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EnglishMobster, (edited )

Interesting - I’m using the stock values for feedrate (max 200 mm/s for XY; 12 for Z; 120 for E; no min feedrate specified), but those are probably tuned for the stock hotend and I can imagine they probably differ for the Revo.

The only thing I can find for the Revo that seems like it would give the numbers I need is this page which talks about max , but that’s different than feed rate (I’d imagine). The linked calculator puts my settings well within standard limits.

I can’t seem to find anything else online about it - is it just bringing the XYE values down via trial and error, or is there some formula I can use to calculate the correct feed rate?


Yeah, originally I had kept all the settings stock but I was having issues with bed adhesion and stringing when I swapped to a different PETG brand. I played with my extrusion rate until that other filament (Overture PETG) printed mostly okay… but honestly that filament still gave me issues on the first layer (mostly edge curling on the bed) so I just ate the extra cost and swapped back to Prusament.

I suppose it probably couldn’t hurt to try a print with all the stock settings just to rule things out.


I mean, there are some nits I can pick.

Places don’t feel as alive as they did in the original. The original was still deeply flawed, mind - but this goes even further than that.

A great example - when there was a firetruck putting out a fire in the original, you could see little dudes squirting water. CS2 doesn’t even have guys come out; the fire just magically goes away. Multiply this by… everything.

There’s no bikes (at least as far as I can tell), and the pedestrian path tooling seems to be a huge step back (the only dedicated pedestrian path I can find is technically considered a 2-lane road, but it doesn’t allow cars).

The music has these cute little segments inbetween. But there’s only like… 5 of them. Once you hear all 5, you’ve heard everything and they start to grate. The other 2 “radio stations” don’t have the NPR segments, but they do have “ads”… and by “ads” they mean exactly 1 ad that you hear every time for “Spaz Electronics”. You can turn the ads off but I’d expect more than just a single one.

Everything overreacts to anything you build. If you upgrade a road, it technically disconnects power + water + sewage for a hot second. Then you get a bunch of spam about “I don’t have any power!” blah blah even though the game was paused and they absolutely had power.

It’s really hard to see what trips Cims are taking. The original let you see the paths Cims took throughout your city, which let you make informed decisions around public transport. Now you can just see… how much traffic there is? Which doesn’t tell you anything about where Cims are going, just where you have bottlenecks. It very much encourages a “just 1 more lane, bro” kind of thinking.

Not having a wide variety of public transport options is a bummer. It feels like they left some stuff out for a future DLC (e.g. monorails).

There’s no light shining from the camera at nighttime, so it can get actually literally pitch black at night. Like “turn off the day/night cycle because this is unplayable” levels of dark. A subtle light coming from the camera when not in photo mode would’ve done wonders.

The zoning information is really hard to read. I can’t tell what areas I have zoned with something else because it colors areas from other zones as white and unzoned areas as clear… on a mostly white background. It’s really really hard to tell at-a-glance what needs to still be zoned in some cases.

The more I play it, the more it feels like CS1 is the sequel and CS2 is the original. There’s just so much that’s not done as well or that’s simply not there. The stuff they added is cool, sure… but like, I wish it was additive on top of what we had before, and not “back at square one”. It just makes me want to play the original.


I got one for saying we should destroy a bridge in Königsberg in the name of Euler.

This is a reference to a famous problem in graph theory. This problem has been ruined since they built an extra bridge. It was an obvious joke in context, to an audience that would understand the joke.

Unfortunately, Reddit’s so-called “Anti-Evil Operations” team doesn’t look at context and said I was inciting terrorism.

EnglishMobster, (edited )

I got banned from there too because I used to go on /r/4chan back in 2011. I was an edgy teenager back then.

They apparently fetched every comment that had ever been made to that subreddit and banned everyone. It happened in like 2015-2016, long after I stopped going on any subreddit like that.


Tangentially - I never listened to Fall Out Boy when I was a teen. I was much more into metal at the time and sort of dismissed them until 2013 or so.

I listened to their newest album (at the time) in 2013 and found that I liked a lot of their songs. It wasn’t until like 2019 that I was like “Hey, didn’t they have a bunch of older songs I never paid attention to?” (Of course, I knew the hits… but nothing pre-2013 that wasn’t a single, basically.)

