@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar


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How come there isn't more torrent based technology

Most of the problems in the current internet landscape is caused by the cost of centralized servers. What problems are stopping us from running the fediverse on a peer to peer torrent based network? I would assume latency, but couldn’t that be solved by larger pre caching in clients? Of course interaction and authentication...

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Quite a few systems use torrent style distribution.

Heck, even Windows uses a distributed bandwidth system where you can set it to download chunks of updates from local networked systems.

All technologies, like bittorrent, nonSQL databases, blockchain, AI and the like become used as an invisible part of systems once the idiotic hype about the technology wanes.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Meanwhile, IRC just keeps trucking on.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I was once hired at a company to get them ISO compliant (8001, 27001 and various other certifications specific for data storage and handling for banks and healthcare).

First thing I did was run inventory on all hard and software and it was quickly clear they ran 50 something unlicensed Windows and Office copies, 3 unlicensed Windows Server copies, 2 unlicensed Exchange copies, a whole bunch of unlicensed Winzip copies and on and on and on.

The typical with small to mid sized businesses.

You absolutely need to get your licensing in order if you want to get those certifications, especially the banking and healthcare data ones.

I made them a list of everything we'd have to acquire to be in order with that part.

They refused. They refused to the point of telling me "it's not working out and we're letting you go".

So, yeah, that's how you get Microsoft to hear about a company running a couple hundred unlicensed products :)

They never got their ISO certs and downsized considerably a year or two later.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Because pirated versions will be running a VLK license while there is no VLK subscription on file or run a KMS software to fake the authentication of licenses.

Or in some cases, just run pure unlicensed and Windows will tell you on the desktop itself that the copy is unlicensed.

If inspected, you have to prove you have the correct licenses.

In some cases you'll be allowed to just buy the licenses there and then, but if you've been running dozens of unlicensed copies or dozens of straight up illegal copies (with faked/cracked/stolen licenses), they'll put the hammer down and you'll be audited in detail to the point they'll end up billing AND fining you for every piece of software you've used in your entire history.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Because it'll be used by questionable sources to farm accounts with history and of well known people to enroll in astroturfing, propaganda and straight up scams.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

When Netflix and Premium came along, I switched from pirating literally everything to finding that I had access to everything I wanted to watch between 15-30€ a month combined. Cheaper than a TV sub here costs (and a TV sub here didn't have the shows I wanted to watch).

Then the whole streaming market fragmented with every jackass on earth starting their own and removing a buttload of content from Netflix and YouTube.

Resulting in that if I wanted to watch everything I want to watch, I'd be paying north of 150€ a month.

So I pulled my wooden leg and dead parrot out of my closet and resumed pirating.


@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

When I went to school, my hometown with about 10000 people had 12 schools. They are now one single school community.

Close to 15000 students from up to 50 miles away came to that school when I lived there, somewhere between 25-30K attend school there now.

Schools here get funded per student nationally, rather than locally (which removes this issue of towns not wanting people that don't pay town taxes to attend).

School curriculum is guided nationally, rather than locally (which removes the issue where large school districts dictate school curriculum across the nation).

Etc, etc.

Even private schools need to follow national curriculum. They can supplement it, but the base education is dictated nationally.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

This is getting out of hand rather quickly.

I recently was watching some feelgood videos to up my mood (stuff like Thedodo) and one of the channels I landed on, the voice instantly sounded extremely familiar.

I thought "oh, did The Girl with the Dogs start another channel?" but then I listened more carefully and noticed the typical "generated" fragments in the audio.

They aren't just copying the voices of celebrities, but also of popular YouTubers.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I watch them to spectate the inevitable moment she grooms a bonafide ice bear.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

And it's often familial too.

My family on my mothers side and my eldest sister all struggled to carry pregnancies to term in their 20's, getting pregnant relatively easily, to then miscarry.

Heck, my mothers mom died in childbirth giving birth to her, she first had a long string of miscarriages and then was on the old side to have babies when my mom came along.

It's all a very "hey, lets stigmatize and traumatize these people that are going through a horrible medical and psychological event in their lives some more!".

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar


Halloween isn't really a thing here, but last year the elderly home organized a Trick or Treating event where everyone was invited, but it was mainly setup to give the elderly a fun activity.

