
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Appreciate hearing some positive news for once!

Also, on iOS I am having trouble scrolling at all on the page. Had to open up the Reader View to view the article.


I would definitely buy that. I usually keep my game volumes on low and click through the dialogue because I already read the subtitle, why wait around to finish having the line delivered verbally? (Interestingly enough I’ve never ever thought “hurry up, speak faster” in an in real life conversation, this impatience only exists in video games.) Because of the value of voice acting, but for me personally voice acting is just not a priority.


I’d even be fine with a bit of increase. Have to keep pace with inflation, make sure you’re making enough to keep all your workers’ wages worth the same this year as it was last year.

But they want MORE profit NOW NOW NOW at a much higher rate than needed to keep pace with inflation, and the money sure isn’t going to workers to keep their wages at pace with inflation.

They said kids who failed the marshmallow test (eat one marshmallow now or wait and get two? basically, a test of if you can do delayed gratification or not) were less likely to fail than kids who passed it. But it looks like the instant gratification MORE PROFIT NOW NOW NOW guys are winning. But only if you’re super rich.

Queer Resistance, through love and kindness! :D

Hi, I just want to share with everyone about how my day was made. :D While I was at the gas station today someone came up to me and complimented my outfit and my jewellery. Small things like this can LITERALLY make someone’s day considering all the bs and bigotry that queer ppl receive. Being kind to others and having love in...


While there’s a need for fighting injustice, for stopping other people from tearing queer people down, there’s also a need for lifting them up. And although big things like trying to make a blockbuster hit movie that focuses on queer perspectives or making a website that hosts resources to learn about LGBTQ+ people and issues (both for LGBTQ+ themselves and allies!) are important, so are smaller day-to-day things. Especially when we’re not all webmasters who work in the movie industry.

Looking for games with unique core mechanics

I’m requesting for recommendations for games that stand out from the rest in their genre, and not in the sense of being the best game in that niche but actually bringing something new and innovative to the table. I’ve not had much experience in gaming, but I have a few games to give you a hint on what I am talking about:...


In a similar vein, Not For Broadcast. Pick what camera feed to show, what to censor, etc. Will admit I haven’t played it myself and am going off the Steam description page, but it seems pretty unique mechanics-wise.


For a certain type of person who heavily values utility, yeah, go with money. Most useful, the person you replied to has a point.

They’ll likely also appreciate that you know them well enough to know that they would like money the best instead of making the assumption (that would be correct for a lot of people, but not for this particular example person) that they’ll feel money is too impersonal. 😛 Sentiment probably would play a role, with the sentiment still being “you know me well enough to get me the gift I’d like the most.”

I like giving gifts because I feel it’s me showing the other person that I know what they like, that I see them and listen to them. I like receiving gifts that show that the person who got me it knows me well enough to know my likes. I would absolutely prefer money if you’re uncertain of my likes—I also value utility. Even if the gift of money was low-effort and not out of “I know you would prefer money over an incorrect guess at what you like,” I’d still prefer the money. More useful to me and would bring more joy than something I didn’t like.

So I mostly agree with you when it comes to gift-giving, but the person you replied to also has a point!


I’m so pleased about this feature and would be discouraged if Lemmy and Kbin implement an algorithm for everyone in a way you can’t turn off.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I feel like I’ve seen a ton of comments about how the Fediverse is so nice, but I feel it’s the same as what was my Reddit experience. Just less likely to get enshittified because it’s not corporate, and not optimized for maximum engagement and thus max outrage, so still an upgrade.

Seeing bigots (not on Beehaw, but on other servers), although they’re downvoted to hell and contradicted? Check. (Yes, they were downvoted to hell and contradicted on Reddit too.)

Seeing contrarianism just for the sake of being contrary? Check. Happened twice on my own post. I asked people to please reply with advice to my post and not just “me too” or “I didn’t find a solution lol” and got two “I didn’t find a solution lol” so it’s contrarianism, not just me freaking out over a differing opinion. At best they didn’t fully read my post, didn’t get to the part where I make the request, but somehow I don’t think so and I’m usually the type to try to assume the best of people. Those two replies were thankfully removed by an admin, so unfortunately I don’t have any proof to show you that this happened anymore.

Seeing people being condescending? Check. Lots of “Imagine telling people with real problems [insert the original poster’s complaint about a non-world-ending issue]” type replies. Lots of “touch grass” or “and those who think [other opinion] are dorks who need to go outside more” added when a user disagrees with the person they reply to. Lots of all these other snide things that let you know a user thinks very little of not just your opinion but you as well, merely because they disagree with your opinion. And it’s used against people acting in good faith talking about stuff like video games, not against people spouting bigotry on a server that explicitly has rules against it.

