@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar


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Note app with fingerscan private notes and ability of live collaboration just for selected notes.

Now using joplin but it seems that it can just share all notes, I want to have just few collaborative note and jeep other private. Fingerscan or psw protected notes is a must have requirement. Best would be if the app is free (I mean without subscription costs) Thanks!!

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Notesnook? though I’m not sure about the collaborative features. You can password or fingerprint secure notes though. There is a free and paid tier so you’d have to test to see if the free tier does what you want. I’m on their paid plan due to a sale ($25/yr), so can’t remember which features are behind the paywall or not.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes. I just switched full time to Pop and I love it.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

It feels like they’re literally only there as a front for micro transactions, so I don’t bother. I did try a few of the Netflix games since those are ad free, but still… Nothing seems to hold my interest.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Projects like Runtipi have potential for the masses, imo. Single click deployment of apps on your own server…if you can get Runtipi installed first, of course. But hey, a step closer I suppose.

I’m very new to selfhosting, only started in earnest in April of this year. So I definitely felt the hosts frustrations in deploying (or trying to deploy) solutions I wanted to take back from Google and Microsoft. I’m still learning and am almost to the point where I’m comfortable pulling the plug on Google photos entirely. But it’s a lot of research for newbs.

OSS Notetaking App: Notesnook (notesnook.com)

Just wanted to share my experience with notesnook as a daily note taking and information organizer app. The free tier is fairly barebones but you can use it for simple stuff, but I’ll say that the paid $50 per year tier is really nice. I’m surprised at the polish and feature set for a OSS project from 2019 but it’s also...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

For those but happy with the $50/yr tier, I received a discount offer at the end of my premium trial. Ended up being $25 and I think it’s certainly worth that. That said, I’ll self host it as soon as it’s available.

Acreom is another in this segment of app that is very promising. It is not open source yet, but will be. And I do prefer the plain markdown file format of it and the likes of Obsidian compared to NN, but still a cool app.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Have you tried NextcloudPi? It’s a special build for SBCs and seems to work much better than my current server (HP Microserver Gen 8) for NC anyway. I am using a pi4 though, so ymmv on a 3b

What is the best linux alternative to OneNote?

I’ve no problem with using LibreOffice for most of my document needs, but i haven’t found a good substitute for microsoft’s OneNote yet. I mainly use it to plan my RPG games and it helps a lot. What alternatives are there for organizing notes on linux, with similar features to those that OneNote provides?

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

…in a database file. That and the awful android app had me look elsewhere. Too bad really, FOSS and self host options with it are great.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

You might look at these relative newcomers to this category of app…with some caveats for why I haven’t switched from Obsidian.

  1. Acreom - Not open source yet, but planned. Flat markdown files like Obsidian and Logseq. Dealbreaker for me is that in order to use the app on Android, you have to sign in with Google, Apple, or Github and use their cloud for sync. I’m trying to convince the dev to allow their “local first” mantra to permeate all versions of the app regardless of platform. He is very receptive, so we’ll see. If they do, I can see myself switching to Acreom instead of continuing with Obsidian. But that’s the beauty of open file format, you can pack up and leave very easily!
  2. Notesnook - Is FOSS. But not self-hostable yet. That is on their roadmap. Potential dealbreaker is that it doesn’t support markdown, rather shortcuts that behave similar to markdown syntax. As a result of that and their E2EE, the file format is not as open as Obsidian and others that use simple .md files.
@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I use checklists/task lists a lot. The way the app handles those are completely backwards. Checkbox is auto put in the title of the list but when you tap in the body of the list, it doesn’t. And the rendered view of your Todo list is very small with no way to change the font size. You can change the editor font size, but not on the rendered output.

I also don’t like to be required to put a title in at the start of any document. Other apps either name it ‘untitled’ or date/time it was created. This causes friction and if I can’t get my thought down quick, I may lose it.

That plus the whole markdown in a db file killed it for me.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I assumed you were asking what was wrong with the Joplin app, since that is what I was referring to in my post about awful android app. I use and love Obsidian on Linux, MacOS, and Android (tablet and phone). The only thing I don’t like about it along the lines of my original reply to you is that task lists and to-dos aren’t very easy or intuitive from Android. It’s doable, but kinda clunky. So for that type of scenario I’m using Quillpad.

But no, Obsidian app on Android is great. Joplin…nope. :)

Recommendations for OS on a rpi 4B (outside of RaspPiOS)

Quickly wondering what people recommend as OS for a rpi model 4b, outside of the RaspPiOS ofc. I want to use the RPI for all networking related stuff (dont worry its not using an sd-card). So PiHole, and I’ll also want to use it as my exit-node out of my Tailnet. I will also run ProtonVPN on it so that all my devices...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Try RISC OS first. It won’t do what you’re asking for, but it’s a super neat vintage OS!