I don't think I've ever seen people enjoy dressing up for Halloween as much as they did.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Depending on the OPs circumstances, that realization may actually be what is causing them their bad times.

Friend of mine has had ideation for a long ass time and the frequency of them trying to step out of life increased considerably when that realization hit them.

When you're already feeling worthless and without purpose, realizing nothing has purpose and this whole concept of life and living we have is utterly meaningless in the grand scale of the universe, it's not ideal.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

And he did.

If you look at the history of the Goa'uld coming to earth 12000 years ago and ruling most of the Galaxy for nearly as long, Jack ended all that within the confines of a single decade.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

And with that, a shitton of games that weren't yet, are now also playable on Linux, sometimes on 1:1 parity with Windows performance. (sometimes even better)

I thank Steam for finally kicking the habit of using Windows as my browsing and gaming desktop.

My development and work rigs and laptops have been Linux based for over 2 decades.

But after attempting to go full time on my gaming system with Linux every couple of years, I always ended up going back to Windows because the compatibility issues couldn't be overcome at all, for some of the games I regularly played.

Now, while there's already a crapton of games that simply get released on Linux at launch, plenty have Windows targeted versions that simply work on Linux compatibility layers, thanks to Valve.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Biggest issue I have with Linux is the inability to sanely use multiple hard drives

What do you mean with that?

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I have two outlets in my apartment that do not power down with any breakers.

I have to pull my main breaker for those two outlets to be without power.

And I have the full schematics for the wiring in my place.

And it's not that they show these outlets should be wired to a specific plug either.

The schematics don't show those two outlets at all :|

Even weirder, I have a digital power meter that autoreports my usage to the power company and has a reporting port that I feed into my Grafana installation that reports down to the milisecond.

When I power things through one of these outlets, it shows fuck all increase in power consumption on the meter.

So, one of the two outlets seems to be drawing power from either another apartment OR the buildings main grid that runs the utilities and halway lighting etc.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I'm glad you noticed, as that was the lil fun bit I was hoping someone would catch on to.

The outlet that doesn't seem to consume from my mains, does get shut down when I pull my main breaker.

And as a response to what TheRealLinga said, oh hell no. If I don't know what breaker is behind that socket, I'm not going to power anything from it. I like living here, I'm not going to risk burning down the building XD

Only way I see the ghost power socket can work is if its on a relay that gets switched from my power while switching an outside source.

There however is no relay to be found in the panel or anywhere else accessible.

My apartment takes up the entire floor, but other floors have 2-6 units. When I go by the layout of the 4 unit floors, the location of this outlet is about where those floors maintenance room is.

So what I'm suspecting is that at one point, my floor also had 4 units, then got gutted completely and my apartment was built in it and then for some reason they wired that outlet rather than just cut and terminate the wires.

Still leaves the mystery why the other outlet, that does clearly draw power from my mains, also seems to be wired without a breaker.

I'm not in the US.

But from my experimentation with the breakers and power draw and graphing my power consumption and a load of other stuff on Grafana, should be clear I'm informed and smart enough to not use sockets that I don't know the limits for. So don't worry, I'm not using them at all.

But it's still an interesting mystery I enjoy trying to get to the bottom of.

The buildings megastructure is quite old, it was one of the few buildings that survived WW2 without much damage in this area.

It was originally a brewery, then a garment factory, then a nunnery and in the late 80's was gutted and converted to an apartment building.

The wiring plan I have for my apartment is from 2008, which I suspect is when the previous owner gutted the entire floor and installed the single apartment where there used to be 4.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, except for one of them, it literally isn't drawing power from my panel.

I put a 1000W test load on it and my meter showed no deviation of the load what so ever.

On the other outlet and every other outlet in the apartment, it does.

And as I already said/acknowledged, the only way that can happen is if there's a relay or similar switching method being driven by my power that switches power coming from somewhere else.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

No conflict of interest here folks.

Not like there's murmurs about a commercial real estate crash looming due to remote work being super effective and there being no reason what so ever for CEOs to have these gigantic castles with thousands of serfs.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

He knows because it is in his best interest for it to be so.

