Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


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Evkob, avatar

Their weird crypto rewards system is what turns me off the most.

Evkob, avatar

He’s just very British, I think. IIRC, he also plays a bit of a character inspired by BBC reporters of his youth on camera.

If you listen to him in a context other than his main channel (I love his Lateral podcast) he doesn’t come off as smug at all really.

Evkob, avatar

My mom’s phone is full of videos of her saying “oh shit” because she meant to take a photo. I really need to make a backup of those for when she’s gone.

Evkob, avatar

I know a guy who has Elmer Fudd next to his asshole with a speech bubble which reads “Come on out you wascally wabbit!”

Evkob, avatar

Mozilla is shitty, so you’re opting for Google instead? That’s like saying the air quality is bad, and opting to jump in the ocean and drown.

Evkob, avatar

Oh sorry, my reading comprehension is clearly lacking :P I’ve been eyeing LibreWolf for a while, but I’m mostly too lazy to switch my addons over.

Evkob, avatar

I use EndeavourOS. I like pacman and AUR, as well as the fact that Arch-based distros are well-supported by most software. I’m too much of a noob/too lazy to setup an OS without a GUI installer though, which is why I prefer Endeavour over Arch.

Evkob, avatar

That’s so cool! I had never really considered how important fonts are for language preservation in the 21st century where so much language and communication is written on a screen, I’m glad someone’s putting in the work.

theendismeh, (edited ) to opensource avatar


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  • Evkob, avatar
    Evkob, avatar

    UI is definitely somewhat subjective, but have you tried out AntennaPod? It’s honestly one of the most polished FOSS apps I’ve ever used. My only complaint is that you have to go to a separate search bar to add new podcasts to your subscriptions.

    Evkob, avatar

    From what I can gather, Cromite seems to have similar goals in terms of privacy to Mull, whereas Mulch focuses on security.

    I’m sure Mulch is a great option as well, but for my personal use case I prioritize privacy.

    Evkob, avatar

    My pleasure, thank you for nice little piece of software! I had to try a couple of coffee timers before randomly seeing Cofi while scrolling through F-Droid. It’s simple, lightweight, and does what it says on the tin, which is my favourite kind of app. I’ve been much more diligent in keeping track of my V60 recipes.

    Evkob, avatar

    All my friends have phone numbers, none of them have WhatsApp or Telegram.

    Non-Binary People and Assigned Sex at Birth

    As a non-binary person, I often get asked, upon stating my gender identity, this question: “Are you AMAB or AFAB?”, and quite frankly, I hate it, and I think it reeks of bad intentions. Now, I don’t think anyone who asks this is explicitly enbyphobic. There’s a good chance that they just simply might not understand, but...

    Evkob, avatar

    I agree with pretty much everything you said. I will say I don’t get too bothered by cis people asking me my AGAB, like of course I’d much rather they not but that question is pretty low on the “silly cis bullshit” scale. Like at least they’re somewhat acknowledging that I am not a man.

    What does bother me is non-binary people in queer spaces who bring it up when the info isn’t relevant. The number of posts I saw on queer Reddit which started with “I identify as non-binary (AGAB)”, and it’s just like, why?

    As someone who is 23 years old, my assigned sex at birth is an event that happened 23 years ago and has no bearing on any inherent part of who I am in the present moment.

    This is the only thing I disagree with, really. Obviously your AGAB shouldn’t be a defining factor of your personality (whether you’re trans or cis, tbh), but to discount it wholly seems a bit much. The toys I played with as a kid. Which kids were allowed for sleepovers, and which ones I was “supposed” to develop crushes on. Which types of expression were socially acceptable. The kinds of trauma I’ve had. My journey to discovering my gender. All of these would have been pretty different if I had been assigned another gender at birth, and they all play a role in the person I have become. Ultimately I agree that’s it’s simply an event, but it’s one which regrettably still has a vast influence on how society treats you during your developmental years.

    Evkob, avatar

    I agree that gender-based socialization isn’t universal, but the upbringing of children is still overwhelmingly based on cisheteronormative gender norms in most of society.

    I suspect we might be having a semantic disagreement, since I’d typically use “socialized male” and “AMAB” pretty interchangeably. Maybe I should start using “AMABBAABOTTMLBVPWWM” which stands for “assigned male at birth but also a bunch of times throughout my life by various people who were mistaken” :P

    What non-FOSS software are you using that you wish you could replace?

    For me its honestly a ton of my work software (digital forensics), shit is too niche to be replaced by good FOSS options. Cellebrite, Magnet Axiom, etc. Autopsy is great and free and has a linux version but it simply cannot get the same level of data without a pretty nutty level of custom code....

    Evkob, avatar

    I’ve never had one which required a specific phone, but I’ve been excluded from the work group chat at two different jobs because it was on iMessage and I was the only Android user.

    I honestly consider this an advantage of using Android though :P

    Evkob, avatar

    In addition to being too thick like other commenters have said, I feel like you might be pouring too close to the edge of the cup. Even for thick foam, that milk distribution seems pretty wonky to me, and reminiscent of a pour being too close to the edge of the cup.