The kicker is I don’t even go on the communities that you’d think would be more likely to get heated, like Politics. I have that blocked.

Maybe it was wrong of me to say this was like my Reddit experience. It was like my Reddit experience when I wandered into bigger subs. When I stayed in my niche topic subreddits I rarely saw this kind of behavior.

I still post here out of habit and to try to contribute to the Fediverse’s activity. But I see something like this in at least 75% of my Beehaw sessions. (Yes, I report the meanness when I see it.) I’m probably going to slow my activity and fall off, back to a Kbin server and a different Lemmy server where all I sub to is tiny hobby communities that don’t have any of this behavior. And where they didn’t promote themselves as a nice space, so I’ll be less shocked if I do run into bad behavior. I understand bad actors are everywhere but most of the people seem like abrasive actors and less like intentional disruptors—perhaps it’s people not being too aware of the norms of the instance they’re on because they come from a different server. But I’ve also seen this kind of behavior from people who are on Beehaw accounts. Would think group norms would filter the meanness out, but I encounter it more often here than I do in other places. Honestly not sure how to fix it, otherwise I’d be posting my suggestions because I really do want people to have a nice experience on the be(e) nice server, including myself.

I’m glad everyone else seems to be having a good experience.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

People have tried to copy at least some of the outrage communities over to Lemmy and Kbin and I hope they don’t take off.

I do see a point to r/mildlyinfuriating, for venting about something bad that happened that day. “Why not just vent to your friends and family?” Perhaps they all have a lot going on and you feel you’d be adding “listen to my small problems when you have huge ones” to their plate, so you go to the internet instead. I feel a lot of other outrage communities can serve that purpose too. And r/AmITheAsshole does, on the surface, legitimately seem like a spot to find out if you were the bad guy in a situation (or will be if you proceed with your intended course of action), why, and what you can do to fix what you did wrong. Unfortunately they seem to do more of making people angry and making them scroll more than letting people vent and make kinder life decisions.

I did get an unintended benefit from some of the outrage subs. When I was younger, I was unaware that some actions were unacceptable or unaware of why. In between “I can’t believe they did that, what an asshole” replies, there would also be “yeah, don’t they realize that by doing [unacceptable action] they’re [explanation of how and why it’s hurtful to others]” replies. This went a long way towards helping my young autistic self learn some social rules I was previously unaware of and that they’re not arbitrary but in place for a reason.

There are probably positive sides to the outrage subs but I agree that they’re overall a negative. I’m glad there’s no algorithm trying to recommend them to me despite hitting Not Interested repeatedly. I ignored it by never touching anything but Home and turning off home feed recommendations in settings, but before I did that it was annoying. And for people who might want home feed recommendations, it would be really bad to keep getting your “don’t show me this sub please” requests consistently ignored and to be consistently served outrage you don’t want.


A nice thing we do that’s different from Reddit is being able to edit post titles.


Is this a reference to something? I’m not sure I understand your reply. If it’s meant to be taken at face value, I do honestly appreciate that we can edit post titles. No more noticing a mistake in the title, copy/pasting the text of my post, deleting the post, and reposting with a fixed title. Instead, I can just change the title. This is especially beneficial if I don’t notice a mistake in the title until I have several replies on it already.

I am the kind of pedant who values correct spelling and the absence of small mistakes. I am also accident-prone and sometimes overlook things. So I am being entirely genuine in my appreciation of this feature.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I’m having a similar problem. Trying to grow a niche community. The subreddit for it has rules about promoting other communities that condemns my post to a weekly self-promotion thread nobody looks at even though I have no authority in that community, so that method of growth is essentially locked off. Already advertised it in some “look at this new community!” communities. I am one of a few posters there, and it feels bad. I’m lucky enough to have a small close-knit Discord group surrounding the same interest, but if I wasn’t I would probably have to go crawling back to Reddit to discuss the topic. For what it’s worth I do try to post comments on any post where I have something to add. Sometimes it’s even a fairly useless “thanks, this was really interesting” comment just to help boost Fediverse engagement.

I’m using a different account to grow the community. Because I’m one of a few posters there and I’d rather not make life easier for potential doxxers, I’d rather not give out the community name. Don’t want to link two different accounts together as owned by the same person.


The main thing I appreciate is the federation, which helps make us resistant to getting bought out by a corporate entity and subsequently enshittified. Theoretically, even if you buy a few instances you still don’t get the entire Fediverse.