They recently released a new album that was inspired by their older albums (they basically said in an interview “this is the album we would’ve made if we didn’t go on hiatus”). I didn’t like it as much as I did their newer stuff, but that prompted me to actually listen to their entire discography. And yeah, I don’t like their older stuff as much as I do their newer stuff. They have a couple bops, but nothing that really grabbed my attention outside the singles I already knew about.

But I know my perspective is different from a lot of old-school fans, who love old-school Fall Out Boy.


Lemmy was always on the fringe. The founders are literal hardcore unironic “China did nothing wrong” communist tankies.


One thing I found especially dumb is this:

Jobs that require driving skills, like truck and taxi drivers, as well as jobs in the sanitation and beauty industries, are least likely to be exposed to AI, the Indeed research said.

Let’s ignore the dumb shit Tesla is doing. We already see self-driving taxis on the streets. California allows self-driving trucks already, and truck drivers are worried enough to petition California to stop it.

Both of those involve AI - just not generative AI. What kind of so-called “research” has declared 2 jobs “safe” that definitely aren’t?


This is my “main” account nowadays; I still keep that older account around because more places federate with Lemmy.ml than Lemmy.world, so it’s handy to have accounts on multiple instances (I also have a Beehaw and a Kbin account).

Of the 4, I actually prefer Kbin, but it doesn’t have an API yet and thus doesn’t have mobile apps. I avoid Lemmy.ml because of who the admins/maintainers are, and Beehaw - which used to be quite good - has gone downhill since they can’t keep up with the growth of Lemmy. (Which again sort of adds to my point of “it really depends on what instances you cared about before the migration”, which that survey doesn’t quite capture.)


I split my time like so:

  • Kbin.social: 35%
  • Lemmy: 55%
  • Reddit: 10%

I prefer Kbin the most, but Ernest has been slow to update the main site and the mobile API is missing (meaning it’s quite bad on mobile, even with the PWA).

Sync works great with Lemmy, so on mobile I use Sync (hello from my phone).

Historically, I’ve used Relay for Reddit for many years at this point. Relay is the one third-party app that didn’t leave. So far, I haven’t had to pay anything either, and nothing has broken.

While my Reddit usage is down, I still occasionally go on Reddit both in my browser and via Relay (while it still works). I usually go to Reddit for the WorldNews live threads and to check the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit.

I do find myself missing out on news I would otherwise have known about. I don’t see dev diaries for Paradox Interactive games here on Lemmy/Kbin, for example. This makes me surprised when a patch comes out (since I don’t see the dev diaries in my feed). Likewise, there are other niche things that I only find out about way later than I used to, and that kind of makes me miss Reddit.

I also find myself engaging more with other social media. I watch a lot more YouTube and TikTok. My Google Pixel has a “for you” article feed as part of the launcher itself; I used to ignore that but find myself browsing it now. I play more games on my phone than I used to.

It’s sort of plugged the hole, but not really. Even when I’m on Reddit nowadays it’s simply not the same.


This guy is always super duper clickbaity and has this holier-than-thou attitude all the time. Thank you for summing it up so I don’t give him the clicks.


I have a Pixel. The Pixel Launcher that comes stock on the phone has a Google search thing that is not removable except via switching to another launcher. It looks like a widget, but you can’t remove it. It exists on every “panel” of the screen, below the app shortcuts.

I do use it quite a bit when making searches, but only because it’s there already and can’t be removed. If I could remove it, I would.


Shego from Kim Possible and Sam from Danny Phantom.

Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder (www.pcgamer.com)

A statement from a Google employee, Dov Zimring, has been released as a part of the FTC vs Microsoft court case (via 9to5Google). Only minorly redacted, the statement gives us a run down of Google's position leading up to Stadia's closure and why, ultimately, Stadia was in a death spiral long before its actual demise....


I would have tried it if I could trust Google to maintain a commitment to something for longer than a couple years (at best).


PS2 was before the days of internet-based games.

Now a lot of games expect an Internet connection and a store to download things from. When those are gone, the PS4 will be scrap.


You’d only be able to play with people local to you, in the same Stadia datacenter. If Stadia wanted to minimize latency, they would increase the number of datacenters (thus making fewer people per instance).

EnglishMobster, (edited )

Microsoft is bigger.

Nintendo’s market cap is about $56.7 billion.

Microsoft’s market cap is $2.44 trillion, with $111 billion worth of cash (not equity, cash) in the bank.