    I would link to the same Lance Hendrick video as everyone but I think you’re already covered :P

    Evkob, avatar

    It’s done this with multiple files, even ones which previously worked. The blanks are from the same spindle, and I’ve also tested with another batch. My PC can’t read them either.

    Evkob, avatar

    Her current setup already can read files from a USB, she still insists on DVDs. I don’t really think she can wrap her mind around how files are as permanent as DVDs. Any technology is basically magic in her eyes, and I think having a physical disc that plays a movie is much less overwhelming to her.

    But I adore that woman so I want to get her her movies, obsolete technology be damned.

    Evkob, avatar

    Yeah that’s kinda the only conclusion I could come to, this post is really a last-ditch effort to see if anyone more knowledgeable than me could figure anything out before I spend money on new hardware. Like if something I did in the BIOS while figuring out my dual-boot could have messed up any firmware settings for the disc drive or some other sort of issue.

    Evkob, avatar

    This is a fair comment, and would definitely have helped me out 15 or so years ago when I was trying to figure out how to burn DVDs for myself :P

    Evkob, avatar

    I’ve tried with multiple batches, from oldish to brand new.

    Evkob, avatar

    I work as a barista in a coffee shop. I’m decently techy if you compare me to the average population. I can’t code or anything actually technical, but I’m a decent tech support for friends and family (and by that I mean I am able to find and follow instructions written by people smarter than me using search engines).

    Part of me would love to go to school and learn how to code, or get a better understanding of computing and land an IT or sysadmin type of role, since I love tinkering around computers (I semi-regularly install and setup a new operating system on my computer just out of boredom) but it seems like too much effort.

    Evkob, avatar

    I have the same dilemma as you, except with French rather than German. I tried AnySoftKeyboard, which was the best FOSS keyboard I’ve tried, but the autocorrect basically defaulted to English even when I was trying to type French sentences.

    I ended up just setting up SwiftKey and revoking network permissions after downloading the French dictionnary. My dependence on autocorrect slightly outweighs my FOSS values.

    I've just created my perfect automated music setup, including getting new recommendations

    I recently decided to start taking on the challenge of selfhosting and curating my music collection. I originally started looking at Lidarr as I am already a big fan of Radarr and Sonarr, but it wasn’t really what I was looking for. I’m not often seeking out full albums, and am more often finding my music by listening to...

    Evkob, avatar

    Haha I can feel the satisfaction behind this comment, well deserved! Your setup is really cool!

    Also, clicking on that link gave me a Stromae song, so I must immediately assume that you have good taste in music.

    Evkob, avatar

    It sounds ridiculous, but I always tell myself “What can you do when you live in a shoe? Move down the block, live in a sock.”

    The absurdity of it helps me deal with the absurdity of the world.

    Evkob, avatar

    I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see someone else mention TF2. I clock in at around 2019 hours, although probably around 500-600 of those are from idling (remember idling?!)

    Last time I played was in 2019, and last time I played before that was also a couple of years. But for a while, Team Fortress 2 was my life. I eventually got into surfing, and poured SO many hours into that across TF2 and later CS:S.

    If anyone who used to frequent Omega Arcade’s surf server on TF2 ends up reading this, Mr. Asplundh says hi! ☺️

    Evkob, avatar

    It’s tiring hearing people discuss how myself and people like me shouldn’t have rights, so I try to avoid it.

    The fact that it’s much easier to avoid bigotry by sticking to queer-created content says more about cishet people than it does about LGBTQ+ folks.

    Evkob, avatar

    As someone also near the border between Gen Z and Millennial, I relate a lot to this comment. I was also the family tech kid, and since like middle school I’ve always told people “I’m not good with computers, I just know how to use a search engine”

    My “computer literacy” is literally just basic research skills; knowing how to formulate a web search and how to identify bad sources.

    Evkob, avatar

    Finally switched from from Windows to Linux (specifically EndeavourOS, an Arch-based distro with a GUI installer).

    I also bought a new phone, on which I intend to install GrapheneOS and distance myself from Google’s ecosystem.

    I signed up for Proton Mail.

    LibRedirect browser addon to switch to privacy-respecting frontends for popular websites.

    Evkob, avatar

    Legit this entire dude’s comment history is the most stereotypical anti-communist propaganda imaginable.

    He was in another thread trying to argue that open-source software wouldn’t exist without capitalism, as if corporations aren’t constantly trying to kill off FOSS.

    Evkob, avatar

    Zab from Montréal does some pretty good decafs! I’ve had their roast called Kamala, it’s quite good if you’re into fruity, raspberry notes :)

    Evkob, avatar

    This is actually something I think might be concerning in the long run. Reddit’s current direction has driven away a contingent of users who tend to share similar moral values; Lemmy’s userbase tends pretty left with a lot of content here being anti-capitalist and pro-marginalized groups. It makes sense that decentralized federated networks would be attractive to those subsets of users.

