, perhaps it would have discovered and communicated to us why the Nazi enterprise ultimately failed. The Jim Crow laws were disgusting. So were all the others similar to Jim Crow laws invented by colonizing European powers in the 19th century. I would recommend further reading. Authors that come to mind are Ann Laura Stoler, Rolena Adorno, Homi Bhahba, and Gayatri Spivak (but there are more to consider). I’m just throwing out what I like to call the “Golden Oldies.” There are certainly more. To me, this essay is interesting for a high school project, but needs help if it should be considered actually worthy of attention, specifically because of my question. Why did the Nazis look to American law? It seems inefficient to me. They could have looked at their own laws, or even laws adjacent to them, such as Prussian laws. There are lots of questions to consider here inside my initial question.


It’s just a review that isn’t very good, in my opinion.


Yeah, that doesn’t convince me. Sorry. Plenty of racists in the USA. Absolutely. What this review says is that the Nazis were looking to the USA as a fine racist example. Still not convinced. Racists on this level are not looking at themselves as racists. They’re looking at something else using their racism as an unrecognized motivator to achieve another end. I suppose you don’t want to read the books I recommended because you’re too busy. The review article sucks, in my opinion. And that’s just the way it goes. Nothing you’re saying convinces me that this is actually good content. It’s mediocre content. You’d get my point if you were well read.


It isn’t there in the books you didn’t read. And I am absolutely not defending the USA’s Jim Crow laws. I’m saying the argument of the book, according to this review, is weak because it does not tell me much about the author’s research. That’s all. Read the book yourself, show me where it has solid evidence, then I’ll engage with you more.


Yeah, I’d actually read the book, but the review, which isn’t very good, sort of tells me reading the book wouldn’t be exactly a good use of my time. It’s funny how second-hand info sort of reaches you in this way. If you cared to ask me personally about it, I’d answer your question. Since you didn’t ask, I’ll just tell you: Read the book and tell us about the book.

FinalBoy1975, (edited )

I’m sorry, but you’re really trying hard to violate a rule of this community but not quite violating it. Can you tell me which rule you’re trying to break but you just aren’t breaking it, being very careful with your wording? I know which one. I’d just love it if you just came out and said which one. I’d also really love it if you read the book yourself and made a post about the book, according to your own reading of it, instead of following a different track. You seem to think I’m an idiot, I don’t read the world news, or anything. Your problem is that you fear actually posting some opinion of your own. You are not sure how to word it so it isn’t removed. Or you’re not sure how to word it because you fear being banned. All you have to do, right here and right now, is just read the book yourself and talk about it or ask about it. Hell, even ask other people if they would like to read it with you. The rest of what you have to say to me also follows the rules precisely. I really don’t have anything else to say to you than this. I said what I think about the shitty book review you seem to think is gold. You think it’s gold. I think it’s crap. I happen to moderate this place, I didn’t delete your stuff or ban you. I think at this point I am politely requesting that you actually use your intellect more and be less of a coward. If you have something to share, do so from the heart without breaking the rules, something you are trying to do and failing to do because you don’t know quite how to do that. Figure it out on your own and do that. Sorry I was critical of your share. It’s not a good share. It isn’t worthy of removal, either. Waiting for someone to report it so I can remove it, though.


If you read the book, please tell us about the book, with your own thoughts. We’re all here waiting.


I’m not taking any mod actions on you. Just speaking to you with what I think in a public forum. You don’t seem to like that. Please tell me why. If I’m wrong about my questioning and all, that’s fine. Just having a casual conversation.


So far you think I’m an idiot. We have nothing more to discuss, apparently. The rest of your comment is what we call a non sequitor. I don’t like your post, personally. What I think personally has nothing to do with this community, but I thought it would be nice to share with this community what I think. Why? I want others to do the same as me. We’re done here. Your post isn’t useful, at least to me. Don’t I wish it was? Now, if you don’t mind, I have other things to do. You’ve proven to me that you’re not interesting to talk to. Prattle on as you wish. Say something that you will get you reported, PALEASE. People working for free don’t need this shit, really. I’m heading off to my kitchen to light myself a nice camel cig and open a bottle of wine. Let me chill and relax and we’re done here.