In practice, people congregated on a few big servers. I exist on some smaller Lemmy and Kbin servers as well, because I want to help with the decentralization. Spread out the server demands and all that. I’m not the only one who’s on some smaller servers, but a huge chunk of us are on a couple of big servers that, if bought, take a lot of the Fediverse with them.

But even having to buy a few servers > buy one, all set.

For more my immediate concerns though? Less big-picture “what if” future thoughts? Editing titles. It’s really nice.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

As a person who only used downvotes for incorrect information, spam, or rudeness, I mostly agree because apparently most people would use the downvote button as a disagree button.

But I do miss having the “fucking [insert slur here]” “kill yourself” “only a basement-dwelling loser would have this opinion” comments auto-hid because the average passing user disapproved of it and decided to express their disapproval via downvote, instead of coming across it myself semi-frequently and reporting it. Also meant that I could contribute to hiding the bad stuff, without fear of getting lashed out on. Sometimes I don’t reply to comments that have good points but seem unnecessarily mean because in my experience, there seems to be a 50/50 chance between getting decent discussion and getting some rude snarky reply with a lot of unflattering personal assumptions made about me no matter how civil I was and how I deliberately avoided addressing the mean tone to avoid getting called out for tone policing (I know that tone policing is a problem I personally have. I don’t want to cause problems and I don’t want to face backlash for tone policing). And there is something to be said for if people only used downvotes on incorrect information, spam, or rudeness, the Beehaw admins would probably find themselves less overloaded with work.

Too bad people try to use downvotes for ”I disagree with your civil, well-thought out opinion” instead of “spam and cruelty not welcome, misinformation not useful and sometimes actively harmful, hide this.”


The interesting thing is this is that sometimes replying with a mind towards the audience instead of the person you’re replying is a beneficial thing to do! Most of the time, internet debates won’t convince the person you’re arguing with but they do have the potential to convince onlookers and change their minds. I’ve definitely had my mind changed by reading some debates. So you’d maybe address your opponent’s arguments with a mind more towards convincing onlookers than towards convincing your opponent, or towards your frustration with your opponent.

Of course, the part where this happens with little empathy to the person they’re replying to is bad. And the part where it’s happening as a epic clapback smackdown for upvotes, not as an attempt to present onlookers with your point of view.


I’m using a different account to grow the community. Because I’m one of a few posters there and I’d rather not make life easier for potential doxxers, I’d rather not give out the community name. Don’t want to link two different accounts together as owned by the same person.


I’m using a different account to grow the community. Because I’m one of a few posters there and I’d rather not make life easier for potential doxxers, I’d rather not give out the community name. Don’t want to link two different accounts together as owned by the same person.


I remember SuperbOwl! Unfortunately I don’t have owl pictures to contribute or anything intelligent to say about owls.


Just realized. Did the owls on r/SuperbOwl get lots of comments? If not, many upvotes with little discussion should probably just be expected for that kind of post.

I followed cute animal subs on Reddit but it totally slipped my mind about how often people would comment. I just looked, upvoted (after all, cute animals are on topic in a cute animal sub), and moved on.


I never understood the point behind “get them help” harassment. Not sure how getting links to suicide hotlines that I do not need and the like is supposed to hurt me. The only hurtful part is knowing that the other person did it with the intention of bothering you. Glad to know that people take this route though, instead of actually upsetting things like gorespam.


In case anyone’s looking at this 3 months later, I finally got down to getting an RSS Feed Reader and downloaded NetNewsWire on my iPhone.


I’m perfectly happy with it being harder to find new content. Finding new content online usually just results in more scrolling and more consumption from me. If I try something new/expand my horizons into something that isn’t just trying a new game or watching a new video, if I do something new to me that isn’t just consumption, it’s usually as a result of talking with people in the real world. For me, finding new content online tends to give me zero benefits and more wasted time. I assume you are not the same and new content is actually useful for you?

I will say that Lemmy and the like aren’t the most useful unless you curate it, although this may vary per instance. I had to go out of my way to block Politics and similar communities here on Beehaw, and am about to go block the Technology community too. I usually spend more time rabbitholing into doom than I should as a result of what I see on Technology.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I do appreciate this, but my anxiety problem is only caused by news. I hope others find the anxiety tips helpful, but luckily it’s not a problem I have in general so I’m going to ignore the health advice as you predicted. I think solving my news problem and consuming at a good balance would take less effort to do than following all of the health advice. Especially since I hate meditation, no matter how many times people cite health benefits for it for so many different things. Thank you for all the effort in writing those tips and I hope someone who needs to see it will see it :)

Evergreen5970, (edited )

As a cisgender, asexual Asian woman I don’t experience most of the oppression I’m “supposed” to and functionally share the experience of a cishet white guy. This is what everyone is supposed to have, a privileged experience, and yet I’ve managed to feel bad about not having more problems which is incredibly fucked up.

