Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


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Evkob, avatar

I fully agree that Canada’s not a progressive safe haven, but I think for now queer people are still better off pretty much anywhere in Canada than in Texas. Let’s all agree that this isn’t much of an accomplishment.

However, I live in New-Brunswick, whose Conservative government has been at the forefront of the recent uprise in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric in Canada. At work, I wear a pronoun pin. I’ve worn dresses and nail polish (as a person who was AMAB) out anywhere, from sketchy clubs downtown to Tim Horton’s in rural villages. I’ve been made to feel uncomfortable at times, sure, but I’ve very rarely felt truly unsafe being visibly queer in Canada. From the perspectives of southern American queers I’ve read, that doesn’t seem to be the experience in places like Texas (outside of progressive bubbles such as Austin).

That’s not to say the situation in Canada vis-à-vis LGTBQ+ rights and well-being isn’t incredibly worrying. With folks like Blaine Higgs, Scott Moe, and potentially Pierre Poilievre running things, plus the everlasting importing of American political talking points, Canada could very well become as inhospitable for queer people as anywhere in the US. In NB, Higgs is already gearing to use the “parents rights” anti-queer dogwhistle as his main campaign issue for the next election. My friends and I have all been called groomers by anti-queer protesters, some have even had their pride flags ripped away from them and stomped on.

Sorry this comment kinda got long and ranty. TL;DR: Shit sucks for queer people in Canada and will quite possibly get much worse very quickly but I still think we’re better off than Texan queers (for now).

YouTube screwing itself with adblockers again

I use Firefox and uBlock Origin. Not sure what kind of experience anyone else is having with YouTube, but recently my home page has been empty because I “don’t have watch history turned on”. Okay, fine. I won’t be able to browse suggested videos, and I’ll spend less time on their platform....

Evkob, (edited ) avatar

If pasting into yt-dlp works for you, go ahead, but if you (or anyone reading) wants a more user-friendly experience, I recommend FreeTube for desktop and LibreTube for mobile.

Both these apps strip ads, respect your privacy, and have Sponsorblock built-in. You can import your subscriptions from YouTube via csv.

EDIT: Forgot to mention SmartTube for Android TV, which blocks ads and has Sponsorblock but is less privacy-respecting as you have to login to your YouTube account.

Evkob, avatar

Tofu scramble. I premake the spice mix, then open up a pack of tofu and crumble it into a preheated pan with oil, sprinkle over the spice mix, add black beans then pepper and sriracha (as well as a bit more of the spice mix), stir and heat it up a bit, then done. If I’m feeling less lazy, I’ll add veggies and stuff, but it’s honestly decent like this with the right spices. Here’s what I use for my spice mix (this is for a full jar which will last between 10 to 20 meals depending on how heavily seasoned I’m feeling that month):

  • 8 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 4 teaspoons chili powder
  • 4 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 4 teaspoons black salt (also called kala namak) or regular salt
  • 3 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
Evkob, avatar

Hot take: I say public pensions should avoid human rights abusers regardless of if they’re Chinese or not.

Evkob, avatar

The tuition hike I fully disagree with (to be frank I think tuition should be free for all universities but that’s a whole other conversation).

However, I agree with having a French requirement. Québec is a French-majority province, so it makes sense to require French language classes. I attended the largest Canadian francophone university outside Québec (l’Université de Moncton) and a lot of programs had an English requirement (you could get exempted by passing a test, which to be fair I don’t know if exemptions will be part of Québec’s policy).

Most jobs in New Brunswick, or at least most of those that require a degree, necessitate communicating in English at times, so it makes sense to have an English requirement. Similarly, most jobs in Québec necessitate some French so it makes sense to have a French requirement.

This is what Canada will look like in 20 years – are we ready for an aging population? (

New data reveals Canada's senior population is expected to exceed 11 million people by 2043. This rapid rise in the number of older Canadians will have wide-reaching implications on sectors such as health care and employment, with experts sounding the alarm that Canada is not prepared to handle an aging population.

Evkob, avatar

I know I look at the state of healthcare in my province (NB, but I figure it’s the same across the country) and get worried every time I see my parents. Unlike many, they’re lucky to have a good family doctor, but he’s nearing retirement himself, and then what? Their hair keeps getting grayer, the wrinkles add up on their faces, and the outlook for senior care keeps getting bleaker and bleaker. It feels like I’m inevitably going to watch them suffer to their graves.

Evkob, avatar

This line of thinking got me to realize I’m non-binary.

Specifically this great YouTube video by Shonalika.

Evkob, avatar

I’ve been having this same issue on version 0.0.54 logged into Local or all loads fine, but subscribed only lets me load the first page of content.

Evkob, avatar

Google embraces open standards? Sure, but you’re missing two words there.

Evkob, avatar

I’ve been playing Counter-Strike for over a decade and I still can’t handle the LoL community. That alone should indicate how toxic it is.