It isn’t an insult.


So weird, but actually changing your desktop theme to “light mode” forces it to stick to “light mode.” If that doesn’t work, look for the setting in your web browser. For me, it was all about changing the setting for my desktop theme. When we’re all dead, I suppose you can set each web site to dark or light mode, at whim?


That’s weird. Something in your settings is not jiving with the rest.


This is what we might call a tour de force.


So cute. You can make friends with wild skunks, actually, I’ve been doing this since age 7. They love peanuts. If you have food to give to them, they will not spray you, and you can pet them in your back yard! They’re so cute and fun to interact with, and they don’t even have to be domesticated.




What kind of spray are you talking about? I was talking about the skunk’s defensive spray, which makes its enemies all stinky. If you sit outside in your yard or garden at night and wait with food, you can feed the wild skunks by hand and they won’t spray you with their stinky stuff. It takes time, but you can do that. Skunks don’t spray unless they feel threatened. If you show them you’re a friend with food, they are not going to make you all stinky. I like spraying people, but from another body part that is not the anus, and only if I think the people are hot and looking for some of my spray.


In the top right corner of the sidebar of your community you should see a trash can icon. Click on that. If you created the community you can delete it. I did this two or three months ago. No admin powers required.

Brief History Of Abortion – From Ancient Egyptian Herbs To Fighting Stigma Today (

You might be forgiven for thinking of abortion as a particularly modern phenomenon. But there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that abortion has been a constant feature of social life for thousands of years. The history of abortion is often told as a legal one, yet abortion has continued regardless of, perhaps even in spite of,...


This is really an awesome article. It also points to something without saying it directly: When abortion is made illegal in one area, it just makes abortion unavailable to women who can’t afford to travel from one place where it’s illegal to another where it’s legal to have an abortion. Anti-abortion laws actually just make abortion accessible to rich women who can afford to go the mile, so to speak, to have an abortion, something women usually don’t want to do. It’s painful to have an abortion, it’s a very sad experience. Anyway, there’s always going to be a distant far off place where abortion is legal for wealthy women to travel to if they can’t abort where they live. Poor women who would benefit from an abortion are left to poverty if abortion is illegal where they live.


The answer to the question is found in a Village People song.


Arch because it’s rolling release and customizable. I was using Nobara until a couple of weeks ago and switched to Arch because Nobara is basically a tweaked Fedora. The switch had nothing to do with the RedHat thing. It had to do with Fedora’s phasing out of X. I don’t need X for very much, just actually one little game that doesn’t work on Wayland (yet). I think I’m sticking with Arch forever now that I’ve realized how nice it is to not have to upgrade from whatever version number to the next. Gamers who don’t want a lot of hassle and like out-of-the-box functionality should consider Nobara, though. I love it as much as I am enjoying Arch.


I think there are lots of contenders to talk about in an opinionated discussion. The 20th century was pretty amazing for medical discoveries. I was actually not thinking of penicillin when I decided to post this discussion question. I was thinking about a specific discovery, though, when I asked. Call me totally childish, but I asked the question to see if anyone else thinks the same way as me. Gotta make this gig fun somehow, I guess! Anyway, so many contenders to have an opinion about. I’m not going to share mine because I want to see what people think and besides, it’s just about opinions, not hardcore data or anything. I’m pretty sure we’re alive today thanks to the many discoveries medical professionals made in the 20th century.


Ha! Yes, I was replying to the other comment. Whoops. Sorry!

An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why (

I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the !eurographicnovels community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by “admin”. Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by “admin”...