I’m not sure what the activists are doing that focuses on guilt-tripping you instead of actually helping the underserved and oppressed. The point is for those in a position to help to help others, not to tell the people in a position to help to feel bad about themselves for being well-off/unoppressed enough to be able to help. My sympathies that that happened to you. I always thought that was more online behavior that would disappear in real life, but I suppose I forgot that as much as people would like to think otherwise, nasty people online sometimes get off the keyboard and do things in the real world—they “touch grass” just as much as normal people.


What RSS feeds are you using?


As an asexual who’s only visited a porn site once to see what all the fuss was about before I knew I was asexual…

Porn sites have NEWS!?


This entire thread is already full of ways other people have managed the balance. I have not found a way yet but others here clearly have, and reading their experiences could probably help you find a balance yourself.


I especially appreciate the time you spent typing out this response!

I am a little confused about one part.

The balance is finding ways to engage in your local community. Work or volunteer at the library or a non-profit performing arts center, get involved in the bills that are being proposed for your city and fight for them if they’re worth it and fight against them if they’re not. Change starts locally. We may be inspired to hear about the people of Hong Kong, but if we don’t actually do anything about our local problems then why are we cheering them on? Oh good, at least someone somewhere is doing something? Do your schools have funding for arts? Mine do not, so if kinds want to learn music or theater they have to do it as an extracurricular. These places are normally non-profit, heavily volunteer sponsored and are chronically understaffed. If you don’t like kids, senior facilities, hell the entire caregiving field if you don’t like old people either!

I feel the bolded part was leading into something, maybe another thought. As it stands, it’s placed right after a way to help that involves children, far away from the sentences near the start of the paragraph that are ways to help that are less connected to children and the elderly (get involved with local politics, volunteer at/support the library and nonprofit performing arts). So I’m confused about what you’re trying to say with that bolded sentence. Would you mind elaborating?


As someone who personally wouldn’t care at all if someone made AI porn of me and masturbated to it, I am incredibly uncomfortable with the idea that someone who doesn’t like me may have the option to generate AI porn of me having sex with a child. Now there’s fake “proof” I’m a pedophile, and I get my life ruined for sex I never had, for violation of consent I never actually committed. Even if I’m vindicated in court, I might still be convicted in the court of public opinion. And people could post faked porn of me and send it to companies to try to say “Evergreen5970 is promiscuous, don’t hire them.” Not all of us have the luxury of being able to pick and choose between companies depending on whether they match our values, some of us have to take what they can get and sometimes that would include companies that would judge you for taking nude photos of yourself. It would feel especially bad given I’m a virgin by choice who has never taken nudes let alone sent them. Punished for something I didn’t do.

Not everyone is going to restrict their use to their private wank sessions, to making a real image of the stuff they probably already envision in their imagination. Some will do their best to make its results public with the full intention of using it to do harm.

And once faking abuse with AI porn becomes well-known, it might discredit actual photographic/video proof of CSAM happening. Humans get fooled by whether an AI-generated image was taken by a human or generated by AI, and AI doesn’t detect AI-generated images with a perfect accuracy rate. So the question becomes “how can we trust any image anymore?” Not to mention the ability to generate new CSAM with AI. Some more mainstream AI models might try to tweak algorithms to prevent people from generating any porn involving minors, but there’ll probably always be some floating around with those guardrails turned off.

I’m also very wary of dismissing other peoples’ discomfort just because I don’t share it. I’m still worried for people who would care about someone making AI porn of them even if it was just to masturbate with and kept private.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

Huh, I’ve always thought “queer” encompasses both those who fit neatly into the gay, lesbian, bi, or trans bins as well as those who don’t. In other words, I thought it meant

a person who is at least one of:

  • not cisgender
  • not heterosexual
  • not heteroromantic

So basically the same as LGBTQ+ except that 1) it’s easier to say than LGBTQ+ and 2) it’s a reclaimed word that not all people in the community have reclaimed so it will make more of the people it describes uncomfortable than “LGBTQ+” will.


On one hand I accept casual gamers but on another hand I don’t want people to stop making non-casual games, so seeing casual games make much more money is a little alarming. I also don’t want casual gamers to get flooded with freemium trash that’s padded to the gills with microtransactions. They deserve more Animal Crossing and less Slot Machines Disguised As A Game.


