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Erasmus, avatar

My daughter was watching - I guess it was the current Mickey Mouse (?) - cartoons on Disney+ a couple nights back. These include Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc.

Only none of them look like the standard toons anymore but look like Disney had inbred sex with Ren and Stempy.

Even the humor and art is similar to that same style drawn by Kricfalusi where the characters all seem to be borderline psychotic and all the humor is based on shock value.

Erasmus, avatar

Fuck it Disney. This is what I wanted the next Star Wars trilogy to be based on. Not whatever Skywalker trash your writers vomit up again in your creative meetings.

Erasmus, avatar

Warhammer 40k has entered the chat…

What are your criteria for upvoting/downvoting?

I hate that I always compare Lemmy to Reddit, but Reddit used to have (not sure if they still do) guidelines called “Reddiquette” that included guidelines about upvoting and downvoting. I don’t remember the specifics (and sending too much of my browser traffic to Reddit makes me feel dirty) but one of the guidelines was...

Erasmus, avatar

I tend to agree about the down cote it if you disagree with it. I tend to just leave the thread or try not to comment to avoid silly online arguments.

However, if I read something posted that is obviously misleading or someone is just outright lying, then downvote away!

Erasmus, avatar

I always highly recommend Iwata. I have a couple different models of their brushes and love them both.

I was a solely a bristle person myself until about 5-6 years ago and had gotten a couple cheapy air brushes that did not work out very well so I decided to try that brand and have been in love ever since.

The Iwata are easy to take apart and clean, easy to find extra parts and if you take care of them you typically don’t have any issue with them.

I use mine originally painting GW minis but moved on to 3d prints that I do as well. I have a couple different ones - both I picked up during sales around this time of year. One has more of wider needle that I use for priming and base coating and the other I keep for more detail work.

You will probably want an air compressor too. I have had this one for years and it is only now beginning to show signs of wear. Am sure some people on here might have other recommendations but this one has done a great job for me as a decent starter:

Master Airbrush Air Compressor TC-40T

I also have a Badger that I bought several years ago after reading a Black Friday ad that I believe was posted on Reddit. The quality is meh. Some people swear by the Badger brand name but the one I got looks and feels cheap compared to the two Iwata models I got.

The other, sort of weird thing: I remember emailing their customer service a question when I got it. Nothing that I thought was out of the ordinary just a ‘hey guys, I got a question as to what came with this Black Friday deal’

Whoever replied basically gave me a piss off email of sorts. I got this reply back telling me that was what I had ordered and that was what I got!

I just chuckled and thought, someone is having a bad day but marked it up as not to buy another of their product. Later I ran across similar posts on Reddit and other sites about people having fun times with their customer service. Whether or not the have changed, I dunno. I have stuck with Iwata and Vallejo products ever since.

Facebook Puts a Price on Privacy in EU, EEA and Switzerland: It’s 9.99€ a Month + 6€ for Each Extra Account (

Ad free Facebook and Instagram is officially on. I’m trying to stay open minded but honestly it’s too expensive especially with this sneaky account center rule unless you’re in an unfortunate position where you need to spend a lot of time on these platforms....

Erasmus, avatar

Just don’t use it - it’s not that hard.

Erasmus, avatar

I definitely will agree with you there but why on earth would anyone pay these assholes to pretend that they would give you some privacy?

The irony is they mine us for our private data, track us, sell it, then have the gall to demand to charge us back for use of their services.

That’s why I get so pissed when this comes up or when adblocking on any other service rears its head (looking at you YouTube).

People are quick to forget that these services are following you everywhere you go. Looking through your contacts. Reading your mail. Delving into every nook and cranny of your private life and selling it all.

Instead of giving them a dime, invest in a VPN, a good Adblocker and other resources.

Erasmus, avatar

Looks great!!

I got the files and started printing mine but got sidetracked so I did not get it done.

One question though. Did you have to scale the helmet parts any or how was the fit?

Erasmus, (edited ) avatar

Not really a fan, is that Gandalf and Mal in the picture?

Erasmus, avatar

Just a ship dropping out of the warp…

Erasmus, avatar

I am old enough to remember that when they first started doing promos for this they didn’t drop any info or big marketing.

They did these real short TV spots with the Ghostbusters logo during prime time and other major shows with absolutely zero background. Only thing that was on it was the message ‘Coming to save the world’

I remember all the buzz at the time in school because everyone was chatting about it trying to figure out what it was about. No internet or places to read up on aside from the usual movie magazines at the grocery stores so everyone was all amped by the time the actual full trailer dropped and ready to beat the door down when it arrived in theaters.