Microsoft is 43 times bigger than Nintendo. They can pay for Nintendo with only cash, if they desire.

These trillion-dollar players are an order of magnitude larger than anyone around them. They can do what they want, same as how Apple ($2.8 trillion) can easily buy Disney ($150.5 billion) if they wished.

This isn’t an exact science, but you can use market cap to ballpark these things and get an idea of how much an acquisition would cost. For example, Twitter had a market cap of $31 billion in August 2022, and Elon bought it a few months later for $44 billion. That’s a 1.4x increase, so applying the same math buying all of Disney would “only” cost about $214 billion - which both Apple and Microsoft (and Google) could do. Nintendo would cost about $80 billion, which Microsoft could do without even taking out a loan.

The issue isn’t necessarily the price; it’s the regulators.


What are they going to do? Ban them?

Honestly if I was migrating away from Fandom I’d do everything I can to burn every bridge. Go through and edit every page to have every link redirect to the better wiki. Ignore their 2-week period, and don’t inform the Fandom overlords that the wiki is being shut down (it’s not like they’re going to check without being prompted).

I’d make them ban me, and then good luck finding an admin.


Once per short rest makes no sense to me. It’s a cantrip. Why not just let it be a cantrip?


Ugh, CAD. I thought that webcomic died a decade ago.

I’m surprised you can write a 14-year-old’s name on your crotch and send her a dick pic on your own forum, yet years later people still find your comics and share them.


Google is shit nowadays, sadly - it used to be you could Google “Tim Buckley Jackie” and see the picture yourself. A girl’s name written on his junk near his pubes.

It got out on his forum and he banned anyone who mentioned it. He wound up doing a complete purge of the CAD forums and got rid of half his mod staff. It’s not just a 4chan thing; it was all over the internet like… 15 years ago. (Maybe longer?)

I’ve had the unfortunate displeasure of having seen it one time, so I can vouch that it exists. I can’t find it nowadays, but I can find people referencing it:


If you do the search now you can see that Google removed some results “for legal reasons”, which is likely the EU “right to be forgotten” law being used to scrub it. But it used to exist and was well-known for anyone who was on the internet in the long long ago times…


Not easily, but if you become a game developer you can start to tell at a glance. Unity games have a very specific type of jank and look + feel. (So do Unreal, Source, and Godot games.)

Even if a game is highly stylized, a Unity game always “feels” like a Unity game. Kerbal Space Program, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, Pokemon Go, Cuphead, Untitled Goose Game, Cities Skylines, Valheim, etc. It’s a combination of physics, shaders, and input latency that’s hard to put into words.

The closest I’ve come to seeing a game that breaks out of the “made in Unity” feel is Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe, which was made in Unity but pretends to be made in Source (the original Stanley Parable was made in Source).


Does Jellyfin allow you to bring in your music libraries?

Also, does Jellyfin have Samsung TV clients, or do you need to cast from your phone? I’ve been trying to de-Google myself and I don’t want to have to keep investing in Chromecasts, and part of the reason why I’ve stuck with Plex is because their app is everywhere.


Depending on how much money you expect to lose, that may be the more prudent option for some.

At the very least you’d have something to work with - it’s not truly “from scratch”.

I work in the AAA industry and I’ve ported code from one engine to another - it’s not fast by any means, but at the very least you can assume the code that’s there is largely correct. The killers are materials/shaders, porting over design work, and fixing timing issues. If you have netcode that can be tricky as well.

But at the very least you can have the core of your game running again reasonably. It’s how things like Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe went from Source to Unity, and how Pokemon BDSP went from the proprietary Pokemon engine to Unity.

Indies and AAs can hire some extra hands to work temporarily with their existing engineers to port and they’d probably lose less money than Unity is charging.


Unreal is much more entrenched than Unity is. At the AAA level, more places hire Unreal devs than Unity devs.

Unity is popular with indies because it’s dead simple (Unreal is a complex monster of an engine). But even Unreal doesn’t have a monopoly, between things like Source, Lumberyard (which is now FOSS and run by the Linux Foundation), etc. Not to mention you can always roll your own engine, which many places already have.


Freedom of speech. Everyone is able to be heard, even if their opinions are distasteful. It’s what the US was built on and why people can fly swastikas and wear klan hoods without being arrested.