Super Productivity - Keep Your Life Organized

My life is pretty disorganized with stuff at school, work, and extracurriculars. For a few months now I’ve been encouraged to get a planner instead of keeping it all in my head. Now don’t get me wrong, I love taking physical notes and doing homework on paper with my nice pens and such. However, I do need a planner that syncs...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

In this space, I think Acreom will be the one to beat once their road map is a bit further along. For example: making it open source and including local only option for Android. On that last piece, I don’t know if iOS does it, but with Android you have to sync with their cloud whereas desktop versions don’t even require a sign in, tested on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. So not there for me yet, but is very promising.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Hey, there’s an idea! I’ll have to see what’s possible.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

So it does export as a .db and you can sort of make sense of it. But I also completely skipped over a setting that allows for a single tap to mark a day as successful. So that does make it easier to backfill for the year. But I’m still curious what other folks are using or if they’ve run into this.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

That reasoning is precisely why I started using Obsidian. I was keeping notes in Google Keep and a journal in Day One. Both of which require exporting to get into a more universal format. Obsidian uses plain text files, which is great for my use case. Yes, I know it’s not FOSS. But it fit my flow better than Logseq and Joplin hides the markdown in a db that also needs an export (plus the android app is awful).

Unfortunately, there’s not a very smooth way to track habits in Obsidian even with plugins. There are a few available but they’re all pretty clunky, so I’ve skipped on them.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I found this option:


Is that what you’re referring to?

(PSA) How to get iDrive working on Linux

I recently switched to iDrive for my backup needs but couldn’t work out how to get it running on Linux. iDrive provide a series of scripts for Debian machines but this is obviously no good for non Debian systems (using Nixos here). I read about a method of hacking the scripts so they think you’re running Debian, but this...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Wait…the scripts work for iDrive personal? For some reason I thought they were for the e2 storage.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

No worries at all. You just helped me make a decision. I’ve been an iDrive customer for years but recently switched to Linux for my primary OS and thought I was out of luck regarding the 5TB for $79/yr plan. So I’ll have to investigate further.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh, I’m running Pop!_OS so it’s running just fine. But like I said, I had it mixed up in my head that it was only e2, not their personal tier. But this is great. Thanks!

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Vampire Survivor. So cheap but fun to jump in for a run or six.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Came to say this. Great co-op fun.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Not FOSS but I see so many YouTubers that DM talk about Obsidian for notes. I use it and love it myself, just not for DnD stuff.

Logseq and Joplin are FOSS and are often brought up. Joplins android app is garbage, if that matters to you.

Acreom isn’t FOSS yet, but it’s on the roadmap and I liked that one.

Notesnook is FOSS but has some features behind a paywall that might be deal breakers for some folks.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

You can use the excalidraw plugin maybe? I guess I’m not understanding the placement work flow you’re speaking of. All the options I listed are free so you can download and try them. Big feature of Obsidian is the plugin marketplace. But hey, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah, ok. Thanks for the explanation. I was wildly off in my visualization of how you were using it. The other poster in this thread is right, the Canvas function can do a lot of that. You’d have to try it to see if it actually fits your use case. Regarding the others mentioned, I’m not sure any of them can do it. But Obsidian canvas or you could also play with the Excalidraw plugin. Or just test it separately here and imagine that functionality within your notes app, that’s what the plug in does.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Being platform agnostic was important to me, which is what lead me to Obsidian in the first place. Joplin stores the markdown files in a SQL db that requires additional steps to export or convert. I believe Logseq also does flat Markdown like Obsidian, but it just didn’t click with me for some reason.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Isn’t that funny how different our experiences are? I liked Obsidian because it felt less cluttered than some of the others. But that might be the theme and fonts I set up, i’m not sure. I will agree with the sync. I’m fine paying for a service like that, but $8/mo paid annually is too much. I did end up paying for a year to see if it was worth it. And while it’s flawless and fast, I can’t justify that continued cost. Once my year is up I’ll look at syncthing or the CouchDB plugin sync to see if that does what I want and performs well. Shouldn’t be too hard as it’s literally just folders full of plain text files…

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I showed my son Obsidian and a little explanation of how markdown works. Explaining the draw (to me at least) is that I can format text without taking my hands of the keyboard. A few hours later he tells me he discovered that there are shortcut buttons a the top of the screen to do bold, italics, underscore, etc and “you just need to click on them so it’s a shortcut!”