Erasmus, avatar

Don’t forget the tech priests murmuring their chants and waving incense during the entire copulation ceremony.

Erasmus, avatar

Soon to be available for humans for the low low price of 10k per dose. Thanks to big Pharma.

Erasmus, avatar

Having seen some of the clips of the absurd ‘fashion’ shown at these events. How could anyone tell who was an intruder and who wasn’t? 😂

Erasmus, avatar

Oh sweetie that train left the station a long time ago.

And isn’t coming back…

Erasmus, avatar

Is there a total list somewhere? I know there is a picture of a bunch of books at the top but are these the ones specifically from Texas?

Erasmus, avatar

Well I for one am glad this came out.

This cleared up any doubts I had in my mind when it came for voting for this guy for president. Yessiree, I absolutely am not gonna vote for Hunter Biden in 2024.

Erasmus, avatar

I-40 going thru NC around I think Morganton but I may be off on my towns there is a giant traitors flag right on the edge of the Interstate. Largest I have ever seen.

Also if you are ever in SC traveling toward the coast near Hilton Head you will get the luxury of seeing these billboards.

Erasmus, avatar

My guess is the machines are a complete fake and don’t do anything outside of having some fancy dials and meters that a select few people are trained on how to ‘trick’ people into making look like they do something.

If people start digging into it then shit will hit the fan.

My guess is they want this stopped or at the least delayed until they can come up with some other bullshit method.

Erasmus, avatar

Local Fox 8 has another link to the article as well as a person of interest I believe they are looking for:…/unc-chapel-hill-on-lockdown-after-re…

Erasmus, avatar

Gozer about to be in some serious shit.

Erasmus, avatar

So got a question for you. I have wanted to get in to this - just as a curiosity. Is there an inexpensive set of picks a person can buy to get started with to play around with?

I tried googling and ran across about a hundred different suggestions and Amazon was the usual (no help).

Erasmus, avatar

Ah thank you for the suggestion!

Erasmus, avatar

Thanks! I will check it out.

Erasmus, avatar

Wow. Thought The Lorax was supposed to be a warning, not a guideline to go by.

Erasmus, avatar

Wife saying we need a new range.

My eyes light up as I tell her - for her money is no object, I will get her the bestest one ever!!

Erasmus, avatar

Was hired at a company as a designer. Went to the production meeting and sat down beside another designer (introduced myself and we started chatting). In comes everyone else and sits down. We all start chatting and do introductions.

Five minutes into the meeting the company owner comes in, chatting with a salesman. He glances around the room, then his face freezes on me - he then looks at the guy beside me and keeps looking back and forth. He finally motions for me to come outside the conference room. I walk out and he asks me what I was doing there. I tell him ‘remember, you hired me and my start day was today??’

He turned pale and just said ‘oh yeah I forgot’. He let me go back in the room but then I heard him call the guy beside me out.

The guy never came back. Apparently he had intended on firing him and forgot.

Needless to say I didn’t stay long before I found another job. The place was complete chaos.

Erasmus, avatar

Yeah, I was young and it was my first job out of college (technically I worked thru college but this was my first after graduation) so I was very inexperienced still and also didn’t know what to look for when it came to red flags.

The owner’s wife worked there in a ‘higher up’ position and was the major cause of a lot of conflict at the company. Basically he would give people orders then she would come along and contradict them.

If anyone disagreed with her then she would go to hubby and complain about said person(s) making it impossible to please either because you couldn’t prove her wrong. That designer in particular was just the latest of ‘trophy wife’s wrath’. The place had an insane turnover rate I quickly found out.

At least it was a good learning experience and taught me to ask questions and meet people during the interview process.

Erasmus, avatar

Whatcha talkin about? Our Lizard Overlords all have 6 fingers!

Erasmus, avatar

Both parties - Democrat and Republican - here in the US - are part of the ‘problem’ and need to go. We desperately need a third or multi party system and an end to this bullshit of geriatrics ruling our government and making decisions.

I would make comments about the first line all the time on Reddit and immediately get downvoted to hell because people would start arguing or making comparisons to the old ‘two sides of the same coin’ bit. That’s fine if that’s how you want to see it.

I get it, we all have certain things we fight for that the other party shits on, women’s rights (abortion), equal rights, labor, gun control, taxes, etc.