They can only be arrested if they commit a crime, not because their views are horrible. You can walk down the street yelling racial slurs at everyone and that’s perfectly legal as long as you aren’t being violent or inciting others to violence.

That doesn’t mean society has to tolerate them - counter-protesting is alive and well, and Nazis have been fired from their jobs for their views. But the government can’t arrest them simply for being Nazis.


Unreal licensing is explicitly tied to the version you use. So if you use Unreal 5.3, you are bound to the license attached to the code for Unreal 5.3.

If that license changes in Unreal 5.4 and you disagree with the new license, you don’t need to follow the terms as long as you never move from Unreal 5.3.


Yep, I’m pretty confident people went to Discord, TikTok, YouTube, Tumblr, HackerNews, Tildes, Discuit, etc.

Obviously not everyone came here, but it seems people spread out a lot more and don’t spend time on any one site.


A bit harder to ship on console, though.

At least Unreal is source-available and you only need to use the license for the version of Unreal you use. If Epic changes their license, you don’t need to agree to it and can still ship under the older license.

Godot is a great engine but it isn’t a silver bullet. It can get there, though.


Where do you live? In California it’s commonplace that self-serve station refills are free.

The main exceptions are touristy places like Disneyland. But most places have the dispensers on the dining room side (not the cash register side) so you can get free refills.

EnglishMobster, (edited )

I’ve been saying this for years now.

Within 20-30 years, most things as we know it will be automated.

And so on.

The point isn’t that the tech is good now - it isn’t. Wal-Mart didn’t keep their stocking robots. The AI lawyer got in a tremendous amount of legal trouble. AI journalism has been rolled back after quality issues.

But do you think the technology will stay this bad?

Like, remember what phones were like in 2003? People still had landlines. The closest thing to a smartphone was a Blackberry (which came out in 2002). 3G networks were brand-new (and spotty). None of it was very good, yet they got better and better and now here we are 20 years later where smartphones are an indispensable part of daily life for most people.

What will automation look like in 2043? 2053? That’s within our lifetime. What kind of jobs will today’s kindergartners have available to them when they reach their 20s and 30s?

There is nothing to indicate that automation will always be bad forever. There is money to be saved by cutting out the human element and replacing them with robots. It’s looking more and more reasonable to invest in R&D that eliminates human jobs, in every industry - from Uber and DoorDash drivers to semi drivers to tutors to artists to cashiers. It’s coming, and we have to think about how we’re going to support all the people that won’t have a job anymore.

EnglishMobster, (edited )

It’s like you didn’t even read the last half of my comment.

Of course it’s not good right now. I admitted as such. I even said the same things you said.

But do you really think capitalism will just sit on its hands and let this stuff stay bad forever? Do you really think this is the apex of this tech? Half your arguments are “well don’t give them your business then”, disregarding the fact that change is already happening on the ground from AI drive-thrus to self-checkouts to the death of concept artists.

It’s like the people saying the Internet was a fad, or people insisting climate change was overblown. Sticking your head in the sand and assuming that “it’ll never be good” is opening yourself up to being blindsided - because what if you’re wrong?

Arrogantly assuming that this stuff will never get better is how we’d wind up with large swaths of the workforce kicked out of their jobs as they get replaced by robots. Assuming the status quo is always going to be the same is what we did with climate change for decades, and now we’re here and fucked.

Could you imagine what would be different if we took climate change seriously in 2002? We’re dealing with the same sort of threat now. We should lobby for protections and legislation like UBI to ensure that the threat can’t come to pass - or if it does, that a broad social safety net can take care of everyone.

You may work in FOSS, but I work in AAA game development as an engineer, primarily C++ - otherwise I have the same qualifications as you.

I cannot talk about what I do but trust me when I say I see this stuff on the horizon from within the capitalistic beast. Things are in motion that I don’t think we can come back from. Execs have dollar signs in their eyes and R&D is full steam ahead.

But let’s say I’m wrong, and for whatever reason all of automation is somehow a dead-end. What’s wrong with having a better safety net? What’s wrong with preparing workers better for large shocks to the economy?

If we prepare and I’m wrong - then at least there’s a net benefit that will stick around next time a large depression or economic shock happens (e.g. COVID). If we don’t prepare and you are wrong, then huge sections of the economy are absolutely fucked.

Which would you rather have?