I do like markdown editors that do the live preview of the rendered text instead of the side-by-side view of Markdown on one and HTML on the other. Obsidian sort of just changes to rendered text as you type.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I already answered, but I’m curious if anyone else can speak to using Tiddlywiki for purposes of DnD notes. It’s always intrigued me as an app, but my brain doesn’t seem to want to get along with it apparently.

Cross platform terminal emulator?

Is Termius the only cross platform emulator that includes Android as one of the platforms? It is quite good, in my limited experience, but too expensive for a hobbiest. I like that I can use my Linux desktop, MacOS laptop, and Android tablet/phone and the UX is the same across them all. The sync (trial for free, then charge) is...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Hmm, I’m probably explaining myself poorly. What I’m currently using Termius for is to connect to my local servers as well as two VPS I rent. In order to either make quick changes, or troubleshoot. Having that sync between Termius instances on my various devices with Alias, IP, and SSH key so I can connect with a single tap/click is what I’m after. If possible. Like I said, I’m still pretty new to this in general. I’ve run PiHole on a Pi3b for years, but that was it until Spring of this year when I started self hosting in earnest and learning Linux, etc. So I apologize if I used the wrong verbiage. Hopefully this explains it better?

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes I suppose that is right. I hadnt considered that the hosts would also be stored locally. Termius’ home screen has my saved hosts arranged by alias and I tap on whichever server I want and it connects without password because I already set up ssh keys. And if I add a new host it syncs with the other instances of the app on my tablet, phone, laptop, and desktop. In fact, it’s so handy that I often reach for my android tablet with attached keyboard to fiddle with the servers.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I’d pay the $10/yr premium if you can swing it. The emergency contact recovery feature alone was more than worth it to me.

For 2FA, I highly recommend Aegis. I switched from both Google and Microsoft authenticator apps earlier this year and it’s been great. I have the backups running automatically and it dumps it into a folder the Seafile is syncing for me. So not only do I have the backups on the server, but on the clients as well. Seafile is then backed up to an encrypted B2 bucket for further redundancy.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve talked mad shit about Nextcloud repeatedly. That said, I keep trying it. Almost compelled to make it work for me. This stubbornness lead me to NextcloudPi. And I don’t know what they do to that image/build, but it works very well on my Pi 4 w/4GB. Then I tried it in a docker container on my main server and it ran like trash again. So, ymmv? Easy enough to stand it up for a test though.

I’m a huge fan of Seafile. It’s the best Google drive/Dropbox replacement, imo. It does support Collabora or Open Office integration as well, but I can’t get that to work. Take that as a sign of me still learning rather than a slight against the product. I will say though, their documentation needs work. It’s quite a mess.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Memos might do the trick for you. There is a 3rd party android native app, but I found the PWA to be quite good. Markdown is stored in a single sqlite db file though, if that bugs you.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m still new to this whole privacy and selfhosting stuff, but rclone is one of the cooler utilities I’ve come across so far. The sheer number of cloud services it can hook to is fantastic! I’d love to see your tutorial. I’m currently using Immich to backup from my phone to my server then a night Duplicacy job sends it to B2.

Raspberry Pi 1 B projects?

I have an old Pi hanging around doing nothing. When I originally got it it had the latest Pi OS with desktop loaded and ran like garbage, not surprisingly. So I messed with it headless for a bit, then found RISCOS as an option in Pi imager utility and that is just a neat OS. Fun to play around with for sure. But now I’m...

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Hmmm unbound does work with AGH too… Might have to look at trying this

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I did overclock it a bit. I think it’s at 900mhz now, reliably. Probably not enough in the grand scheme of things. But hey, it’s something!

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s a clever idea. My UPS does already have the smart pants features like that, but I love the simplicity of that as a concept.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, I have a pi 3 and 4 in the “fleet” already. Was mostly just looking some something to use it for aside from wall decor.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I used Pihole for years, but have found AGH an overall better UI from a management perspective. And a quick searchs shows that unbound can work with AGH as well so I may give that a try.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s a fun idea.

Father_Redbeard, (edited )
@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

As a Linux newb, it’s easier than opening a SFTP session next to the terminal as I’m learning the file structure so it’s either that or cd then ls for every damn folder because I don’t know where I am or what’s in this folder vs that. Ranger has been nice for me as I learn.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

I stopped using them because their Android app is absolute dog shit. But I would trust them more than Google.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Great Greed!!!

Lighthearted RPG with a really neat combat system, funny writing, and food puns everywhere! So awesome and I never see anyone talk about it.

Shout out to Hungry Goriya for her excellent review on this gem.

@Father_Redbeard@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, would be a tough one to track down for a decent price. I played it via flashcard on my DMG with IPS screen and it was great. Still want a physical copy though…

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