Dragon’s Dogma, at least if you’re trying to play as a mage. How do I target my spells? How do I even switch to the new spells I bought? That was a trip to the wiki and then r/DragonsDogma for me.

YouTube alternatives?

The thing I need that I currently use YouTube for is a place where I can store long, large videos (think around 2 hours). I want to be able to link to these videos, and disallow anyone who doesn’t have the link from seeing them. I have a lot of personal videos at this length and at a much shorter length that I want to be able...


Honestly, the breaking point is the mild inconvenience I experienced today where I hit the video upload limit. I’ve got 9 videos I shot today that I need to upload, it only let me do 7. I could have gotten around this by filming everything as one or two continuous videos instead of 9 separate ones. I didn’t because I’ve never run into the limit before and was unaware it existed until today. I wanted to have them all up to share with my friends today (they do have a playlist link that the videos go into, but I wanted them all available today), but I have to wait for 24 hours 😒


What is “fuck-you personal”?


A lot of my videos get copyright concerns and get flagged on YouTube because there’s copyrighted music playing in the background, or it’s me or a friend performing a song. We’re not some cover band doing this for money, it’s literally just us doing it for our own pleasure and maybe sending it to a few of our friends. Whether the song is in the public domain or not, it always gets flagged. Part of why I want to move off is because I think this affects whether I can redownload my video or not. I’ve been using YouTube as a place to offload videos for awhile, so I probably won’t be able to redownload a lot of my videos.

I really don’t think I’m in a position to self-host. Thank you anyways!


In that case, sorry for what is probably 6 reports of the same message!


Accidentally deleted my own comment instead of editing it, here we go again.

Especially because our parents always had reasons they cited for their suspicion of the New Thing. Am I picking up on valid concerns and I’m right to be concerned about crypto, NFTs, and AI, or am I eating up conspiracy trash about how talking on a cellphone will significantly increase my chances of having a brain tumor? I think I’ve got valid concerns, but to be fair so did our parents.


Thank you for posting the article text on Beehaw! :)

The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

Just thought I’d share something I thought was pretty interesting. I have a mother in law who is… well let’s just say she’s a stereotypical older mom who doesn’t own a computer, just an iPad. During the pandemic, she started getting into Nintendo games and bought herself a Switch. Fast forward a few years later and...

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I would really appreciate if we stopped doing the “if you disagree with my opinion you’re an [insult] and also must be out of touch with reality so I will say you need to go outside” thing. It’s really exhausting. This is Beehaw, the be(e) nice server and I’m kind of getting sick of seeing this kind of snark on a server where the expectation is people being nice to each other.

I was skeptical at “normies” but the overall tone of the post is inclusive, so I’m not the target of your rant because I figured it out. I was able to figure it out because I’m terminally online and have the experience with online posts to know that some people use it as a pejorative and some people use it as a self-deprecating catch-all for people who aren’t too into their hobby.

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post. I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

Really starting to feel like Beehaw is just like any other online space. I see the same amount of snark and negative assumptions of people who didn’t see something the commenter’s/poster’s way. Sure, it’s free of bigotry, but all the spaces I occupied were already bigotry-free. Even back when I was on Reddit, because in the small subreddits I looked at the few bigots were downvoted to hell and had their comments hidden. (I’m aware that not everyone was lucky enough to only be interested in topics that had easily accessible bigotry-free areas so Beehaw still serves a useful purpose for them.)


To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive.

I’m assuming you’re human right now, even though the possibility exists that you are an alien who hasn’t revealed themselves as such and that your alien self prioritizes engaging here instead of talking to the world’s governments. I’m choosing to be assumptive because I don’t care to track you down and try to match your identity to a human person in real life, because I find doing that distasteful even if I never end up exposing your identity to anyone else in the world, and because I am extremely confident that this assumption is correct. But it is still an unproven assumption.

Should I hold the possibility that on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog or alien or something in my head because it’s an assumption? Probably not. I should probably assume you are human. People will make assumptions they believe to be reasonable, and people will also call out what they believe to be bad behavior even if they’re wrong.


I’ll guess that if you bought a subscription to the website, you don’t see the paywall. So you might share it like anything else cool online, forgetting that this thing is paywalled and not everyone will be able to see it.

Crayon, to lgbtq_plus
@Crayon@eldritch.cafe avatar

@lgbtq_plus I'm a high school student in China,could anyone there be my friend??I'm so glad to meet some alien friends here💖💖💖💖


Hello from Mars Area 51 the United States of America!

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