It looks like a lot of mistakes were made in your case. I saw your posts asking about dialogue and such. I’m surprised no one has reached out to you because, speaking for myself, when I remove something and give an explanation in the modlog and I’m asked more questions by message, I always reply and explain myself. I’m sure someone will interact with you if you send an admin a message. I looked at the log and it looks like a script or other automated action is to blame. The admin actually caught the issue and tried to restore your posts. It also looks like it was a “suspected spam” type of deletion that was corrected. I understand your irritation. I wouldn’t want to be in your situation because you took lots of time to add content to a community you care about. However, it looks like one of those things we call an “honest mistake” that somebody on the admin team tried to take back. I haven’t seen a case like this, it’s very eye-catching to me, because it’s so obviously a mistake. To help make you feel better, I’ll tell you a little story. 2 years ago I spent about 2000 bucks on a Lenovo Legion 5 gaming laptop. I took it to a computer repair guy to clean the dust out of it on the inside and replace the thermal paste on the CPU and GPU. He used a forced air compressor to clean the fans and didn’t see that a loose wire on his work table was inadvertently in contact with one of the cooling fans. Snap! Broke the fan. He apologized personally to me (like, you know, face to face) and promised me he would replace the component he broke free of charge, plus do the whole entire job in front of me so I could see what he was doing. He fulfilled his promise. I must admit, it was quite boring to sit through watching him take out all the screws, etc. But he kept his word and did the right thing. The people that run lemmy world seem to me to be a lot more honest than dishonest and also very willing to admit they screwed up if they screwed up, just like my computer repair guy. I’m very certain that if you pm an admin the very admin responsible for the error will write to you personally. You were just unlucky. Somebody wrote a bad script or was tired and wasn’t thinking clearly. I think it says a lot about how someone attempted to restore your posts. Also, if the images attached to them can’t be recovered, is it too much work on your part to delete the empty restored posts and just make new posts with the images? Maybe in between posts, you can count to ten so it doesn’t look like spam or something? I think that would help make your community look nicer and more appealing to subscribers who like comic book art.


I’m glad you voted! The more voters the better. Thanks!

community linuxmemes seems to be unmoderated

Hi there. The community !linuxmemes seems to be unmoderated. The only registered moderator @Linuxmemed has been inactive since ~2 months. I’d like to be added as a mod to weed out blatantly racist and other unacceptable content like this: Lol! So true..I’ve been a regular in r/linuxmemes, have switched to lemmy, and would...


Hey there! The moderator of that community is actually modding. Last activity as a mod, according to the mod log was 17 hours ago. From what I can see, the mod removed the racist post you’ve linked to and banned the account that posted it. It looks like the offending user didn’t like being banned and logged into an alternative account and reposted the same meme just 34 minutes ago. It also looks like the moderator, just a month ago, asked for help modding the community and didn’t get too many responses. I’m sure they would love getting some help with modding from you. But, to say they are not doing their job is inaccurate. Unfortunately, there are some users who just insist on re-posting content that was removed and they get irritated when they’re banned, so they do it again from another account. Dealing with these people is like a game of whack-a-mole.

FinalBoy1975, (edited )

Good, I’m glad you wrote them and I hope you help them out with moderating the community. I might be able to see a more updated version of the modlog because I’m a moderator? Also, when I use Firefox to navigate to lemmy world on my phone I often have to reload the page because the browser loads what I had previously viewed. So, I think there could be something weird going on with web browser caches. Anyway, federation sometimes creates hiccups, also. What you can see from one instance might not be visible from another. *edit, just an afterthought. If you start helping out with moderating the linuxmemes community, my advice would be to remove any and all blocks from your settings. If you don’t, you might not be able to see (and remove) rule-breaking content if someone on your block list posts something to the community.


This should have been on the onion if the onion actually dealt with real news. Only headline I’ve seen here so far that is 1) a real problem to make fun of and 2) not on the onion because it’s real. And whew! Just 70% of online shoppers. The rest can afford to not care?


Some of us might consider certain customs related to food a “bad idea.” One striking example was the ancient Romans’ use of lead acetate as a sweetener. What, in your opinion, are some bad food ideas from the past? They don’t have to be as deadly as consuming lead acetate, just a bad idea in your opinion.