As remote work is going to decimate the commercial realestate market.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I wouldn't go as far as to say they care about employees, there are plenty economical reasons to do so, the fact it gels with happy employees is pure happenstance..

The difference is when the drive to maximize money is greater than the need to lord over people.

That is, unless the company owns the real estate and buildings themselves, then the fear the value of the property will tank is another overriding factor that sets them against WFH.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yet it's still the guns, be it in the hands of an officially mentally ill person or someone who's undiagnosed but can't descern reality from fiction none the less.

Assault weapon ban goes into effect, mass shootings drop drastically.

Assault weapons ban is allowed to expire, it goes up north of 200%.

Assault weapons are revered like Jesus himself and mass murder scenarios suddenly happen every goddamn week.

The prevalence of weapons and free availability of them to virtually anyone, be they mentally ill or fundamentalist radicals, is the direct cause of this getting so out of hand.

Not mental illness or healthcare.

Mental illness exists everywhere.

Mass shootings (and probably any shootings) on the scale and regularity like in the US do not exist anywhere else.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

there is no way in hell that you can implement “assault weapon” bans federally

It's so impossible it was done by Clinton and worked like I said by bringing down mass shootings by 45%.

And went straight up by 250% as soon as Bush and the republicans let it expire and has been going up ever since..

If you mean "now", yeah, because the Republicans designed the entire modern discourse around these guns to have no room for any rational discussion what so ever. It's become the very identity of right wing retards.

As for "if they take away the guns, they'll use trucks", is a majestic load of grade A bullshit.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, my SSD can do somewhere around 7GB/s read/write, barely half that with the encryption enabled.

And I have an external USB carry with an NVMe drive which should be perfectly capable of doing the maximum (1GB/s on a USB3.1 port) , but with encryption enabled, it's struggling to do over 350MB/s

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Stewart does not need Apple at this point pretty much at all.

Did he ever tho?

It's Jon Stewart. He can start a YouTube show and hit millions of subscribers within a week.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

That seems to happen a lot with Kbin and Lemmy.

Either you hit add comment and it says it had some error, so you do it again and it actually worked the first time.

Or you hit it once and somehow it posts it twice.

That's why some apps use this mechanism to gate submissions by a few seconds.

So you can't submit or edit/save more than once every 5 seconds or so.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Doesn't matter to Toyota one bit.

Their initial sale isn't to the middle east or in any way driven by the middle eastern market and tends to be completely done on the merit of the vehicle.

The trucks in the middle east are almost all second hand to the level some people were horrified and surprised when the vehicle they sold in the US, still bearing their logos and name, showed up in videos of insurgents and straight up terrorists in the Middle East.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

That's what people don't get.

Dogs love the vacuum cleaner.

They are just scared not knowing why it goes on long screaming fits whenever you're dragging it around the place.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Lol, oh my, the surprise, Narcissists stick together.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

They did.

Some of them were wearing IDF uniforms :|

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, the US especially is bad in that way.

And the fact the niceness is clearly forced and fake doesn't help.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

And the late Gen-Xers, who, if they were nerds, often were the first to grow up with computers and internet in their lives.

I'm 45, I know plenty people my age who are grandparents.

Me personally, I was always on the bleeding edge of tech, worked in tech all my professional life too, so I'm less affected by this behavior.

But it makes it really hard to keep in touch with people my age online.

I was one of the first to join Facebook and one of the first to abandon it. But I had to make a new Facebook account about 5 years ago because these days my whole family keeps in touch through Facebook and sets up family gatherings through it and Whatsapp and lost the ability to text me that info ...

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, that's it, I'm GenX, but I actually had a PC in the home as early as I can remember, got my own by age 8 and build my own age 10.

That's how some of these generational boundaries blur together, where the experience that defines one, can already have been part of the previous in specific circumstances.

And personally, I've VERY interested in seeing 10 years down the line when we have the first adults who grew up with on-demand streaming and tablets/phones.

When I was a child, they shoved a picture book in my hands to keep me entertained while sitting still.

Now, you give them a tablet and they can watch YouTube or cartoons, right in their hands.

Really wonder what difference this kind of thing will cause.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Conservatives do that quite regularly.