    What I’m afraid of is that this will create a vacuum in which Reddit becomes even more of a breeding grounds for right-wing rhetoric and propaganda without the presence of these users to balance it out a bit. I know that as a Reddit-addicted teen, I hovered dangerously close to some pretty disgusting ideologies. Thankfully I discovered some leftist communities which expanded my narrow worldview and veered me to a much happier path. I don’t think reddit as a platform will die, but I fear those communities might, and I shudder to think at what reddit could become without them.

    Evkob, avatar

    This was a lot more fun to play with than expected. I’ll just wait for someone to write a plugin or app which uses this game as a password generator for KeePass.

    Evkob, avatar

    WINE and similar tools have gotten really good in the past few years. Valve’s Proton compatibility layer is good too, despite being designed for gaming many people are using it to run software which WINE itself struggles with.

    It could very well be possible to run your music software with minimal tinkering.

    Evkob, avatar

    In short, capitalism happened. A new CEO took over and decided “handmade” wasn’t marketable enough, and did the typical layoffs, changes in company direction, and general shitification of the platform. They now aim to compete with Amazon in sales of cheap, mass-produced items, instead of Etsy’s original goal of being a platform for craft enthusiasts to sell their creations.

    Evkob, avatar

    You definitely still can find real people making cool handmade stuff, but yeah there is a fair amount of just bot-posts reselling cheap wares.

    You need to be somewhat tech-savvy (at least in terms of distinguishing automated accounts from humans, which might be more of a social skill) and knowledgeable about whichever craft you seek to purchase, though. And Etsy as a platform has gotten pretty bad for small-scale creators, demanding more of them (such as encouraging them to offer “free” shipping at their own cost) and offering less support.

    Evkob, avatar

    Sometimes it’s possible to contact people via their social media accounts and figure out a way to make the transaction happen without a middleman, but I imagine that’s not all vendors. I’m not aware of any alternative platforms to Etsy at the moment, sadly.

    Help: I'm dealing with hundreds of ripe plums

    Last fall I moved into an apartment with a plum tree in the front yard. I don't know anything about plants or trees or fruit, and now that summer is here there are hundreds of plums dangling off this tree. They're attracting millions of ants, as well as raccoons, possums, rats, and a few bold humans who I've caught plucking from...

    Evkob, avatar

    If you want to use them up, this website has a bunch of suggestions.

    If you just want to get rid of them, why not encourage the bold humans who’ve been plucking? Put up a sign saying “Free plums!”, I bet it would be picked clean within a day or two.

    What song from your country should be heard by more people? (

    There are so many great song in my mother tongue that virtually nobody aside from the relatively few speakers could realistically even come into contact with. I’m certain all of you non-English speakers here can relate! I linked one of my favourite songs, what are yours?

    Evkob, avatar

    God Bobcaygeon is such a good song. I’m not a huge Hip fan (I know, I know, sacrilegious to say as a Canadian) but I’ll always bop to Bobcaygeon. It inspires such a feeling of nostalgic melancholy. Makes me want to go hug someone I love or something.

    Evkob, avatar

    French-Canadian here! If you like prog rock, you should check out Harmonium! I recommend their album “Si on avait besoin d’une cinquième saison”, here’s my favourite song of theirs.

    Another classic is Beau Dommage, a folk rock group (with a bit of prog influence). Song recommendation: Le Géant Beaupré

    To plug a more contemporary artist, P’tit Belliveau is an Acadian artist from Nova Scotia who does stuff influenced by traditional Acadian folk but with a lot of modern pop and electronic sound. I absolutely love everything he puts out, but check out RRSP/Grosse Pièce. His music videos are always stellar as well.

    Evkob, avatar

    Posts and comments have yet to be implemented in this way, but instance-agnostic links already work for communities. Simply typing !memes or !bicycles or whatever will give you a link which redirects users to that page on their instance. Your instance might have to be running the latest Lemmy version, though.

    Evkob, avatar

    What a wonderful project, I teared up a little reading some of these, especially the ones from my home province. We’re small, rural, and usually quite behind on LGBTQ+ rights (not to mention our government’s current attack on trans & non-binary kids in schools.)

    It’s honestly a treasure to be able to read experiences that closely reflect mine. Makes me feel less alone in the sea of constant cisheteronormativity.

    Helvedeshunden, to asklemmy

    Which gadget makes your life better?

    For me, it's a bidet toilet seat. I bought one that didn't really fit as well as I hoped, so now I am shopping for a v2 based on experience. I don't want to live without one going forward. That's for sure.

    Evkob, avatar

    I assume you meant to reply to the bidet comment. I assure you, you get used to it. Frankly it feels like my days don’t truly start until I get a blast of cold water up the ass.

    Evkob, avatar

    Have you tried going into the game’s properties under “compatibility” and forcing it to use different versions of Proton?

    I had this issue where Fallout New Vegas would crash on start, which was fixed by changing from “Proton Experimental” to “Proton 4.11-13”, maybe try a few different versions to see if any one works better for this specific game?

    Evkob, avatar

    My best guess is some kind of festival. Three days with access to toilets, and who could blame them for wanting to avoid festival porta-potties?

    Evkob, avatar

    “Trying”? I’d say you succeeded in putting seasoning on your fries.

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