But both parties still serve their corporate masters and still do their damndest to turn people here in the US against each other using ever scare tactic imaginable and thru the media sources (Fox, CNN).

They just keep playing the Game to turn people against each other and create more decisiveness and more power for them.

Erasmus, avatar

It’s not Christi-fascist, both parties - if not the entirety of the US government want a Chinese type internet. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they don’t.

The Patriotic act was never revoked was it? I mean that thing was written in advanced of 9/11 just keep that in mind. There are probably stacks of legislation that is prepared and just waiting to be pushed through on a moments notice.

Erasmus, avatar

Ah yes, I stand corrected. It was replaced with the FREEDOM ACT - yet another Orwellian sounding spy program that was modified slightly to ease American fears of bulk domestic spying.

Like that really *stopped. *

Erasmus, avatar

Yup. Late post to this, but went shopping with our kids the other day and our daughter picked out several of the high waisted jeans that are popular now. I just chuckled looking at them and pointed out to my wife that she used to wear the exact same thing in high school - late 80s.

Erasmus, avatar

Furry posts

Furries everywhere man…

Erasmus, avatar

I have tried a few of them without much satisfaction. Usually the scans are disappointing when it comes to the detail level. I want something that I don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning up in blender or another 3d program.

The other issue I have had is no matter how careful I am with moving the phone around the subject, often it will error out which is mind boggling frustrating. Go to quick, it errors, too slow it errors, turn to fast, errors, get mad and throw your phone - well you get the picture.

Erasmus, avatar

Okay so here come the questions!

So with the POP 2 - just so I am clear: You do not have to use it with any sort of mat or table right?

Also couple issues I have had that was frustrating with the phone apps that I was wondering about the Revopoint:

  1. When scanning with the phone apps you get an error waaaay too easily if your hand slightly tilts the wrong way or you get going too fast (see my sarcastic first post). I had gotten around this by rigging the phone up to not move and rotating the objects I scan but 99% of the objects I want to scan are too large to do this with. I was wanting something that I could handhold scan without the headaches mentioned or at least a lot less.
  2. How are the meshes? The ads made them look really good. I will admit the ones I got off the last app I had tried we’re fairly decent - it was just a matter of getting the scans done which were extremely frustrating.

I do not intend on using it with very small objects just stuff say anywhere from 6 inches up to human size that I would print on an Ender or resin printer if mine depending on what it was scanned.

Erasmus, avatar

Thanks for the feedback! I might look into this line some more.

I have not had any issues with anything shiny with any apps so far. Perhaps it has just been what I have been scanning? Everything has been either dull objects or flat painted, etc but I will keep that in mind.

Erasmus, avatar

It’s more like the origin story for the Cymeks in Dune. Although they were at least human once.

People worry about AI taking over the world when it will probably be human machine hybrids deciding ‘yeah fuck humans’ in their giant killer Mechs.

Erasmus, avatar

Me and my friends would go out at night and see how many lightning bugs we could catch. We would do this every summer night. My dad made us a couple of big containers with wire mesh lids so none ever got hurt.

We always had them filled and glowing like some crazy looking lantern out of a steampunk game. We would let them out to fly away when we were done but they would be everywhere as thick as you could see when the sun when down.

Now I think I have been lucky to catch one or two after dark.

Erasmus, avatar

Unfortunately the older I have gotten, I have found that this applies zero to the world of corporate and upper management when dealing with their endless ‘emergencies’ due to fuckups of planning.

Also, throw sales management into that above lot. They tend to be the worst when it comes to any sort of concept of planning or prioritizing or, well, anything.

Edit: edit just to clarify what I meant was shit tends to roll downhill in a major way and you either have to do it or else.

Erasmus, avatar

Seems like I have ran into those before but never this bad.

I can turn it slightly as suggested but next question:

I have never gone to a larger print nozzle. I assume a loss of detail and some other issues to be expected. Is that why I am seeing this so much worse? It really seems extreme.

Erasmus, avatar

That’s very interesting. I have always used Cura but will try downloading Prusa and activate that - then reprint this later.

Thanks for the link!

Erasmus, avatar

Ah okay thanks. I had thought this might be what it was but did not want to assume as much.

That makes sense then. Thanks everyone for the answers!

Erasmus, avatar

Wefwef right now. I have been pretty pleased with it. Not sure who the the developer it but damn they’ve been rolling out updates daily. Sometimes multiple times a day. I don’t think the person is sleeping at this point.

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