Problem is that people often don't listen.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I dressed up as Davy Jones once. Means I must hate squid faced pirates!

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar


And if you try to call it on that, they go "you're twisting my words", without actually ever explaining how their words are twisted.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Now yank out the rest of the boring Starfuckers plot. The game is worse because of the main "story" (and NG+ shite).

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

All game content and story issues aside, what pisses me of the most is that a month after release, we still only had a microscopic amount of bugfixes that don't even address some of the larger issues with the game.

I don't want to bring up BG3 again, but at this timespan after the game release, Larian already fixed THOUSANDS of bugs, big and small and overall, the game was much less obviously buggy than Starfield is. It's issues were more inconsistencies in logic and a handful of quest breakers, but otherwise not even noticeable until you read the patch notes.

It's crazy to me there's so little action from Bethesdas side in fixing this heap. I guess it rolls into their bullshit PR of pushing for Awards (they are literally looking to get a Grammy ...) and saying the game is nigh on perfect.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I was hit with the bouncy horse bug the very first time I booted up Skyrim.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Considering it comes from HP, yes.

To think that I'm actually a happy HP customer who's been using the same laser printer for 30 years.

Haven't bought any toner or fusers from them in the past 20 tho.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I don't know what I did different to most people as he literally only asked once.

And I took time to talk to everyone before I did a long rest and dear lord did I do long resting A LOOOOT.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Season 3 of Picard was about that.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

They don't like when someone other than them steals your data.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

You don't get arrested for misconduct. You get sued.

You get arrested for sexual assault.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

We rather make a deal with a daemon.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

So is ASP, PHP, javascript and everything else.

And has nothing to do with HTML.

HTML is not HTTP.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

It is more secure than anything now is if used over HTTP.

Oldschool HTML isn't active, it doesn't do anything client side.

So the only insecure thing about it is that someone external can see what you were looking at.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Email providers of every size don't just blanket block unknown servers, that's just asking for problems and loads of additional work.

They block known problems and detect likely problems.

Tools like ASSP (the spam filter I've used for a long ass time and used to install anywhere corporate filters weren't in the budget) use advanced heuristics in combination with every form of blacklists/whitelist/greylist filtering you can think of (both on DNS and snmp levels), to look at the contents of the mail in combination with how "normal" the DNS registration and responses of the mailserver are. Add to that the default of checking that an @microsoft.com email actually comes from a known Microsoft server. There's scores of public white and blacklists, generated by spam filters by receiving mail correctly from sources, which makes them go on whitelists and by detecting spam, which makes them go on blacklists. These lists have been around for decades by now and are constantly updated (mostly automatically).

You don't do email security and spam filtering by being an ass to everyone you don't explicitly know. You do it be looking for any suspicious signs and user feedback. Just blocking by default is a far bigger headache than letting your tools do their work and then going in manually when they miss something.

Google goes one step further and outright receives ALL mail, including spam, and just puts what is detected as spam in a spam folder.

First company I got to that had no spam filtering deployed at all, went from 3 million emails received per day to just over 50K. Most people in that company ran a (pirated) Outlook plugin that did desktop level spam filtering and still had to manually filter more than 90% of the mail they received and then every week or so, deleted their spam folder.

After I installed ASSP there, as I said, it went down to receiving only 50K emails per day, of which about 30K were still spam. After 2 weeks, it was down to 20K (a combination of me using the reporting tools from mail that landed in my own mailbox and the spam filter heuristics engine getting smarter from learning from the spam it received) and then I had a meeting with the whole company to teach them how to report spam (and whitelist known senders and false positives).

A month or two into the deployment, people were used to using the reporting button and they were down to receiving maybe 1 or 2 spam emails per day (which often were still detected as questionable, but not definitely spam) as they (the email senders) were completely new to the system.

This because spam outfits are relatively quickly detected, so they often have to change IPs, domains and methods and because of that, they perpetually exist on greylists which get scrutinized more heavily by filters.

A domain like mine, that has been running and sending/receiving email for decades, mostly to completely official destinations like banks, corporate clients, governments and other established instances, without ever even hinting at sending spam, will rarely have any issue delivering its mail to its target as it is already known on black/whitelists generators as a good sender.

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