Evkob, (edited ) avatar
  • Lateral with Tom Scott (game show about random and obscure trivia, heavily inspired by QI)
  • Beautiful/Anonymous with Chris Gethard (hour long phone conversations with anonymous callers, it can get either super deep and emotional or just batshit insane)
  • A Bit Fruity with Matt Bernstein (queer politics and culture)
Evkob, avatar

With a debrid service, you’re downloading directly from their servers through HTTPS. Your ISP can see that you’re downloading something from but they can’t see what you’re downloading

Evkob, avatar

When you’re so busy remembering to FOSS that you forget to floss 😢

Evkob, avatar

When I was in Bangkok for a week, there was a little noodle stand at the corner from our hostel. They had 2-3 options, but the owner of the hostel recommended the chicken stir fry noodle, and instructed us on how to order it.

I have never tasted anything in the same class as this. We seriously ate there maybe like 10 times in 6 days and when we left I kept thinking about it for months. I’m vegan now and the thought of eating meat repulses me, plus it’s been almost ten years, but I still think of this place regularly. I want to find the family that runs/ran it and pay them a bunch of money to make me tofu stir fry noodles.

Evkob, avatar

Yeah I’ve been excluded from work group chats on two separate occasions because they used iMessage and considering another platform was just entirely off the table.

Although to be honest, I consider being excluded from work group chats to be one of the best features of my phone!

Evkob, avatar

He’s not lying, it’s just that the competition they’re playing is who can make the most profit.

Evkob, avatar

I can kinda see how this might happen, I bet statements affirming “Australia doesn’t exist” are more common on the internet than ones stating “Australia exists”.

Frightening to think of the all the data fed to these LLMs, a lot of it has to be incoherent ramblings or straight-up trolling.

Evkob, avatar

The maintainer sold it off to a company called ZipoApps. Here’s the Github thread about it.

ZipoApps seems to be a company who buys mobile apps to monetize (or further monetize) them. As per their website, their mission is “to find, evaluate, purchase and grow mobile apps”. I suspect the only growth we’ll see with the Simple Mobile suite is the growth of ad-revenue lining this company’s pockets.

Evkob, avatar

The FossifyX fork is by naveensingh, who was active in SimpleMobileTools’ development. From what I can tell poking through Github, they might not have as much time to dedicate to the project as the original maintainer.

Evkob, avatar

I’ve replaced the calendar app with Etar, but I have pretty limited requirements for calendar apps. For a gallery app I use this (which is very poorly named): Gallery

That being said, if someone knows of any good FOSS clock apps (which lets you set more than one timer at a time) please let me know.

Why AOSP’s clock, and therefore most apps based on it, only lets you set one timer concurrently is such a frustrating mystery to me. Have these devs never cooked? Have they never steeped tea while doing laundry?? In what world do you code a clock app which can’t have multiple timers?

Evkob, avatar

Yet most FOSS clock apps I’ve tried miss the mark on this. And trust me, I’ve tried so many darn clock apps.

Evkob, avatar
Evkob, avatar

Have you tried nail polish? I had a nail biting phase which I successfully replaced with a nail polish phase.

Evkob, avatar

I do colour polish because I like colours, but frankly I’ve not encountered any good-tasting nail polish :P

Evkob, avatar

I truly wish the meat, dairy, and egg industries would just die already. Consuming animal products in *current year* is silly and completely unsustainable.

Evkob, avatar

I live in a small town, this basically happens whenever I go to a social event.

Evkob, avatar

I’m a native French speaker, specifically from the Acadian parts of the province of New-Brunswick (Canada). We have a lot of vocabulary, grammar and syntax that people who speak a more standard French might frown upon (lots of borrowing from English but also a lot of old French words which disappeared in Europe but not here, as well as some Indigenous influences). Fuck anyone who judges our dialect and accents, I love the way we speak.

That being said, there are a few things that bother me:

  1. The pleonasm “plus pire” (most worst, or most most bad). There are a few common pleonasm but this one is the only one that truly irks me for some reason.
  2. “Si que” (if that) because of something that was drilled into me by my dad, “les si n’aiment pas les que” (“the ifs don’t like the thats”). Using “si que” is like saying “if that I say this” rather than “if I say this”.

The more I think about it the more I guess my stance on this is that deviating from standard French is fine and even cool when it adds meaning or nuance. I just dislike it when it’s purely redundant.

Evkob, avatar

I’m not a linguist, and studies about the French in my region are few and far between, so I’m not comfortable stating anything as fact. However, as far as I can tell, it’s not context-dependant and never adds any meaning.

Evkob, avatar

Based solely off this comment, I just wanna say you seem like such a cool person. Anyone who has a custom file on their OS to facilitate using IPA characters is good people in my book.

Evkob, avatar

Like people mixing first person futur and imparfait.

Just to clarify, do you mean stuff like saying “je serais là demain” (“I would be there tomorrow”) rather than “je serai là demain”? (“I will be there tomorrow”)?

Evkob, avatar

Descriptivism gang 😎

Evkob, avatar

I’m unfamiliar with the other publications, but in my experience NB Media Co-op leans quite progressive.