I think I’ll start with a share so that people feel more comfortable with discussing, as the weeks go by and I see people are reticent. To show you I’m totally encouraging and actually would love some subjectivity on expressing historical opinions, I’ll share something from my very personal life. I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1970s, the use of gelatin in America was considered “fancy.” This included suspending animal organ parts in aspic as a “fancy” presentation. Julia Child at the time, wow, it seemed like every episode of The French Chef was something about aspic. I saw nothing fancy or elegant about it. To me, even when I got a little older (like age 13), it was gross. It looked nasty, the texture was something like Jell-O crossed with chunky peanut butter, and the flavor was a bit gamey. I’m telling you, as an eyewitness to the past, aspic was a very bad idea. Nothing fancy-shmancy about it. I would venture to call it “barbaric.”


Thanks for writing out how your experience is. It’s how I imagined it. I would need to have more battery life to make it worth it to me to buy it. For example, a long trip without any way to plug it in. I definitely wouldn’t expect it to run AAA titles.

The history of Madrid: From the moors to modernity (

I didn’t get a pay wall, but just in case, here’s a 12ft link. This is a very nice article summarizing the history of my favorite city, Madrid. You wouldn’t believe it now because today it seems like such a dry place, but during most of its history it was a strategic spot because it had lots of water in an area that was...


nice. just came up on my Spotify, and I said to myself, “my dad got so offended by my love of this album and I bought it because it had boobs on the cover.”

New Moderator Needed, preferably from North, Central, or South America

The preference of locale is to cover global time zones to fit lemmy world’s guidelines for moderators. I’m in Spain, Siyah is from Pakistan. The history community is growing to the tune of 100 new subscribers per month, so I, as the head moderator, am responsible for making certain all bases are covered for “large...


Well, welcome. You are now a moderator here. When I’m asleep and when Siyah is asleep, you shall watch over the place to make sure nobody calls each other names. If you decide the job is too taxing, you can remove yourself as mod at any time. Please remove yourself as mod if such is the case. And welcome to the mod team! Thanks for joining us. I for one am a huge fan of Canada. Unless we’re talking about hockey.


Oh, I’m a huge hockey fan. I may live in Spain, but I’m from Boston.


Anyway, I’m a huge fan of Canada. I have so many memories of visiting Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Anyway, welcome to moderating our community. As far as hockey goes, I love my Bruins. I don’t see that as a problem here. I’m about to go to bed. Siyah is probably scheduled for sleep 6 hours ahead of me. Then, it’s all about you. If anybody insults somebody else, you just delete the fucker. If someone is bored and wants to post something that smells to you as questionable for accuracy and you’re not sure, you just ping my ass and I’ll look at it. It never happens. But who knows? Today could be the day. Easy gig. You made my gig easy signing up. Welcome to the mod team. Smooth sailing, really. People here are really lovely.


haha! I had no idea penguins were learning how to use computers and how the English language works. If you’re alive, a human being with an internet connection, and are awake when Americans are normally awake, then you’re a moderator here. So, please tell me in all seriousness, do you live in the Americas and have a pulse? That’s all we need here for you to be a moderator. If you turn out to be a dud I can just undo it all. No worries! I won’t even have to do that, anyway, most mods disappear from lemmy as soon as they have spam created communities.


You’re still a mod here. I already got my “preferable mod” by time zone and now you’re here. You know, Portugal is right next door to me and is in the same time zone as you. Not in the same time zone as me thanks to Adolph Hitler and Francisco Franco. Your presence allows me to sleep an hour extra. Not that that matters, the more mods the merrier is my perspective. I’ve seen how you navigate around here and you’re great. I’ve already made you a mod. You haven’t deleted yourself, so I guess you’re here to stay! Siyah and I plus that Canadian guy Zoidsberg thank you for helping us out. You’re more than welcome to stay here and moderate.


You’re very welcome. To give you some advice from my own experience here, which hasn’t been much time, on the very rare occasion I’ve had to delete something, it’s usually because of The Code of Conduct. Anyway, if you ever feel in doubt, I’m always available to consult with. You won’t need to, though. It’s totally easy. Easiest job I’ve ever had.


I’ve never moderated before, no. It’s not hard to learn how to do it. You just read the rules and make sure people stick to them and that’s about it. I’ve learned it’s just about paying attention to what’s happening. I just check the community throughout the day and make sure everything is on the up and up.


Uh-oh. It’s getting down to the wire and there’s a tie! Let’s hope more people vote before Monday!

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