Because a lot of mobile games are made in Unity, and mobile has a higher rate of people who install and then uninstall without really playing the game. People also install things by mistake on mobile, thinking they’re something else.

So by charging based on installs, they’re able to squeeze developers a lot more (especially mobile game developers). Competitor engines like Unreal don’t run very well on mobile.


This actively hurts the developers and helps Unity.

The devs will be charged for every install. Even if that install wasn’t legitimate.

So if you pirate a Unity game, it’s no longer a victimless crime. You’re actively making the developer pay for your piracy.

Like normally, I am totally cool with piracy. But giving piracy as a solution here is actually detrimental to the developers and doesn’t hurt Unity the company at all.


I dunno if Epic’s licensing is worse. At least it’s a cut of revenue and not charging per install.

Not to mention that Epic gives sweetheart deals to indies periodically. They make their money from Fortnite, not the engine.


What about all the games that have already been cracked?

Bear in mind this affects every game, including games that have already been released. So if that stuff wasn’t patched out before, then devs would be charged for piracy.

I dunno. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I agree that crackers aren’t bad people, but it leaves some unknowns because you’re counting on them to go above and beyond, essentially.


FWIW, CashApp Taxes (formerly Credit Karma Taxes) is free for state and federal.


Ezra pulled Ahsoka out from Malachor even though she didn’t open the portal.

Part of me is thinking Anakin pulled Ahsoka out of the portal in the same way.

I originally thought maybe this happens at some point around Episode 3, and Anakin somehow found his way into the World Between Worlds like Ezra did. But then I noticed Anakin has the wrong saber for it to be during Episode 3 (it looks like he has Vader’s saber).

So now I’m thinking Force Ghost or this all just being a vision like the cave on Dagobah.


This channel used to be great, but ever since she changed her format it’s not been nearly as good. She spends so much time now on irrelevant details and pads things out to double the length of what they used to be.

I unsubbed when she stopped in the middle of one of her videos to make a dumb joke about being a weatherperson on TV. Like, the video stopped and it showed her presenting a weather forecast and she tapped the screen like she was stuck inside. I dunno; it just felt like bad taste to make a joke in videos like this, and with half the videos now being padding and fluff I just wasn’t feeling it anymore.

It sucks because I used to really like her content in the older format.

You can now play as a Minotaur, Kobold, and even FFXIV races in Baldur's Gate 3 (www.pcgamesn.com)

While Baldur’s Gate 3 takes place in the land of Faerûn, Dungeons and Dragons is home to a whole multiverse of lands, characters, and history. This means that the Baldur’s Gate 3 races you can play as focus on the Sword Coast, but not anymore, as a colossal mod for the RPG game gives you over 50 races to choose from across...


As long as there’s a shared skeleton, you can make any model work with any animation that has the same skeleton.

So all that was needed to be done was to figure out what skeleton the animations were looking for and then set up an equivalent skeleton for the modded race. Then you can just reuse the same animations the game does.


Just neo-4chan edgelords who haven’t come to their senses yet.

15 years ago I was a shitposter on 4chan saying all sorts of horrible shit. That’s not who I am today.

I’m willing to bet they’ll come around eventually, but only one-by-one - not as a group. Until then, it’s best to isolate them like the internet did /b/.


Paradox of tolerance, my friend. To maintain a tolerant society, you cannot tolerate intolerance.

Or, in other words: Tolerance is a social contract. When others break that social contract, you have the right to respond in kind.

Outright denying genocides and praising Putin’s aggression in Ukraine is what I’d call intolerant. I don’t care what your pronouns are or how LGBTQ friendly you are, supporting fascism and genocide is not okay and breaks the social contract we have.


I mean, as much as I hate invoking it because of PCM - that’s kind of the idea behind the political compass.

Instead of just left-right, there’s also up-down where “up” is in favor of centralized power and “down” is in favor of decentralized power.

Tankies just value authoritarianism more than they value the traditional left-right dynamic. They prefer politics near the top of the political compass, even if those politics aren’t in alignment to the left/right of their own.


Like how Parliaments work - proportional vote.

56% R, 39% D, 4% I = 16 Republican representatives, 11 Democratic representatives, 2 independent representatives.


I think it’s ironic that Adam lost the last game, and this game he’s been disappeared.

I mean - Adam? Who’s Adam? Laurie has always run the channel.

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