(For reference I’m basically a caricature of a mid-20s socdem who thinks they’re actually an anarchist)

Evkob, avatar

I know you said you don’t want Linux suggestions, but I’ll be that person and suggest a Linux distro anyway, in case you ever change your mind.

Ubermix is a Ubuntu-based distro (meaning there’s a ton of documentation and support) built with education in mind. They also have a nifty feature to easily recover your system from boot if you do manage to bork the system.

If your goal is to help your nephew get good at computer, fixing various broken systems over the years taught me probably most of what I know about how computers work. I wasn’t much older than your nephew the first time I made the family PC unbootable (I was trying to “downgrade” our “Vista-capable” PC to Windows XP, apologies if this anecdote makes anyone feel old). It took me a couple of days to get it running again after searching through YouTube and forum posts, but that rushing sense of accomplishment when it finally booted up to the bucolic green hills of the Bliss wallpaper got me hooked on troubleshooting and tinkering with technology for life.

Either way, best of luck to you and your nephew, it’s really cool that he has someone supporting him in his interests! You’re good people.

Evkob, avatar

Semi-related, but does any one else feel creeped out by the basic smiley emoji? 🙂

The cold dead eyes peer into my soul with judgement. That’s why I always use a different smiling emoji ☺️

Evkob, avatar

That took me a second, I find it still slightly unsettling but better than 🙂

Evkob, avatar

I wonder if there are any studies about the relationship between emoji use and mental health. Because you just read me to filth via my emoji preferences.

I do also like the angel smiley, but I never really use it because I associate it very closely with this one ex 🙃

Evkob, avatar

du recall à

is giving big “my autocorrect is set to French” vibes

Evkob, avatar

You clearly didn’t go to school in a small town, lol. There’s at most one teacher per subject per grade. You can’t just not let the math teacher’s kids take math.

Evkob, avatar

Where do you live? If I ever have kids I want to move there! This level of investment in education borders on fantasy from my local perspective. Our government can’t even be bothered to hire enough teachers to respect the maximum legal class size, let alone hiring a new teacher for a single student just to avoid having a parent teach their child.

Evkob, avatar

Ah Canada, where 50% of the population lives within the pretty narrow Québec City - Windsor Corridor and yet we don’t have any decent rail service, let alone anything high speed.

I live out in the Maritimes, so this isn’t even something I’d directly benifit from, but it’s one of the most frustrating policy failures in this country for me.

Evkob, avatar

Lower-fronted cars may cause more severe lower body injuries, but likely cause less severe injuries overall because the point of impact isn’t the torso (which is where humans keep a lot of their important bits and bobs).

Evkob, avatar

I get where you’re coming from, but without context your point comes across as more of a “all cars are dangerous therefore we shouldn’t bother regulating oversized SUVs” rather than the “Yes SUVs are particularly dangerous but let’s keep in mind that all cars are dangerous” that you were aiming for.

Evkob, avatar

J’aimerais juste ajouter: c’est apprécié que tu penses à ces choses avant de déménager dans une région francophone. C’est très facile lorsqu’on parle anglais de simplement présumer que tous pourront nous comprendre, et apprendre le français ce n’est pas facile.

Bonne chance avec l’apprentissage et le déménagement!

Evkob, avatar

I am Canadian, and I may or may not have shoplifted, but I am completely unaware of this being in any way typical Canadian behaviour. I’d say a good 75% of people I talk to about shoplifting react somewhat negatively.

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

Evkob, avatar

If I keep poking you in the eye for decades, wouldn’t you eventually get tired of it and punch me in the face?

Evkob, avatar

It’s normal to feel these things when thinking about a new OS, it can be quite a big change. You can always dual-boot, at least at first. Anyone telling you that you need to fully wipe your drive and immediately start from scratch is being silly.

Part of the fun of exploring new OSes and Linux distros is experimenting with new things! You don’t have to commit to a distros immediately, no one will judge you for distro-hopping! Even if you do eventually choose to go back to Windows, that’s okay! And just because you’re on Windows doesn’t mean you can’t use open-source software! Just because your OS is proprietary doesn’t make using FOSS any less valid.

No one is born with intrinsic knowledge of Linux, and no one should loathe their user experience of their OS. Are you made to be a Linux user, or do you just need to tinker with your Windows install? Only you can tell, but you sound like you’d regret not at least trying out a LiveUSB of some beginner-friendly distros.

Your hardware isn’t too old, in fact a new OS can often help old hardware run a lot better. Proton and WINE have made running games and Windows software on Linux easier than ever before.

Feel free to post here if you have any more questions about your potential transition 💕

Evkob, (edited ) avatar

Your OS can grow with you. It should grow with you. All the same, there’s no hurry to choose a distro and stick with it.

Couldn’t have said it better myself! 😊 You clearly have a way with words, I very much enjoyed your post.

EDIT: I’d like to add, I know people who don’t even have a main OS, they’re just constantly distro-hopping, and that’s valid too. Sure, maybe some people would say they’re needlessly complicating their workflow with constant re-installs, but who cares if that’s what they like?

Evkob, avatar

I think there’s a pretty massive difference between being invaded and being the country orchestrating the invasion.

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